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Cancer Stem Cells FAQ | Clinical Trials and Research …

Posted: August 22, 2014 at 5:58 am

Every organ and tissue in the body contains a small number of what scientists call adult stem cells or progenitor cells. These cells have three characteristics in common:

1). Adult stem cells can renew themselves through cell division for long periods of time.

2). Adult stem cells retain the ability to give rise to several (but not all) types of cells in the body.

3). Different types of adult stem cells give rise to different specialized cells. Pancreatic stem cells, for example, are the ancestors of insulin-producing islet cells in the pancreas. Hematopoietic stem cells develop into all the different types of cells in the human blood and immune systems.

Cancer stem cells are a type of adult or progenitor cell found in most types of cancer. These cells generally represent just 1% to 3% of all cells in a tumor, but they are the only cells with the ability to regenerate malignant cells and fuel the growth of the cancer.

No. Embryonic stem cells are primitive cells that form inside an early embryo. These cells also can be generated in a laboratory dish during a process called in-vitro fertilization. Four to five days after a human egg is fertilized by sperm, the dividing mass of cells is called a blastocyst. Scientists can remove the inner cell mass from the blastocyst and grow stem cells in a culture dish in the laboratory. Under the right conditions, these stem cells will retain the ability to divide and make copies of themselves indefinitely. Unlike adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells have the ability to give rise to any of the more than 200 different types of cells in the human body.

Cancer research focuses on stem cells present in malignant tumors. Researchers believe current cancer treatments sometimes fail because they don't destroy the cancer stem cells. Think of cancer as a weed: the stem cells are the root while the remaining majority of the cells are the part of the weed above ground. If you remove only the leaves but not the root, the weed will grow back. The same is true for cancer: if you do not kill the cancer stem cells, the cancer is likely to return.

In some cancer types, we are doing a good job. Most cancers when caught early can be successfully treated. But doctors still struggle to treat advanced cancers and some cancer types, such as pancreatic cancer, still have incredibly dismal survival rates. Other cancers, such as head and neck cancers, are often resistant to current therapies, making less-invasive treatments more difficult. In addition, current chemotherapies cause severe side effects because they target all rapidly dividing cells. Treatments that target only cancer stem cells would cause fewer side effects for patients.

Cancer stem cells were first identified in leukemia. U-M researchers discovered the first cancer stem cells in solid tumors, finding them in breast cancer. Since then, cancer stem cells have been identified in brain, colon, head and neck, pancreas and central nervous system tumors. Work is ongoing to identify stem cells in other tumor types.

Researchers take samples of tumors removed from patients during surgery, always with the patient's informed consent. The cells within the tumor are then sorted based on their expression of certain cell markers on their surface. Sorted cells can be injected into mice, which are then watched for new tumor growth. When only specific sorted cells form new tumors, researchers then test those cells for properties of stem cells.

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Mass. Law About Stem Cell Research – Massachusetts Trial …

Posted: August 22, 2014 at 5:58 am

Massachusetts Laws

MGL c.111L Biotechnology. Law says, in part, "it shall be the policy of the Commonwealth to actively foster research and therapies in the life sciences and regenerative medicine by permitting research and clinical applications involving the derivation and use of human embryonic stem cells..."

105 CMR 960: Biotechnology. As amended, to implement the law above.

Dickey-Wicker Amendment, P.L. 104-99, sec.128. Prohibits use of Federal funds for "(1) the creation of a human embryo or embryos for research purposes; or (2) research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death greater than that allowed for research on fetuses in utero..."

Executive Order: Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells, March 9, 2009. "For the past 8 years, the authority of the Department of Health and Human Services, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to fund and conduct human embryonic stem cell research has been limited by Presidential actions. The purpose of this order is to remove these limitations on scientific inquiry."

National Institutes of Health Guidelines for Human Stem Cell Research, 74 Fed Register 32170, July 7, 2009.

Sherley v. Sebelius, US Dist Court - DC, Civ. No. 1:09-cv-1575, August 23, 2010. Premilinary injunction granted "to enjoin defendants from implementing the [NIH] Guidelines [for Human Stem Cell Research] because the Guidelines allow federal funding of ESC [Embryonic Stem Cell] research, which involves the destruction of embryos."

Stem Cell Information, National Institutes for Health. Includes links to basic information, federal policy, research topics and information for researchers.

Stem Cell Research, The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. Links to articles expressing concerns about stem cell research.

