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Adult Stem Cell Success – Children of God for Life

Posted: April 18, 2015 at 8:55 am

by: Mr. Bradley Richard Hughes Jr.

With increasing frequency, American citizens and others from around the globe are experiencing newfound freedom from disease, affliction, and infirmity. Individuals' lives are forever changed with the strengthened faith and renewed hope that arise from healed bodies and physical restoration. These seemingly miraculous cures are the result of adult stem cell treatments. Yet the debates in the popular media tend to ignore and obscure the medical breakthroughs made by adult stem cell research--success that has conspicuously eluded embryonic stem cell treatments.

Adult stem cells (or, more accurately, tissue stem cells) are regenerative cells of the human body that possess the characteristic of plasticity--the ability to specialize and develop into other tissues of the body. Beginning in an unspecialized and undeveloped state, they can be coaxed to become heart tissue, neural matter, skin cells, and a host of other tissues. They are found in our own organs and tissues such as fat, bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, placentas, neuronal sources, and olfactory tissue, which resides in the upper nasal cavity. This simple fact has remarkable implications for medicine--diseased or damaged tissue can become healthy and robust through the infusion of such cells. This has consequently commanded the attention of many researchers as well as those suffering from disease.

It is necessary to note that the power of adult stem cells is not nebulously potential, but tangible and real, as it has produced wonderful results in multiple cases. These have been documented in clinical trials, that is, treatments with human patients. With adult stem cells, physicians have successfully treated autoimmune diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, adult stem cells have helped to avert corneal degeneration and to restore vision in cases of blindness. They have also restored proper cardiac function to heart attack sufferers and improved movement in spinal cord injury patients.

It is also important to note that all of these successes have come exclusively from adult stem cell research. Embryonic stem cell research, which requires the destruction of early human life to acquire the cells, has not produced any successes in human patients. The breakthroughs demonstrated by adult stem cells are detailed below.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are one of the most severe forms of debilitation known to humanity. Many times they result in different forms of paralysis, including paraplegia and quadriplegia; other times they involve the immediate or imminent death of the patient. Laura Dominguez is an example of the former. Living in San Antonio, Texas, she was a sixteen-year-old girl attending summer school in 2001. On her way back from class, she and her brother encountered an oil spill on the highway that caused their car to careen out of control. The accident left her paralyzed from the neck down with a C6 vertebrae burst fracture. She subsequently entered various hospitals to be emphatically informed that she would never walk again.

After relocating to San Diego, California, Dominguez and her mother checked into a protracted physical therapy program. While there, they consulted with many spinal cord injury specialists and concluded that the most promising option existed in Portugal, where a cutting-edge procedure was being performed.

This procedure, known as olfactory mucosa transplantation, involves transplantation of stem cells found in the nasal region into the injured area (these cells include renewable neurons, remyelinating olfactory ensheathing cells, and progenitor stem cells). Dr. Carlos Lima, a neuropathologist of Egaz-Moniz Hospital in Lisbon, leads the procedure. Lima's procedure has proven successful in 26 patients, states Dr. Jean D. Peduzzi-Nelson, a co-researcher at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. Dominguez was the tenth person in the world and the second American to undergo the surgery.

Completion of the surgery permitted a return to the United States, which ushered in the continuation of the therapeutic process and the resumption of home life in San Antonio. After an MRI was conducted, physicians informed her that her spinal cord had begun healing and that 70 percent of the lesion had recovered into normal spinal tissue. Within six months she had acquired sensation down to the abdominal region. By 2004, she had gained upper body agility and the ability to stand for extended periods of time with the aid of a walker. In addition, she reported improved motor skills, including the ability to stand on her toes and contract her quadriceps and hamstring muscles. She also announced that she had walked more than 1400 feet with the use of braces and outside help. Laura is inspired by the results and hopes to walk unassisted by the time she turns 21.

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Heart Stem Cell Therapy | University of Utah Health Care

Posted: April 18, 2015 at 8:54 am

Keeping in tradition with the Us commitment to advance the fields of medicine and surgery, our physicians are focusing on regenerative medicine as the next frontier in treating cardiovascular disease. Researchers within the Cardiovascular Center estimate cell therapy will be FDA-approved within three years. The goal of this therapy is to give cells back to the heart in order for it to grow stronger, work harder, and function more like a younger heart. Currently, studies include the potentiality of injecting cardiac repair cells into patients hearts to improve function.

This is the first trial of its kind in the United States, providing heart patients who have limited or no other options with a viable treatment. Using some of the best imaging technology, researchers have been able to see improvements in patients within six months after injecting their own cells directly into the left ventricle of the heart during minimally invasive surgery.

