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Scientists grow 'mini-lungs' to aid study of cystic fibrosis

Posted: March 19, 2015 at 1:49 pm

Scientists at the University of Cambridge have successfully created 'mini-lungs' using stem cells derived from skin cells of patients with cystic fibrosis, and have shown that these can be used to test potential new drugs for this debilitating lung disease.

The research is one of a number of studies that have used stem cells -- the body's master cells -- to grow 'organoids', 3D clusters of cells that mimic the behaviour and function of specific organs within the body. Other recent examples have been 'mini-brains' to study Alzheimer's disease and 'mini-livers' to model liver disease. Scientists use the technique to model how diseases occur and to screen for potential drugs; they are an alternative to the use of animals in research.

Cystic fibrosis is a monogenic condition -- in other words, it is caused by a single genetic mutation in patients, though in some cases the mutation responsible may differ between patients. One of the main features of cystic fibrosis is the lungs become overwhelmed with thickened mucus causing difficulty breathing and increasing the incidence of respiratory infection. Although patients have a shorter than average lifespan, advances in treatment mean the outlook has improved significantly in recent years.

Researchers at the Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute used skin cells from patients with the most common form of cystic fibrosis caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene referred to as the delta-F508 mutation. Approximately three in four cystic fibrosis patients in the UK have this particular mutation. They then reprogrammed the skin cells to an induced pluripotent state, the state at which the cells can develop into any type of cell within the body.

Using these cells -- known as induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells -- the researchers were able to recreate embryonic lung development in the lab by activating a process known as gastrulation, in which the cells form distinct layers including the endoderm and then the foregut, from which the lung 'grows', and then pushed these cells further to develop into distal airway tissue. The distal airway is the part of the lung responsible for gas exchange and is often implicated in disease, such as cystic fibrosis, some forms of lung cancer and emphysema.

The results of the study are published in the journal Stem Cells and Development.

"In a sense, what we've created are 'mini-lungs'," explains Dr Nick Hannan, who led the study. "While they only represent the distal part of lung tissue, they are grown from human cells and so can be more reliable than using traditional animal models, such as mice. We can use them to learn more about key aspects of serious diseases -- in our case, cystic fibrosis."

The genetic mutation delta-F508 causes the CFTR protein found in distal airway tissue to misfold and malfunction, meaning it is not appropriately expressed on the surface of the cell, where its purpose is to facilitate the movement of chloride in and out of the cells. This in turn reduces the movement of water to the inside of the lung; as a consequence, the mucus becomes particular thick and prone to bacterial infection, which over time leads to scarring -- the 'fibrosis' in the disease's name.

Using a fluorescent dye that is sensitive to the presence of chloride, the researchers were able to see whether the 'mini-lungs' were functioning correctly. If they were, they would allow passage of the chloride and hence changes in fluorescence; malfunctioning cells from cystic fibrosis patients would not allow such passage and the fluorescence would not change. This technique allowed the researchers to show that the 'mini-lungs' could be used in principle to test potential new drugs: when a small molecule currently the subject of clinical trials was added to the cystic fibrosis 'mini lungs', the fluorescence changed -- a sign that the cells were now functioning when compared to the same cells not treated with the small molecule.

"We're confident this process could be scaled up to enable us to screen tens of thousands of compounds and develop mini-lungs with other diseases such as lung cancer and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis," adds Dr Hannan. "This is far more practical, should provide more reliable data and is also more ethical than using large numbers of mice for such research."

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Scientists grow 'mini-lungs' to aid study of cystic fibrosis

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Scientists grow 'mini-lungs' to aid the study of cystic fibrosis

Posted: March 19, 2015 at 1:49 pm

Scientists at the University of Cambridge have successfully created 'mini-lungs' using stem cells derived from skin cells of patients with cystic fibrosis, and have shown that these can be used to test potential new drugs for this debilitating lung disease.

The research is one of a number of studies that have used stem cells - the body's master cells - to grow 'organoids', 3D clusters of cells that mimic the behaviour and function of specific organs within the body. Other recent examples have been 'mini-brains' to study Alzheimer's disease and 'mini-livers' to model liver disease. Scientists use the technique to model how diseases occur and to screen for potential drugs; they are an alternative to the use of animals in research.

Cystic fibrosis is a monogenic condition - in other words, it is caused by a single genetic mutation in patients, though in some cases the mutation responsible may differ between patients. One of the main features of cystic fibrosis is the lungs become overwhelmed with thickened mucus causing difficulty breathing and increasing the incidence of respiratory infection. Although patients have a shorter than average lifespan, advances in treatment mean the outlook has improved significantly in recent years.

