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In Vitro Techniques Could Produce Environmentally Friendly Meat Products

Posted: May 22, 2014 at 8:00 am

May 21, 2014

redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports Your Universe Online

The same scientific advances that have made it possible to cultivate stem cells into laboratory-grown organs could one day be used to develop eco-friendly meat products, according to new research appearing in the latest edition of the journal Trends in Biotechnology.

According to researchers from Wageningen University in The Netherlands, producing in vitro meat in an animal-cell cultivation process is a technically feasible alternative lacking these disadvantages, provided that an animal-component-free growth medium can be developed. Small-scale production looks particularly promising, not only technologically but also for societal acceptance. Economic feasibility, however, emerges as the real obstacle.

Provided a cost-effective way to develop cultured meat can be discovered, the researchers explain that it would provide a source of meat that is both ethical and greener, limiting pollution and energy consumption while also preventing the suffering experienced by animals as part of the factory farming industry. Ultimately, they hope that every town and community could be home to its own small-scale cultured meat production facility.

We believe that cultured meat is part of the future, explained study author Cor van der Weele. Other parts of the future are partly substituting meat with vegetarian products, keeping fewer animals in better circumstances, perhaps eating insects, etc. This discussion is certainly part of the future in that it is part of the search for a protein transition. It is highly effective in stimulating a growing awareness and discussion of the problems of meat production and consumption.

She and coauthor Johannes Tramper noted that the rising demand levels for meat are unsustainable in terms of environmental pollution and energy usage. Van der Weele explained that she initially learned about cultured meat in 2004, when frog steaks were served by a French museum all while the amphibian that donated the cells for the culinary feast watched on.

Scientists have already proven that meat can be made from stem cells. In 2013, Maastricht University Prof. Mark Post created and consumed a lab-grown burger created using muscle cells taken from a cow. Those cells were cultured in a lab and placed in a nutrient solution to stimulate muscle tissue growth.

The tissue is grown by placing cells in a cylindrical tube around a hub of gel, and then grown into small strands of meat. As many as 20,000 strands are required to create a five-ounce burger, and according to Post, the muscle cells have not been altered in any way. He explained that this beef could potentially provide the answers to major problems that the world faces, but for it to succeed, it needs to feel and hopefully taste like the real thing.

Post and his colleagues began growing pork in laboratory environments in 2006 as part of the In-vitro Meat Consortium, a group publicly funded Dutch research institutions conducting cultured meat-related experiments. Other nations have been pursuing similar research, including a team of US researchers who were funded by NASA and set out to find a way to allow astronauts to grow their own meat in space.

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In Vitro Techniques Could Produce Environmentally Friendly Meat Products

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Reproductive medicine: The power of three

Posted: May 22, 2014 at 7:57 am

Illlustration by Vasava

Douglass Turnbull spends much of his time seeing patients who have untreatable, often fatal, diseases. But the neurologist has rarely felt more helpless than when he met Sharon Bernardi and her young son Edward.

Bernardi had lost three children within hours of birth, owing to a mysterious build-up of acid in their blood. So it was a huge relief when Edward seemed to develop normally. He did all his milestones: he sat up, he crawled and started to walk at 14 months, Bernardi recalls. But when he was about two years old, he began to fall over after taking a few steps; he eventually started having seizures. In 1994, when Edward was four, he was diagnosed with Leigh's disease, a condition that affects the central nervous system. Doctors told Sharon that her son would be lucky to reach his fifth birthday.

Turnbull, who works at Newcastle University, UK, remembers despairing that whatever we do, we're never going to be able to help families like that. His frustration sparked a quest to develop assisted-reproduction techniques to prevent disorders such as Leigh's disease, which are caused when children inherit devastating mutations in their mitochondria, the cell's energy-making structures.

