Stem Cells Founder Dr. Newman
Any clue to ageing problem
By: howtolook youngertips
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Stem Cells Founder Dr. Newman - Video
Posted: April 18, 2014 at 4:40 am
Stem Cells Founder Dr. Newman
Any clue to ageing problem
By: howtolook youngertips
See original here:
Stem Cells Founder Dr. Newman - Video
Posted: April 18, 2014 at 4:40 am
Stem Cell Treatment For MS
Today my wife got her first 2 IV injections of Stem Cells at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City Panama. My wife is having no side effects so far. She is feeling tired but her spirit is...
By: Stem Cell Patient
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Stem Cell Treatment For MS - Video
Posted: April 18, 2014 at 4:40 am
What Can Be Treated With Stem Cells?
Dr. Michael Belich of Integrative Medical Clinics talks about what injuries, damage or degeneration can be treated with Stem Cells. For more detailed information go to
By: Integrative Medical Clinics
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What Can Be Treated With Stem Cells? - Video
Posted: April 18, 2014 at 4:40 am
Bone Marrow Stem Cells Help TBI Case! See the Amazing Before After Results!
Dr. Steenblock treated John F. for a TBI. John suffered from a TBI or a traumatic brain injury after a bike accident. He had just one bone marrow stem cell treatment and got amazing results!...
By: David Steenblock
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Bone Marrow Stem Cells Help TBI Case! See the Amazing Before & After Results! - Video
Posted: April 18, 2014 at 4:40 am
The Stem Cell Symposia by Dr. Yufang Shi at i3L - Lensa Bisnis
Dr. Shi #39;s early work established the concept of AICD, a term that is commonly cited in the field of immunology. He also discovered the critical role of c-myc in the regulation of T cell apoptosis....
By: i3l
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The Stem Cell Symposia by Dr. Yufang Shi at i3L - Lensa Bisnis - Video
Posted: April 18, 2014 at 4:40 am
Stem Cell Research Club #39;14 Primer
Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine Annual Conference #39;35 Ahmed M. Elesawi.
By: Ahmed Elesawi
See original here:
Stem Cell Research Club '14 Primer - Video
Posted: April 18, 2014 at 4:40 am
Is Silly Putty The New Secret Ingredient For Stem Cell Research?
Scientists have found that the key ingredient in Silly Putty grows better motor neurons (spinal cord cells) that are ten times larger than cells grown by oth...
By: 1OneMinuteNews
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Is Silly Putty The New Secret Ingredient For Stem Cell Research? - Video
Posted: April 17, 2014 at 8:48 am
By Estel Grace Masangkay
Researchers from the University of Michigan have discovered how mechanical forces in the environment influence stem cell growth and differentiation. The scientists arrived at the findings using a key ingredient in Silly Putty for their experiments.
Using an ultrafine carpet made out of polydimethylsiloxane, a key ingredient in Silly Putty, the scientists were able to coax stem cells to morph into working spinal cord cells. The Silly Putty component was made into a specially engineered growth system with microscopic posts. By varying the post height, the researchers were able to adjust the stiffness of the surface where the cells are made to grow.
Jianping Fu, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Michigan, said, This is extremely exciting. To realize promising clinical applications of human embryonic stem cells, we need a better culture system that can reliably produce more target cells that function well. Our approach is a big step in that direction, by using synthetic microengineered surfaces to control mechanical environmental signals.
Stem cells that were grown on tall, softer micropost carpets morphed into nerve cells faster and more often than those grown on stiffer surfaces. The colonies of spinal cord cells that grew on softer micropost carpets were also 10 times larger and four times more pure than those grown on rigid carpets or traditional plates.
The study is the first to directly link physical signals to human embryonic stem cells differentiation, in contrast to chemical signals. Professor Jianping Fu says the findings may lead to a more efficient way of guiding stem cells to differentiate and provide specialized therapies for diseases such Alzheimers, Huntingtons, Lou Gerhrigs disease, and others. Our work suggests that physical signals in the cell environment are important in neural patterning, a process where nerve cells become specialized for their specific functions based on their physical location in the body, said Professor Jianping.
The study from the University of Michigan was published online at Nature Materials this week.
Continued here:
U-M Researchers Use Silly Putty Ingredient To Study Stem Cells
Posted: April 17, 2014 at 8:48 am
Working esophagi from stem cells could be used to aid cancer patients in the future
Jason Goldman / Flickr Creative Commons
Doctors have implanted bio-engineered tracheas in patients, and researchers have experimented with growing bladders and kidneys. Now, another organ joins that list: the esophagus, which brings food and water to the stomach.
