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Embryonic-like stem cells collected from adults to grow bone

Posted: April 8, 2013 at 3:46 am

Washington, April 7 (ANI): Researchers at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and New York-based NeoStem Inc. are all set for the first known human trial to use embryonic-like stem cells collected from adult cells to grow bone.

The cells technology, called VSEL stem cells, or very small embryonic-like stem cells, are derived from adults-not fetuses. This eliminates ethical arguments and potential side effects associated with using actual embryonic stem cells derived from a fetus, according to researchers at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and New York-based NeoStem Inc.

The research partners hypothesize that the VSEL stem cells, which mimic properties of embryonic stem cells, can provide a minimally invasive way to speed painful bone regeneration for dental patients and others with bone trauma.

U-M's role in the study involves design, patient care and data analysis, while NeoStem provides the cells and patented technology to purify the special stem cells.

Study leaders include Russell Taichman, U-M professor of dentistry; Laurie McCauley, professor and newly named dean of the U-M Dental School; and Denis Rodgerson, director of grants and academic liaisons for NeoStem. U-M's work will take place at the Michigan Center for Oral Health Research and the U-M Health System.

"Within a year, researchers hope to begin recruiting roughly 50 patients who need a tooth extraction and a dental implant," Taichman said.

Before extracting the tooth, U-M researchers harvest the patient's cells, and then NeoStem's VSEL technology is used to purify and isolate those VSEL stem cells from the patient's other cells.

This allows U-M researchers to implant pure populations of the VSEL stem cells back into test patients. Control patients receive their own cells, not the VSELs. After the new bone grows, researchers remove a small portion of it to analyze, and replace it with an implant.

"We're taking advantage of the time between extraction and implant to see if these cells will expedite healing time and produce better quality bone," Taichman said.

"They are natural cells that are already in your body, but NeoStem's technology concentrates them so that we can place a higher quantity of them onto the wound site," he added.

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Embryonic-like stem cells collected from adults to grow bone

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Adhesive force differences enable separation of stem cells to advance therapies

Posted: April 8, 2013 at 3:46 am

Image shows adult human fibroblast cells with intracellular proteins involved in adhesion of these cells to an extracellular matrix. These fibroblasts are converted to human induced pluripotent stem cells through a reprogramming process during which restructuring of the adhesion proteins takes place. Credit: Ankur Singh

A new separation process that depends on an easily-distinguished physical difference in adhesive forces among cells could help expand production of stem cells generated through cell reprogramming. By facilitating new research, the separation process could also lead to improvements in the reprogramming technique itself and help scientists model certain disease processes.

The reprogramming technique allows a small percentage of cells often taken from the skin or blood to become human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) capable of producing a wide range of other cell types. Using cells taken from a patient's own body, the reprogramming technique might one day enable regenerative therapies that could, for example, provide new heart cells for treating cardiovascular disorders or new neurons for treating Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.

But the cell reprogramming technique is inefficient, generating mixtures in which the cells of interest make up just a small percentage of the total volume. Separating out the pluripotent stem cells is now time-consuming and requires a level of skill that could limit use of the technique and hold back the potential therapies.

To address the problem, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have demonstrated a tunable process that separates cells according to the degree to which they adhere to a substrate inside a tiny microfluidic device. The adhesion properties of the hiPSCs differ significantly from those of the cells with which they are mixed, allowing the potentially-therapeutic cells to be separated to as much as 99 percent purity.

The high-throughput separation process, which takes less than 10 minutes to perform, does not rely on labeling technologies such as antibodies. Because it allows separation of intact cell colonies, it avoids damaging the cells, allowing a cell survival rate greater than 80 percent. The resulting cells retain normal transcriptional profiles, differentiation potential and karyotype.

"The principle of the separation is based on the physical phenomenon of adhesion strength, which is controlled by the underlying biology," said Andrs Garca, the study's principal investigator and a professor in Georgia Tech's Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering and the Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience. "This is a very powerful platform technology because it is easy to implement and easy to scale up."

The separation process will be described April 7 in the advance online publication of the journal Nature Methods. The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), supplemented by funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).


Image shows a close-up view of a microfluidic device that exploits the differences in adhesion strength between derived stem cells and contaminating cell types in a heterogeneous culture to selectively isolate cells of interest using fluid shear forces. Credit: Gary Meek

Adhesive force differences enable separation of stem cells to advance therapies

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What’s Next for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine ?

Posted: April 8, 2013 at 3:46 am

Mahendra Rao, director of the Center for Regenerative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. Image: Richard Clark, NIH

Researchers are now experimenting with stem cellsprogenitor cells that can develop into many different types of tissueto coax the bodies of a few individuals to heal themselves. Some of the most advanced clinical trials so far involve treating congestive heart disease and regrowing muscles in soldiers who were wounded in an explosion. But new developments are happening so quickly that investigators have come up with a new nameregenerative medicineto describe the emerging field.