The procedures sometimes called three-person in vitro fertilization (IVF) involve transferring nuclear genetic material from the egg of a woman with mutant mitochondria into another woman's healthy egg. Turnbull and others have tested the techniques in mice, monkeys and human egg cells in culture; now, they say, it is time to try them in people. The UK Parliament is set to vote on the issue later this year; if legislation passes, the country would be the first to allow this kind of genetic modification of unborn children.

Ewen Callaway talks to researchers and a patient about the techniques that replace faulty DNA in egg cells

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But some scientists have raised concerns over the safety of the procedures, and an increasingly vocal coalition of activists, ethicists and politicians argues that a 'yes' vote will lead down a slippery slope to designer babies. US regulators and scientists are closely watching the debate as they consider allowing similar procedures. I admire what they've done in Britain, says Dieter Egli, a stem-cell scientist at the New York Stem Cell Foundation, a non-profit research institute. I think they are far ahead in discussion of this, compared to the US.

The mitochondrion, according to one popular theory, was once a free-living bacterium that became trapped in a host cell, where it boosted the cell's capacity to generate the energy-carrying molecule ATP. As a result, each mitochondrion has its own genome but it no longer has all the genes it needs to function independently (the human mitochondrial genome, for example, has a paltry 37 genes).

Unlike the genome in the cell nucleus, which includes chromosomes from both parents, all of a person's mitochondria derive from the thousands contained in the mother's egg. For reasons still being studied, the mitochondrial genome is much less stable than the nuclear genome, accruing random DNA mutations about 1,000 times faster. As many as 1 in 5,000 children are born with diseases caused by these mutations, which affect power-hungry cells such as those in the brain and muscles. The severity of the conditions depends on the proportion of diseased mitochondria a mother passes on to her children.

Reproductive medicine: The power of three

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Arthritic knee 10 weeks after stem cell therapy by Dr Harry Adelson – Video

Posted: May 22, 2014 at 7:52 am

Arthritic knee 10 weeks after stem cell therapy by Dr Harry Adelson
Frank describes his results for his stem cell therapy injection by Dr Harry Adelson for his arthritic knee

By: Harry Adelson, N.D.

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Arthritic knee 10 weeks after stem cell therapy by Dr Harry Adelson - Video

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A brave new world: Stem cell therapy in Lebanon

Posted: May 22, 2014 at 7:52 am

BEIRUT: Fat removal and a non-surgical facelift at the same time might sound like a two-for-one offer too good to be true. But that is a pretty common combination at the Innovi Stem Cell Therapy Clinic, where doctors extract stem cells from the bodys fat to do any number of cosmetic cleanups, from scar removal to diminishing fine lines and wrinkles.

The clinic opened five months ago in the Beirut neighborhood of Sodeco, bringing Lebanon its first specialized center in stem cell research.

Around the world at any given medical conference, from fields as diverse as orthopedics to dentistry, stem cells have become one of the main events, as researchers believe these undifferentiated cells hold the cure to some of the gravest human diseases: cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, to name a few.

In a country like Lebanon, stem cell specialists figured the best way to support their research was to offer one of the most in-demand medical procedures: cosmetic surgery.

Walking through the halls of the elegant, albeit quaint, clinic, one will see top-of-the-line fat freezing technology, equipment for laser hair removal and facilities where doctors carry out medical face peels and stretch mark treatment.

They also offer Ozone therapy, which uses pure oxygen that can supposedly alleviate a range of maladies from skin disorders and premature aging to chronic pain.

But we are not a beauty clinic, said one of the doctors, who asked not to be identified due to Lebanons strict medical advertising laws.

These cosmetic procedures complement their work in stem cells, a far less understood and rapidly evolving area of medicine. Innovi, for example, has built the Middle Easts only stem cell bank, where up to 19,000 vials can be frozen and preserved with liquid nitrogen. The closet housing the bank, which looks like an enormous washing machine, now holds the stem cells of a modest 10 clients.