Researchers at the Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute used skin cells from patients with the most common form of cystic fibrosis caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene referred to as the delta-F508 mutation. Approximately three in four cystic fibrosis patients in the UK have this particular mutation. They then reprogrammed the skin cells to an induced pluripotent state, the state at which the cells can develop into any type of cell within the body.

Using these cells - known as induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells - the researchers were able to recreate embryonic lung development in the lab by activating a process known as gastrulation, in which the cells form distinct layers including the endoderm and then the foregut, from which the lung 'grows', and then pushed these cells further to develop into distal airway tissue. The distal airway is the part of the lung responsible for gas exchange and is often implicated in disease, such as cystic fibrosis, some forms of lung cancer and emphysema.

The results of the study are published in the journal Stem Cells and Development.

"In a sense, what we've created are 'mini-lungs'," explains Dr Nick Hannan, who led the study. "While they only represent the distal part of lung tissue, they are grown from human cells and so can be more reliable than using traditional animal models, such as mice. We can use them to learn more about key aspects of serious diseases - in our case, cystic fibrosis."

The genetic mutation delta-F508 causes the CFTR protein found in distal airway tissue to misfold and malfunction, meaning it is not appropriately expressed on the surface of the cell, where its purpose is to facilitate the movement of chloride in and out of the cells. This in turn reduces the movement of water to the inside of the lung; as a consequence, the mucus becomes particular thick and prone to bacterial infection, which over time leads to scarring - the 'fibrosis' in the disease's name.

Using a fluorescent dye that is sensitive to the presence of chloride, the researchers were able to see whether the 'mini-lungs' were functioning correctly. If they were, they would allow passage of the chloride and hence changes in fluorescence; malfunctioning cells from cystic fibrosis patients would not allow such passage and the fluorescence would not change. This technique allowed the researchers to show that the 'mini-lungs' could be used in principle to test potential new drugs: when a small molecule currently the subject of clinical trials was added to the cystic fibrosis 'mini lungs', the fluorescence changed - a sign that the cells were now functioning when compared to the same cells not treated with the small molecule.

"We're confident this process could be scaled up to enable us to screen tens of thousands of compounds and develop mini-lungs with other diseases such as lung cancer and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis," adds Dr Hannan. "This is far more practical, should provide more reliable data and is also more ethical than using large numbers of mice for such research."

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Scientists grow 'mini-lungs' to aid the study of cystic fibrosis

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Scientists pinpoint molecule that controls stem cell plasticity by boosting gene expression

Posted: March 19, 2015 at 1:49 pm

4 hours ago By labeling a piece of a stem cell superenhancer, which is a gene amplifying region, researchers made stem cells fluoresce in green in living mice. The cells are visible above lining the base of the two hair follicles. Although they do not contain stem cells, the hair shafts also fluoresce green.

Stem cells can have a strong sense of identity. Taken out of their home in the hair follicle, for example, and grown in culture, these cells remain true to themselves. After waiting in limbo, these cultured cells become capable of regenerating follicles and other skin structures once transplanted back into skin. It's not clear just how these stem cells and others elsewhere in the body retain their ability to produce new tissue and heal wounds, even under extraordinary conditions.

New research at Rockefeller University has identified a protein, Sox9, that takes the lead in controlling stem cell plasticity. In a paper published today (March 18) in Nature, the team describes Sox9 as a "pioneer factor" that breaks ground for the activation of genes associated with stem cell identity in the hair follicle.

"We found that in the hair follicle, Sox9 lays the foundation for stem cell plasticity. First, Sox9 makes the genes needed by stem cells accessible, so they can become active. Then, Sox9 recruits other proteins that work together to give these "stemness" genes a boost, amplifying their expression," says study author Elaine Fuchs, Rebecca C. Lancefield Professor, Robin Chemers Neustein Laboratory of Mammalian Cell Biology and Development. "Without Sox9, this process never happens, and hair follicle stem cells cannot survive."

Sox9 is a type of protein called a transcription factor, which can act like a volume dial for genes. When a transcription factor binds to a segment of DNA known as an enhancer, it cranks up the activity of the associated gene. Recently, scientists identified a less common, but more powerful version: the super-enhancer. Super-enhancers are much longer pieces of DNA, and host large numbers of cell type-specific transcription factors that bind cooperatively. Super-enhancers also containhistones, DNA-packagingproteins, that harbor specific chemical groups epigenetic marks that make genes they are associated with accessible so they can be expressed.

