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New Stem Cell Skin Care

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:56 pm

Do you suffer from premature aging, fine lines, wrinkles, crow feet or skin allergies? Or are you plagued by acne and have tried all kinds of facial creams to no avail.

The No. 1 principle in keeping your skin healthy and young is to do no harm to your skin. Smoking and over exposure to the sun are 2 major culprits in causing premature aging. Do you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body and therefore very susceptible to absorbing toxins into our body which ultimately affects how we look? If you dont observe this principle, the best anti aging serum in the world will not produce the optimal result you desire.

There is a bewildering array of skin care products to choose from: Organic skin care products, herbal skin care products, bio skin care products to sheep stem cell skincare, etc. There is an equally bewildering array of skin care brands to choose from: Elizabeth Arden, SK-II, Kiehls, Origins, Philosophy, etc. Which one is suitable for you? Or does it really work? Or what worked for you 5 years ago, may not work for you today. What worked for you as a teenager may not work for you as a middle aged adult. What worked for you when you lived in a tropical country like Singapore or Malaysia may not work for you when you relocate to a city like Beijing or Chicago with its harsh winter climate.

The best skin care product is the one that works for you in all climates whether you live in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, China, Australia or the US. It should also work for you regardless of your age or your race.If you are looking for an anti aging serum to rejuvenate your skin, or a facial cream to repair your damaged skin, you should consider the Jeunesse Luminesce skin care products manufactured by Jeunesse Global.

Jeunesse is a French word for youth. Jeunesse Luminesce skin care range of products is entirely based on stem cell technology. Stem cell technology is the latest in cutting edge technology in health science. The scientist behind the Jeunesse Luminesce skincare range is Dr. Nathan Newman, a world-renowned cosmetic surgeon who also pioneered Stem Cell Lift cutting edge cosmetic surgery, without cutting. Dr. Nathan Newman is able to tap his pioneering work experience in the Stem Cell Lift procedure and produce a unique stem cell technology based skincare which enables thousands and thousands of women and men(yes, men) to experience skin rejuvenation without resorting to expensive botox injections. Anti-aging has never been less expensive. The philosophy behind Jeunesse Luminesce skin care products is simple: it must work, it must be safe and it must be based on proven cutting edge health science(stem cell technology).

The potential of stem cell technology is immense. It holds the promise that one day it will change the world, but today, it will change your skins.

Unfortunately a lot of the skin care products out in the market are based on voodoo science. Some products work quite fast but are extremely toxic to the body causing long term damage to your vital organs. If you are using any skin care products which contain harmful chemicals, please stop immediately. It is recommended that you go on a detoxification program to remove the toxins from your body. Start using Jeunesse Luminesce Cellular Rejuvenation Serum and see the difference yourself.

When you update your Facebook photo, dont be surprised if your friends ask you if you had a facelift.

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New Stem Cell Skin Care

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Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs] – Stem Cell Therapy New …

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:56 pm

Are there any ethical issues with Adult Stem Cells?

No, adult stem cells are not embryos. They dont have the potential to develop into a new human being. They reside in the bone marrow and fat and they exist in large quantities. Learn More

Consult with your physician if you have any type of joint pain or if you suffer from any degenerative disease. Stem Cell Therapy enables the patients body to use its own stem cells to heal and repair. Learn More

It is a very safe procedure. After a complete medical evaluation, our specialists will determine if you are a candidate for this treatment. Some patients may experience pain and soreness during the post-operative period. Because autologous blood and fat is used, there are minimal chances of allergic reactions. Learn More

Healing, repair and regeneration of injured or damaged tissue. It can regenerate tissues that are injured in meniscal tears, ligament tears, rotator cuff tear, tennis elbow and in degenerative diseases like arthritis and osteoarthritis. It decreases pain at the level of the injury and improves performance. The procedure is done in an office setting, under local anesthesia. This eliminates the risks associated with surgery or anesthesia. Learn More