Many of the stem cells being studied are referred to as pluripotent, meaning they can give rise to any of the cell types in the body but they cannot give rise on their own to an entirely new body. (Only the earliest embryonic cells, which occur just after fertilization, can give rise to a whole other organism by themselves.) Other stem cells, such as the ones found in the adult body, are multipotent, meaning they can develop into a limited number of different tissue types.

One of the most common stem cell treatments being studied is a procedure that extracts a few stem cells from a person's body and grows them in large quantities in the laboratorywhat scientists refer to as expanding the number of stem cells. Once a sufficient number have been produced in this manner, the investigators inject them back into the patient.

The bone marrow is a rich source of adult stem cells, containing both the hematopoietic stem cells that give rise to the various types of blood and the so-called mesenchymal cells, which can develop into bone, cartilage and fat. Mesenchymal cells are found in the bone marrow and various other places in the body, although whether all mesenchymal stem cells are truly interchangeable irrespective of origin is unclear.

Scientific American spoke with Mahendra Rao, director of the Center for Regenerative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., to get a sense of the sorts of new developments that might occur in regenerative medicine in the next five years or so.

[An edited transcript of the interview follows.]

Why is there so much excitement about regenerative medicine? You could say that medicine up until now has been all about replacements. If your heart valve isn't working, you replace it with another valve, say from a pig. With regenerative medicine, you're treating the cause and using your own cells to perform the replacement. The hope is that by regenerating the tissue, you're causing the repairs to grow so that it's like normal.

And research into regenerative medicine has been going at a pretty fast pace. Yes, there have been a lot of novel breakthroughs in the past few years. It seems that things are moving relatively rapidly to true translation and clinical practice. When you think about it, it usually takes 10 to 14 years to bring a drug to market. Well, the entire field of pluripotent stem cells is 14 or 15 years old. And yet, in those 15 years there are already clinical trials in place.

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Modest Approval from Long-time Stem Cell Agency Critic

Posted: April 7, 2013 at 6:32 pm

Of all California's newspapers, The
Sacramento Bee
, the only daily paper in the state capital, has long
been the most critical – editorially – of the Golden State's $3
billion stem cell research agency.

Today, however, the newspaper gave a
modest nod of approval to the agency's modest efforts to clean up its
built-in conflicts of interest, which have been cited as a major flaw
by the prestigious Institute of Medicine.
The headline on the Bee's editorial today said,

“Stem cell agency finally addresses
potential for conflicts”

The piece said that Jonathan Thomas,
chairman of the agency, “has taken important steps in
reducing the potential for conflicts within this agency.”
The editorial continued,

 “He hasn't
gone as far as we would like, or that independent outside reviewers
have recommended....But he's achieved what's possible, at least for
now, and the board may empower him to go further.”

The Bee referred to action last month
in which the agency's governing board decided, among other things,
that 13 of the 15 board members linked to recipient institutions
could not vote on any grants, although they could participate in
discussion of applications. Twenty-nine persons sit on the board. In
a $700,000 report commissioned by the agency, the Institute of
Medicine recommended a fully independent board.
The Sacramento newspaper said, 

think Thomas and the oversight board should go further and adopt the
Institute of Medicine recommendations. But that is politically
unlikely. As is now obvious, it will be up to the Legislature to
fully remove representatives of funding-eligible institutions from
being involved in decisions about grants that could come back to

“Thomas, to his credit, recognizes
that his compromise may not be the perfect solution. He wants to test
out the new policy for a year, and see how it works. There's a lot
riding on the outcome. CIRM is expected to run out of funds in 2017,
and while philanthropy and foundation money could extend that for a
few years, supporters of California stem cell research clearly want
to go back to the ballot to seek additional funding. To make that
case, CIRM supporters can't afford any more scandals about insider
dealing. The next year will reveal whether it is on the right track.”


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The use of cloning and stem cells to resurrect life: Robert Lanza at TEDxDeExtinction – Video

Posted: April 7, 2013 at 8:42 am

The use of cloning and stem cells to resurrect life: Robert Lanza at TEDxDeExtinction
Robert Lanza, M.D. is Chief Scientific Officer at Advanced Cell Technology, and professor at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest Universit...

By: TEDxTalks

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The use of cloning and stem cells to resurrect life: Robert Lanza at TEDxDeExtinction - Video

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[Purtier placenta] obama speech – Stem Cells research – Video

Posted: April 7, 2013 at 8:42 am

[Purtier placenta] obama speech - Stem Cells research
pls call Riway Zoey @ +65 83613188 for more info (deer placenta)

By: Zoey Purtier

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[Purtier placenta] obama speech - Stem Cells research - Video

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StemCells, Inc., Rejects $20 Million from California Stem Cell Agency

Posted: April 7, 2013 at 3:02 am

When does a financially struggling
biotech company turn down a $20 million “forgivable loan?”