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Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund – MDBIZNews

Posted: August 22, 2014 at 5:58 am

By Nick Sohr, Managing Editor, MDBIZNews

Maryland approved state funding for 40 researchers studying human stem cells and their applications in treating a wide range of diseases and other medical conditions.

The awards, approved Thursday by the Maryland Technology Development Corporation, will be paid from the Maryland Stem Cell Research Funds $12.4 million budget for fiscal 2012.

The Maryland Stem Cell Research Commission recommended the 40 winners after whittling down the list of 179 applicants seeking funding through the program.

These projects address a diverse array of debilitating and costly diseases and conditions, some of which are traditionally underfunded, said Margaret Conn Himelfarb, chairwoman of the commission. Marylands investment in cutting-edge stem cell research continues to advance the field and strengthens our states national leadership position in the life sciences.

This year, the commission focused on regenerative medicine proposals, selecting research that targets sickle cell anemia, schizophrenia, type 1 diabetes, nerve injury, Parkinsons disease, Crohns disease, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and Lou Gehrigs disease, among others.

The commission will also fund a Maryland researcher working with counterparts funded by California Institute of Regenerative Medicine. They are studying stem cell differentiation and bone repair.

See the full list of recipients here.

All but two are academics and most come from Johns Hopkins University. Researchers from University of Maryland, Baltimore and University of Maryland, College Park also received funding.

Nine received investigator-initiated research grants worth up to $600,000 over three years to further work that has turned up preliminary data that support their hypotheses.

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Stem.MD | Stem Cell Therapy – Stem.MD

Posted: August 22, 2014 at 5:57 am

What Are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are your bodys repair team. They divide limitlessly and go around your body providing nourishment to all your other cells. As long as youre alive, stem cell ensure all the cells in your body are healthy, happy, and serving you well. There are two types of stem cells embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.

As the name suggest, these stem cells come from the embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro. In vitro fertilization clinics donate these stem cells for research purposes with the informed consent of the donors. Its important to note that these eggs are not derived from eggs fertilized in a womans body. These particular cells are isolated from the inner mast of a blastocyst. These pluripotent stem cells can give rise to any type of cell in the fully developed body. In the lab, embryonic stem cells keep reproducing themselves until they are turned into specific types of cells. In the body, these cells eventually disappear, so a human adult body no longer contains cells that can generate any kind of cell. A problem often encountered with embryonic stem cells is tissue rejection, which is similar to the rejection in a liver or blood transplant. This can limit the therapeutic usefulness of these particular stem cells.

Adult stem cells are found in small numbers within most adult tissues like bone marrow or fat. They are the maintenance crew of your body they make sure everything is in tip-top shape by being multipotent in that they give rise to several kinds of cells in their home tissues. They regenerate cells damaged by disease, injury, and everyday wear and tear. By dividing, they become specialized to repair or replace surrounding differentiated cells. Just like embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells have the ability to differentiate into more than one cell type, but unlike embryonic stem cells, they are often restricted to certain lineages. There are three types of adult stem cells. Two types are located within the bone marrow, and the other type is known as a fat stem cell.

Stem cells are removed from the bone marrow at the back of the patients pelvis via suction. The substance is then removed using a syringe. The process is only slightly uncomfortable with local anesthetic. Typically, only 2 oz. of bone marrow aspirate is required. This aspirate contains platelets, mesenchymal stem cells, and other kinds of stem cells that are used in adult stem cell therapy. After its taken, it is placed inside a special container, which is then placed into a machine known as a centrifuge. This begins spinning at a high speed until the platelets and stem cells separate from the other blood products. This particular concentration of bone marrow is called BMAC or Bone Marrow Aspiration Concentrate. This is then re-introduced into the injured area during stem cell therapy.

Once the BMAC is reintroduced into the injured area, the platelets are released and start to go to work repairing the area. They signal proteins and growth factors that activate the stem cells. These signal proteins and growth factors are called cytokines, which are sort of the traffic directors of the operation, telling the stem cells where to go to repair your body.

The typical repair process is two to three months. However, in most cases, great improvement can be seen before then. About four to six weeks after the stem cell injection, the patient will receive a platelet-rich plasma injection on the afflicted area followed by another injection four to six weeks after that. Patients are advised to minimize alcohol consumption as it can deter healing. To boost healing, patients are advised to take a compound called StemXcell, which contains supplements such as carnosine, blueberry extract, vitamin D3, and green tea extract.