Both types, adipose and bone marrow stem cells belong to a type of adult stem cell known as Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Adipose stem cells are collected via a mini liposuction procedure and bone marrow cells are aspirated from the hipbone. Bone marrow stem cells have a superior ability to repair and differentiate into ligaments, cartilage and bone. On the other hand, adipose stem cells have far regenerative properties to make new blood vessels, a process that is essential for oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tissues. Learn More

At AALMA we know that the success of any treatment relies on having a reliable delivery system. We use a very simple injection in and out method to deliver the stem cells and our injections are all done under fluoroscopy (x-ray) to visualize the site of injury and provide an accurate and effective treatment. Learn More

PRP is blood plasma that has a high autologous concentration of a group of cells called platelets. This cells release growth factors and other proteins that promote wound healing in bone and soft tissue. When we inject PRP, the high concentration of platelets, delivers powerful doses of growth factors that accelerate and enhance tissue repair and healing. These growth factors also attract Stem Cells to the site of injury. When injecting PRP, more than one injection is recommended to maximize results. Learn More

PRP is obtained with a simple and safe blood draw. Special collection tubes are used and about 16 cc of blood is obtained. The blood is centrifuged with special equipment until PRP is obtained. After this process the PRP is ready for injection or to be mixed with fat for aesthetic enhancement. Learn More

We encourage patients to undergo a simple detox before the treatment to prepare the body to be better conditioned to receive the stem cells. Patients should cease cigarette smoking and alcohol at least one week before the treatment. We recommend our IV Vitamin Therapy, which not only cleanses our system from toxins, but also at the same time, infuses vitamins and minerals in our bloodstream. These vitamins are required by some cells to carry out important functions. Having a good balance of these vitamins in our cells will enhance the effect of the treatment. Learn More

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An update review of stem cell applications in burns and …

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:55 pm

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Missouri Constitutional Amendment 2 (2006) – Wikipedia …

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:55 pm

Missouri Constitutional Amendment 2 (The Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative) is a state constitutional amendment initiative that concerns stem cell research and human cloning in Missouri. It would allow any stem cell research and therapy in Missouri that is legal under federal law, including somatic cell nuclear transfer to produce human embryos for stem cell production; it prohibits cloning or attempting to clone a human being, which is defined to mean "to implant in a uterus or attempt to implant in a uterus anything other than the product of fertilization of an egg of a human female by a sperm of a human male for the purpose of initiating a pregnancy that could result in the creation of a human fetus, or the birth of a human being."[1] It appeared on the ballot for the November 2006 general election and passed with 51% of the votes. This issue became especially intertwined with the Senate election with the Republican and Democratic candidates on opposite sides of the issue.

The organization that led the movement to get the initiative on the ballot and later supported its adoption is called The Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures. The measure was proposed to stop repeated attempts by the Missouri Legislature to ban certain types of stem cell research, namely SCNT. During the 2006 election, Claire McCaskill, the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate, supported the measure. McCaskill unseated Senator Jim Talent, who opposed the measure, the same night that the amendment passed.

During the 2006 World Series, which was partially held in St. Louis, a television ad featuring actor Michael J. Fox aired. While Fox was by name supporting McCaskill, and the ad was paid for by McCaskill's campaign, the primary reason Fox gave for his support was that McCaskill supported stem cell research. The advertisement was controversial because Fox was visibly suffering tremors, the most visible symptom of the side effects of the medications used to treat Parkinson's Syndrome. Rush Limbaugh, a conservative radio host, criticized Fox for allowing himself to have been used by special interests supporting the measure. Limbaugh criticized the uncontrollable movements that Fox made in the commercial, and claimed that it was Fox had either deliberately stopped taking his medication or was feigning his tremors.

The coalition organization that led the opposition to the initiative was called Missourians Against Human Cloning. It was supported by Life Communications Fund that created a series of "vote no" ads for television, radio and print after conducting research to determine high targeted messaging. Earlier in the campaign the Vitae Foundation,known for their non-confrontational,research based pro-life media, ran a series of educational ads to cause a greater understanding of the differences between adult and embryonic stem cell research. The very effective research based ads brought about a 40% shift to their favor. That shift helped pave the way for the coalition organizations to move the Missouri electorate to voting against the embryonic stem cell measure. Jim Talent, an incumbent Republican US Senator facing re-election, was one of several candidates opposed to Amendment 2.