Using an epigenetic mark associated specifically with the histones of enhancers, first author Rene Adam, a graduate student in the lab, and colleagues, identified 377 of these high-powered gene-amplifying regions in hair follicle stem cells. The majority of these super-enhancers were bound by at least five transcription factors, often including Sox9. Then, they compared the stem cell super-enhancers to those of short-lived stem cell progeny, which have begun to choose a fate, and so lost the plasticity of stem cells. These two types of cells shared only 32 percent of their superenhancers, suggesting these regions played an important role in skin cell identity. By switching off super-enhancers associated with stem cell genes, these genes were silenced while new super-enhancers were being activated to turn on hair genes.

To better understand these dynamics, the researchers took a piece of a super-enhancer, which they called an "epicenter," where all the stem cell transcription factors bind, and they linked it to a gene thatglowed green whenever the transcription factors were present. In living mice, all the hair follicle stem cells glowed green, but surprisingly, the green gene turned off when the stem cells were taken from the follicle and placed in culture. When they put the cells back into living skin, the green glow returned.

Another clue came from experiments performed by Hanseul Yang, another student in the lab. By examining the new super-enhancers that were gained when the stem cells were cultured, they learned that these new super-enhancers bound transcription factors that were known to be activated during wound-repair. When they used one of these epicenters to drive the green gene, the green glow was seen in culture, but not in skin. When they wounded the skin, then the green glow switched on.

"We were learning that some super-enhancers are specifically activated in the stem cells within their native niche, while other super-enhancers specifically switch on during injury," explained Adam. "By shifting epicenters, you can shift from one cohort of transcription factors to another to adapt to different environments. But we still needed to determine what was controlling these shifts."

The culprit turned out to be Sox9, the only transcription factor expressed in both living tissue and culture. Further experiments confirmed Sox9's importance by showing, for example, that removing it spelled death for stem cells, while expressing it in the epidermis gave the skin cells features of hair follicle stem cells. These powers seemed to be special to Sox9, placing it atop the hierarchy of transcription factors in the stem cells. Sox9 is one of only a few pioneer factors known in biology which can initiate such dramatic changes in gene expression.

Scientists pinpoint molecule that controls stem cell plasticity by boosting gene expression

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Laurel Barchas: Becoming a Stem Cel Scientist – Video

Posted: March 19, 2015 at 1:48 pm

Laurel Barchas: Becoming a Stem Cel Scientist
In this video produced by ConnectEd California, Laurel Barchas, a Ph.D. student in Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley, describes how her passion for stem cell research has inspired her to bring...

By: California Institute for Regenerative Medicine

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Laurel Barchas: Becoming a Stem Cel Scientist - Video

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Vitamin D prevents diabetes and clogged arteries in mice

Posted: March 19, 2015 at 1:44 pm

AUDIO:In a new study of mice without vitamin D receptors on key immune system cells, Washington University researchers have found that the mice get diabetes and that the way the... view more

Credit: Washington University BioMed Radio

In recent years, a deficiency of vitamin D has been linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease, two illnesses that commonly occur together and are the most common cause of illness and death in Western countries. Both disorders are rooted in chronic inflammation, which leads to insulin resistance and the buildup of artery-clogging plaque.

Now, new research in mice at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests vitamin D plays a major role in preventing the inflammation that leads to type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. Further, the way key immune cells behave without adequate vitamin D may provide scientists with new therapeutic targets for patients with those disorders.

The study appears March 19 in the journal Cell Reports.

Studying mice that lacked the ability to process vitamin D in immune cells involved in inflammation, the researchers found that the animals made excess glucose, became resistant to insulin action and accumulated plaques in their blood vessels.

"The finding that vitamin D helps regulate glucose metabolism may explain previous epidemiological studies identifying an increased risk of diabetes in patients with vitamin D deficiency," said senior investigator Carlos Bernal-Mizrachi, MD, associate professor of medicine and of cell biology and physiology. "In our study, inactivation of the vitamin D receptor induced diabetes and atherosclerosis, so normalizing vitamin D levels may have the opposite effect."

In addition, he said inadequate vitamin D turned immune cells into transporters of fat. That may help researchers better understand how diabetes and atherosclerosis are linked and provide new possibilities for therapy.

