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Human brainwaves light up mouse genes

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 4:50 pm

Ref. 1

Researchers tested an implant containing human stem cells that had been engineered to produce a protein called secreted alkaline phosphatase.

A system that uses brain activity to switch on genes with light could give new meaning to the phrase 'mind over matter'. The set-up, which was tested in mice, might one day allow human patients to pre-empt pain or seizures by recognizing brain activity that signals the onset of these phenomena and intervening to stop them.

The findings, reported on 11 November in Nature Communications1, are another advance in the burgeoning field of optogenetics, which uses light to control the activity of genes. But whereas many experimental systems still require an outside power source, the team led by Martin Fussenegger, a bioengineer at ETH Zurich in Switzerland, used the brain's own electricity picked up by means of electroencephalography (EEG) to provide power through a daisy-chain of signals.

Fussenegger and his colleagues first created a small, implantable cartridge containing human stem cells that had been engineered to produce a protein, called secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP), when the cells were exposed to a beam of near-infrared light. The researchers then put this cartridge under the skin of a mouse, along with a near-infrared light-emitting diode (LED).

Next, the team programmed a computer to receive and recognize brain-activity patterns from volunteers wearing an EEG headset. When the computer recognized a particular predetermined pattern, such as that caused by meditation, it switched on an electrical-field generator. The electrical current passed into the mouse, which was sitting on the generator, and powered up its implanted LED. The light caused the implanted cells to begin producing SEAP, which passed through the cartridge and into the mouses bloodstream.

Fussenegger says that human trials of this system are a very long way off. For instance, the researchers would first need to show that the stem cells do not harm the brain and find a way to control the amount of protein that the cells produce in response to the light. But he has thought of numerous possible applications for a device that can respond so rapidly to brain signals. For instance, the device could be programmed to respond to the EEG patterns that predict a seizure and prevent it by delivering a drug to the brain.

This is super innovative and very exciting, says neuroscientist Michael Bruchas of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. You can go from biology to electronics back to biology; I think thats powerful. He agrees that human trials are far off, but suggests that the device could also be implanted in many areas of the body, such as the gut, and be controlled by EEG patterns.

Others question how useful the system is, given the limitations of current technology and scientific knowledge. Medical ethicist Joseph Fins at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City calls the experiment a beautiful marriage of optogenetics and the conception of a braincomputer interface. But he says that there is so much work left to be done, mapping the circuits of the brain and developing computer programs to interpret EEG signals, that talking about potential therapies is premature.

Still, Fins says, a device that can recognize and respond to certain brain signatures would be useful for patients with locked-in syndrome who rely on others for their care. EEG patterns that indicate pain, for instance, could be linked to the delivery of a painkiller. If they had some measure of control, it would be a wonderful thing, he says.

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Human brainwaves light up mouse genes

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Researchers devise a means for growing near 2-D chemical gardens (w/ Video)

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 4:50 pm

6 hours ago by Bob Yirka Spiral precipitation pattern in a quasi-2D chemical garden. Credit: Florence Haudin.

( A team of researchers working at Universit libre de Bruxelles in Brussels has devised a means for studying the growth of near 2D chemical gardens in a lab. In their paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers discuss the difficulty in studying 3D chemical gardens and the advantages of using their method to learn more about the processes involved in their growth.

A chemical garden is a term used to describe the result of growth of plant-looking mineral formations that occur naturally in a variety of settings, chimneys at hydrothermal vents, for example. Scientists have used such formations as a model to create useful products, such as microfluidic devices, fuel cells and catalysts. But because of the complexity of the factors involved in their development (reactiondiffusion processes, buoyancy, osmosis, etc.) little has been learned about what really goes on as the growth occurs. In this new effort, the researchers sought to simplify the process a little bit by constraining the growth to a near 2D space, thus eliminating some of the factors and allowing for closer examination of the growth as it occurs.

