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California Stem Cell Agency Bonds On Sale in March

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 3:07 am

Early next month, the state of
California will sell $2.7 billion in bonds, a tiny fraction of which will go
towards the California stem cell agency.

It is all part of an arrangement that
currently involves short-term borrowing as well to keep the cash
pipeline at CIRM properly filled.
To refresh some of you, the agency
subsists off money that the state borrows (bonds) instead of going to
the legislature annually for financial support. While that avoids
competing against school children, the poor, the University of
California, state colleges, parks, highways and other interests
seeking state funding, it also means that the cost of a $20 million
grant is something closer to $40 million because of the interest
The California Stem Cell Report last
week asked the state treasurer's office about the bond sale March
12-13 and what it means for the stem cell agency. Here is what Tom
, spokesman for the treasurer, replied in an email.

“CIRM’s funding needs now are met
via the issuance of commercial paper (CP).  They’re authorized
a certain amount of CP periodically.  Then we work with them on
a regular basis to issue the commercial paper on an as-needed basis. 
Last fall, they were authorized $160 million of CP.  We will
issue the first $27 million under that authorization (this) week. 
This spring, CIRM is scheduled to receive another $100 million
authorization. The Department of Finance , consulting with CIRM
officials, determined the $100 million would be needed to meet CIRM’s
funding requirements through the end of 2013.

“Now, here’s where it gets a little
complicated.  The state pays down the CP with bond proceeds. 
The March sale includes $60 million of stem
cell bonds.  Those proceeds won’t provide new money for CIRM,
but will pay down the CP proceeds CIRM already has used.”

Proposition 71, which created the stem
cell agency in 2004, authorized bond sales for stem cell research for
only 10 years. CIRM's financial timekeepers say the clock started
running when the first bonds were sold. The upshot is that the agency
will run out of money for new grants in less than four years.


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Hormones do not cause Breast Cancer – Video

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 1:44 am

Hormones do not cause Breast Cancer
Hormones do not cause breast cancer Medicine and particularly oncology spread the false notion that sex hormones cause cancer, which is wrong. The role of sex hormones in breast cancer was thoroughly examined last century. Most of these studies are generally ignored particularly when treating breast cancer.. Breast gland unit:Its cells are progeny of one stem cell. Cancer starts when a stem cell is transformed into a neoplastic stem cell, known also as clonogenic stem cell. Its progeny are tumor cells. Neoplasia is driven by two processes: 1. Maturation arrest and 2. Rising cell proliferation. Tissues units are phenotypes of their stem cell genotypes.. Cancer is a stem cell disease. Stem cells of the organism consist of a genotype network from which tissue phenotypes differentiate (emerge). We may distinguish between two kinds of differentiation: 1. Global differentiation of stem cell genotype network, which originated in the zygote. 2. Local differentiation of tissue units, that originate in the unit stem cell. Number of tissue unit types = number of stem cell types Number of cancer types =number of stem cell types Two stage carcinogensis is explained. Estrogen is a promoter, and not a carcinogen. Aromasin initiates an estrogen deficiency disease. Prostate cancer threatment with anti-androgens, initiate androgen deficiency disease.

By: Gershom Zajicek M.D,

View original post here:
Hormones do not cause Breast Cancer - Video

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Stem Cell Popularity in Veterinary Medicine (Frank Reilly) – Video

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 1:44 am

Stem Cell Popularity in Veterinary Medicine (Frank Reilly)
At the 2013 International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio, Frank Reilly, DVM, discusses the popularity behind stem cells.


Read the original post:
Stem Cell Popularity in Veterinary Medicine (Frank Reilly) - Video

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The Farrier’s Role with Stem Cell Therapy – Video

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 1:44 am

The Farrier #39;s Role with Stem Cell Therapy
At the 2013 International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio, Frank Reilly, DVM, talks about the farrier #39;s role in the use of stem cells.


