f This is how a living, beating heart is grown from stem cells
. This is how a living, beating heart is grown from stem cells.
By: saddam dz
f This is how a living, beating heart is grown from stem cells - Video
Posted: February 9, 2014 at 12:44 pm
f This is how a living, beating heart is grown from stem cells
. This is how a living, beating heart is grown from stem cells.
By: saddam dz
f This is how a living, beating heart is grown from stem cells - Video
Posted: February 9, 2014 at 12:44 pm
Obtaining human embryonic stem cells thru #39; therapeutic cloning
Obtaining human embryonic stem cells through the process of therapeutic cloning has important applications in science and medicine.Shoukhrat Mitalipov #39;s team...
By: bbvaopenmind
Read the original:
Obtaining human embryonic stem cells thru' therapeutic cloning - Video
Posted: February 8, 2014 at 9:46 pm
In Vivo Differentiation Potential of Epiblast Stem Cells Revealed by Chimeric Embryo Formation
The ability of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) to form chimeric mice when injected into pre-implantation blastocysts is considered the #39;gold standard #39; assay that definitively proves that ESCs are...
By: CRMedinburgh
See the original post:
In Vivo Differentiation Potential of Epiblast Stem Cells Revealed by Chimeric Embryo Formation - Video
Posted: February 8, 2014 at 9:46 pm
Dr. Nathan Newman - The Power of Stem Cells Technology
The Power of Stem Cells Technology Click on the link below for more details http://www.generation-young.eu.
By: Generation Young
Read more:
Dr. Nathan Newman - The Power of Stem Cells Technology - Video
Posted: February 8, 2014 at 2:50 am
Already, scientists in laboratories across the world have begun dipping mature cells in acid, hoping to see whether this simple intervention really can trigger a transformation into stem cells, as reported by a team of Boston and Japanese researchers last week.
At the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, a number of scientists have already embarked on the experiment, which theyre informally calling stem cell ceviche, comparing it to the Latin American method of cooking seafood in lime and lemon juice. At meetings with other experts and even in casual conversation, stem cell scientists say they are exchanging surprise, doubt, and wonder about the discovery, reported in two papers in the journal Nature.
The range of responses varies widely. But most scientists seem to be surprised and skeptical about the technique, though also impressed by the rigorous testing that experts in the field did on the cells. It appears that no one knows quite what to think.
Paul Knoepfler, an associate professor in the department of cell biology and human anatomy at the University of California, Davis, has been blogging extensively about the discovery and polled his readers about what they think. In an unscientific poll that has drawn about 400 responses, hes found that scientists are pretty evenly split on whether they are leaning toward believing in the technique or not. Interestingly, he found people responding to the poll from Japan are far more likely to be convinced it is true.
On Thursday, Knoepfler made his own opinion known. Its a harsh critique, starting with his view that the method is illogical and defies common sense. It ends with questions about why the researchers would only now be trying the technique on human cells, since they seemed to have proved it to themselves for several years now. The biggest mystery may be why, if simple stress can trigger cells to return to a stem cell-like state, it doesnt happen more often in the body. Why dont people just have lots of cancers and tumors in the acidic environment of their stomach, for example?
There are also basic questions about whether these truly are the same as spore-like cells that Dr. Charles Vacanti, an anesthesiologist at Brigham and Womens Hospital who led the new work, described in a highly controversial 2001 paper. Many scientists doubted the existence of those cells, and Vacanti has said he thinks the new stem cells, which are called STAP cells, are the same.
Obviously, it has to be reproduced. Thats the caveat, said Dr. Kenneth Chien, a professor in the department of cell and molecular biology and medicine at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. I still think its shocking. And it makes me wonder if its true or not, its so shocking.
Right now, we seem to have arrived at an unusual spot in scienceno one knows quite what to believe. People have quite informed gut reactions, but still seem to lack solid evidence to show the technique does or doesnt hold up. Its exciting and nerve wracking, but even those with doubts dont seem ready to dismiss it outright. This is how science works: people turn to the experiments to smash or solidify their doubts. Many are scurrying to recreate those in their laboratories, which should bring some clarity to the situation.
One reason the finding is so unusual is that it pretty much blind-sided the scientific community. Often, researchers are aware of discoveries that will be published in their fields through informal channels. They attend the same meetings, they present early versions of their results, or they know who is generally working on what area of research. In this case, people were surprised. Thats in part because one of the scientists pushing the work was far from an insider. Vacanti is an anesthesiologist, not a stem cell scientist.
Notably, even though the team of researchers was partially based in Boston, where there are many leaders in the stem cell field, they turned to world experts in Japan to vet the cells.
Excerpt from:
The debate over new stem cell technique begins - Boston.com
Posted: February 7, 2014 at 12:50 pm
CLEVELAND, OH Whod have ever thought something as unappealing as body fat could be useful much less lifesaving, right?
I think this will revolutionize medicine if it works, says Dr. Mark Foglietti of the Stem Cell Center of Ohio.
