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Literature and Religion | Literature and Religion – Patheos

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 1:59 am

Leona Foxx Suspense ThrillersThe Wolves of Jack Londonwith Ted PetersLiterature and ReligionWhat is this wolf thinking?

The fieldcalled Literature and Religion or Literature and Theologyhas excited me since my graduate school days. When a student at the University of Chicago, I had the opportunity and honor to study with Nathan A. Scott, one of the progenitors of this field. Under Scotts tutelage, I could apply the theology-of-culture developed by theologians Paul Tillich and Langdon Gilkey to literary analysis. This method, theology-of-culture, provides lenses through which one can perceive the religious depth underlying otherwise secular discourse. I have employed this method when reading Americas most widely read author in the first quarter of the last century, Jack London.

Why might the theology-of-culture method work so well? Because, as Ralph C. Wood, a former Scott student and now a Baylor University professor, avers, The natural order is never autonomous but always and already graced. By digging into the depths, the literary critic can discover divine grace because its already there.

When I became a fiction author, however, I found the theology-of-culture method baffling. Its one thing to analyze. Its quite another to construct. Oh, I could handle the plot just fine. But, deliberately exploiting subtle connotations, undertones, and nuances seemed contrived, some how. This led me to surmise that great novelists most likely write intuitively, maybe even mystically.

In this master page on Literature and Theology, you will find my own espionage writings plus my analysis of the wolf troika of Jack London: The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and The Sea Wolf. In both writing and reading, the depth Im looking for is to be found not only in religion, but also in science. To be more precise, science itself can exude religious valence. Thats what the theology-of-culture uncovers and makes visible.

The fictional Leona Foxx leads a tense double life. She is unwillingly pulled back into being a CIA black op trained killer, while serving her new calling to God as a parish pastor on the South Side of Chicago. Haunted by a terrifying past, Leonas skills as a defender of America against threats both foreign and domestic conflict with her conscience, which is shaped by her faith and her compassion for both friends and enemies.

Leona uncovers a terrorist plot hatched by American mercenaries, who plan to blame Iran, thus threatening a war that will make them rich. She divests her clerical collar to pack her .45 Kimber Super Match II and rallies a counter-terrorist alliance of professional crime fighters and black gang members. The story climaxes with a drone helicopter attack on the 85th floor of the John Hancock Building, intended to assassinate the president.

Only Leona Foxx, her ragtag team of die-hards, her finely honed killer instincts, her arsenal of high-tech weapons, and her faith in God can avert the devastation that could result in the death of millions of innocents and manifest in hell on earth.

Discover and memorize Leonas Law of Evil: You know its the voice of Satan when you hear the call to shed innocent blood.

God. She started a prayer. Her thoughts drifted. As if in a theater seat, she watched her lifes past dramas. The faces of the three young men who put her life in peril at the Cheltenham station flashed on her mental stage. She relived the terrifying moment she saw the northbound train about to decapitate her. Then Orpah Tinnen walked into the scene. Leona thought of her son, Magnus, decapitated by the Iranian military. She remembered her moment in the church kitchen, her moment of remembrance of the blood-spattered chest of the executed prisoner.

God, she muttered. She paused. God, you have got such a fucked up world. Why did you put me here like a pin cushion to feel every prick of its pain? Yes, I want to love your world as much as you do. But, goddammit, its hard. Id like to ask the Holy Spirit for the wisdom and strength to trust in what I cannot see. But, goddammit, Im too pissed off to think its worthwhile. I hope your grace covers me. Amen.

Leona Foxx is a black op with a white collar, who worships at two altars, her country and her God. She fights with ferocity for both.

The woman pastor from Chicago, Leona Foxx, takes on renegade Transhumanists making themselves kingmakers by selling espionage technology. Leonas strategy is to turn superintelligence against itself in order to preserve global peace. Can a mere human prevail against the posthuman?

If you want to grasp the promises and risks of enhancing human intelligence given us by our transhumanist friends, readCyrus Twelve.

Blood sacrifice. Could there be anything more evil? What happens when the symbols of grace get turned upside down? Are we left without hope?

Set in the Adirondack Mountains, the clash between good and evil escapes its local confines to threaten the nation and even engulf the globe. The selling of souls to perdition fuels the fires of hell so that we on Earth cannot avoid the heat.

Discover and memorize Leonas Law of Evil: You know its the voice of Satan when you hear the call to shed innocent blood. On the shores and islands of Lake George, certain ears hear this call. Leona swims into action to stop the bloodshed.