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Newborn screening expansion offers early diagnosis and treatment to infants with SCID

Posted: August 22, 2014 at 5:57 am



Contact: Jim Fessenden 508-856-2000 University of Massachusetts Medical School

WORCESTER, MA Using population-based screening outcomes of approximately 3 million infants, a team of scientists across 14 states, including four researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, have shown that newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) can be successfully implemented across public health newborn screening programs. Data from 11 newborn screening programs published in the Aug. 20 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed the rate of SCID in newborns is higher than previously thought and believed to be 1 in 58,000.

Newborn screening programs enable early detection of conditions for which prompt treatments can reduce the risk of death or irreversible damage. The first heritable immune disorders to which newborn screening has been applied are those that together comprise severe combined immunodeficiency. SCID babies are born without a developed immune system and are subject to a wide variety of life-threatening infections. However, the advance of stem cell transplantation to replace the immune system, coupled now with the opportunity to identify SCID early through newborn screening, holds the promise that affected children can lead normal, healthy lives. Early detection is critical for treatment of SCID and, in most cases, population-based testing through newborn screening programs is the only means to detect SCID prior to the onset of infections.

Unlike other conditions included in newborn screening, SCID requires a DNA-based testing strategy for every infant screened. In 2008, Wisconsin and Massachusetts were awarded grants from the Centers for Disease Control to develop, demonstrate and transfer testing strategies that could be adopted by other newborn screening programs. With data generated by these pilot programs, SCID was added to the national recommended uniform panel for newborn screened disorders in 2010. Currently 23 states, the District of Columbia and the Navajo Nation screen approximately two-thirds of all infants born in the United States for SCID.

The New England Newborn Screening Program, which is operated by the University of Massachusetts Medical School, has been performing newborn screening in Massachusetts since 1962 and now provides screening for about 500 newborns every day in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont; SCID screening has been offered statewide in Massachusetts since early 2009 and Maine and Rhode Island recently authorized the New England Newborn Screening Program to test infants for SCID.

Antonia Kwan, PhD, MRCPCH, of the University of California, San Francisco, and collaborators, including members from the Massachusetts SCID Newborn Screening Working Group, conducted the analysis of more than 3 million infants screened for SCID in 10 states and the Navajo Nation. Infants born from the start of each participating program from January 2008 through the most recent evaluable date prior to July 2013 were included.

There were 52 SCID cases identified within the cohort, for an overall incidence of 1 in 58,000 births, up from the previous estimate of 1 in 100,000 births.

The incidence was not significantly different in any state program but was higher in the Navajo Nation (1/3,500), attributed to a genetic mutation found in this population. Survival of SCID-affected infants through their diagnosis and immune reconstitution was 87 percent, and 92 percent for infants who received transplantation, enzyme replacement and/or gene therapy. Additional interventions for SCID and non-SCID T-cell lymphopenia (abnormally low level of certain white blood cells) included immunoglobulin infusions, preventive antibiotics and avoidance of live vaccines. The observed short term outcomes confirm the benefit of newborn screening as was recently predicted by the retrospective study of transplantation outcomes from Pai et al (NEJM 371:5 July 31, 2014).

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Kentucky Stem Cell Treatment and therapy | Stem Cell …

Posted: August 22, 2014 at 5:57 am

Kentucky Stem Cell Treatment is one of the leading stem cell therapy and treatment providers for residents of Kentucky and across the nation. Our cutting edge technology and compassionate staff truly set us apart from the competition. We are a US based company that understands your needs and concerns when looking for a stem cell treatment center. Our treatment center is located in Cancun, Mexico.

Conditions we treat include but not limited to:

Getting Started With Your Stem Cell Therapy and Treatments Here at World Stem Cells LLC we try to make the process of receiving stem cell transplants as easy as possible. We will help you figure out what your needs are and help you reach your goals as fast as possible. Follow the steps below on what to do.

Option 1 1.) Go to any page on our website and fill out the contact form. 2.) Fill in the required information and select the condition you would like to treat with stem cell therapy. 3.) Be sure to include any special information in the comments section. 4.) Click the submit button and we will contact you in a timely manner. 5.) Thats it, youre done!!!


Option 2

Call 800-234-1693 and speak with a representative regarding your stem cell therapy needs and requirements.

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Kentucky Stem Cell Treatment | Stem Cell Treatments

Posted: August 22, 2014 at 5:57 am

Kentucky Stem Cell Treatment is one of the leading stem cell therapy and treatment providers for residents of Kentucky and across the nation. Our cutting edge technology and compassionate staff truly set us apart from the competition. We are a US based company that understands your needs and concerns when looking for a stem cell treatment center. Our treatment center is located in Cancun, Mexico.

