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Bendable Needles Developed to Deliver Stem Cells into Brains

Posted: March 7, 2013 at 12:48 am

The flexible needles could help doctors deliver stem cells to broader areas of the brain with fewer injections. Such therapies are being investigated for Parkinson's disease, stroke and other neurodegenerative disorders

By Monya Baker and Nature magazine

The injection system can bend sideways, delivering therapeutic stem cells to the brain through fewer holes in the skull. Image: Flickr/TschiAe

As the surgical team prepared its instruments, a severed human head lay on the plastic tray, its face covered by a blue cloth. It had thawed over the past 24 hours, and a pinky-sized burr hole had been cut near the top of its skull. Scalp covered with salt-and-pepper stubble wrinkled above and below a pink strip of smooth bone.

Over the next two hours, the head would be scanned in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine as the researchers, led by Daniel Lim, a neurosurgeon and stem-cell scientist at the University of California, San Francisco, tested a flexible needle for delivering cells to the brain.

Several laboratories are investigating ways to treat neurological diseases by injecting cells into patients brains, and clinical trials are being conducted for Parkinsons disease, stroke and other neurodegenerative diseases. These studies follow experiments showing dramatic improvements in rats and mice. But as work on potentially therapeutic cells has surged ahead, necessary surgical techniques have lagged behind, says Lim.

In 2008 researchers led by Steven Goldman at the University of Rochester in New York showed that they could make severely disabled mice able to walk by injecting human glial progenitor cells into five sites in the rodents' brains.

Those results are encouraging, but a human brain is more than 1,000 times larger than a mouse brain, and delivering cells to the right places is much harder. People know how to get cells into animals but forget about the scale-up problem with humans, Lim says.

Necessary tools Working with bioengineers and neurosurgeons, Lim designed a needle that bends. First, a straight, thin tube is injected into the brain and a flexible nylon catheter pushed through it. A deflector inside the tube arcs the catheter up and away from the entry track, and an even narrower plunger ejects cells from the catheter. In one injection, the device can deposit cells anywhere within a 2-centimeter radius along the track, a volume bigger than an entire mouse brain.

Several researchers hope to use Lims device for clinical trials in brain cancer and neurodegenerative disease. Xianmin Zeng, a stem-cell scientist at the Buck Institute in Novato, California, who worked with Lim to test the device on swine, says she hopes to file an application to use the device in clinical trials for Parkinson's before the end of 2014.

Bendable Needles Developed to Deliver Stem Cells into Brains

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Genetically corrected stem cells spark muscle regeneration

Posted: March 7, 2013 at 12:48 am

Mar. 5, 2013 Researchers at the University of Minnesota's Lillehei Heart Institute have combined genetic repair with cellular reprogramming to generate stem cells capable of muscle regeneration in a mouse model for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

The research, which provides proof-of-principle for the feasibility of combining induced pluripotent stem cell technology and genetic correction to treat muscular dystrophy, could present a major step forward in autologous cell-based therapies for DMD and similar conditions and should pave the way for testing the approach in reprogrammed human pluripotent cells from muscular dystrophy patients.

The research is published in Nature Communications.

To achieve a meaningful, effective muscular dystrophy therapy in the mouse model, University of Minnesota researchers combined three groundbreaking technologies.

First, researchers reprogrammed skin cells into "pluripotent" cells -- cells capable of differentiation into any of the mature cell types within an organism. The researchers generated pluripotent cells from the skin of mice that carry mutations in the dystrophin and utrophin genes, causing the mice to develop a severe case of muscular dystrophy, much like the type seen in human DMD patients. This provided a platform that would mimic what would theoretically occur in human models.

The second technology employed is a genetic correction tool developed at the University of Minnesota: the Sleeping Beauty Transposon, a piece of DNA that can jump into the human genome, carrying useful genes with it. Lillehei Heart Institute researchers used Sleeping Beauty to deliver a gene called "micro-utrophin" to the pluripotent cells they were attempting to differentiate.

Much like dystrophin, human micro-utrophin can support muscle fiber strength and prevent muscle fiber injury throughout the body. But one key difference between the two is in how each is perceived by the immune system. Because dystrophin is absent in muscular dystrophy patients, its presence can prompt a devastating immune system response. But in those same patients, utrophin is active and functional, making it essentially "invisible" to the immune system. This invisibility allows the micro-utrophin to replace the dystrophin and progress the process of building and repairing muscle fiber within the body.

The third technology utilized is a method to produce skeletal muscle stem cells from pluripotent cells -- a process developed in the laboratory of Rita Perlingeiro, Ph.D., the principal investigator of the latest study.