Nature is blood red in tooth and claw. Although these are the words of poet Alfred Lord Tennyson in the dinosaur canto of his In Memoriam, Jack London (1876-1916) conveyed their truth with convulsive drama, vicious gore, and unspeakable cruelty.

In what I nickname Londons Wolf Troika, we read in The Call of the Wild how a San Francisco dog, Buck, goes to Alaska and becomes a wolf. In the next,White Fang,an Alaska wolf moves to San Francisco and becomes a dog. In the third of the troika, The Sea Wolf, a Norwegian ship captain named Wolf Larsen exhibits the traits of both civilized human and atavistic beast. Framed in terms of Darwinian evolution, Londons characters demonstrate that the primeval wolf lives on today in both our dogs and our dog owners.

Londons moral is this: never rest unawarely with peaceful civilization. At any moment civilization can erupt like a volcano and extravasate wolf-like fury, barbarity, and savagery. Our evolutionary past ever threatens to rise up with consuming cruelty, demolishing all that generations have patiently put together. Within the language of evolution, London describes original and inherited sin.

As an addendum, I add what may be the final short story London wrote, The Red One. When we to turn The Red One of 1916, it appears London was hoping for grace from heaven.

Now, London was a Darwinian naturalist. Not overtly religious. Yet, London intuitively recognized our desperate need for grace. On our own, our human species is unable to evolve fast enough or advance far enough to escape our wolf genes. Might visitors from heaven provide a celestial technology that couldby gracelead to our transformation? Might grace from heaven come in the form of a UFO from outer space? Four decades before the June 1947 sighting of flying saucers, Londons imaginative mind was soaring to extraterrestrial civilizations that could save us from ourselves on earth.

Because my method in Literature and Religion relies on a theology-of-culture, Im searching for different treasures than other London interpreters. Ive come to admire two generations of Jack London aficionados and scholars now who have fertilized and pruned this literary tradition. Ive benefitted greatly be meeting some of the Jack London Society sockdolagers such as Russ and Winnie Kingman, who produced A Pictorial Life of Jack London. Over the years Ive benefited greatly from devouring essays and books by Earle Labor, Jeanne Campbell Reesman, Clarice Stasz, Richard Rocco, Kenneth Brandt, and others. Ive begun reading the multi-volume behemoth intellectual biography of Jack London, Author Under Sail, by Jay Williams. There are more facts in Williams compilation that the Encyclopedia Britannica could dream of. And, of course, dont miss Jay Cravens new film, Jack Londons Martin Eden.

I am currently working on thisPatheosseries dealing with Jack Londons Wolf Troika. Here is what to expect.

Jack London 1: The Call of the Wild

Jack London 2: White Fang

Jack London 3: The Sea Wolf

Jack London 4: Lone Wolf Ethics

Jack London 5: Wolf Pack Ethics

Jack London 6: Wolf & Lamb Ethics

Jack London 7: The Red One

Literature and Religion: both writing and reading in search of divine grace.

Ted Peters pursues Public Theology at the intersection of science, religion, ethics, and public policy. Peters is an emeritus professor at the Graduate Theological Union, where he co-edits the journal, Theology and Science, on behalf of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, in Berkeley, California, USA. His book, God in Cosmic History, traces the rise of the Axial religions 2500 years ago. He previously authored Playing God? Genetic Determinism and Human Freedom? (Routledge, 2nd ed., 2002) as well as Science, Theology, and Ethics (Ashgate 2003). He is editor of AI and IA: Utopia or Extinction? (ATF 2019). Along with Arvin Gouw and Brian Patrick Green, he co-edited the new book, Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics hot off the press (Roman and Littlefield/Lexington, 2022). Soon he will publish The Voice of Christian Public Theology (ATF 2022). See his website: His fictional spy thriller, Cyrus Twelve, follows the twists and turns of a transhumanist plot.

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Literature and Religion | Literature and Religion - Patheos

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Peek into Bible prophecy: Cryptic guide to end times – Monitor

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 1:59 am

Today we are here to tell you things that are going to shock you. began Joseph Kabuleta at the 2022 Watchers Conference held on September 17,; and shock he did; unravelling the tangle that is Bible prophecy providing irrefutable evidence of various end time Biblical prophecies coming to pass in our day.