When it is StemCells, Inc., of Newark,
Ca., and the cash is being offered by the $3 billion California stem
cell agency. The research program has handed out nearly 600 awards, and it is the first time that a recipient has rejected funding.
That's the latest development in a stem
cell saga that began publicly last July and that involved unusual personal lobbying by the former chairman of the Golden State's stem cell research agency. The high point of the saga may have come in
September when the agency's governing board finished awarding
StemCells, Inc., $40 million in two different awards. But there was a
catch. StemCells Inc., had to match that figure with $40 million of
its own.
Late last month, StemCells, Inc., threw
in the towel on the $20 million awarded on its cervical spinal cord
injury application. In comments to analysts March 21, Rodney Young,
chief financial officer of the publicly traded company, said:

“The funding would have been in the
form of a forgivable loan, however, we have elected not to borrow
these funds from CIRM(the stem cell agency).”

According to the Seeking Alpha transcript of the conference call with analysts, Young said,

“You may also recall that last
September, CIRM approved a separate application under the same
disease team program for Alzheimer's disease, which was also for up
to $20 million in the form of a loan. We remain in confidential
negotiations with CIRM regarding the terms and conditions that would
attach to this loan.”

The company provided no explanation for
rejecting the cash, either in the conference call transcript or in
its press release.
During the conference call, StemCells,
Inc., reported continuing losses. For 2012, net losses totaled $28.5
million compared to $21.3 million in 2011. Revenue for 2012 was $1.4
million compared to $1.2 million in the previous year.
The awards last year to StemCells,
Inc., founded by Stanford's eminent researcher Irv Weissman, stirred
up a bit of a ruckus. The spinal injury award was handed out
routinely in July. Scientific reviewers gave it a score of 79 and
recommended funding. It was another matter on the Alzheimer's
application. It was scored at 61. Reviewers said it did not merit
funding. But the company publicly appealed to the full board, which sent the
application back for more examination. It was rejected again.
Nonetheless, in September, the 29-member board approved the award on
a 7-5 vote, bypassing a rival Alzheimer's application scored at 63.
It was the first time in the eight-year-history of the agency that
its board approved an application that was rejected twice by
Approval came only after strong
lobbying by Robert Klein, former chairman of the board. Klein was
also chairman of the ballot campaign that created the agency, and
Weissman, who holds stock in StemCells, Inc., and sits on its board,
was a major fundraiser for the campaign. 
The Los Angeles Times' Pulitzer
Prize-winning columnist, Michael Hiltzik, wrote in October that
 the process was “redolent of cronyism.” He said a
“charmed relationship” existed among StemCells, Inc., its
“powerful friends” and the stem cell agency.
As for the remaining $20 million award,
Martin McGlynn, CEO of StemCells, Inc., expects “quick” action on
finally securing the cash.
Here is an exchange that came during
the March conference call between McGlynn and analyst Kaey Nakae of
Ascendiant Capital Markets.

Nakae: “Okay. Just 2 more questions.
I guess the first one, as it relates to CIRM.
In deciding to decline the funding for spinal cord yet continuing to
pursue the funding for Alzheimer's, is there a difference in what
you're getting from them in terms of potential terms and conditions
that allow you to proceed on one and not the other, or is it the fact
that you're already in human with -- in spine, and still very
preclinical with Alzheimer's?”

McGlynn: :”I think you're very
definitely -- you're getting at some important criteria when one
considers how to fund programs whether you use debt or equity,
etcetera. So I wouldn't disagree with anything that you've outlined
or surmised. But I just would pray your indulgence until we're
finished, the negotiations with CIRM, which are coming to a close and
we expect those to resolve pretty quickly with regards to the
Alzheimer's program. And then quite frankly, we can be way more
forthcoming and way more disclosive with regards not only to our
decisions, but to our thinking.”

StemCells, Inc., was trading at about $1.65 at the time of this writing, down slightly from the previous
day. Its 52-week high is $2.67 and its 52-week low $0.59.


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Stem cells fill gaps in bones

Posted: April 6, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Apr. 4, 2013 For many patients the removal of several centimetres of bone from the lower leg following a serious injury or a tumour extraction is only the beginning of a long-lasting ordeal. Autologous stem cells have been found to accelerate and boost the healing process. Surgeons at the RUB clinic Bergmannsheil have achieved promising results: without stem cells, it takes on average 49 days for one centimetre of bone to regrow; with stem cells, that period has been reduced to 37 days.

