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Huntsville blood bank to preserve umbilical cord tissues

Posted: November 25, 2014 at 5:57 pm

The only umbilical cord blood bank in Alabama will soon carry the tissues as well.

Southern Cord, headquartered at Huntsville's HudsonAlpha, will soon offer the new service, which will allow them to do research for different medical applications that cord blood doesn't have. This is because the tissues contain a different kind of stem cell.

Were storing these cells so that at a future date, they can be used by the baby, but they also could be used by the siblings and even the parents, Southern Cord owner and UAH director of information services Chakri Deverapalli says. Currently, there are already 80-plus diseases cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) where cord blood is used as a treatment. And this is only the tip of the iceberg, as the field of emerging medicine continues to expand.

Medical research is uncovering treatment roles for cord blood stem cells in diseases like autism, cardiac disorders and Alzheimers disease.

The research shows that one in 70 kids in this generation are going to need stem cell treatment, Deverapalli says. Medicine has changed and so treatment itself is advancing.

The stems cells being saved are not ethically controversial, according to Deverapalli.

Our cells can at most become an organ, he says. They cannot create another life.

The umbilical cord blood is collected by a doctor at birth, transported to the company, processed and cryogenically frozen to temperatures of minus 140 degrees Celsius, which Deverapalli says is about the surface temperature of Saturn.

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Huntsville blood bank to preserve umbilical cord tissues

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An Eclectic Path to Precision Medicine

Posted: November 25, 2014 at 5:55 pm

Stephen Emerson entered Haverford College with the aim of becoming an astronomer-mathematician. That is, until he met Ariel Loewy, a biology professor on the faculty who encouraged him to change his focus.

He said, All the asteroids and stars are going to be there for the next billion yearslet someone else worry about them, Emerson recalled. Why dont you study whatever science you want but think about applying it to cells and molecules and maybe someday even people?

Emerson spent a summer working in Loewys lab at the small liberal arts college and was hooked, graduating with a double major in chemistry and philosophy. Since then, his career trajectory has continued to take unexpected turns. He spent 13 years as the chief of hematology/oncology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he became a renowned expert in bone marrow stem cell biology, and his labs research in bone marrow stem cell transplantation led to many new medical therapies.

In 2006 he was asked to serve as president of his alma mater. After saying, Huh? but then talking it over, I said I would do it because I owed Haverford my career, Emerson said. I loved the college, and I loved serving as its president. But one wrenching stock market crash [in 2008] while running a small college was enough for me. In all, Emerson was at Haverford just under five years when the call came from Columbia and he returned to medicine full time.

As director of the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at Columbia University Medical Center, he is among a group of Columbia scientists homing in on innovative ways to treat diseases that target a patients genome, sometimes called personalized or precision medicine, which President Lee C. Bollinger has made a University-wide initiative.

And despite his 40 years as a scientist, Emerson remains an advocate of the liberal arts education that changed his life. Honestly, I use the philosophy just as much as I use the chemistry, he said.

Some people call it personalized medicine, which I think is a misnomer because in a sense weve always done personalized medicineits what a good doctor does. Whats new now is we know a lot more about the biology of diseases. And what were starting to realize is that what looked like the same disease among patients can actually be different diseases that just happen to look the same. Many of these illnesses are caused by random mutations in someones DNA within one cell, which can in turn change the function of a key protein, which makes a cell grow abnormally, as a cancer. Since the site of the mutation on the chromosome will be random, and different, for each cancer, every cancer will be fundamentally unique. One patients leukemia will not necessarily be the same as anothers, so the treatment for them should be different depending on the actual cause of the disease in their cells.

Theres a disease called chronic myelogenous leukemia, or CML, which is caused by one genetic change. Its very rare, but if you get this changeand bear in mind, its a single gene change, not twoit turns out that one medicine can control it. In fact, thats how precision medicine started, in a case where one gene was abnormal. In fact, you dont need that gene to work at all; its like the appendix of cells. You can poison this gene and from then on the patients CML cells will behave as if they were normal. The disease is still there, you didnt cure it, but the cells from then on will grow normally. Its amazing.