One of the most recent fulfilled end time prophecy is the return to life of the Dead Sea. Known as the saltiest sea on the earth, the Dead Sea can neither support any marine life nor can any plant or animal life survive around it.

However, in Ezekiel 47, God told the prophet Ezekiel that the water would become fresh and living creatures would inhabit it. This prophecy came to pass in 2016, when freshwater ponds with fish were discovered on its shores.

Kabuleta also expounded on the major war prophesied in Revelation 9 and Ezekiel 38 along the River Euphrates that will happen in these last days.

The Bible reveals that the war will suck in countries along the river Euphrates; Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iran. Other countries will be involved as well including nations described as Gog and Magog (former Soviet Union, Russia and China); Rosh (Russia); Meshech (Moscow) Tubal (former Siberia in Russia), Persia (Iran), Libya, which includes all countries east of Egypt; Ethiopia, which includes all countries south of Egypt; Gomer and Togarmah, in southern Russia. It is said that they will combine to form a military force of 200 million soldiers and wage war against Israel.

Given its meagre population of only 20million, when overwhelmed by a force of 200 million, Kabuleta said, Israel will have no choice but to use nuclear weapons or risk being wiped off the map.

Zechariah 14:12 describes what will happen in this war and it is akin to the description of human flesh being vapourised by nuclear explosion.

To allow easy movement of the armies in this war, Revelation 16:12, foretells that River Euphrates will dry up. This prophecy came to pass in January 2021 when it was reported that the river was drying up. According to experts, it could be no more by 2040 if nothing is done.

Due to the never before experienced devastating effects of war, the world will be united in the search for a temporary peaceful resolution among the warring parties. This, Kabuleta deduces, will lead to the signing of the seven-year peace agreement spoken about in Daniel 9:27. The Bible says, at the end of those seven years, human government will end and Jesus will return.

As it was in the days of Noah

In Luke 17, Jesus prophesies that the time of His return will be similar to the days of Noah.

In Noahs time, fallen angels had sex with humans producing giant demonic-human race with superpowers never seen before. The story of giant race and a worldwide flood is recorded and retold in 500 cultures across the continent. It was only Noah and his family that still had the pure God given DNA that were saved to repopulate the earth.

In that time People became superhuman through interaction with spirits and now the same will happen through interaction with technology.

Transhumanism; a belief that claims that human beings have been evolving and the next stage of evolution of humans is to turn transhuman - human beings without limitations, the kind of humans we see in the plethora of superhero-themed films and series being released these days; such as X-men, Superman, The Flash, and Homelander.

Another scientific manoeuvre, among others, that is taking us back to the days of Noah is Project Immortality. It is a plan which seeks to create a system to ensure pseudo-immortality for mankind by transferring a persons consciousness to another persons body.

This concept was explored in the Netflix series Altered Carbon. Humans can now harvest consciousness and transfer it in an avatar that will never fall sick or die.

In June 2022, Marina Smith, a 87-year-old woman who passed away in the UK, was able to address the mourners at her own funeral thanks to this technology.

Just like in the time of Noah, humans will soon be able to achieve superhumaness and eternal life without God.

Our bodies will be like machines or robots where we can upgrade to whatever version we wish, through a chip placed in the forehead or right hand which will be the mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation 13.

The continued pursuit of immortality explains why Revelation 9:6-8 says in the last days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.

If this sounds strange, it is because we are living in strange times. We may not be able to pinpoint the exact day and time of Jesus return but the signs reveal that we are inching closer to the end of this age.

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Peek into Bible prophecy: Cryptic guide to end times - Monitor

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Science and Religion | Science and Religion – Patheos

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 1:59 am

Ted Peters pursues Public Theology at the intersection of science, religion, ethics, and public policy. Peters is an emeritus professor at the Graduate Theological Union, where he co-edits the journal, Theology and Science, on behalf of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, in Berkeley, California, USA. His book, God in Cosmic History, traces the rise of the Axial religions 2500 years ago. He previously authored Playing God? Genetic Determinism and Human Freedom? (Routledge, 2nd ed., 2002) as well as Science, Theology, and Ethics (Ashgate 2003). He is editor of AI and IA: Utopia or Extinction? (ATF 2019). Along with Arvin Gouw and Brian Patrick Green, he co-edited the new book, Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics hot off the press (Roman and Littlefield/Lexington, 2022). Soon he will publish The Voice of Christian Public Theology (ATF 2022). See his website: This fictional spy thriller, Cyrus Twelve, follows the twists and turns of a transhumanist plot. You can read more about the author here.