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Deanna Smith – University of South Carolina

Posted: April 18, 2015 at 8:54 am

Molecular motors carry out vital functions in all eukaryotic cells. One of these, Cytoplasmic Dynein, is critical during mitosis, migration and cellular trafficking events. We are characterizing several signaling pathways that impinge on dynein function. Our current focus is on their importance in the adult mammalian nervous system and during colon carcinogenesis in mammals.

Publications Pandey JP, Smith DS.. 2011. A Cdk5-Dependent Switch Regulates Lis1/Ndel1/Dynein-Driven Organelle Transport in Adult Axons. Journal of Neuroscience. Nov 23;31(47):17207-19.

Hebbar S, Mesngon MT, Guillotte AM, Desai B, Ayala R, Smith DS.. 2008. Lis1 and Ndel1 influence the timing of nuclear envelope breakdown in neural stem cells. Journal of Cell Biology. Sep 22;182(6):1063-71.

Hebbar S, Guillotte AM, Mesngon MT, Zhou Q, Wynshaw-Boris A, Smith DS.. 2008. Genetic enhancement of the Lis1+/- phenotype by a heterozygous mutation in the adenomatous polyposis coli gene. Developmental Neuroscience. 30(1-3):157-70.

Mesngon MT, Tarricone C, Hebbar S, Guillotte AM, Schmitt EW, Lanier L, Musacchio A, King SJ, Smith DS. . 2006. Regulation of cytoplasmic dynein ATPase by Lis1. Journal of Neuroscience. Feb 15;26(7):2132-9.

D. Smith. 2003. Cdk5 in neuroskeletal dynamics. Neurosignals. Sep-Oct;12(4-5):239-51.

Smith DS, Tsai LH.. 2002. Cdk5 behind the wheel: a role in trafficking and transport?. Trends in Cell Biology. Jan;12(1):28-36.

Smith DS, Greer PL, Tsai LH.. 2001. Cdk5 on the brain. Cell Growth and Differentiation. Jun;12(6):277-83.

Niethammer M, Smith DS, Ayala R, Peng J, Ko J, Lee MS, Morabito M, Tsai LH. 2000. NUDEL is a novel Cdk5 substrate that associates with LIS1 and cytoplasmic dynein. Neuron. Dec;28(3):697-711.

Smith DS, Leone G, DeGregori J, Ahmed MN, Qumsiyeh MB, Nevins JR.. 2000. Induction of DNA replication in adult rat neurons by deregulation of the retinoblastoma/E2F G1 cell cycle pathway. Cell Growth and Differentiation. Dec;11(12):625-33.

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Ripoff Report | STEM CELL OF AMERICA Complaint Review …

Posted: April 18, 2015 at 8:53 am

William C Rader of Medra aka Stem Cell of America has deceptively edited his Wikipedia page, inserting false and misleading information, in order to pander his fraudulent stem cells. He has changed the resourced factual information so repetitively that the WIki monitors have locked the page and have grossly re-edited the information to such a bare minimum that Rader's fraudulent maneuvers have not been captured. Rader has threatened Wiki with a lawsuit, if they do not cease and desist in their attempt of providing the original factual information. Below is William C Rader's Wiki page before it was chopped down to nothing.

By no means does this information describe the gauntlet of Rader's insidious Ponzi scheme or his immoral and despicable character.

William C. Rader

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William C. Rader, M.D. is a controversial doctor who began administering fetal "stem cell" treatments offshore in the 1990s.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8)



1 History

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New York State Stem Cell Science Consortia | Memorial …

Posted: April 18, 2015 at 8:52 am

Parkinsons disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and is estimated to affect more than four million patients worldwide a number predicted to more than double by 2030. A fundamental characteristic of PD is progressive, severe, and irreversible loss of specific dopamine-producing neurons (DA neurons) in the midbrain that ultimately may result in disabling motor dysfunction. Multiple therapies have been developed for PD, but none can replace the lost cells. Cell transplantation has been considered a promising therapy, but in spite of extensive efforts to develop it in laboratories across the world, this approach has faced multiple challenges, including the absence of an appropriate cell source that can match the lost cells in function and safety.

In 2011, our team made a major discovery that enables the derivation of nearly unlimited numbers of authentic, engraftable midbrain DA neurons from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). In recent publications, we have demonstrated that these cells can survive in three independent PD models and can reverse motor deficits of the disease.

In addition, the cells have an excellent safety profile with no evidence of tumor or excessive growth in any of the animals tested.