For years, researchers have been studying vitamin D's possible roles in inflammation and inflammatory diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. By engineering mice without the vitamin D receptor on important immune cells called monocytes and macrophages, the researchers were able to learn how those conditions are linked, according to Bernal-Mizrachi.

Monocytes are white blood cells made in the bone marrow that circulate in the bloodstream. After a few days, they typically move into the body's tissues where they mature into cells called macrophages.

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Vitamin D prevents diabetes and clogged arteries in mice

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Stem cells show promise for reversing type 2 diabetes

Posted: March 19, 2015 at 1:44 pm

IMAGE:This is an image of macro-encapsulated pancreatic endocrine cells derived from human embryonic stem cells. Devices were harvested at 29 weeks post-transplant and immunofluorescent staining was performed for insulin... view more

Scientists at the University of British Columbia and BetaLogics, part of Janssen Research & Development, LLC have shown for the first time that Type 2 diabetes can be effectively treated with a combination of specially-cultured stem cells and conventional diabetes drugs.

Stem cells - generic cells that haven't yet taken on specialized form and function - have recently been used by scientists at UBC and elsewhere to reverse Type 1 diabetes in mice. In Type 1 diabetes, which usually begins in childhood, the pancreas produces little or no insulin, the hormone that enables cells to metabolize sugar.

These new results, published today in Stem Cell Reports, hold much broader potential because Type 2 diabetes - which usually arises in adulthood, often stemming from poor diet, lack of exercise and obesity - accounts for more than 90 per cent of diabetes cases.

Timothy Kieffer, a professor in the department of cellular and physiological sciences, and scientists from BetaLogics simulated Type 2 diabetes in mice by putting them on a high-fat, high-calorie diet for several weeks. Kieffer's team then surgically implanted pancreatic-like cells that had been grown in the laboratory from human stem cells.

Mice that received a combination of the cells with one of three diabetes drugs became as "glucose tolerant" as the healthy mice, meaning they were able to keep their blood sugar in check, even after ingesting a sugary meal. In contrast, a group of mice with simulated Type 2 diabetes that received the drugs but not the transplants remained glucose-intolerant.

"Being able to reduce spikes in blood sugar levels is important because evidence suggests it's those spikes that do a lot of the damage - increasing risks for blindness, heart attack, and kidney failure," says Kieffer, a member of UBC's Life Sciences Institute.

The combination therapy also produced an unexpected, but welcome result: the mice returned to a normal weight, the same weight as a healthy control group that had been reared on a low-fat diet.

"Their weight loss was intriguing, because some of the common diabetes therapies often lead to weight gain," Kieffer said. "We need to do more studies to understand how the cell transplants lead to weight loss."

The team is also investigating if higher doses of the cells - beyond the five million tested in this study - can achieve the same results without the need for additional drugs.

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Stem cells show promise for reversing type 2 diabetes

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Posted: March 19, 2015 at 1:43 pm

A survey of attempts to further natural evolution of species by modern biotechnology tools in laboratories around the world. Includes information on cloning, genomes, DNA, stem cells, genetic...

By: Bill Stonebarger

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Breast Augmentation Using Fat Stem Cell Therapy

Posted: March 18, 2015 at 9:02 pm


Breast Augmentation Procedure Avg. Rating: 5 out of 5 from 194 votes.

At last there is a natural method for long-lasting breast augmentation. After numerous clinical studies in U.S. universities and in Japan, this revolutionary procedure was performed in Europe in 2007 for the first time.

Soon after that it obtained celebrity status when Hollywood superstar Suzanne Summers had it done. And now its available right here in Thailand at Infinite Horizons Medical Center.

Breast Augmentation with stem cell enriched autologous adipose is performed under local anesthetic. In a single procedure, the breast silhouette is formed and perfected, without the use of any synthetic material whatsoever. We have provided a detailed explanation of our procedure for Fat Stem Cell Enriched Breast Augmentation on our procedure page.

Once the fat has been processed and the Enriched Stem Cells activated our Cosmetic Surgeon makes the required injections into the breasts. The increase in volume is achieved solely with the clients own fat. Injection needle pricks heal very quickly and without leaving any scars.

The results of this procedure speak for themselves. The augmented breasts feel completely natural and look genuine in any body position. A breast augmentation of .5 - 1.5 cup size is achievable. An augmentation of one cup size is typical.