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Global Biotechnology Kits Market – Competition Forecast and Opportunities, 2027 – Yahoo Finance

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 1:58 am


Global Biotechnology Kits Market By Kit Type (Purification Kits, Amplification Kits, Detection Kits, Isolation Kits, Others), By Technology (LAMP Technology, PCR, Cell Culture, Sequencing, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Others), By Parameter Tested (DNA, RNA, Enzymes, Proteins, Others), By Microorganism (Bacteria, Fungi, Virus, Others), By Purpose (On-site v/s Laboratory), By End User (Healthcare, Food & Agriculture, Industrial Processing, Others), By Region, Competition Forecast and Opportunities, 2027

New York, Oct. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Biotechnology Kits Market - Competition Forecast and Opportunities, 2027" -

The global biotechnology kits market is anticipated to observe impressive growth during the forecast period, 2023-2027.The major factors include the increase in inherited diseases and technological advancements.

Biotechnological kits have broad applications such as detecting genetic disorders and various chronic illnesses, and cell culture, which upsurges demand and drives the market growth.Also, multiple advancements are done to increase these kits efficiency and produce new products, which is projected to propel the growth of the biotechnological kits market.

The other factors supporting the markets growth are increasing technological advancements by leading companies, funding of research and development (R&D) projects by governments, and wide application of biotechnological kits in various fields such as pharmaceutical industries, food industries, and agriculture and bioinformatics.Increasing Investments in Biotechnological SectorHeavy investments in the biotechnological sector by the governments and leading biotech companies are expected to boost the growth of the biotechnology kits market globally.With the increasing investments, biotechnological kits are upgraded and made more efficient.

Also, the biotech and pharmaceutical companies expansion is anticipated to significantly increase the biotechnological kits markets growth. Governments have taken initiatives such as the research and developments (R&D) projects which are being funded to build effective and efficient kits which are going to fuel the growth of the market.Increase in Inherited DiseasesNowadays, people are suffering from various genetic disorders, which has propelled the adoption of molecular diagnostics.Key processes of molecular diagnostics such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and epigenetics need molecular biotechnological kits.

The rise in population has also increased the demand for biotechnological kits as people are suffering from various inherited and non-inherited diseases.Additionally, the occurrence of the COVID 19 pandemic has also impacted the growth of the biotechnological kits market.

For example, during the outbreak of COVID-19, RT-PCRs were used to detect the viral RNAs in the patients, which resulted in using the purification kits. Also, numerous diagnosis tests were developed to detect COVID-19 and its variant, which augmented the growth of the market.Increase in Technological AdvancementsOver the past few years, immense growth and developments have been witnessed in the biotechnological kits market to make them more accurate, time-saving, and highly sensitive.An increase in technological advancements such as tissue engineering, fermentation, DNA sequencing, and recombinant technology is likely to bolster the growth of the market.

Besides, the advancements, adoption and intersection of the technologies are expected to witness the lucrative growth of the biological kits market.Technological advancements in molecular diagnostic techniques (genome-wide sequencing, droplet digital PCR, and NGS), biotechnological field, cell culture, and growing biomolecular applications are propelling the demand for biotechnological kits.

Thus, in turn, the biotechnological kits market is predicted to grow exponentially in upcoming years. For instance, the launch of the SMART Digest Kit by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., especially aimed at biopharmaceutical applications and proteomic applicationsMarket SegmentationThe global biotechnological kits market is segmented into kit type, technology, parameter tested, microorganism, purpose, end user, company.Based on kit type, the market is divided into purification kits, amplification kits, detection kits, isolation kits, and others.

Based on technology, the market is divided into LAMP technology, PCR, cell culture, sequencing, chromatography, electrophoresis, and others.Based on parameter tested, the market is divided DNA, RNA, enzymes, proteins, and others.

Based on microorganism, the market is divided into bacteria, fungi, virus, and others.Based on purpose, the market is divided into on-site v/s laboratory.

Based on end user, the market is divided into healthcare, food & agriculture, industrial processing, and others. In terms of country, the United States is expected to be a lucrative market in the forecast period due to establishment of large biotechnological organizations and increasing R&D activities in the country.Market PlayersThermo Fischer Scientific, Inc., QIAGEN N.V., Illumina, Inc., Agilent Technologies, Inc., Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Merck KGaA, Promega Corporation, Takara Bio, Inc, and New England Biolabs UK Limited are some of the leading companies operating in the market.