The investigators anticipate that by the end of the project period in 2017, our team will be ready to submit an Investigational New Drug (IND) application to the US Food and Drug Administration for a clinical trial in Parkinsons patients. The team consists of scientists, neurologists, surgeons, industry leaders, ethicists, trial experts, and patient advocates who are dedicated to the achievement of this goal. The project further harnesses the expertise and strength present within Memorial Sloan Kettering at the Center for Cell Engineering (CCE) and the Center for Stem Cell Biology (CSCB) to deliver a first-in-man embryonic stem cell therapy for PD.

Investigators from Memorial Sloan Kettering, along with colleagues from Weill Cornell Medical College, Northwestern University, and Rush University Medical Center, have received a contract from New York State Stem Cell Science (NYSTEM) for almost $15 million over four years to develop a stem-cell-based therapy for Parkinsons disease. NYSTEM works to further the agenda of the Empire State Stem Cell Board, whose mission is to foster a strong stem cell research community in New York State.

NYSTEM aims to accelerate the growth of scientific knowledge about stem cell biology and promote the development of therapies and diagnostic methods to alleviate disease and improve human health. The NYSTEM contract has enabled the creation of a multidisciplinary consortium with the overarching goal of developing an optimized, clinical-grade source of human DA neurons for cell therapy in PD by 2017.

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Scientist: Stem cells could end animal testing –

Posted: April 18, 2015 at 8:51 am

LONDON, England (CNN) -- As well as their potential for creating effective therapies for debilitating diseases, embryonic stem cells could open the door to improved pharmaceutical drug testing, according to a leading British stem cell researcher.

Embryonic stem cells seen pictured through a microscope viewfinder in a laboratory.

Speaking at a recent meeting of the British Pharmacological Society in Brighton, UK, Christine Mummery described how using embryonic stem cells to create human heart cells could be a viable and scientifically exciting alternative to animal testing.

Mummery, a Professor of Developmental Biology at Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands told CNN: "It could save a lot of time and effort of taking the wrong drugs through, or it may allow drugs through which are lost at an early stage, because they affect the animal cells but don't have an effect on human cells.

"It may also allow more and better drugs to come through the first tests or flag up safety issues at an earlier stage."

Drug development is an incredibly expensive and protracted process. Typically, it costs around $1 billion to bring a new drug to market and the whole process usually takes about ten years.

Vital Signs

Each month CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta brings viewers health stories from around the world.

Before new drugs can go forward for clinical trials, it's necessary for the chemical compounds which make up a drug to undergo thousands of tests for toxicity before beginning trials on animals -- initially on rodents and then often on dogs.

It's here, at this ethically sensitive stage, that Professor Mummery believes stem cell research could transform drug development.

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Stem cell transplantation for articular cartilage repair …

Posted: April 18, 2015 at 8:47 am

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are pluripotent cells found in multiple human adult tissues including bone marrow, synovial tissues, and adipose tissues. Since they are derived from the mesoderm, they have been shown to differentiate into bone, cartilage, muscle, and adipose tissue.[1] MSCs from embryonic sources have shown promise scientifically while creating significant controversy. As a result, many researchers have focused on adult stem cells [1], or stem cells isolated from adult humans that can be transplanted into damaged tissue.

Because of their multi-potent capabilities, mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) lineages have been used successfully in animal models to regenerate articular cartilage and in human models to regenerate bone.[2][3][4] Recent research demonstrates that articular cartilage may be able to be repaired via percutaneous introduction of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).[5]

Research into MSCs has exploded in recent years. As an example, a PubMed search for the year 1999 reveals about 90 papers published under the MESH heading of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, the same search ran for the year 2007 reveals more than 4,000 entries. The most commonly used source of MSCs is bone marrow aspirate. Most of the adult bone marrow consists of blood cells in various stages of differentiation.[6] These marrow components can be divided into plasma, red blood cells, platelets, and nucleated cells. The adult stem cell fraction is present in the nucleated cells of the marrow. Most of these cells are CD34+ heme progenitors (destined to differentiate into blood components), while very few are actually MSCs capable of differentiating into bone, cartilage, or muscle. As a result, that leaves the very small number of MSCs in the marrow as cells capable of differentiating into tissues of interest to joint preservation.[7] Of note, this may be one of the reasons that commercially available centrifuge systems that concentrate marrow nucleated cells have not shown as much promise in animal research for cartilage repair as have approaches where MSCs are expanded in culture to greater numbers.

