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Stem cell | Define Stem cell at

Posted: September 18, 2015 at 10:46 pm

Contemporary Examples

PLUS: Neurobiologist Maureen L. Condic fact-checks 11 stem cell arguments and asks, does research really need human embryos?

He has no regrets on banning the use of federal funds for most stem cell research.

Bush may have discouraged some of the best graduate students from going into the stem cell research field.

stem cell differentiation involves a plethora of regulatory factors and signals that are in a constant state of flux.

One of Obama's first acts must be to overturn Bush's ignorant ban on federal funding for stem cell research.

stem cell research, the bullet train, reversing global warming?

He also came out strongly in favor of stem cell research, again using a personal family story to underline his commitment.

British Dictionary definitions for stem cell Expand

(histology) an undifferentiated cell that gives rise to specialized cells, such as blood cells

stem cell in Medicine Expand

stem cell n. An unspecialized cell that gives rise to a specific specialized cell, such as a blood cell.

stem cell in Science Expand

stem cell in Culture Expand

A cell from which a variety of other cells can develop through the process of cellular differentiation. Stem cells can produce only a certain group of cells (as with skin stem cells) or any cell in the body (as with embryonic stem cells).

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Daily News Articles – stem cells | The Scientist Magazine

Posted: September 18, 2015 at 10:46 pm

Most Recent

Two research groups have devised small-molecule recipes to directly transform fibroblasts into neurons.


By Anna Azvolinsky | May 6, 2015

Researchers isolate an easy-to-manipulate, stable, and spatially distinct pluripotent cell type.


By Jef Akst | February 26, 2015

A screen of 9,000 small molecules identifies a treatment that improves the targeting of mesenchymal stem cells to sites of damaged tissue.

1 Comment

Researchers report an association between culture conditions and genetic changes in stem cells over time.


By Jenny Rood | February 18, 2015

A National Institutes of Health-funded consortium publishes 111 reference maps of DNA and histone marks.


By Ruth Williams | February 4, 2015

Genetically modified T memory stem cells persist in patients for more than 10 years, and can differentiate into a variety of T cell types.

1 Comment

An analysis of 31 tissues finds that random mutations acquired during stem cell divisions correlate with lifetime cancer riskmore so than heritable mutations and environmental factors combined.


By Molly Sharlach | December 25, 2014

This year in life science was marked by paltry federal funding increases, revelations of sequence contamination, and onerous regulations.


By Anna Azvolinsky | December 18, 2014

Can mechanical forces alone be manipulated to create stem-like cells?

1 Comment

By Anna Azvolinsky | December 10, 2014

Through cellular reprogramming, researchers have produced a novel pluripotent mouse stem cell in vitro.


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Texas Gov. Rick Perry Received Experimental Stem Cell …

Posted: September 18, 2015 at 11:45 am

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a potential presidential candidate, underwent spinal fusion surgery in early July that included an injection of his own stem cells, a therapy that is unapproved by the FDA and costs tens of thousands of dollars.

While the Texas governor supports adult stem cell research, he is an opponent of embryonic stem cell research, a position held by the social conservative base.

As first reported by the Texas Tribune, Perry's surgery included "the innovative use of his own adult stem cells" and any cost not covered by health insurance was paid for by Perry, according to his spokesman Mark Miner.

The stem cell treatment was the doctor's first attempt at the surgery ever, and the lab responsible for culturing Perry's stem cells is a branch of a South Korean company that has become known for commercialized dog cloning, "regenerative" beauty products, and accusations of conducting "stem cell tourism."

According to the Texas Tribune, Dr. Stanley Jones, a Houston orthopedic surgeon and personal friend of Perry, removed two teaspoons of fatty tissue from the governor's hip and placed it in a culture, waiting several weeks before the stem cells expanded. Jones later injected the stem cells into the governor's spine and into his blood stream to help speed up the healing process.

On the day of his surgery, Perry tweeted, "Little procedure went as advertised. Blessed to be married to the world's best nurse. Thanks for all the prayers!!"

Perry has been a strong proponent of adult stem cell research, even urging the Texas Medical Board to consider enhancing the state's position on adult stem cell research. In his 2009 State of the State address, Perry called for greater investment in the adult stem cell industry.

"Let's get Texas in on the ground floor and invest in adult stem cell research, the one area of that field that is actually proven to expedite cures," Perry said. "Expertise in this emerging and increasingly promising field will not only bring healing to the suffering and create jobs for Texans, it will also establish an appropriate firewall protecting the unborn from exploitation."