Report Scope:

In this report, global biotechnological kits market has been segmented into following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: Biotechnology Kits Market, By Kit Type:o Purification Kitso Amplification Kitso Detection Kitso Isolation Kitso Others Biotechnology Kits Market, By Technology:o LAMP Technologyo PCRo Cell Cultureo Sequencingo Chromatographyo Electrophoresiso Others Biotechnology Kits Market, By Parameter Tested:o DNAo RNAo Enzymeso Proteinso Others

Biotechnology Kits Market, By Microorganism:o Bacteriao Fungio Viruso Others Biotechnology Kits Market, By Purpose:o On-Siteo Laboratory Biotechnology Kits Market, By End User:o Healthcareo Food & Agricultureo Water & Wastewatero Industrial Processingo Others Biotechnology Kits Market, By Region:o North AmericaUnited StatesCanadaMexicoo Asia-PacificChinaIndiaJapanAustraliaSouth Koreao Europe & CISGermanyFranceUnited KingdomSpainItalyo South AmericaBrazilArgentinaColombiao Middle East & AfricaSouth AfricaSaudi ArabiaUAE

Competitive Landscape

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Global Biotechnology Kits Market - Competition Forecast and Opportunities, 2027 - Yahoo Finance

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Spatial Imaging of 1000 RNAs and 100 Proteins Using the CosMx Spatial Molecular Imager Published in Nature Biotechnology – Business Wire

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 1:58 am

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NanoString Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: NSTG), a leading provider of life science tools for discovery and translational research, today announced the publication of its first paper describing the CosMx Spatial Molecular Imagers (SMI) chemistry, reproducibility, and sensitivity, as well as the application of the technology to study non-small cell lung cancer and breast cancer samples in Nature Biotechnology.

The paper, entitled High-plex imaging of RNA and proteins at subcellular resolution in fixed tissue by spatial molecular imaging, was led by Joseph Beechem, Ph.D., chief scientific officer, NanoString. The team profiled multi-omic data of RNAs and proteins at subcellular resolution using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded non-small cell lung and breast cancer tissues. Over 18 distinct cell types, 10 unique tumor microenvironments, and 100 pairwise ligand-receptor interactions were discovered.

"CosMx SMI enables researchers to image intact tissue sections at unprecedented levels of cell number, spatial resolution, plex, and multi-analyte," said Dr. Beechem. "This technology allows researchers to discover completely new insights into how tissues function, in health and disease, accelerating the current revolution in spatial biology."

CosMx SMI is the newest product in the company's industry-leading spatial analysis tools portfolio, joining the GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP). The GeoMx DSP is a fully-automated spatial profiler with an installed base of more than 300 systems as of June 30, 2022. The GeoMx DSP allows multi-cellular analysis of all the genes in the transcriptome for both human and mouse applications; both platforms are also customizable for other species.

The CosMx SMI compliments GeoMx, extending experiments to single cell and subcellular resolution across the entire tissue section. In addition, both CosMx and GeoMx are compatible with the AtoMx Spatial Informatics Portal (SIP), a cloud-based informatics platform that will provide an integrated ecosystem with streamlined workflows to manage, analyze and share spatial biology data.

The commercial CosMx SMI instruments are expected to ship later this year. In the meantime, researchers can apply the power of SMI to their tissue samples through the SMI Technology Access Program service provided by NanoString. For more information, email

To learn more about NanoString's CosMx Spatial Molecular Imager, visit

About NanoString Technologies, Inc.

NanoString Technologies, a leader in spatial biology, offers an ecosystem of innovative discovery and translational research solutions, empowering our customers to map the universe of biology. The GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler, cited in more than 160 peer-reviewed publications, is a flexible and consistent solution combining the power of whole tissue imaging with gene expression and protein data for spatial whole transcriptomics and proteomics from one FFPE slide. The CosMx Spatial Molecular Imager (SMI) is an FFPE-compatible, single-cell imaging platform powered by spatial multiomics enabling researchers to map single cells in their native environments to extract deep biological insights and novel discoveries from one experiment. The AtoMx Spatial Informatics Platform (SIP) is a cloud-based informatics solution with advanced analytics and global collaboration capabilities, enabling powerful spatial biology insights anytime, anywhere. The CosMx SMI and AtoMx SIP platforms are expected to launch in 2022. At the foundation of our research tools is our nCounter Analysis System, cited in more than 6,200 peer-reviewed publications, which offers a secure way to easily profile the expression of hundreds of genes, proteins, miRNAs, or copy number variations, simultaneously with high sensitivity and precision. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include statements regarding our products and the anticipated launch of new products and technology. Such statements are based on current assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially. These risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, include market acceptance of our products; the extent and duration of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and adverse conditions in the general domestic and global economic markets; the effects of ongoing litigation; the impact of competition; the impact of expanded sales, marketing, product development and clinical activities on operating expenses; delays or other unforeseen problems with respect to manufacturing and product development; as well as the other risks set forth in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. NanoString Technologies disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