As you can imagine, the success with treating CML based on its single mutation led people to say, Why dont we do this for all cancers? It turns out there are very few cancers like that; usually its a combination of two or three genes gone wrong, and theyre all very different. But with DNA sequencing becoming more available, and with better computer power to analyze it, we can now perform a complete DNA sequence for any cancer, analyze it with the best computer power and brainpower available, and combine that sequencing information with what we already know about the genes involved. From there we can take a pretty educated guess as to what key gene is causing the problem, and then go to the shelf and try a medicine that might work in a clinical trial. Or put that abnormal gene into the tumor of a little mouse, try 50 different best guesses as to what medicine might work, pick the one thats most effective, and use that for the patient.

Yes. Oncology is the poster child for personalized medicine right now because you can have cancers that look the same under the microscope but are totally different in terms of what genes have been disrupted, which ones cause the cancer. So you have to use a treatment that specifically addresses that cause. But while this revolution has begun in cancer, it will spread to other parts of medicine in ways we cant foresee. Its only starting to be applied to other specialties.

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An Eclectic Path to Precision Medicine

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Pain and itch neurons grown in a dish

Posted: November 25, 2014 at 5:52 pm

Jonathan Storey/Getty Images

Sensations such as itching and pain are detected by specific proteins on a nerve cell's surface.

Nerve cells that transmit pain, itch and other sensations to the brain have been made in the lab for the first time. Researchers say that the cells will be useful for developing new painkillers and anti-itch remedies, as well as understanding why some people experience unexplained extreme pain and itching.

The short take-home message would be pain and itch in a dish, and we think thats very important, says Kristin Baldwin, a stem-cell scientist at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, whose team converted mouse and human cells called fibroblasts into neurons that detect sensations such as pain, itch or temperature1. In a second paper2, a separate team took a similar approach to making pain-sensing cells. Both efforts were published on 24 November in Nature Neuroscience.

Peripheral sensory neurons, as these cells are called, produce specialized receptor proteins that detect chemical and physical stimuli and convey them to the brain. The receptor that a cell makes determines its properties some pain-sensing cells respond to chilli oil, for example, and others respond to different pain-causing chemicals. Mutations in the genes encoding these receptors can cause some people to experience chronic pain or, in rare cases, to become impervious to pain.

To create these cells in the lab, independent teams led by Baldwin and by Clifford Woolf, a neuroscientist at Boston Childrens Hospital in Massachusetts, identified combinations of proteins that when expressed in fibroblasts transformed them into sensory neurons after several days. Baldwin's team identified neurons that make receptors that detect sensations including pain, itch, and temperature, whereas Woolfs team looked only at pain-detecting cells. Both teams generated cells that resembled neurons in shape and fired in response to capsaicin, which gives chilli peppers their kick, and mustard oil.

Both teams say that pain cells in a dish could speed the search for new painkillers, as they could be used in screening drugs for their ability to block or alter the activity of these cells. The number of people who take analgesics is very large, and theres a pretty big medical need among people who have untreatable pain during chemotherapy, says Baldwin. The anti-malarial drug chloroquine causes some people to itch especially people of African ancestry and studying itch cells made from their fibroblasts could help to explain why, she adds.

It will be important to make sure that the cells respond to stimuli similarly to bona fide sensory cells, says John Wood, a neuroscientist at University College London, and to determine how they communicate with immune cells and the rest of the nervous system, which both have roles in pain. This is important work, he says. Nociceptive [pain-sensing] neurons play a key role in almost all acute and chronic pain conditions, and a better understanding of their biologyshould produce new analgesic drug targets.

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Pain and itch neurons grown in a dish

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Current stem cell treatments for spinal cord injury

Posted: November 25, 2014 at 5:52 pm

Indian J Orthop. 2012 Jan-Feb; 46(1): 1018.