An international team of scientists working at Kuban State Medical University in Krasnodar, Russia, has built a working esophagus from stem cells, and implanted the organ into rats, the researchers say. The new esophagus functioned just as well as the rats' natural organs, said the researchers, who detailed their work today (April 15) in the journal Nature Communications.
Every year, about 18,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with esophageal cancer, and others suffer from congenital defects, or are injured after medical procedures or swallowing caustic materials. Many of these cases require surgery, which can involve taking a section of the small intestine or the stomach to replace part of the esophagus.
Unfortunately, this isn't always the best solution. Patients can suffer complications, and many still have trouble swallowing solid food after surgery. [5 Crazy Technologies That Are Revolutionizing Biotech]
Researchers led by Paolo Macchiarini of the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm took a section of a rat's esophagus and removed the cells, leaving behind a scaffold of protein. Such "decellularization" is now a common technique for making structures for cells to latch onto when doing regenerative organ experiments.
To test whether the scaffold would be strong enough to stand up to repeated cycles of expansion and contraction, the scientists pumped air into it 10,000 times, allowing it to blow up and shrink.
The researchers then took stem cells called allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells, which don't cause an immune reaction when implanted into tissue. Scientists placed these cells on the scaffold, allowing the esophagus to grow for three weeks.
They then implanted the esophagus into a rat, replacing up to 20 percent of its esophagus with the engineered version. They repeated this procedure in nine more rats.
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Lab-Grown Esophagi Implanted in Rats
Posted: April 17, 2014 at 8:45 am
Advanced Cell Technology is testing a stem-cell treatment for blindness that could preserve vision and potentially reverse vision loss.
Vision support: The cells used in Advanced Cell Technologys clinical trials produce dark pigments and cobblestone-like patterns that can be readily recognized in cultures.
A new treatment for macular degeneration is close to the next stage of human testinga noteworthy event not just for the millions of patients it could help, but for its potential to become the first therapy based on embryonic stem cells.
This year, the Boston-area company Advanced Cell Technology plans to move its stem-cell treatment for two forms of vision loss into advanced human trials. The company has already reported that the treatment is safe (see Eye Study Is a Small but Crucial Advance for Stem-Cell Therapy), although a full report of the results from the early, safety-focused testing has yet to be published. The planned trials will test whether it is effective. The treatment will be tested both on patients with Stargardts disease (an inherited form of progressive vision loss that can affect children) and on those with age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss among people 65 and older.
The treatment is based on retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells that have been grown from embryonic stem cells. A surgeon injects 150 microliters of RPE cellsroughly the amount of liquid in three raindropsunder a patients retina, which is temporarily detached for the procedure. RPE cells support the retinas photoreceptors, which are the cells that detect incoming light and pass the information on to the brain.
Although complete data from the trials of ACTs treatments have yet to be published, the company has reported impressive results with one patient, who recovered vision after being deemed legally blind. Now the company plans to publish the data from two clinical trials taking place in the U.S. and the E.U. in a peer-reviewed academic journal. Each of these early-stage trials includes 12 patients affected by either macular degeneration or Stargardts disease.
The more advanced trials will have dozens of participants, says ACTs head of clinical development, Eddy Anglade. If proved safe and effective, the cellular therapy could preserve the vision of millions affected by age-related macular degeneration. By 2020, as the population ages, nearly 200 million people worldwide will have the disease, estimate researchers. Currently, there are no treatments available for the most common form, dry age-related macular degeneration.
ACTs experimental treatment has its origins in a chance discovery that Irina Klimanskaya, the companys director of stem-cell biology, made while working with embryonic stem cells at Harvard University. These cells have the power to develop into any cell type, and in culture they often change on their own. A neuron here, a fat cell thereindividual cells in a dish tend to take random walks down various developmental paths. By supplying the cultures with fresh nutrients but otherwise leaving them to their own devices for several weeks, Klimanskaya discovered that the stem cells often developed into darkly pigmented cells that grew in a cobblestone-like pattern. She suspected that they were developing into RPE cells, and molecular tests backed her up.
Now that her discovery has advanced into an experimental treatment, Klimanskaya says she is excited by the hints that it may be able to preserve, and perhaps restore, sight. She recalls a voice mail she received during her second year at ACT: a person blinded by an inherited condition thanked her for her work, whether or not there was a treatment available for him. When you get a message like this, you feel like you are not doing it in vain, she says.
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Stem-Cell Treatment for Blindness Moving Through Patient Testing