NanoString, NanoString Technologies, the NanoString logo, CosMx, GeoMx, and nCounter are trademarks or registered trademarks of NanoString Technologies, Inc. in various jurisdictions.

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Spatial Imaging of 1000 RNAs and 100 Proteins Using the CosMx Spatial Molecular Imager Published in Nature Biotechnology - Business Wire

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Accutar Biotechnology Announces First Patient Dosed in China with AC0682 in Phase 1 Study in ER-Positive Breast Cancer – Business Wire

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 1:58 am

CRANBURY, N.J. & SHANGHAI--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Accutar Biotechnology, Inc., a clinical stage biotechnology company focusing on artificial intelligence (AI)-empowered drug discovery, announces the dosing of the first patient in China in a Phase 1 study of AC0682, an orally bioavailable chimeric degrader molecule designed to target ER protein with high potency and selectivity.

The initiation of this study marks the first program from our chimeric degrader portfolio to enter the clinic in China, after the initiation of AC0682 Phase 1 study in the US late last year and the IND clearance by the China National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) earlier this year, said Jie Fan, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Accutar Biotechnology, Inc. Breast cancer is the most common cancer type among Chinese women. We look forward to accelerating the development of AC0682 globally with the goal of bringing transformative medicines to patients worldwide.

The Phase 1 study in China will assess the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and preliminary anti-tumor activity of AC0682 treatment in Chinese patients with ER-positive breast cancer. Additional information on this clinical trial can be found on (NCT05489679).

About AC0682

AC0682 is an investigational orally bioavailable, chimeric degrader of ER for the potential treatment of ER-positive breast cancers. ER is a hormone-regulated transcription factor that plays a critical role in breast cancer initiation and proliferation, and nearly 80% of breast cancers express ER. In preclinical studies, AC0682 demonstrated potent and selective ER protein degradation with favorable pharmacological properties, as well as promising anti-tumor activity in ER-positive animal tumor models.

About Accutar Biotechnology, Inc.

Accutar is a clinical stage biotech company focused on AI-empowered drug discovery, and its application to the discovery and development of clinically differentiated medicines.

Be transformative. For patients.

To learn more about Accutar, please visit us at

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Accutar Biotechnology Announces First Patient Dosed in China with AC0682 in Phase 1 Study in ER-Positive Breast Cancer - Business Wire

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MAIA Biotechnology: Invitation to The ThinkEquity Conference – Shoreline Beacon

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 1:58 am

Breadcrumb Trail Links

Chicago, Illinois(Newsfile Corp. October 12, 2022) MAIA Biotechnology (NYSE: MAIA), a targeted therapy, immuno-oncology company focused on developing potential first-in-class oncology drugs, will be participating in The ThinkEquity Conference, which will take place on October 26, 2022 at The Mandarin Oriental Hotel in New York.

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Vlad Vitoc will be presenting at 3:00 PM ET on October 26th. Interested parties can register to attend here. Members of the MAIA Biotechnology management will also be holding one-on-one investor meetings throughout the day.

The presentation will also be live-streamed at the following link.

About MAIA Biotechnology

MAIA is a targeted therapy, immuno-oncology company focused on the development and commercialization of potential first-in-class drugs with novel mechanisms of action that are intended to meaningfully improve and extend the lives of people with cancer. Our lead program is THIO, a potential first-in-class cancer telomere targeting agent in clinical development for the treatment of NSCLC patients with telomerase-positive cancer cells. For more information, please visit

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About The ThinkEquity Conference

The ThinkEquity Conference will gather industry insiders, investors and leading executives from around the world on October 26th in New York. Attendees can expect a full day of company presentations, panel discussions, one-on-one investor meetings and more.

Featured sectors include AI/Big data technology, Biotechnology, EV/EV Infrastructure, Metals & Mining and Oil & Gas.