In the past, large bone defect inevitably led to an amputation. Today, the arm or leg is stabilised in an external support, and a transport wire is pulled through the marrow of the intact part of the injured bone. Once the soft tissue surrounding the injury is healed, the surgeons cut the healthy part of the bone into two. The transport wire is affixed to the winches of a ring fixator that is attached around the leg. Using a sophisticated cable-pull system, the previously detached part of the bone is slowly pulled either downwards or upwards along the gap in the bone until it arrives and docks at the other end. During the pulling stage, the periosteum of the bone that had been pulled apart had been continuously stretched. Thus, a periosteum tube is created in the gap behind the relocated portion of the bone. Inside that tube, the new bone can regenerate. This process, however, is extremely tedious and the treatment fails in every firth case.

Processing autologous stem cells in the operating theatre

Surgeons at the RUB clinic Bergmannsheil attempt to optimise the healing process by applying autologous stem cells therapy. Depending on the requirements, stem cells are capable of evolving into different types of tissue cells, including so-called osteoblasts -- cells that are responsible for bone formation. Adult stem cells such as are deployed in the process can be found in the bone marrow of adults. "We harvest them by inserting a hollow needle into the iliac crest," explains PD Dr Dominik Seybold, managing consultant at the clinic.

The stem cells are prepared for application directly on location. Under x-ray control, the surgeons inject six to eight millilitres of the concentrated fluid into the centre of the periosteum tube. X-ray controls are routinely performed to monitor the recovery progress. To date, the RUB physicians have applied this therapy in 20 cases. "This is not enough to be statistically relevant," admits Dr Seybold. Nevertheless, the researchers find the results very encouraging: whilst the bone regeneration process without stem cells used to take 49 days on average, it has been reduced to 37 days on average thanks to the new therapy method. So far, RUB scientists have been treating bone defects with an average length of eight centimetres -- consequently, the patients thus recovered, on average, three months sooner.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Stem cells fill gaps in bones

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45-year-old leukaemia patient awaits stem cells

Posted: April 6, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Former MNC employee Karthik Shankaran was diagnosed with leukaemia in January 2011.

By December that year, it seemed as if timely treatment had gotten rid of it, but a couple of weeks ago, he found his cancer had relapsed.

Forty-five-year-old Karthik now has two months to undergo a stem cell transplant, his most viable shot at recovery. But, quite a few hurdles lie ahead. For one, Karthik is yet to find a donor.

There is a 25 per cent chance of finding a match within the family, but there was nobody in mine. So I have to look for unrelated donors, says Karthik. This is where stem cell registries come in.

If the registry is large enough, finding a match is quite probable. In India however, there is no central registry. All the individual registries in the country put together probably have just about 50,000 samples, says Karthik.

In an ethnically diverse country like India, this is a very small number. As it turns out, Karthik was not able to find a match in the registries either.

This prompted Karthik and his wife Divya Mohan, a technical writer, to start Swab4Karthik.

Swab4Karthik is a website that emphasises the role of potential stem cell donors in helping patients of leukaemia.

Stem cells can be extracted from several parts of our body bone marrow, blood and cord blood. However, most of the stem cell transplants carried out today use peripheral blood, according to Raghu Rajagopal, co-founder and CEO of Datri, a stem cell registry.

(Peripheral blood is the circulating blood of the body. It is different from the blood that flows within the liver, bone marrow or the lymphatic system.)

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45-year-old leukaemia patient awaits stem cells

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“Nanokicking” Stem Cells Offers Cheaper And Easier Way To Grow New Bone

Posted: April 6, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Featured Article Academic Journal Main Category: Stem Cell Research Also Included In: Bones / Orthopedics Article Date: 05 Apr 2013 - 12:00 PDT

Current ratings for: "Nanokicking" Stem Cells Offers Cheaper And Easier Way To Grow New Bone

3.89 (9 votes)

3 (2 votes)

Matt Dalby from the Centre for Cell Engineering at the University of Glasgow, and colleagues, write about their work in a study that was published recently in the journal ACS Nano.

In a statement released this week, Dalby says their new method offers a simple way of "converting adult stem cells from the bone marrow into bone-making cells on a large scale without the use of cocktails of chemicals or recourse to challenging and complex engineering".

Scientists have found it is possible to grow these tissue types in the lab by isolating MSCs and culturing them in an environment that simulates that which occurs naturally in the human body.

But current methods of coaxing the stem cells to differentiate are notoriously problematic and require expensive and highly engineered materials or complex chemical cocktails.

Nanokicking replicates a vibration that occurs in the membranes of bone cells when they stick together to form new bone naturally in the body.

The vibration, which has a frequency of 1,000 times per second, is thought to promote bone formation by encouraging signals between bone cells.

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"Nanokicking" Stem Cells Offers Cheaper And Easier Way To Grow New Bone

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