However, Perry opposes any form of embryonic stem cell research, a position that resonates with the social conservatives in the GOP. Perry's 2010 gubernatorial campaign website touts his support for banning embryonic stem cell research, a position held by a majority of the social conservative base.

"Gov. Perry supports a ban on human cloning and has vowed to veto any legislation that provides state dollars for embryonic stem cell research," the website reads. "He has been a strong advocate of utilizing adult stem cells in their place. Adult stem cell research can provide much-needed solutions for Texans suffering from various tissue and organ disorders while protecting the unborn from exploitation. They are also proven more effective in research than embryonic stem cells."

The Family Research Council, which opposes embryonic stem cell research, said Perry's use of adult stem cell therapy will reinforce the success of adult stem cells and will show embryonic stem cell therapy is not needed.

"We're actually very pleased that Gov. Perry would make public the fact that he used his own adult stem cells as part of this surgery to assist the healing process," Dr. David Prentice, senior fellow for life sciences at the Family Research Council, told ABC News. "People see that you don't need or want embryonic stem cells. You want, instead, those cells that work. Adult stem cells are ethical, but they're successful and they're working for thousands of patients right now, including, apparently, Gov. Perry."

But the Genetics Policy Institute, a public interest organization that supports all forms of stem cell research, warned that Perry should use his experimental therapy as an educational moment about consumer fraud in the stem cell field.

"As a public figure that availed himself of an experimental treatment, it behooves him to release to the public enough details about it to know that the treatment was legitimate," Bernard Siegel, executive director of the Genetics Policy Institute, told ABC News. "He needs to be aware of the consumer fraud that's out there and people who are desperate patients being lured to clinics, many of them abroad, that are selling snake oil and using the label stem cell to bring people in."

Last week, a federal judge threw out a lawsuit challenging the use of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

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Weight Loss | Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center | Mount …

Posted: September 18, 2015 at 11:43 am

Have you tried numerous weight loss and diet plans with little to no success? Are you frustrated with the mixed results of other weight loss programs? Have you grown tired of these continuous failures, but still want to try losing weight?

If so, we have good news for you -your weight loss struggle might not be your fault. Slow weight retention over the years is usually a direct result of your bodys imbalances.

We want to help your journey to wellness begin here with the information that you need to launch your own personalized medical weight loss program using our hCG diet plan - a plan tailored to your needs and those of your body. Our hCG diet plan begins by analyzing the chemistry of your body. The program we create for you is developed and implemented to address your particular needs. With it, we can guide you to the successful weight loss you deserve.

We want to help your journey to wellness begin here with the information that you need to launch your own personalized medical weight loss program using our hCG diet plan - a plan tailored to your needs and those of your body. Our hCG diet plan begins by analyzing the chemistry of your body. The program we create for you is developed and implemented to address your particular needs. With it, we can guide you to the successful fat reduction you deserve.

hCG weight loss is neither a new fad diet, nor does it ignore the value of homeopathic and organic approaches to medically supervised weight loss. Instead, our hCG diet plan embraces rediscovered science in combination with a natural application to healthily readjust your body and make it work for you instead of against you. This specialized and unique combination of medical weight loss coupled with an all-natural approach is based on the use of liquid hCG, or human Chorionic Gonadotropin, for successful weight loss results. Harnessing the use of hCG is the key to the hCG diet. It is the natural means by which our skilled expert staff prepares with you and implements an hCG diet tailored to your particular body chemistry.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a pregnancy hormone that is produced by the embryo soon after conception. When produced during pregnancy, hCG is meant to help the corpus luteum remain intact. The corpus luteum, a part of the ovary, is integral in maintaining production of progesterone, an important element of pregnancy. In addition to preventing the disintegration of the corpus luteum, researchers believe that hCG also provides pregnant women with extra immunity during their pregnancy terms.

The high levels of hCG that are produced during pregnancy have no negative effects on the mothers body. In fact, doctors have used hCG for many years in order to help women experiencing hormonal issues or fertility problems. More recently, however, researchers have found that hCG can actually help the body burn more fat, and can be used to aid in weight loss when combined with a healthy, low-calorie diet. Although hCG is associated with pregnancy, it is a very safe, all-natural human hormone that both men and women can safely use to help get their weight under control. Contact our staff at Lowcountry Plastic Surgery in the Charleston SC area to learn more about our hCG weight loss plan.