Go here to read the rest:
The Farrier's Role with Stem Cell Therapy - Video

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Stem Cells Make Screening Simpler – Video

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 1:44 am

Stem Cells Make Screening Simpler
Chris Henderson, director of the Motor Neuron Center at Columbia University, explains his research using stem cells to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig #39;s disease). He spoke on December 17, 2012 as part of a seminar on high-throughput screening at the Columbia Genome Center. Read a meeting report: About Chris Henderson:

By: ColumbiaSystemsBio

See the article here:
Stem Cells Make Screening Simpler - Video

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Stem Cells And The Blastocyst – Video

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 1:44 am

Stem Cells And The Blastocyst

By: y truthmatters

Excerpt from:
Stem Cells And The Blastocyst - Video

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stem cells presentation and brief introduction – Video

Posted: March 3, 2013 at 1:44 am

stem cells presentation and brief introduction
stem cells presentation and brief introduction, to know more about all possibilities from stem cell treatment visit

By: StemRx BioScience

Read more:
stem cells presentation and brief introduction - Video

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DNA testing is Good or Bad: Let’s Discuss

Posted: March 2, 2013 at 6:24 am

DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid it is the backbone of all living creatures on earth. It is a molecule, which is having a double helical structure and encoded with genetic instructions. It leads to the functioning of all living beings including viruses. DNA profiling is done by the forensic scientists. It depicts the nature of the DNA and act as a person identifier. By knowing the genomic sequences a scientist could easily predict the DNA of the person.

Identification Of Diseases

In this era this technology has become a boon or us in many ways. This concept of DNA testing is booming in the market like anything. It has become the latest rage specially in the health care market. Many companies are there who will promote you the test kits and let you know about the diseases like cardiac problem, any alzimers syndromes, any indication of breast cancer if have any. But here comes the argument many feeble minded people are there who will completely go against it. As the procedures includes blood testing and many people are phobic of syringes, then comes the acceptance of the disease if have any.

Benefits of DNA testing

Many women in our country are facing problem with breast cancer. As they are afraid of testing their blood and DNA. They don’t have the exact DNA marker. This is a big concern for the physicians as well. It is always recommended having a DNA testing for a healthy life. The risk factors get decreased than before and longevity will increase. Myopic thinking should be removed from the society and should learn to accept the truth. DNA testing will also give information about the allergic reaction with various pathogens. The life will be in a proper and better shape.

Detection of criminals

Normal people have a vague idea about this DNA testing which is not at all harmful. Through DNA testing crimes can also be detected. Like in the forensic lab the victim’s body will undergo a scrupulous check up and easily it will be detected about the death of the person. Many criminal lawyers take support from this process which make their job easy to detect the criminal. Though it’s not a good indication for the crime masters. By taking the blood sample or from the foot steps even, of the suspected person it will unveil the truth of the real murder. It can save our nation from crimes.

Detection of pregnancy

Many unrevealed and awful activities like rape case, illegal affairs lead to pregnancy. In many cases the male denied for becoming a father. The lady could easily raise her voice for justice, here

Comes the major role of DNA testing which will easily catch hold of the real father. Sometimes it is not safe for the pregnant woman to have DNA testing as it might cause harm to the fetus. The illegal activities in our society have inflated than before so DNA testing should play a vital role in the society of crimes.The lady will get justice and to deliver her baby.

As a whole it’s a win-win situation because some hospitals testing the DNA of the fetus take place, as an outcome they reveal the gender, which might lead to a death of a baby girl.This is an illegal activity. Some lawyers are also against this. But in this contemporary era one must believe in DNA testing to save our nation.



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Reprogramming Adult Cells to Stem Cells Works Better with One Gene Turned Off

Posted: March 2, 2013 at 1:46 am

Newswise HOUSTON -- (March 1, 2013) -- The removal of a genetic roadblock could improve the efficiency of converting adult cells into stem cells by 10 to 30 times, report scientists from The Methodist Hospital Research Institute and two other institutions in the latest issue of Cell.