Conditions we treat include but not limited to:

Getting Started With Your Stem Cell Therapy and Treatments Here at World Stem Cells LLC we try to make the process of receiving stem cell transplants as easy as possible. We will help you figure out what your needs are and help you reach your goals as fast as possible. Follow the steps below on what to do.

Option 1 1.) Go to any page on our website and fill out the contact form. 2.) Fill in the required information and select the condition you would like to treat with stem cell therapy. 3.) Be sure to include any special information in the comments section. 4.) Click the submit button and we will contact you in a timely manner. 5.) Thats it, youre done!!!


Option 2

Call 800-234-1693 and speak with a representative regarding your stem cell therapy needs and requirements.

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Kansas City MO Resources – Stem Cells: Get Facts on Uses …

Posted: August 22, 2014 at 5:56 am

WebMD Physician Directory Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City is the largest city in the U.S. state of Missouri. It encompasses 318 square miles (820 km2) in parts of Jackson, Clay, Cass, and Platte counties. It is one of two county seats of Jackson County, the other being Independence, just to the city's east. The city also serves as the anchor city of the Kansas City Metropolitan Area, second largest in Missouri, and largest with territory in Kansas (Wichita is the largest metropolitan area anchored in Kansas). (Source:,_Missouri)

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Iowa Stem Cell Therapy | Stem Cell Treatments

Posted: August 22, 2014 at 5:55 am

Iowa Stem Cell Therapy is one of the leading stem cell therapy and treatment providers for residents of Iowa and across the nation. Our cutting edge technology and compassionate staff truly set us apart from the competition. We are a US based company that understands your needs and concerns when looking for a stem cell treatment center. Our treatment center is located in Cancun, Mexico.

Conditions we treat include but not limited to:

Getting Started With Your Stem Cell Therapy and Treatments Here at World Stem Cells LLC we try to make the process of receiving stem cell transplants as easy as possible. We will help you figure out what your needs are and help you reach your goals as fast as possible. Follow the steps below on what to do.

Option 1 1.) Go to any page on our website and fill out the contact form. 2.) Fill in the required information and select the condition you would like to treat with stem cell therapy. 3.) Be sure to include any special information in the comments section. 4.) Click the submit button and we will contact you in a timely manner. 5.) Thats it, youre done!!!


Option 2

Call 800-234-1693 and speak with a representative regarding your stem cell therapy needs and requirements.

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Ohio diocese discourages ice bucket challenge

Posted: August 22, 2014 at 5:55 am

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The ALS ice bucket challenge has arrived in Gainesville. The nationally ranked Brenau University competitive cheerleading squad was challenged on Facebook by Chestatee High junior varsity cheerleader Kaylee Grace Lucas to take the ALS ice bucket challenge. The challenge is raising funds for research on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrigs disease. Brenau Universitys Makenzi Wooten, left, drenches Kaylynn Samples as they both take the ALS ice bucket challenge at the schools amphitheater.Associated Press

CINCINNATI (AP) A Roman Catholic diocese in Ohio is discouraging its 113 schools from participating in the ice bucket challenge to benefit the ALS Association, saying the group's funding of embryonic stem cell research is "in direct conflict with Catholic teaching."

Jim Rigg, superintendent of Catholic schools for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, told the schools in a letter Tuesday to "immediately cease" any plans to raise funds for the association and to instead direct donations to another organization that combats ALS, a progressive neurodegenerative disease also known as Lou Gehrig's disease that causes paralysis and almost certain death.

The Catholic Church relates the use of embryonic stem cells in research to abortion and says it violates the sanctity of human life. The use of adult stem cells in research is not forbidden by Catholic teaching.

"We certainly appreciate the compassion that has caused people all over the country, certainly including many Catholics, to be interacting and engaging in a fun way to support ALS research," diocese spokesman Dan Andriacco said.

Carrie Munk, a spokeswoman for the ALS Association, said her group largely funds adult stem cell research, but does fund one study involving embryonic stem cells using money from one specific donor.

She said all donors to the ALS Association can stipulate where their money goes and can ask that it not pay for embryonic stem cell research. Munk said she hasn't heard of other Catholic dioceses recommending against donating to the group.

The diocese said schools could participate in the ice bucket challenge, but any money raised should be directed to groups like the John Paul II Medical Research Institute in Iowa City, Iowa, which conducts "pro-life driven" research, according to its website.

Don Clemmer, a spokesman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said that his organization has not issued any directives to its bishops.

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