The clinic has become a hub for various stem cells research. Doctors have visited from Europe and a Syrian doctor is now working with a couple to try and grow sperm from the stem cells of a man with aspermia.

But cosmetic treatments and stem cells go well together as doctors have been using fat-derived cells, also called adipose stem cells, as a Botox-like filler for almost a decade.

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A brave new world: Stem cell therapy in Lebanon

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Multiple Sclerosis Treatment through Stem Cells – Video

Posted: May 22, 2014 at 2:44 am

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment through Stem Cells
Michael Racke, MD shares the latest advancements in stem cell research to providing treatment for Multiple Sclerosis at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

By: osumedicalcenter

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Multiple Sclerosis Treatment through Stem Cells - Video

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Stem cells as a future source for eco-friendly meat

Posted: May 21, 2014 at 7:49 am



Contact: Mary Beth O'Leary 617-397-2802 Cell Press

The scientific progress that has made it possible to dream of a future in which faulty organs could be regrown from stem cells also holds potential as an ethical and greener source for meat. So say scientists who suggest in the Cell Press journal Trends in Biotechnology that every town or village could one day have its very own small-scale, cultured meat factory.

"We believe that cultured meat is part of the future," said Cor van der Weele of Wageningen University in The Netherlands. "Other parts of the future are partly substituting meat with vegetarian products, keeping fewer animals in better circumstances, perhaps eating insects, etc. This discussion is certainly part of the future in that it is part of the search for a 'protein transition.' It is highly effective in stimulating a growing awareness and discussion of the problems of meat production and consumption."

van der Weele and coauthor Johannes Tramper point out that the rising demand for meat around the world is unsustainable in terms of environmental pollution and energy consumption, not to mention the animal suffering associated with factory farming.

van der Weele said she first heard about cultured meat in 2004, when frog steaks were served at a French museum while the donor frog watched on ( Tramper has studied the cultivation of animal cellsinsect cells mostlyin the lab for almost 30 years. In 2007, he published a paper suggesting that insect cells might be useful as a food source.

It is already possible to make meat from stem cells. To prove it, Mark Post, a professor of tissue engineering at Maastricht University, The Netherlands, presented the first lab-grown hamburger in 2013.

In the new Science & Society paper, van der Weele and Tramper outline a potential meat manufacturing process, starting with a vial of cells taken from a cell bank and ending with a pressed cake of minced meat. But there will be challenges when it comes to maintaining a continuous stem cell line and producing cultured meat that's cheaper than meat obtained in the usual way. Most likely, the price of "normal" meat would first have to rise considerably.

Still, the promise is too great to ignore.

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Stem cells as a future source for eco-friendly meat

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Towards Reprogramming Adult Cells

Posted: May 21, 2014 at 7:49 am

Category: Science & Technology Posted: May 20, 2014 06:43AM Author: Guest_Jim_*

Stem cells are a very interesting and potentially important field for the future of medicine, as these cells can become the basis for any cell in our bodies. While embryonic stem cells, which are very early in development show perhaps the most promise, researchers have discovered that adult cells can be reprogrammed to be pluripotent, like the younger cells. Now researchers at the Center of Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona have discovered a means to improve the efficiency of reprogramming adult cells.

The exact process to create induced pluripotent stem cells from adult cells is not well understood currently, but many are working to reveal its secrets. The researchers at CRG found that the Wnt route appears to influence the process; the pathway frogs and lizards use to regenerate lost limbs. Even though humans lost the regenerative abilities the Wnt route offers, it is still present in us and plays a role in embryonic development and cell fusion. The researchers discovered that if it is inhibited at the beginning of the process to create the iPS cells and activated at the proper time at the end, the process will be more efficient and create more of the cells.

While the potential for iPS cells is definitely an important application for this research, it can also lead to advancements in other, Wnt route related areas. These include regenerative medicine and tumors that involve the Wnt pathway.