The researchers trapped a very thin layer of waterglass (a sodium or potassium silicate solution) between two acrylic plates and then injected cobalt chloride into it, causing a crystalline growth to commence in near 2D. Filming the growth allowed the team to watch as many different shapes (flowers, spirals, terraces, filaments, worms, hairs, lobes, etc.) emerged depending on the concentration of the reagents and how fast the cobalt chloride was injected. They noted that when one of the reagents had a higher concentration, the result was a flower-like growth. If both were highly concentrated, on the other hand, the results tended to look more like long thin filaments.

Confining the garden growth, the researchers note, to near 2D, reduces the spatial freedom and how much influence buoyancy can exert as growth occurs and allows for the use of research tools that are restricted to two-dimensional geometry.

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Besides creating impressive looking forms of natural art, the researchers suggest their technique could be used by other researchers looking to better understand chemical garden growth in real-world applications such as self-assembling nanostructures.

Explore further: Sugar mimics guide stem cells toward neural fate

More information: Spiral precipitation patterns in confined chemical gardens, PNAS, Florence Haudin, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1409552111

Abstract Chemical gardens are mineral aggregates that grow in three dimensions with plant-like forms and share properties with self-assembled structures like nanoscale tubes, brinicles, or chimneys at hydrothermal vents. The analysis of their shapes remains a challenge, as their growth is influenced by osmosis, buoyancy, and reactiondiffusion processes. Here we show that chemical gardens grown by injection of one reactant into the other in confined conditions feature a wealth of new patterns including spirals, flowers, and filaments. The confinement decreases the influence of buoyancy, reduces the spatial degrees of freedom, and allows analysis of the patterns by tools classically used to analyze 2D patterns. Injection moreover allows the study in controlled conditions of the effects of variable concentrations on the selected morphology. We illustrate these innovative aspects by characterizing quantitatively, with a simple geometrical model, a new class of self-similar logarithmic spirals observed in a large zone of the parameter space.

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Researchers devise a means for growing near 2-D chemical gardens (w/ Video)

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Head, National Institutes of Health Stem Cell Technology …

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 4:49 pm

Department of Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

Head, National Institutes of Health Stem Cell Technology Facility

The NIH invites applications from outstanding candidates to establish and direct a Stem Cell Technology Facility (SCTF) located within the intramural program of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. The new Facility is part of a new phase of the NIH Center for Regenerative Medicine, an NIH Common Fund program ( ). The successful candidate will hold a doctoral degree in a relevant field and be a recognized expert and accomplished leader in the field of stem cell biology. S/he must have a strong track record in generating and working with induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), embryonic stem cells, and/or adult stem cells, investigating their biology, differentiation to distinct cell types, screening using small molecules or other modalities, and potential iPSC therapeutic applications.

The Head will direct the scientific operation of the new Facility, comprised of 6 biological scientists with further informatics, automation, compound management, and project management support. The mission of the Facility is to address the top methodological or technical hurdles that currently impede therapeutic use of induced pluripotent stem cells and to rapidly deliver the resulting protocols, standards, data, and tool molecules to the public. The Head will be expected to create a world-class collaborative research group that will catalyze new approaches and uses of iPSCs and differentiated cells derived from them, transforming anecdotal reports into replicable, robust protocols, and creating tools and data that facilitate stem cell research and regenerative medicine. High-priority technology research areas for the Facility include, but are not limited to, derivation of a detailed set of QC standards to assess the differentiation state at specific stages leading to mature differentiated cell types of desired lineages, development of methods to assess heterogeneity of cultures and the functional role of this heterogeneity during directed differentiation, development of methods to produce mature differentiated cells with high efficiency, with the likely requirement for development of 3-dimensional culture conditions, and further advancement of modern gene-editing technologies in the context of iPSCs. The Facility will collaborate with researchers to validate the methods developed within for suitability in regenerative medicine applications. The ideal candidate will be highly innovative, interactive, and collaborative, and will serve as a spokesperson for the Facility at national and international forums.

Salary will be commensurate with experience. A full package of benefits, including retirement, health, life, long-term care insurance, and a Thrift Savings Plan, is available.