It turns out, fat is highly regenerative and rich in stem cells, Warren Buffett rich, having 2,500 times more stem cells than bone marrow.
And these are Mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal meaning theyre able to change into whatever type of tissue theyre attracted to.
So doctors in Cleveland are trying an experimental procedure on Multiple Sclerosis patient Kym Sellers, She was saying Dad, if I could only just get the use of my hands. If I can just use my hands, I can comb my hair. I can feed myself.
Doctors liposuction fat from Sellers, take the stem cells and mix in a biological potpourri called Stromal Vascular Fraction or SVF. The cells are supposed to act like a rescue squad responding to an emergency (they find damage to the body and repair it).
Dr. Foglietti happily tells his patient, We have 7ccs. We have 39 million stem cells! The SVF is then reintroduced into Kyms body intravenously.
You just want to pray that this is something that will improve your quality of life, says Kym Sellers.
Although the procedure only takes a few hours, itll be months until Kym or the doctors can determine if it was successful. If it is, itll be used to treat everything from asthma to A.L.S. For now though, Kym waits and prays.
Just praying for the best, she says.
View original post here:
Experimental procedure uses stem cells made from body fat
Posted: February 7, 2014 at 12:50 pm
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Previously, stem cells have been cultivated using animal proteins or by growing them from other human cells. Both methods come with associated problems. But, according to a study published in the journal Applied Materials & Interfaces, researchers have now identified a new method for cultivating stem cells.
Stem cells are a kind of cell that are able to divide or self-renew indefinitely. This allows the stem cell to generate into a range of different cell types for the organ that they originate from, or they may even be able to regenerate the whole organ.
Because of this, scientists are interested in using stem cells in a range of medical treatments, to replenish damaged tissue in the brain or skin, or as a treatment for diseases of the blood.
In adults, these stem cells have been found in tissues such as the brain, bone marrow, blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscles, skin and liver. Adult stem cells only become "activated" and start dividing and generating new cells when their host tissue becomes damaged by disease or injury.
A more potent kind of stem cell is found in human embryos - this type has the unique ability to grow into any kind of cell in the human body. But using these cells in scientific research is controversial - and illegal in some countries - as harvesting them requires the destruction of a fertilized human egg (a "blastocyst") that has not had the chance to develop into a baby.
Stem cells cultivated without using human or animal cells
Posted: February 7, 2014 at 12:50 pm
By William T. Koustas
The litigation between Regenerative Sciences, LLC (Regenerative) and FDA may have come to an end on Tuesday, February 4th, when the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled against Regenerative, concluding that FDA has the authority to regulate certain autologous stem cells procedures. The D.C. Circuit affirmed the lower courts decision granting summary judgment to the government, dismissing Regeneratives counterclaims, and permanently enjoining Regeneratives operations.
Regenerative is a Colorado company that owns a medical technique known as the Regenexx Procedure, a non-surgical procedure by which physicians take bone marrow and blood samples from a patient, culture the stem cells, mix the cultured cells with doxycycline, and inject the stem cell mixture back into the same patient in order to treat joint, muscle, tendon, or bone pain. The Regenexx Procedure is exclusively licensed for use by a Colorado clinic where its inventors practice.
Our prior blog posts on this case provide more background (see here andhere for example), but in essence, FDAs litigation stance was that the stem cell mixture used in the Regenexx Procedure was a drug under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), thus imposing current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and labeling requirements applicable to all drugs. On the other side, Regenerative argued that FDA had no authority over the Regenexx Procedure because it involved the practice of medicine, which is outside of FDAs purview, and because the stem cell mixture was not introduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce.
The D.C. Circuit upheld the district courts decision, frequently relying on long-standing principles of food and drug law. The court first found that the stem cell mixture met the definition of drug contained in the FDCA as it was an article derived mainly from human tissue intended to treat orthopedic diseases and to affect musculoskeletal function. Slip Op. at 6. In addition, and perhaps of more consequence, the court disagreed with Regeneratives argument that FDA was interfering with the practice of medicine by preventing physicians from performing autologous stem cell procedures. The D.C. Circuit described this argument as wide of the mark, clarifying that FDA was seeking to regulate the stem cell mixture and not the procedure itself. Id. at 7.
The court also rejected Regeneratives argument that FDA lacked jurisdiction over the stem cell mixture given that the Regenexx Procedure is performed entirely within the State of Colorado. Unsurprisingly, the court restated the well-known principle that the interstate commerce requirement of the FDCA is satisfied if a component of a product is shipped in interstate commerce prior to its administration to a patient. Id. at 9. The court also seemed to agree with FDAs position that the interstate commerce requirement could be satisfied simply because the stem cell mixture would undoubtedly have effects on interstate markets for orthopedic care . . . . Id. at 8.
The D.C. Circuit also dismissed Regeneratives argument that the stem cell mixture was a human cell, tissue, or cellular and tissue-based product (HCT/P), and thus exempt from manufacturing and labeling requirements. The court found that the stem cell mixture was likely more than minimally manipulated [b]ecause [Regenerative] concede[d] that culturing [stem cells] affects their characteristics and offer[ed] no evidence that those effects constitute only minimal manipulation, they fail to carry that burden as a matter of law. Id. at 12.