Marrow nucleated cells are used every day in regenerative orthopedics. The knee microfracture surgery technique popularized by Steadman[8] relies on the release of these cells into a cartilage lesion to initiate fibrocartilage repair in osteochondral defects.[9] In addition, this cell population has also been shown to assist in the repair of non-union fractures.[10] For this application, bed side centrifugation is commonly used. Again, these techniques produce a very dilute MSC population, usually a yield of 1 in 10,000-1,000,000 of the nucleated cells.[11] Despite this low number of MSCs, isolated bone marrow nucleated cells implanted into degenerated human peripheral joints have shown some promise for joint repair.[12] As the number of MSCs that can be isolated from bone marrow is fairly limited, most research in cartilage regeneration has focused on the use of culture expanded cells.[13][14] This method can expand cell numbers by 100-10,000 fold over several weeks. Once these MSCs are ready for re-implanation, they are usually transferred with growth factors to allow for continued cell growth and engraftment to the damaged tissue. At some point, a signal is introduced (either in culture or after transplant to the damaged tissue) for the cells to differentiate into the end tissue (in this discussion, cartilage).

Until recently, the use of cultured mesenchymal stem cells to regenerate cartilage has been primarily in research with animal models. There are now, however, two published case reports of the above technique being used to successfully regenerate articular and meniscus cartilage in human knees.[15][16] This technique has yet to be shown effective in a study involving a larger group of patients, however the same team of researchers have published a large safety study (n=227) showing fewer complications than would normally be associated with surgical procedures. [17]

Another team used a similar technique for cell extraction and ex vivo expansion but cells were embedded within a collagen gel before being surgically re-implanted. They reported a case study in which a full-thickness defect in the articular cartilage of a human knee was successfully repaired.[18]

While the use of cultured mesenchymal stem cells has shown promising results, a more recent study using uncultured MSCs has resulted in full thickness, histologically confirmed hyaline cartilage regrowth. Dr. Khay-Yong Saw and his team evaluated the quality of the repair knee cartilage after arthroscopic microdrilling (also microfracture) surgery followed by post-operative injections of autologous peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPC) in combination with hyaluronic acid(HA).[19] PBPCs are a blood product containing MSCs, which is obtained by mobilizing stem cells into the peripheral blood. In February 2011, the team published the results of a 5 patient case series. All five patients showed evidence of hyaline cartilage regeneration at second-look arthroscopy and subsequent biopsy, including 2 patients with full thickness bipolar or kissing lesions. The authors propose that the microdrilling surgery creates a blood clot scaffold on which injected PBPCs can be recruited and enhance chondrogenesis at the site of the contained lesion. They explain that the significance of this cartilage regeneration protocol is that it is successful in patients with historically difficult-to-treat grade IV bipolar or bone-on-bone osteochondral lesions.

Dr. Saw and his team are currently conducting a larger randomized trial and working towards beginning a multicenter study. The work of the Malaysian research team is gaining international attention.[20]

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Orthopedic Stem Cell Use Soared in 2012 | Orthopedics This …

Posted: April 18, 2015 at 8:47 am

US Navy Aircraft / Source: Wikimedia Robin Young Fri, January 25th, 2013 Print this article

When 2012 began, an estimated 1 million U.S. patients had been treated with stem cells over the course of the previous 15 years. By the end of 2012, Orthopedics This Week estimates that that number of patients treated rose by an astonishing 100,000!

Physician users now number in the thousands. Indeed, it is harder to find physicians who have NOT used stem cells than those that have.

Who is using stem cells? Where are they getting the cells? For which indications are cells being used? What is appearing in peer review literature?

Answering those questions is, in effect, the curriculum for this years New York Stem Cell Summit February 19th.

As we have analysed the remarkable uptake of stem cell treatments in orthopedics, we are left wonderingis this, in effect, the next generation platelet rich plasma (PRP)?


Spine surgeons, ophthalmologists and wound care specialists are currently the most frequent users of stem cell therapies in the United States. Coming up fast, however, are oncologists, cosmetic surgeons and pain management specialists.

Spine surgeons and sports medicine specialists are the two groups weve observed, exhibiting strong adoption patterns and pushing this remarkable uptake in stem cell usage. One common attribute weve noticed is that users of stem cell therapies are also current (and former) users of Infuse and various allograft products.

So, as a foundation for bringing stem cells into their practice, these physicians are almost universally well trained and well experienced in the use of either allograft or recombinant products as adjuncts to surgery which serve to augment the patients own ability to grow either bone or soft tissue.

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Iaso Sol (Swiss Apple Stem Cells – Video

Posted: April 18, 2015 at 8:44 am

Iaso Sol (Swiss Apple Stem Cells
IASO SOL Iaso Sol Day Antioxidant Cream With Apple Stem Cells and Ganoderma. The newest anti-aging technology in skin care. Iaso Sol Daytime Repair Anti-Aging Formula will cast shadows on...

By: Mona Leggett

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STEM CELL therapy incredible results for severe MS – Video

Posted: April 18, 2015 at 8:42 am

STEM CELL therapy incredible results for severe MS
get some STEM CELL on ya! some basics on the buzz!

By: Multiplesclerosis Tv

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