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Head, National Institutes of Health Stem Cell Technology ...

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Stem Cell | LA QUINN MD

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 4:49 pm

Stem cells are used to treat disease or injury. These cells take on the characteristics of tissue they are introduced to, and therefore begin to repair the tissue by replacing damaged cells. Recent breakthroughs include repair to skin, muscle and cartilage, with nerve tissue next.

Up until recently the media has largely focused on the more controversial embryonic stem cells. These are stem cells derived from embryos. The potential uses of these cells to cure and treat diseases remain vast, but the controversial source of the cells poses ethical questions that have delayed medical progress.

During the past decade, researchers have discovered that stem cells can also be extracted from your own fat tissue. These adipose-derived adult stem cells have the same potential as embryonic stem cells, except for the ability to differentiate into sperm or ova. Unlike embryonic stem cells, stem cells extracted from your own fat are abundant, easily available, and pose no ethical or political controversy.


The FDA does not allow doctors to promote the use of stem cell therapies to treat diseases unless you are part of a clinical trial. In this capacity they are considered to be drug therapy and subject to very strict regulation. Therefore, many patients currently travel outside of the U.S. to get these therapies.

On the other hand, the use of your own (autologous) stem cells to restore a more youthful appearance is available now. These therapies do not fall under the FDAs drug therapy guidelines, because they do not involve drugs, merely your own fat being re-injected in the same operative session as the liposuction procedure to remove the fat. Also, the stem cells have been only minimally manipulated, and their use to enhance fat transfer does not alter the original biologic mission of the stem cell.

However, if your autologous stem cells are re-injected in a separate or second operative session, it is unclear whether the FDA considers that application to be a drug therapy, even though it is used for the same cosmetic purpose.


Surgeons have been extracting fat cells since the early 1990s for the purpose of re-injecting them into other tissue for over a decade. The process has not always worked perfectly, however, and surgeons have learned that successful fat grafting is highly dependent on the techniques used. As it turns out, some methods for extracting, processing, and re-injection fat cells results in high concentrations of adult stem cells in the fat. This has produced not only long lasting results, but also repairs in injured tissues

To perform stem cell enhanced fat grafting, fat is first extracted by liposuction. The fat is then processed to isolated, concentrate and activate the stem cells. Techniques include centrifugation and chemically processing the extracted fat. Long lasting results are only achieved with proper fat processing techniques. The fat must also be re-injected in very small quantities and distributed through all tissue layers to facilitate reestablishment of blood flow to the fat grafts.

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Stem Cell | LA QUINN MD

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Multiple models reveal new genetic links in autism

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 4:47 pm



Contact: Scott LaFee 619-543-6163 University of California - San Diego @UCSanDiego

With the help of mouse models, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and the "tooth fairy," researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have implicated a new gene in idiopathic or non-syndromic autism. The gene is associated with Rett syndrome, a syndromic form of autism, suggesting that different types of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may share similar molecular pathways.

The findings are published in the Nov. 11, 2014 online issue of Molecular Psychiatry.

"I see this research as an example of what can be done for cases of non-syndromic autism, which lack a definitive group of identifying symptoms or characteristics," said principal investigator Alysson Muotri, PhD, associate professor in the UC San Diego departments of Pediatrics and Cellular and Molecular Medicine. "One can take advantage of genomics to map all mutant genes in the patient and then use their own iPSCs to measure the impact of these mutations in relevant cell types. Moreover, the study of brain cells derived from these iPSCs can reveal potential therapeutic drugs tailored to the individual. It is the rise of personalized medicine for mental/neurological disorders."

But to effectively exploit iPSCs as a diagnostic tool, Muotri said researchers "need to compare neurons derived from hundreds or thousands of other autistic individuals." Enter the "Tooth Fairy Project," in which parents are encouraged TO register for a "Fairy Tooth Kit," which involves sending researchers like Muotri a discarded baby tooth from their autistic child. Scientists extract dental pulp cells from the tooth and differentiate them into iPSC-derived neurons for study.