Those opposed to the Amendment also include many who disagreed with wording in the amendment. They argued that the measure does not actually ban human cloning, but merely the attempt to implant cloned embryos into a human uterus. This has caused some people who are opposed to human cloning to be opposed to the Amendment. Some believe that the Amendment actually redefines human cloning from the commonly accepted scientific definition. Some opponents also believe that the Amendment includes vague language that could be interpreted by courts to make government funding of embryonic stem cell research a constitutional right (particularly the language in major sections 5 and 7 of the full-text of the Amendment link listed in "External Links"). Other opponents felt that this type of legislation is best handled through the legislative process carried out by the elected officials rather than by amending the state Constitution. Finally, stem cell research was legal in Missouri prior to the passing of the amendment.

In rebuttal to the Michael J. Fox advertisement (which never directly mentioned Amendment 2), a Life Communications television ad with several celebrities appeared in opposition to the measure. At least three of the celebrities opposed the measure for religious reasons: Kurt Warner, former St. Louis Rams quarterback; Kansas City Royals baseball player Mike Sweeney, and James Caviezel, who played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ speaking apparently Aramaic in the spot. Patricia Heaton from Everybody Loves Raymond appeared on grounds that low-income women would be exploited for their eggs. Jeff Suppan, a pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals also appeared in opposition to the amendment.[2]

As election day drew near, public support seemed to be shifting away from Amendment 2. Polls had shown support as high as 68% in favor of the Amendment in December 2005.[3] As of October 29, 2006. Support had fallen to just 51% with 35% opposed.[4] Life Communications Fund was responsible for nearly all of broadcast media opposing Amendment 2. Post election polling by John McLaughlin and Associates, showed that a majority of those who voted "No" got their information from television.

On November 7, 2006, Amendment 2 passed with a margin of 2.4% (50,800 votes). The final tally of votes ended in 51.2% for yes and 48.8% for no.[5] The measure failed in 97 of the 114 counties in the state but picked up enough votes in St. Louis, Kansas City, and Columbia (and their surrounding counties) to pass statewide. Due to the very close vote that made it virtually impossible to recruit researchers to come to Missoui, Stowers Institute for Medical Research canceled plans for a major expansion in Kansas City [which was the motivation for the ballot initiative on their part], calling the political climate in Missouri too hostile for investment.[6]

The very expensive effort broke every record on political spending for statewide races in Missouri.[7]

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NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry – Research Using …

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:54 pm

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ST-elevation MI treatment with Stem Cell Therapy | Stem …

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:54 pm

ST-elevation is a measurement on an electrocardiogram, in which the trace in the ST segment is very high above the isoelectric line. An electrocardiogram, or electrocardiograph, is an evaluation of the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time. It is captured and recorded by external skin electrodes.

The ST segment is related to a period of ventrical systolic depolarization, which means the cardiac muscle is contracted. Relaxation then subsequently occurs during diastolic repolarization. Normally the ST segment displays a particular order of muscular layers that repolarize at set times.

However, if the cardiac muscle becomes damaged or inflamed, its electrical properties transform. This can lead to premature repolarization, or the systole ending earlier than usual.

ST elevation can be present in several conditions including acute pericarditis, which is an acute inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart, left ventricular aneurysm, which is a complication that can occur after a heart attack and myocardial infarction (MI), another word for heart attack.

Undifferentiated adult stem cells can transform into the cells of countless organs and tissues within the human body. Used in many therapies, they restore impaired fibers and renew failing cells through cell division, a process in which they multiply indefinitely. Stem cell science has seen vast improvements in recent years and many new developments and discoveries have been made.