Department of University Health Network, Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Canada, ON M5T 2S8

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition associated with significant functional and sensory deficits, emotional, social, and financial burdens, and an increased risk of cardiovascular complications, deep vein thrombosis, osteoporosis, pressure ulcers, autonomic dysreflexia, and neuropathic pain.

The estimated annual global incidence of SCI is 1540 cases per million. In the USA, approximately 1.275 million individuals are affected, with over 12,000 new cases each year.15 The most common causes of traumatic SCI are road traffic accidents, falls, occupational and sports-related injuries that result in contusion and compression of the spinal cord.1 Approximately 55% of SCIs occur at the cervical level (C1 to C7-T1) with a mortality of 10% in the first year following injury and an expected lifespan of only 1015 years post-injury, and thoracic (T1T11), thoracolumbar (T11T12 to L1L2) and lumbosacral (L2S5) injuries each account for approximately 15% of SCI.14 Depending on the age of the patient, severity, and levels of SCI, the lifetime cost of health care and other injury-related expenses can reach $25 million.15

Despite advances in pre-hospital care, medical and surgical management and rehabilitation approaches, many SCI sufferers still experience substantial neurological disability. Intensive efforts are underway to develop effective neuroprotective and regenerative strategies.

SCI involves a primary (the physical injury) and a secondary injury (the subsequent cascade of molecular and cellular events which amplify the original injury).6 The primary injury damages both upper and lower motor neurons and disrupts motor, sensory and autonomic functions. Pathophysiological processes occurring in the secondary injury phase are rapidly instigated in response to the primary injury in an attempt to homeostatically control and minimize the damage. Paradoxically, this response is largely responsible for exacerbating the initial damage and creating an inhibitory milieu that prevents endogenous efforts of repair, regeneration and remyelination. These secondary processes include inflammation, ischemia, lipid peroxidation, production of free radicals, disruption of ion channels, axonal demyelination, glial scarring (astrogliosis), necrosis and programmed cell death. Nevertheless, endogenous repair and regenerative mechanisms during the secondary phase of injury minimize the extent of the lesion (through astrogliosis), reorganize blood supply through angiogenesis, clear cellular debris, and reunite and remodel damaged neural circuits. The spatial and temporal dynamics of these secondary mediators7 are fundamental to SCI pathophysiology and as such offer exploitable targets for therapeutic intervention.

A multitude of characteristics of cells tested pre-clinically and clinically make them attractive to potentially address the multifactorial nature of the pathophysiology of secondary SCI they are anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory,812 anti-gliotic,13 pro-oligodendrogliogenic,14 pro-neuronogenic,15 and secrete various anti-apoptotic and pro-angiogenic neurotrophic factors. Given the pathophysiological targets of SCI,7 transplanted cells should: 1) enable regenerating axons to cross barriers; 2) functionally replace lost cells; and/or 3) create an environment supportive of neural repair.16 However, given the multifactorial nature of SCI and its dynamic pathophysiological consequences, the success of future clinical trials of cell therapy will likely depend on the informed co-administration of multiple strategies, including pharmacological and rehabilitation therapies.7

Different sources and types of cells have been and/or are being tested in clinical trials for SCI, including embryonic stem cells (ESCs), neural progenitor cells (NPCs), bone marrow mesenchymal cells (BMSCs) and non-stem cells such as olfactory ensheathing cells and Schwann cells.17 Other cell types are being developed for the clinic, including other sources of mesenchymal cells (fetal blood,18 adipose tissue, umbilical cord1936), adult21,37 and immortalized neural progenitors (PISCES, NCT01151124), skin-derived progenitors,3847 induced pluripotent stem cells4852 and endogenous spinal cord progenitors5358 []. The advantages and disadvantages of each cell source and type being considered or already in clinical trials for SCI have been extensively described and compared elsewhere,17,5963 and reflect their potential in the clinic []. There are currently more than a dozen cell therapy clinical trials for SCI listed on Most are Phase I or I/II clinical safety and feasibility studies, indicating that cellular treatments for SCI developed in the laboratory are still in the very early stages of clinical translation.