Several other positive side effects have also become associated with hCG therapy. These include:

Increased energy without anxiety or nervousness

Clearer thinking

Improved sleep at night

Decreased irritability

The rapid weight loss comes from the commitment of following the hCG medical weight loss plan, which includes a daily dosage of hCG drops. The daily hCG dosage is required to reduce your appetite, easily allowing you to follow your low calorie diet. The hCG will also help you specifically burn abnormal fat storages and reset your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories in the future. On the other end, your low calorie diet is what directly activates the rapid weight loss.

Learn more about our hCG weight loss plan and schedule your consultation today.

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Genetics in Georgia | New Georgia Encyclopedia

Posted: September 15, 2015 at 7:41 pm

The recent sequencing of the human genome has accelerated scientific discoveries in genetics related to medicine and animal and plant science. Research universities in Georgia, supported by government funding and collaborations with private industry, conduct leading-edge research that contributes to improved prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of genetically caused diseases. The Georgia Research Alliance, a university, business, and government partnership, has been a key supporter of genetics research through eminent scholars, research laboratories and equipment, and technology incubators. Newborn Genetics Screening The state of Georgia has paid for newborn genetics screening since 1978. The program, developed in collaboration with the Emory University School of Medicine's Department of Human Genetics and Genetics Laboratory, tests all Georgia newborns for thirteen inherited diseases, including metabolic diseases. Emory, located in Atlanta, is one of the nation's leading research and treatment centers for inherited diseases, including lysosomal enzyme diseases, fragile X syndrome, and Down syndrome. Emory scientists are leaders in developing new enzyme replacement therapies for children born with Gaucher disease and Fabry disease, screening and treatment for maple syrup urine disease, and FISH technology (fluorescence in situ hybridization, which allows physicians to look for chromosomal abnormalities under a microscope). Emory's large staff of genetics counselors works with parents and prospective parents at centers throughout the state. In addition, genetics counseling and screening to predict adult cancers has developed rapidly since scientists discovered altered genes that increase the risk of breast, ovarian, and colon cancers. University Genetics Research Several of Georgia's research universities have extensive research centers focused on genetics. The Department of Human Genetics at the Emory University School of Medicine includes both laboratory research and clinical treatment programs in one of the largest academic genetics departments in the nation. Emory has the world's largest research program on fragile X syndrome to be funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The gene responsible for fragile X syndrome, the most common cause of inherited mental retardation, was discovered by Emory professor Steven T. Warren, who led an international team of scientists. Warren and his team also have developed screening techniques and are working on potential new therapies for fragile X syndrome, which affects 3,500 individuals in Georgia either directly or as carriers. Emory geneticist Stephanie Sherman's discovery of what is known as the "Sherman Paradox," in which genetic diseases caused by the triplet repeat of amino acids are not passed on to offspring with the usual probabilities common among most genetic disorders, has been invaluable in helping physicians predict risk for these genetic diseases. Through support from the NIH, scientists at Emory and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have conducted sixteen years of research on the causes and clinical consequences of Down syndrome through the Atlanta Down Syndrome Project. All Atlanta-area newborns with Down syndrome and their parents are eligible to participate in the project. In 2000 the NIH expanded the Atlanta project into the National Down Syndrome Project by adding five other research centers (in Arkansas, California, Iowa, New Jersey, and New York). The Department of Genetics at the University of Georgia (UGA) in Athens includes many faculty who teach genetics to undergraduate and graduate students. Graduate research and training includes molecular genetics, evolutionary biology, and genomics. Four genetics faculty members are also members of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences.

The UGA Center for Applied Genetic Technologies (CAGT) brings together diverse expertise in plant and animal genomics, DNA markers, and transformation (a process of genetic alteration) and provides state-of-the-art facilities and instrumentation. Within CAGT are research labs and the Georgia BioBusiness Center incubator, which supports start-up companies in the biosciences by providing them access to management expertise and sophisticated instrumentation.

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Developmental Biology, Stem Cells & Aging | Molecular and …

Posted: September 14, 2015 at 12:45 pm

Evo-devo of basal vertebrates

Molecular regulation of synaptic structure and function

developmental genetic analysis in model organisms

Functional genomics of patterning and morphogenesis

Signal transduction in the nervous system

Genetics and therapies of muscular dystrophy

cardiovascular development

The molecular basis for cell transparency

Regulation of neuron migration and cancer

Genetic control of craniofacial development

The Molecular Basis of Somatosensory Perception

regulation of the mammalian sex chromosomes

Microenvironmental regulation of disseminated tumor cells

Using yeast to study the aging process.

Cell Adhesion in Morphogenesis and Disease

hereditary blood cancers and tumor clonality

Molecular mechanisms of aging

stem cell biology and therapy

Early embryonic zebrafish development

Electrophysiological properties of ESC-derived cardiomyocyte

Organelle biogenesis and architecture; membrane traffic.