After summarily rejecting Regeneratives arguments, the D.C. Circuit ruled that the stem cell mixture was adulterated and misbranded. The court found that the stem cell mixture was adulterated because it was not manufactured in conformance with cGMP requirements, and that they were misbranded because the information on the label on the syringe that contains the stem cell mixture did not include adequate directions for use or bear the Rx only symbol. Id. at 14-15.
Although the court upheld the permanent injunction, it did so only after analyzing whether there was a reasonable likelihood of further violations in the future. Id. at 18. While the court determined that such likelihood existed in this case, this suggests that a violation of the FDCA, in and of itself, does not automatically necessitate injunctive relief but must be considered based on the facts of each case.
View post:
D.C. circuit rules FDA can regulate autologous stem cells
Posted: February 7, 2014 at 12:50 pm
Contact: Laura Coverson laura.coverson@cshs.org 310-423-5215 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
LOS ANGELES (Feb. 6, 2014) A Cedars-Sinai research team led by Paul W. Noble, MD, chair of the Department of Medicine and director of the Women's Guild Lung Institute, has been awarded $628,816 by California's stem cell agency to develop a treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a deadly disease that destroys the lungs and damages other vital organs.
The illness, which has no cure and few effective treatments, thickens and hardens lung tissue, leaving the organs badly scarred. Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis have great difficulty breathing and the chronic reduction in oxygen damages vital organs. The cause of the disease is not clearly understood and many people live only three to five years after diagnosis.
"Lung fibrosis occurs when the lung is unable to repair itself properly after injury or infection," said Noble. "Some people are more susceptible to developing fibrosis, and we currently don't understand why the normal repair and renewal of lung cells stops occurring in these patients."
The two-year study will build upon preliminary research completed at Cedars-Sinai by Noble and physician researcher Dianhua Jiang, MD, PhD. They uncovered important clues to the precise way normal lung stem cell repair occurs and how a cure might be developed.
"Currently, there is no therapy for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The only effective therapy is lung transplantation, which we do here at Cedars-Sinai," said Noble. "But if successful, our research will result in a completely novel approach to the treatment of lung diseases, allowing for the renewal and repair of the patient's cells."
This phase of Noble's research will involve the study of laboratory mice and human tissue to further identify the exact mechanisms necessary for stem cells to repair damage to the lungs.
"Funding these awards highlights our commitment to advancing the field with the most cutting-edge approaches and to help deepen our understanding of every aspect of stem cells, to help us find new treatments, and even cures for the deadliest diseases," said Jonathan Thomas, PhD, JD, chair of the governing Board of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.
Director of Women's Guild Lung Institute awarded grant to study treatment for lung disease
Posted: February 7, 2014 at 12:50 pm
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Newswise LOS ANGELES (Feb. 6, 2014) A Cedars-Sinai research team led by Paul W. Noble, MD, chair of the Department of Medicine and director of the Women's Guild Lung Institute, has been awarded $628,816 by Californias stem cell agency to develop a treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a deadly disease that destroys the lungs and damages other vital organs.
The illness, which has no cure and few effective treatments, thickens and hardens lung tissue, leaving the organs badly scarred. Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis have great difficulty breathing and the chronic reduction in oxygen damages vital organs. The cause of the disease is not clearly understood and many people live only three to five years after diagnosis.
Lung fibrosis occurs when the lung is unable to repair itself properly after injury or infection, said Noble. Some people are more susceptible to developing fibrosis, and we currently dont understand why the normal repair and renewal of lung cells stops occurring in these patients.
The two-year study will build upon preliminary research completed at Cedars-Sinai by Noble and physician researcher Dianhua Jiang, MD, PhD. They uncovered important clues to the precise way normal lung stem cell repair occurs and how a cure might be developed.
Currently, there is no therapy for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The only effective therapy is lung transplantation, which we do here at Cedars-Sinai, said Noble. But if successful, our research will result in a completely novel approach to the treatment of lung diseases, allowing for the renewal and repair of the patients cells.
This phase of Nobles research will involve the study of laboratory mice and human tissue to further identify the exact mechanisms necessary for stem cells to repair damage to the lungs.
Funding these awards highlights our commitment to advancing the field with the most cutting-edge approaches and to help deepen our understanding of every aspect of stem cells, to help us find new treatments, and even cures for the deadliest diseases, said Jonathan Thomas, PhD, JD, chair of the governing Board of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.
This award is a reflection of the highest peer recognition of Dr. Nobles scholarly efforts to discover novel approaches for understanding pathogenesis and new therapies for lung disorders, said Shlomo Melmed, MD, senior vice president for academic affairs, dean of the medical faculty and the Helene A. and Philip E. Hixon Chair in Investigative Medicine.
Continued here:
Director of Women's Guild Lung Institute Awarded Stem Cell Grant to Study Treatment for Lung Disease