A comparison of the different cell types and sources currently in (*) or under consideration for clinical trials for SCI

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Current stem cell treatments for spinal cord injury

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Could nails help us regrow LIMBS? Stem cells found on fingers and toes could someday give humans lizard-like abilities

Posted: November 25, 2014 at 5:50 pm

Researchers found stem cells in mouse nails that performed two roles They cause nails to grow, and focus on repair when it is lost or injured The experts tracked how stem cells in the nails of mice split and grow It is hoped the same cells could be manipulated to grow tissue in other body parts

By Ellie Zolfagharifard for MailOnline

Published: 10:23 EST, 24 November 2014 | Updated: 10:23 EST, 24 November 2014

The blue-tailed skink has the remarkable ability to lose its tail to distract predators, and then grow a new one.

And someday, thanks to cells found in our nails, humans could have similar lizard-like abilities that will help us regrow lost limbs.

Researchers in the US recently found unique stem cells in nails that perform two roles - they cause nails to grow, and they focus on nail repair when it is lost or injured.

Researchers in the US recently found unique stem cells (shown in the above animation) in nails that perform two roles; they cause nails to grow, and focus on nail repair when it is lost or injured

The researchers claim these stem cells could be manipulated to grow tissue for other body parts, helping to someday recover lost limbs or organs.

The elusive stem cells were found at the University of Southern California by attaching dyes as 'labels' on mouse nail cells.

Many of these cells repeatedly divided, diluting the dyes and labels in the process.

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Could nails help us regrow LIMBS? Stem cells found on fingers and toes could someday give humans lizard-like abilities

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Episode 7.2 Stem Cells Inc THE STEM CELL REVIEW – Video

Posted: November 25, 2014 at 5:43 pm

Episode 7.2 Stem Cells Inc THE STEM CELL REVIEW
Martin McGlynn, President and CEO of Stem Cell Inc. after the story behind Stem Cell Inc, presents his company approach using stem cells for neuroprotection....

By: Jean-Loup Romet-Lemonne

Originally posted here:
Episode 7.2 Stem Cells Inc THE STEM CELL REVIEW - Video

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UCLA Stem Cell Researchers Announce Gene Therapy Cure for 18 Bubble Baby Patients – Video

Posted: November 25, 2014 at 5:43 pm

UCLA Stem Cell Researchers Announce Gene Therapy Cure for 18 Bubble Baby Patients
Researchers at UCLA announced today that they had cured 18 children who were born with the so-called Bubble Baby disease, a genetic disorder that leaves the young sufferers without a working...

By: UCLA Eli Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research

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UCLA Stem Cell Researchers Announce Gene Therapy Cure for 18 Bubble Baby Patients - Video

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Stem Cell Research – Study Subject: Martine Millard – Video

Posted: November 25, 2014 at 5:43 pm

Stem Cell Research - Study Subject: Martine Millard
Martine Millard from Chilliwack, BC, Canada was treated via Regenetek #39;s CTP in March 2014. This video was made a few weeks ago, about 200 days after her stem...

By: Regenetek Research Inc

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Stem Cell Research - Study Subject: Martine Millard - Video

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World’s Best STEM CELL SCIENTIST talks SPIRIT (Robert Lanza) – Video

Posted: November 25, 2014 at 5:43 pm

World #39;s Best STEM CELL SCIENTIST talks SPIRIT (Robert Lanza)
(Source: Science and Nonduality) Robert Lanza seems to be the most respected scientist in the field of stem cell research, yet he has an amazingly radical view of the "Theory of Everything"....

By: Tarik #39;s ART OF SPIRIT

Excerpt from:
World's Best STEM CELL SCIENTIST talks SPIRIT (Robert Lanza) - Video

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MEDIPOST America – Video

Posted: November 25, 2014 at 5:42 pm

Antonio Lee, Ph.D., CEO Managing Director Private Company Headquarters: Maryland, U.S. MEDIPOST is a leading stem cell biotechnology company focused on dev...

By: Alliance for Regenerative Medicine

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MEDIPOST America - Video

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