Responses to hydrogen sulfide and hypoxia

morphogenesis and neuron migration in brain development

spontaneous electrical activity in neural development

Stem cells, Regeneration, Wnt signaling, Cancer biology

Stem cell biology of the cardiovascular system

logic and dynamics of networks controlling plant growth

Neurodegeneration & mitochondrial quality control

post-embryonic stem cells, morphogenesis and evolution

Wound repair, Cytoskeletal Dynamics and Nuclear Organization

embryogenesis and germ cell development

Aging, networks and genetic variation in Drosophila

Mouse models of improved healthspan and aging

zebrafish nervous system development and genetics

retinal development and regeneration

stem cells in development and disease, muscular dystrophy

pathways contributing to hematopoietic failure and malignanc

Evolution and Development of the Chordates

stem cell, receptor signaling, and patterning in plants

Cell polarity and cell adhesion in development and cancer

cell signaling and proteomics

Fertilization & paternal effects on early development

genome analysis of C elegans

Parkinson's disease Neural stem cell biology

Stem cells in skeletal muscle

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Train Derailment in West Virginia Causes House Fire –

Posted: September 14, 2015 at 12:44 pm

Updated: Feb. 16, 2015 4:21 PM

A train carrying crude oil in southern West Virginia derailed Monday, setting at least one house on fire and spilling oil into the states largest river, according to local news reports.

Authorities ordered residents within a mile and a half of the derailment to evacuate, according to WSAZ. The Charleston Daily Mail reports a CSX train went off the tracks at 1:20 p.m. ET, according to a spokesman for the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety.

Following the crash, West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin declared a state of emergency for Kanawha and Fayette counties.

State officials are on site and will continue to work with local and federal officials, as well as CSX representatives, throughout the incident, said Tomblin in a statement released by his office.

No injuries have been reported, and a shelter was set up at a local high school. The spill into the Kanawha River shut down some sources of water typically supplied to residents and led the states health department to ask them to conserve resources.

A variety of state and local offices, including the Fayette County Fire Department, Bureau for Public Health, state police and the governors office, are responding to the derailment.

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Testosterone Replacement | Low t | low t clinic …

Posted: September 13, 2015 at 2:47 am

My Anti-Aging M.D. in Virginia, is a medical practice specializing in testosterone replacement therapy to improve mens quality of life. Stop in today for testing to see if you are suffering from low testosterone levels.

Testosterone LevelsAlthough it is normal for testosterone levels to drop as men age, low testosterone can affect a mans health. In many ways, testosterone is the stuff that makes men men. The rush of new testosterone in puberty builds muscle and bone, deepens the voice, and revs up the sex drive. Throughout a mans life, testosterone maintains his male characteristics.

Testosterone levels decline steadily after age 30. The decline is relatively small, at an average rate of about 1% to 2% percent per year. By middle age and older, all men experience decline in testosterone, but only a small percentage of men do something about it!!!

Low testosterone can be replaced by using a daily skin gel, patches worn on the skin, orally disintegrating tablets, or injections. The general recommendations are to raise the blood testosterone level only into the normal range.

Contact us in Virginia, to learn more about testosterone replacement therapy.

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Proudly Serving Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax,Fredericksburg, Great Falls, McLean,Richmond and Woodbridge,VA Hours: Monday Friday | 10 a.m.5 p.m. EST By Appointment Only

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Genetics of Skin Cancer – National Cancer Institute

Posted: September 13, 2015 at 2:45 am

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Raleigh North Carolina Office of the American Diabetes …

Posted: September 12, 2015 at 11:48 pm



North Carolinans are increasingly feeling the effects of diabetes as thousands of people suffer from the disease, and many others may have diabetes and not know it! It is estimated that one out of every three children born after 2000 in the United States will be directly affected by diabetes.

That is why the American Diabetes Association's Raleigh office is so committed to educating the public about how to Stop Diabetes and support those living with the disease.

We are here to help.

The goal of this program is to increase awareness regarding the seriousness of diabetes and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment within the African American community. The program includes informative church and communitybased activities such as Project POWER and Choose to Live.

We welcome your help.

Your involvement as an American Diabetes Association volunteer whether on a local or national level will help us expand our community outreach and impact, inspire healthy living, intensify our advocacy efforts, raise critical dollars to fund our mission, and uphold our reputation as the moving force and trusted leader in the diabetes community.

Find volunteer opportunities in our area through the Volunteer Center.

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