To register to attend The ThinkEquity Conference, please follow this link.

For further information:Joseph McGuireChief Financial

Source: MAIA Biotechnology


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BIO Announces Appointment of Interim CEO – Business Wire

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 1:58 am

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) the worlds largest science and public advocacy organization, representing 1,000 members announced today that Rachel King, co-founder and former CEO of GlycoMimetics, Inc., has agreed to serve as interim President and CEO. Kings appointment follows Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath stepping down as President and CEO to serve as an Advisor to the Executive Committee of the BIO Board of Directors. The organization is searching for a full-time successor.

A long-standing member of the BIO leadership, King brings deep expertise across the industry and previously served as Chair of the BIO Board. King has experience at small and large companies having served as co-founder and former CEO of GlycoMimetics, Inc. and as a senior vice president of Novartis Corporation. Prior to that role she spent more than a decade at Genetic Therapy Inc., including as the companys CEO. She also served at ALZA Corporation and at Bain & Company. She is an expert in the innovation ecosystem as a former Entrepreneur in Residence at New Enterprise Associates, one of the nations leading venture capital firms.

I am deeply committed to the mission and vision of BIO. I look forward to working with BIOs talented staff and its members, said Rachel King, Interim President & CEO. Together, we are going to continue to tackle important policy issues related to health, agriculture, and the environment. Our work advances science and technology and touches people of all backgrounds to improve human health and well-being. The strategy of BIO remains on track.

We are delighted that Rachel King has agreed to take on this interim CEO role as we search for a successor. She is a highly experienced biotech executive who has served in large pharmaceutical organizations as well as an entrepreneur who co-founded her own biotech company. We look forward to working together with Rachel and the staff at BIO to continue important efforts that support innovation for people and patients in all aspects of biotechnology from food and agriculture to healthcare, said Paul Hastings, Chair BIO Executive Committee & Board of Directors.

King will be working closely with the BIO staff to advance innovation that benefits people and patients across BIOs key initiative areas: food and agriculture, industrial and environment, health biotechnology and emerging biotechnology companies.

About the Biotechnology Innovation Association (BIO)BIO is the world's largest trade association representing biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the United States and in more than 30 other nations. BIO members are involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products. BIO also produces the BIO International Convention, the worlds largest gathering of the biotechnology industry, along with industry-leading investor and partnering meetings held around the world. For more information about us, please visit and engage with us on Twitter at @IAmBiotech, on LinkedIn, or on YouTube.

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Stakeholders urged to play active role in R&D on biotechnology – The Borneo Post

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 1:58 am

Sagah (centre) prepares to officiate the conference while, from left, Foo, Roslan, Yoon and Ahmad look on. Photo by Chimon Upon

KUCHING (Oct 12): Key government agencies, industry players, local venture capital (VC) companies, and government-linked companies (GLCs) are urged to play an active role to engage and collaborate in supporting and ensuring the growth and development of the countrys biotechnology towards translating research outcomes into commercialisable products and services.

Minister of Education, Innovation And Talent Development (MEITD) Datuk Roland Sagah Wee Inn believes that the 12th Asian Conference on Lactic Acid Bacteria (ACLAB12) will lay the foundation for such discussions and open up opportunities.

The main objective of ACLAB12 is to disseminate cutting-edge developments of LAB in tandem with the conference theme of Evidence-based LAB: advances, opportunities and challenges, which comprises eight tracks of scientific sessions.

The ACLAB12 will continue to be the primary platform to showcase the fast development of LAB-based research and technologies that will facilitate networking and collaborations with various stakeholders, he said prior to launching the four-day conference at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) yesterday.

Sagah said in Sarawak, the Sarawak Research Development Council (SRDC) looks into the research and development of new technological innovations derived from the states mega biodiversity of indigenous flora and fauna.

In particular, the Sarawak Biodiversity Centre (SBC), an agency under MEITD Sarawak, is well-endowed with a diverse wealth of biological resources; that is biodiversity that potentially has unique applications in healthcare, agriculture and industries.

However, bioprospecting of biodiversity to discover potential and valuable applications very much depends on implementing a highly robust research and development (R&D) programme involving various scientific tools, including biotechnology. Therefore, the centre is entrusted to initiate intensive biotech-based research and development on the states biological resources, he said.

Sagah noted that among the challenges and constraints facing the country now are lack of capital or follow-up funding for commercialisation, and lack of talent in specific expertise.