Perlingeiro's technology involves giving pluripotent cells a short pulse of a muscle stem cell protein called Pax3. The Pax3 protein pushes the pluripotent cells to become muscle stem cells, and allows them to be expanded exponentially in number. The Pax3-induced muscle stem cells were then transplanted back into the same strain of muscular dystrophy mice from which the pluripotent stem cells were originally derived.

Combined, the platforms created muscle-generating stem cells that would not be rejected by the body's immune system. According to Perlingeiro, the transplanted cells performed well in the dystrophic mice, generating functional muscle and responding to muscle fiber injury.

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Genetically corrected stem cells spark muscle regeneration

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Computer Review Announces New Tools to Deal with the Flood of Information from the Biotechnology Sector

Posted: March 7, 2013 at 12:47 am

Search for biotechnology and look at the massive results, now imagine a service that cuts out 95% of the static and gives you what you need.

Gloucester, MA (PRWEB) March 06, 2013

This is news because the amount of information coming from the Biotechnology sector represents a stubborn mountain to researchers. Computer Review cuts out the 95% noise and clutter of search engine results to deliver original sources from executives, companies and universities. Of the 3808 companies in 66 countries that Computer Review monitors in the Biotechnology sector, most provide original source material beneficial to subscribers.

The Biotechnology sector, concerned with developments in the life sciences to grow commercial products, continues to expand, encompassing new areas of inquiry like polymer based drug delivery, tissue regeneration and 3D Ultrasound image-guided radiotherapy. Bio-medicine and stem cell research comprise this sector, but it includes countless areas of study. For instance, if subscribers want to search for a physicians perspective on Parkinson's Disease and an overview of current treatments, then their search should begin with Computer Review's selection chart.

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Good News, Bad News and the California Stem Cell Agency

Posted: March 6, 2013 at 5:50 pm

A few weeks ago an anonymous reader
admonished the California Stem Cell Report to be more positive about
the $3 billion agency and its efforts to develop the cures that its
backers promised California voters more than eight years ago.

The comment was thoughtful and pointed
out that “almost all the time” the agency “has done the right
thing.” The reader made the remarks in the context of continuing
coverage of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report that found there
were major flaws in CIRM's operations. (The reader's comment can be found here at the end of the post.)
Given the reader's remarks, it seems a
good time to review the operating principles and biases of the
California Stem Cell Report.
Bias No. 1: Openness and transparency
come first in any government operation. They are
fundamental to the integrity of all government enterprises. Bias No.
2: The California stem cell agency is generally doing a good job at
funding stem cell research. We generally favor all manner of stem cell research. 
Regarding our operating principles, the
goal is report news and information about the agency along with
analysis and explanation. One key to understanding what this blog
does is to understand what news is. News by definition is almost
always “bad” as opposed to “good.” News deals with the
exceptional. It is not news that millions of drivers commute to work
safely each day on California freeways. It is news when one is killed
in a traffic accident.
The California Stem Cell Report also
tries to fill information voids. We understand that the stem cell
agency believes certain information is not in their best interests to
disclose. Such is always the case with both private and public
organizations. However, it is generally in the public interest to see
more information rather less, particularly information that an
organization would rather not see become public.
Analysis and explanation of what the stem cell agency does is rare in the California media and even less seen
nationally or internationally. This blog focuses primarily on the
public policy aspects of the agency – not the science. The agency
is an unprecedented experiment that brings together big science, big
government, big academia, big business, religion, morality, ethics,
life and death in single enterprise – one that operates outside the
normal constraints of state agencies. No governor can cut CIRM's
budget. Nor can the legislature. Even tiny changes in Proposition 71,
which created CIRM, require either another vote of the people or the
super, super-majority vote of both houses of the legislature and the signature of the governor. All of
this is the result of the initiative process – a well-intended tool
that has been abused and that has also created enormous problems for the
state of California that go well beyond the stem cell agency.
Then there is the funding of the
agency, which basically lives off the state's credit card. All the
money that goes for grants is borrowed and roughly doubles the actual
expense to taxpayers.
Since January 2005, we have posted
3,452 items on the stem cell agency because we believe the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
is an important enterprise
– one that deserves more attention that it receives in the
mainstream media. Our readership includes persons at the NIH, the
National Academy of Sciences, most of the major stem cell research
centers in California, academic institutions in the Great Britain,
Canada, Norway, Germany, Russia, China, Australia, Singapore and
Korea – not to mention the agency itself and scientific journals.
We do not attempt to replicate what the
California stem cell agency itself does, which is to post online a
prodigious amount of positive stories and good news about the agency.
To do so would serve no useful public purpose and would simply be
repetitive. That said, there is room to acknowledge the work that the
agency does, particularly the staff, but also the board. We try to
point that out from time to time.
The California Stem Cell Report also
welcomes and encourages comments, anonymous and otherwise. Directors
and executives of the agency have a standing invitation to comment at
length and have their remarks published verbatim, something almost
never seen in the mainstream media.
Finally, given the questions raised by
the Institute of Medicine about disclosure of potential conflicts of
interests, the author of this blog and his immediate family have no
financial interests in any biotech or stem cell companies, other than
those that may be held by large mutual funds. We have no relatives
working in the field. We do have the potential personal conflicts,
cited generally by the IOM in connection with some CIRM board
members, involving relatives who have afflictions that could be
possibly be treated with stem cell therapies in the distant future.   