The images below show a breast augmentation procedure, before, right after, and 16 months later. Notice the small prick marks in the middle picture. Also notice that after 16 months, fat retention is almost 99%. The reason for this is our process. Enriched, activated stem cells encourage the growth of blood vessels into the newly injected fat, thus becoming part of the breast tissue.

Fat from your own body is used No foreign agents or implants are used Rapid recovery time No scarring will occur Natural look and feel in any position

Fat Is Absorbed By The Body So How Can This Really Work? You are absolutely correct fat is absorbed by the body. Before implantation fat is enriched with autologous stem cells in a complex laboratory process (explained on our procedure page). Significantly longer-lasting results are obtainable with this stem cell-enriched fat quantity compared to other methods simply because this enriched fat will soon turn into breast tissue. Approximately 90-98% volume retention is achievable.

Breast Augmentation Using Fat Stem Cell Therapy

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Biomedical engineer developing nanomaterial for healing broken bones

Posted: March 18, 2015 at 8:59 pm

13 hours ago by Ryan Garcia

A new material that triggers stem cells to begin forming bone could enable a more effective treatment for hard-to-heal bone breaks and defects, says a Texas A&M University biomedical engineer who is part of the team developing the biomaterial.

The team's research is detailed in the scientific journal ACS Nano and is supported by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. Its findings could change the way medical professionals treat fractured bones that experience difficulty in healing and often require bone graft procedures, says Akhilesh Gaharwar, assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Texas A&M.

The biomaterial, which consists of nano-sized, two-dimensional particles embedded within a gel, stimulates bone growth through a complex signaling mechanism without the use of proteins known as growth factors, Gaharwar explains. Growth factors are used in conventional treatments, but can lead to serious side effects due to the large amounts required to stimulate cells, he says.

"We are trying to overcome these problems by avoiding the use of growth factors as we recapitulate the natural bone-healing process," Gaharwar says. "Our material is a totally different, alternative strategy in which by using minerals we can induce differentiation in stem cells and promote formation of bone-like tissue."

Those minerals, Gaharwar explains, are largely orthosilicic acid, magnesium and lithium combined in tiny nanosilicate particles that are 100,000 times thinner than a sheet of paper. The ultrathin nanoparticles are embedded in a collagen-based hydrogel, a biodegradable gel used in several biomedical applications because of its compatibility with the body.

When nanosilicates are incorporated into a gelatin matrix, several physical, chemical and biological properties of the hydrogel are enhanced, Gaharwar explains. For example, the hydrogel can be designed to remain at the injury site for specific durations by controlling the interactions between the nanosilicates and gelatin, Gaharwar adds. This customization, Gaharwar says, can allow the injected hydrogel to enter the defect cavity and help it heal while slowly degrading as it is replaced by natural tissue.

Tests on the mechanical properties of the material are also promising, Gaharwar says. In addition to its ability to be injected at the site of an injury, the material achieves three-to-four times higher stiffness once inside the body, allowing it to be locked in place. This prevents the material from flowing to other parts of the body, thereby avoiding unwanted side effects, Gaharwar says.

The results, Gaharwar says, have been positive, as evidenced by both short-term and long-term indicators of bone growth. Initial tests, he says, show a three-fold increase in alkaline phosphatase activity, a marker for early bone formation (known as osteogenesis). This is confirmation, Gaharwar explains, that the signaling process is indeed "asking" stem cells to differentiate into bone cells. Late markers are also positive, he adds, noting they demonstrate a four-fold increase in the presence of calcium phosphate, a main component of bone.

"The dynamic and bioactive nanocomposite gels we have developed show strong promise in bone tissue engineering applications," Gaharwar says.

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Biomedical engineer developing nanomaterial for healing broken bones

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Washington University researchers find that mouse stem cells lurking in tumors can resist treatment

Posted: March 18, 2015 at 8:55 pm

NCI Cancer Center News

New research proves that the threat posed by cancer stem cells is more prevalent than previously thought. Until now, stem cells had been identified only in aggressive, fast-growing tumors. But a mouse study at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis shows that slow-growing tumors also have treatment-resistant stem cells.

Click here to read the full press release.


Among the research institutions NCI funds across the United States, it currently designates 68 as Cancer Centers. Largely based in research universities, these facilities are home to many of the NCI-supported scientists who conduct a wide range of intense, laboratory research into cancers origins and development. The Cancer Centers Program also focuses on trans-disciplinary research, including population science and clinical research. The centers research results are often at the forefront of studies in the cancer field.

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Washington University researchers find that mouse stem cells lurking in tumors can resist treatment

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