"There is an interesting story behind every single tooth that arrives in the lab," said Muotri.

The latest findings, in fact, are the result of Muotri's first tooth fairy donor. He and colleagues identified a de novo or new disruption in one of the two copies of the TRPC6 gene in iPSC-derived neurons of a non-syndromic autistic child. They confirmed with mouse models that mutations in TRPC6 resulted in altered neuronal development, morphology and function. They also noted that the damaging effects of reduced TRPC6 could be rectified with a treatment of hyperforin, a TRPC6-specific agonist that acts by stimulating the functional TRPC6 in neurons, suggesting a potential drug therapy for some ASD patients.

The researchers also found that MeCP2 levels affect TRPC6 expression. Mutations in the gene MeCP2, which encodes for a protein vital to the normal function of nerve cells, cause Rett syndrome, revealing common pathways among ASD.

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Multiple models reveal new genetic links in autism

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Global Stem Cells Group Announces Plans to Hold Four International Symposiums on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine …

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 4:42 pm

MIAMI (PRWEB) November 11, 2014

GlobalStemCellsGroup, Inc. has announced plans to host a minimum of four international symposiums on stem cell research in 2015. The symposiums will be held in three Latin American countriesChile, Mexico and Colombiain which Global Stem Cells has established state-of-the-art stem cell clinics staffed with expert medical personnel trained in regenerative medicine, through the Regenestem Network.

The fourth symposium will be held in Miami.

The decision follows the success of the Global Stem Cells Groups first International Symposium on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, held Oct. 2, 3 and 4 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Global Stem Cells Group CEO Benito Novas says the Buenos Aires event, combined with its steady growth of new clinics throughout Latin America, has provided additional motivation to schedule more stem cell symposiums in an effort to further educate the medical community on the latest advancements in stem cell therapies.

Thanks to Global Stem Cells Groups growing network of world-class stem cell researchers, treatment practitioners and investors committed to advancing stem cell medicine, the company is rapidly moving closer to its goal of helping physicians to bring treatments into their offices for the benefit of patients.

More than 900 physicians, researchers and regenerative medicine experts from around the world attended the Buenos Aires symposium, and Novas expects that number to grow with upcoming conferences.

We will continue to bring together a variety of committed stem cell advocates from the U.S., Mexico, Greece, Hong Kong and other regions around the globe, to be joined by a team of knowledgeable speakers, each one presenting the future of regenerative medicine in their field of specialty, Novas says.

Regenerative medicine as a field is still in its infancy, according to Global Stem Cell Group President and CEO Benito Novas.

Our objective is to [open a dialogue among the worlds medical and scientific communities in order to advance stem cell technologies and translate them into point of care medicine to the best of out abilities, Novas says. Our mission is to bring the benefits of stem cell therapies to the physicians office safely, efficacy and compliance with the highest standards of care with safety, efficacy and complying with the highest standard of care the world has to offer.

The purpose of each symposium is to bring top stem cell scientists together to share their knowledge and expertise in regenerative medicine, and begin the process of separating myths from facts when it comes to stem cell science and technology.

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Global Stem Cells Group Announces Plans to Hold Four International Symposiums on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine ...

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Engineering Microenvironments for Stem Cells – Panel Discussion – Video

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 12:41 pm

Engineering Microenvironments for Stem Cells - Panel Discussion
This panel will discuss the use of tissue engineering techniques for controlling the stem cell microenvironment with the ultimate goals of improving stem cel...

By: Alliance for Regenerative Medicine

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Engineering Microenvironments for Stem Cells - Panel Discussion - Video

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DoJiggy Giving Contest – Help us win $1,000 for mesothelioma research – Video

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 12:41 pm

DoJiggy Giving Contest - Help us win $1,000 for mesothelioma research
The Pacific Meso Center is researching harnessing the potential of mesenchymal stem cells for cancer therapy. Mesenchymal stem cells can serve as a vehicle for delivering a wide range of molecular...