Angeles Health developed the Adult Autologous Stem Cell (A-ASC) Therapy program to manage a variety of diseases, including ST-elevation. ST-elevation is treated using autologous adult stem cells, which come from the patient themselves. This means there is very little possibility of a patients body rejecting the stem cells.

Angeles hospital uses stem cells that come from the patients bone marrow and adipose tissue, or fat. As adipose tissue extraction is more effective than bone marrow extraction, because the tissue can yield up to ten times more stem cells, it is much more commonly used. Bone marrow extraction is also a more difficult procedure to carry out.

The innovative therapeutic endovascular placement of adipose-derived adult autologous stem cells in the Stem Cell Therapy treatment program at Hospital Angeles means organs or tissues can be targeted directly.

The specialized catheterization procedure is not invasive but easy on the patient. Stem cells can be delivered throughout the body, there is no need for an anesthetic and it is completed in less than an hour.

Angeles Health International is a Center of Excellence and offers patients with SI-elevation the most innovative therapies of the highest quality and confidence. Collaborative medical practitioners work to promote and define best practices. They measure results, learn together and establish treatment protocols. The Center of Excellence works with groups of licensed medical professionals who adhere to formally appointed bodies of expertise. This upholds the highest standards of treatment and investigative research.

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Stem-Cell – Pathlights

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:53 pm


The Truth about Stem Cell Research


There is a controversy in America today over "stem cell research." The purpose of this report is to provide you with the real facts about the matter.

It is being said that if federal funds were allocated to embryonic stem cell research, most wonderful medical cures would result,cures which could not be obtained by any other means.

Here is a brief summary of the situation:

The spending of private funds on embryonic stem cell research is not prohibited in America. Private and corporate money can be spent on the research, if this was desired. The quarrel is over the fact that the federal government will not provide the research funds.

To date, in spite of extensive private research, embryonic stem cells have not been found capable of healing anything! That is why little private research money is currently being allocated to embryonic stem cell research. It never produces any useable results.

The problem is that embryonic stem cells tend to go wild and do not multiply into the kind of cells that researchers want them to.

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Stem-Cell - Pathlights

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Lund Stem Cell Center | Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds …

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:53 pm

Lund center for Stem Cell Biology and Cell Therapy is one of six Swedish strategic centers of excellence in life sciences, supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research. Established in January 2003, the center focuses on stem cell and developmental biology of the central nervous and blood systems, and development of stem cell and cell replacement therapies in these organ systems as well as research in non-mammalian model systems.

A post-doctoral research position is available in the Glioma Cell Therapy Group lead by Johan Bengzon. The aim of our program is to develop a clinical therapy of invasive brain tumors using tumor-tropic cellular vectors for the delivery of immunostimulatory and tumoricidal substances. Using models of glioblastoma, the most common and aggressive form of primary brain tumour, we currently explore the potential of migratory cellular vector systems that effectively home to tumour microsatellites and eliminate these by delivering antitumor agents. The project is also designed to identify novel target for the development of improved pharmacological treatment of GBM.

Lund Stem Cell Center presents: International Young Investigator Symposium 2014 - Technologies in Stem Cell Research! The Lund Stem Cell Center is pleased to announce the first annual International Young Investigator Symposium consisting of three first authors of key publications in the past year. While senior authors often get the chance to promote high impact work we feel that the scientists behind the actual experiments deserve more exposure. Our theme for 2014 isTechnologies in Stem Cell Researchand our vision is to stimulate scientific exchange and facilitate future collaborations.

Congratulations to our new Ragnar Sderberg Fellows 2014Cristian Bellodi and Gran Karlsson! Cristian and Gran received 8 million SEK funding each for their work on post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that modulate stem cell function and the molecular mechanisms discriminating normal and malignant stem cells, respectively.

A previously unknown mechanism through which the brain produces new nerve cells after a stroke has been discovered at Stem Cell Center and Karolinska Institutet. The findings have been published in the journal SCIENCE.