Source: Center for Genomic Regulation

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Dr. Todd Malan Named Chief Cell Therapy Officer at Okyanos Heart Institute

Posted: May 21, 2014 at 7:43 am

Freeport, The Bahamas (PRWEB) May 20, 2014

Okyanos Heart Institute has announced the addition of Dr. Todd Malan to their executive medical team as Chief Cell Therapy Officer and General Surgeon. He will perform and oversee the liposuction step of Okyanos treatment, removing a small amount of fat from patients from which their own stem cells are isolated. Cardiac cell therapy is intended for no-option heart patients who have exhausted the currently available standards of care for their condition, of which there are about 2 million in the United States alone.

Dr. Malan is founder of the Innovative Cosmetic Surgery Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, specializing in advanced liposuction and fat transfer procedures. A pioneer in adipose- (fat) derived stem cell research and fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Malan became the first physician in the United States to utilize adult stem cells from fat tissue for soft tissue reconstruction. He has co-authored two medical textbooks on fat-derived stem cell therapies and has served as principal investigator on two Institutional Review Board- (IRB) approved adult stem cell trials.

As an active member of the adipose stem cell research community, Dr. Malan is very familiar with the therapeutic benefits of adult stem cells for cardiac, as demonstrated in clinical trials, said Dr. Howard Walpole, chief medical officer at Okyanos. He lends his experience and integrated knowledge of both innovative cosmetic surgery and stem cell therapy to our medical leadership team, he added.

"It is truly gratifying to see the gathering of like-minded researchers, clinicians, and administrators who see the remarkable value of developing evidence-based protocols for effective stem cell therapies, said Dr. Malan. He added, This project is a culmination of years of experience between industry leaders who are dedicated to making Okyanos a premier cell therapy center in the world. The work we do today will define the future of medicine for years to come."

Okyanos cardiac cell therapy is the first stem cell-based procedure for heart failure available to patients outside of clinical trials, wherein the patients own adipose-derived stem cells are infused directly into the damaged part of the heart via catheter. Okyanos will begin treating advanced heart disease patients in Freeport, The Bahamas, in the summer of 2014.

ABOUT OKYANOS HEART INSTITUTE: [Oh key AH nos] Based in Freeport, The Bahamas, Okyanos Heart Institutes mission is to bring a new standard of care and a better quality of life to patients with coronary artery disease using cardiac stem cell therapy. Okyanos adheres to U.S. surgical center standards and is led by founder and CEO Matt Feshbach, as well as Chief Medical Officer Howard T. Walpole Jr., M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I. Okyanos Treatment utilizes a unique blend of stem and regenerative cells derived from ones own adipose (fat) tissue. The cells, when placed into the heart via a minimally-invasive procedure, can stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis. Angiogenesis facilitates blood flow in the heart, which supports intake and use of oxygen (as demonstrated in rigorous clinical trials such as the PRECISE trial). The literary name Okyanos, the Greek god of rivers, symbolizes restoration of blood flow.

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Dr. Todd Malan Named Chief Cell Therapy Officer at Okyanos Heart Institute

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ALS Stem Cell Trial – Mayo Clinic – Video

Posted: May 20, 2014 at 11:44 pm

ALS Stem Cell Trial - Mayo Clinic
15 people a day in the U.S. hear the devastating news that they have ALS. Also called Lou Gehrig #39;s disease, it is a gradually worsening condition that is always fatal. That is not to say it...

By: Mayo Clinic

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ALS Stem Cell Trial - Mayo Clinic - Video

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3D Printers and Stem Cells Give Woman New Hip – Video

Posted: May 20, 2014 at 11:44 pm

3D Printers and Stem Cells Give Woman New Hip
A woman unable to walk without pain has undergone ground breaking surgery in the UK to replace her hip with a 3D printed titanium copy. British surgeons are also using her own stem cells to...

By: AssociatedPress

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3D Printers and Stem Cells Give Woman New Hip - Video

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