By: Pacific Heart, Lung Blood Institute

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DoJiggy Giving Contest - Help us win $1,000 for mesothelioma research - Video

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Nadal to Receive Stem Cell Treatment for Back Pain – ABC News

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 11:49 am

Rafael Nadal's doctor says the 14-time Grand Slam winner will receive stem cell treatment on his ailing back.

Angel Ruiz-Cotorro told The Associated Press by phone on Monday that "we are going to put cells in a joint in his spine" next week in Barcelona.

The Spanish tennis star was already sidelined for the rest of the season after having his appendix removed last week.

Ruiz-Cotorro, who has worked as a doctor for Nadal for the past 14 years, said Nadal's back pain is "typical of tennis" players and that the treatment is meant to help repair his cartilage and is similar to stem cell treatment Nadal received on his knee last year.

He said Nadal is expected to return to training in early December.

Several NFL players and baseball players have received stem cell treatment. Nadal's fellow Spaniard Pau Gasol, center of the Chicago Bulls, received stem cell treatment on his knee in 2013.

Nadal experienced severe back pain during the final of the Australian Open in January when he lost to Stanislas Wawrinka.

"(Nadal) has a problem typical in tennis with a back joint, he had it at the Australian Open, and we have decided to treat it with stem cells," Ruiz-Cotorro said.

He said that stem cells were recently extracted from Nadal for a cultivation process to "produce the necessary quantities."

"When we have them we will put them in the point of pain," he said, with the goal of "regenerating cartilage, in the midterm, and producing an anti-inflammatory effect."

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Nadal to Receive Stem Cell Treatment for Back Pain - ABC News

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Carlsbad Biotech Gets FDA Clearance For Stem Cell Line

Posted: November 11, 2014 at 11:49 am

International Stem Cell Corp., a Carlsbad-based biotech company developing stem cell therapies and biomedical products, announced that the U. S. Food and Drug Administration has cleared the companys human parthenogenetic stem cells line for investigational clinical use.

Human embryonic stem cells typically come from fertilized eggs. In 2007, however, scientists at International Stem Cell Corp. (ISCO) reported the first successful creation of human stem cell lines from unfertilized eggs, according to Scientific American.

They used a process called parthenogenesis, in which researchers use chemicals to induce the egg to begin developing as if it had been fertilized. The egg called a parthenote behaves just like an embryo in the early stages of division. Because it contains no genetic material from a father, however, it cannot develop into a viable fetus. Just like embryonic stem cells, parthenogenetic stem cells can be coaxed to grow into different kinds of human cells or tissue, ready to be transplanted into diseased areas of the body.

"Many stem cell lines can never be used to develop commercial therapeutic products because they don't meet the FDA's ethical and quality standards, said Ruslan Semechkin, ISCOs chief scientific officer. With this clearance from the FDA, based on the safety of our cells and quality of our manufacturing processes, the company has removed any uncertainty in the potential clinical use of human parthenogenetic stem cells.

"Not only does this increase the chance that our regulatory submission for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, which we will be submitting before the end of the year, will be approved, but it also means that our human parthenogenetic stem cells can serve as the basis for investigational clinical studies for other indications, for example stroke or traumatic brain injury."

To be approved by the FDA for use in human trials and commercial therapeutic products, stem cells must be grown under what's known as good manufacturing practice (GMP) conditions. GMP standards require that each batch of cells is grown in identical, repeatable conditions, ensuring that they have the same properties, and each person receiving a stem cell therapy would be getting an equivalent treatment. According to ISCO, achieving this level of consistency is difficult and requires knowing the exact identity and quantity of every component of the media that the cells grow in and characterizing cell batches extremely precisely, as well as rigorous quality control and assurance.

ISCO (OTCQB: ISCO) will use its own GMP facilities in Oceanside to produce the cells in preparation for the first clinical trial.

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Carlsbad Biotech Gets FDA Clearance For Stem Cell Line

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