Ulrich Pfisterer presented his dissertation Direct Conversion of Human Fibroblasts to Induced Neuronsin biomedicine focusing Neurobiology. Main supervisor: Associate Professor Malin Parmar. Opponent: PhD Marius Wernig, Stanford. Chairman of the defense: Professor Cecilia Lundberg

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Mesenchymal Stem Cells | National Stem Cell Foundation

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:53 pm

Mesenchymal (stromal) stem cells give rise to a variety of cell types, including bone cells (osteocytes), cartilage cells (chondrocytes), fat cells (adipocytes), pancreatic islet cells and connective tissue cells such as those found in tendons.

Mesenchymal stem cells can be found in umbilical cord blood, fat, muscleand the pulp of baby teeth. They are referred to as multipotent cells because they can develop into multiple tissues, but they do not have the capacity to reconstitute an entire organ.

An extremely rich source of mesenchymal stem cells is the developing tooth bud of the mandibular (lower) third molar, or wisdom tooth. While considered multipotent, these stem cells may prove to be pluripotent, capable of generating all tissue types. The stem cells found in developing third molars eventually form enamel, dentin, blood vessels, dental pulp, nervous tissue and a minimum of 29 different unique tissues and organs. Because of extreme ease in collection at 810 years of age, they will probably constitute a major source for personal banking, research and multiple therapies.

Adipose (fat) tissue is one of the richest sources of mesenchymal stem cells. There are 500 times more mesenchymal stem cells in 1 gram of fat than there are in 1 gram of bone marrow.

Mesenchymal stem cells are of intense therapeutic interest because they represent a population of cells with the potential to treat a wide range of acute and degenerative diseases.

Because they give rise to so many tissue types, mesenchymal stem cells add significantly to the field of regenerative repair. In addition to assisting the function of bone marrow and adipose (fat) derived stem cells, recent advances include the use of mesenchymal stem cells to:

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Mesenchymal Stem Cells | National Stem Cell Foundation

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Stem Cell Transplant | Health |

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:51 pm

What is a stem cell transplant?

A stem cell transplant may be used so that you can have intensive high-dose chemotherapy (and sometimes radiotherapy) to kill cancerous cells. The chemotherapy is higher than conventional chemotherapy and also kills the stem cells in the bone marrow that would normally make blood cells. Therefore, following the chemotherapy, you are given back (transplanted) stem cells which can then make normal blood cells again.

A stem cell transplant is sometimes called a bone marrow transplant. However, stem cells can be obtained from blood as well as from the bone marrow. So, the term stem cell transplant is now used.

Blood cells are made in the bone marrow, by stem cells. Bone marrow is the soft sponge-like material in the centre of bones. Large flat bones such as the breastbone (sternum) and pelvis contain the most bone marrow. To make blood cells constantly you need a healthy bone marrow. You also need nutrients from your diet, including iron and some vitamins.

Stem cells are immature (primitive) cells. There are two main types in the bone marrow - myeloid and lymphoid stem cells. These derive from even more primitive cells called common pluripotent stem cells. Stem cells constantly divide and produce new cells. Some new cells remain as stem cells and others go through a series of maturing stages (precursor or blast cells) before forming into fully formed (mature) blood cells.

Mature blood cells are released from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. Mature blood cells are:

Stem cells rapidly multiply to make millions of blood cells each day. Because of this they are more easily killed by chemotherapy than most other cells in the body. This is because chemotherapy medicines work by killing rapidly dividing cells (such as cancer cells).

A stem cell transplant is an option which is considered for various cancer conditions. For example, for types of leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Your specialist will advise when it may be an appropriate option. As a rule, it is not often a first-line treatment. Conventional chemotherapy or other treatments tend to be used first. However, the treatment of cancer and leukaemia is a changing and developing area of medicine. Techniques such as stem cell transplant continue to be refined and improved and may be considered in various different circumstances.

The higher doses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy that can be used in conjunction with a stem cell transplant can improve the chance of a cure for some conditions in certain circumstances.

There is now a great deal of research about using stem cell transplants for many other conditions. For example:

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Stem Cell Transplant | Health |

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