"The discovery six years ago that scientists can convert adult cells into inducible pluripotent stem cells, or iPSCs, bolstered the dream that a patient's own cells might be reprogrammed to make patient-specific iPSCs for regenerative medicine, modeling human diseases in petri dishes, and drug screening," said Rongfu Wang, Ph.D., Principal Investigator and Director of the Center for Inflammation and Epigenetics. "But reprogramming efficiency has remained very low, impeding its applications in the clinic."

Wang and his group identified a protein encoded by the gene Jmjd3 (also called KDM6B) as a roadblock in the stem cell conversion process. Jmjd3 is known to be involved in many biological processes, including the maturation of nerve cells and immune cell differentiation.

Wang and his team are the first to identify Jmjd3's role in inhibiting the reprogramming process. They found knockdown or deletion of Jmjd3 in young mouse fibroblasts was enough to greatly enhance reprogramming efficiency.

Our findings demonstrate a previously unrecognized role of Jmjd3 in cellular reprogramming and provide molecular insight into the mechanisms by which the Jmjd3-PHF20 axis controls this process," said Helen (Yicheng) Wang, co-principal investigator.

In investigating Jmjd3 and its role in iPSC reprogramming, Wang's team found Jmjd3 has two previously unknown functions -- it helps regulate cell growth and cellular aging and Jmjd3 deactivates another nuclear protein, PHF20. The scientists learned during the study that PHF20 is required for cellular reprogramming, because cells without PHF20 failed to generate iPSCs.

"So when it comes to increasing iPSC yields, knocking down Jmjd3 is like hitting two birds with one stone," Rongfu Wang said.

Jmjd3 may not be the only genetic roadblock to stem cell conversion.

"Removal of multiple roadblocks could further enhance the reprogramming efficiency with which researchers can efficiently generate patient-specific iPSCs for clinical applications," Wang said.


Originally posted here:
Reprogramming Adult Cells to Stem Cells Works Better with One Gene Turned Off

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FRC’s Dr. David Prentice Congratulates Kansas Senate for Passing Ethical Stem Cell Therapy Bill

Posted: March 2, 2013 at 1:43 am

WASHINGTON, March 1, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --Family Research Council (FRC) Senior Fellow Dr. David Prentice, a native Kansan, congratulated the Kansas state senate for passing S.B. 199, a bill that would establish the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center, a regional hub to advance and deliver adult and cord blood stem cell therapies to patients and serving as a resource for adult and cord blood stem cells for therapies. The Center would also inform professionals and the public about such therapies.


Dr. Prentice, a cell biologist who was selected by George W. Bush's Council on Bioethics to write a comprehensive review of adult stem cell research in 2004, testified before the Kansas Senate Committee on Public Health and Welfare in support of S.B. 199 on Feb. 25. Dr. Prentice additionally serves as adjunct professor of molecular genetics at the John Paul II Institute at the Catholic University of America, and formerly served as professor of life sciences at Indiana State University and adjunct professor of medical and molecular genetic at Indiana University School of Medicine.

The bill will now go to the Kansas House of Representatives for consideration.

In his testimony Dr. Prentice said:

"There are significant opportunities right now for Kansas to benefit from the establishment of a center of excellence specializing in the application of adult stem cell therapies for certain diseases, as well as educating physicians as well as the public about the advantages and availability of stem cell treatments.

"Kansas is moving forward as a potential leader in the area of adult and cord blood stem cell therapies. Estimates are that KU Med has done over 1,000 adult stem cell transplants, from bone marrow as well as a growing number from umbilical cord blood. These include stem cell transplants for various cancers and leukemias, but also initiating clinical trials to treat heart damage. Much more is possible.

"Kansas is well-positioned to become a leader in this area, and a global resource. The potential benefits for patients are incalculable. I urge you to support S.B. 199."

To read Dr. Prentice's testimony, click here:

SOURCE Family Research Council

The rest is here:
FRC's Dr. David Prentice Congratulates Kansas Senate for Passing Ethical Stem Cell Therapy Bill

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