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StemCell_Regenetec – Video

Posted: March 6, 2013 at 9:44 am

Very informative vid on Stem cells

By: Rob Davies

Follow this link:
StemCell_Regenetec - Video

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Adult Stem Cell Bladder Regeneration — Dr. Anthony Atala, Wake Forest University – Video

Posted: March 6, 2013 at 9:44 am

Adult Stem Cell Bladder Regeneration -- Dr. Anthony Atala, Wake Forest University
A WCBS news report from 9/28/11 by health correspondent, Dr. Max Gomez. Dr. Gomez follows up with a patient who received a lab grown bladder created using his own stem cells ten years ago to replace his bladder, damaged by spina bifida. Dr. Anthony Atala of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine discusses the work he is pioneering. At time of this report, the institute was growing over 20 types of tissues and organs.

By: StemForLife

Continue reading here:
Adult Stem Cell Bladder Regeneration -- Dr. Anthony Atala, Wake Forest University - Video

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1.2: Drug Safety of Stem Cells and other Novel Therapeutics – Video

Posted: March 6, 2013 at 9:44 am

1.2: Drug Safety of Stem Cells and other Novel Therapeutics

By: safescimet

Read more from the original source:
1.2: Drug Safety of Stem Cells and other Novel Therapeutics - Video

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LAMININE – Dr. Juzer Jangbarwala ( Fibroblast Growth Factor ) – Video

Posted: March 6, 2013 at 9:44 am

LAMININE - Dr. Juzer Jangbarwala ( Fibroblast Growth Factor ) DISCOVER LAMININE A Formula for life Have you ever wondered how a child physically develops at such a dramatic rate? How a young person can exert so much energy and recover almost instantly? Are you curious about why a child is able to pick up languages so quickly and how they can remember the smallest details? You might imagine that it is just one of the benefits of being young and carefree...ah, youth. There is actually an even more evolutionary reason for this phenomenon. It is indeed about fewer years of life and wear and tear physically, mentally and spiritually...but more than that, it is about the proximity to the embryonic state of being that supports all birth and beyond. The real answer lies in a compound that is essential in supporting embryonic development; it is called Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF). While FGF is readily available in the human placenta, its availability to the human body diminishes over time and essentially vanishes as we age. Our body is incapable of producing its own FGF, so it must derive it from the food supply. That is where LifePharm Global Network #39;s Laminine fills a crucial, missing link in the human chain of life. Laminine, a natural supplement, is believed to be the only other known source of FGF in adults. Research credits FGF with essentially reprogramming adult stem cells and amino acids in the body (which make up its natural repair tools) to travel to the areas that need it the most. Once there, these ...

By: Sherwin Bona

See the rest here:
LAMININE - Dr. Juzer Jangbarwala ( Fibroblast Growth Factor ) - Video

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Fat and stem cells – Video

Posted: March 6, 2013 at 9:44 am

Fat and stem cells

By: ImcasCongress

Read the rest here:
Fat and stem cells - Video

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Adult Stem Cell Treatment for Toddler with Cerebral Palsy – Video

Posted: March 6, 2013 at 9:44 am

Adult Stem Cell Treatment for Toddler with Cerebral Palsy
A WCBS news report by health correspondent, Dr. Max Gomez. Dr. Gomez tells the story of little Chloe, who suffers from cerebral palsy and could barely crawl as a symptom of a stroke. Adult stem cells banked at her birth from her cord blood were turned into a treatment for this debilitating disease. Chloe showed remarkable improvement, now being able to stand, run and dance around the house.

By: StemForLife

The rest is here:
Adult Stem Cell Treatment for Toddler with Cerebral Palsy - Video

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