However, all these problems can be addressed if all stakeholders mobilise their energy to support the countrys biotechnology ecosystem, including providing a conducive environment to increase the number of international-level local researchers.

Furthermore, the strengthening and empowerment of the countrys biotechnology ecosystem need to be implemented in line with the transformation of the policy strategy and governance that has been identified in the National Biotechnology Policy 2.0 (NBP 2.0), he said.

Sagah pointed out that the ACLAB12 theme is very much aligned with the recently launched NBP 2.0 to ensure that the biotechnology field will develop rapidly and advance in line with the aspiration of making Malaysia a high-tech or k-economy country by 2030.

He said the policy will strengthen the existing biotechnology ecosystem to be a catalyst in solving national challenges related to food security, pandemic management, and climate change crisis through locally developed biotechnological solutions.

I am very much encouraged that the industry players have come together to jointly develop high-impact initiatives to produce new food products and the processed supplement food industry.

These are high-yield food manufacturing sectors, and we need the collaboration and support of the private sector to maximise the potential of these niche probiotic and superfood products developed from lactic acid bacteria (LAB)-based research and technologies, he said.

More than 150 scientists, academicians, industries and resource persons from the government, private sector and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), both local and international, are participating in the international conference on Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB).

The 12th edition of the annual international scientific conference was organised by Malaysian Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria (MSLAB) with co-organisers Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Universiti Kebangsaaan Malaysia, University of Nottingham Malaysia, UCSI University, MAHSA University and Dong Foong Manufacturing Sdn Bhd.

MSLAB is under the auspices of the Asian Federation for Lactic Acid Bacteria (AFLSAB), which has members from all over Asia, such as China, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Mongolia, The Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. Every year, members take turns to host the conference in their home country, where the conference acts as a primary platform to showcase the fast development of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB)-based research, technology, network and collaboration with various stakeholders.

Also present were Malaysian Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria (MSLAB) president and ACLAB12 chairperson Prof Dr Foo Hooi Ling, Asian Federation of Societies for Lactic Acid Bacteria (AFSLAB) president Prof Dr Yoon Sung-Sik, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) vice-chancellor Dato Prof Dr Mohd Roslan Sulaiman, and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) deputy vice chancellor (Academic and International) Prof Dr Ahmad Hata Rasit.

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Stakeholders urged to play active role in R&D on biotechnology - The Borneo Post

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UNITY Biotechnology to Host Investor and Analyst Day to Discuss Clinical Development Program for UBX1325 in Age-Related Diseases of the Eye – Yahoo…

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 1:58 am

Unity Biotechnology, Inc.

-Webinar to feature presentation from retinal expert Robert B. Bhisitkul, M.D., Ph.D., on Wednesday, October 12 at 5:00 a.m. PT/8:00 a.m. ET-

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Oct. 06, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UNITY Biotechnology, Inc. (Nasdaq: UBX), a biotechnology company developing therapeutics to slow, halt, or reverse diseases of aging, today announced that it will host an Investor/Analyst Day on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 5:00 a.m. PT/8:00 a.m. ET to discuss the current treatment landscape and unmet medical need for age-related diseases of the eye, and the potential treatment solution that UNITYs lead program, UBX1325, may provide.

Members of UNITYs senior management team and Key Opinion Leader Robert B. Bhisitkul, M.D., Ph.D., (University of California San Francisco School of Medicine) will discuss the proposed mechanism of action of UBX1325 and new preclinical data that supports the senolytic approach in retinal diseases, the most recent UBX1325 clinical data from the BEHOLD study in Diabetic Macular Edema (DME), the ENVISION study in wet Age-related Macular Degeneration (wet AMD), including details of the new 48-week long-term follow-up extension study and near-term value driving milestones.

The live webcast can be accessed in the Investors and Media section of our website,, under Events & Presentations or by clicking here. A replay will be available two hours after the completion of the call and can be accessed in the Investors & Media section of our website, under Events and Presentations.

About UNITYUNITY is developing a new class of therapeutics to slow, halt, or reverse diseases of aging. UNITYs current focus is on creating medicines to selectively eliminate or modulate senescent cells and thereby provide transformative benefit in age-related ophthalmologic and neurologic diseases. More information is available at or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Source: Unity Biotechnology, Inc

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UNITY Biotechnology to Host Investor and Analyst Day to Discuss Clinical Development Program for UBX1325 in Age-Related Diseases of the Eye - Yahoo...

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