Group 2 am Alzheimer #39;s and stem cells
Jonathan Hill, Sarah McGinnis, Karunuday Singh.
By: Missymeemee
See the article here:
Group 2 am Alzheimer's and stem cells - Video
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 5:52 am
Group 2 am Alzheimer #39;s and stem cells
Jonathan Hill, Sarah McGinnis, Karunuday Singh.
By: Missymeemee
See the article here:
Group 2 am Alzheimer's and stem cells - Video
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 5:52 am
Dr Vincent Giampapa #39;s interview on the TODAY morning show October 27 2012 mp4 Adult stem cell research is indeed creating waves around the world - nothing in the world of medicine today has ignited more passion and hope as the adult stem cell, described as the "architects of our body and repair masters of our tissues and organs." (The Stem Cell Dilemma, by Leo Rurcht, MD and William Hoffman.) The best news is: you don #39;t necessarily need to go for stem cell therapy to tap into the healing power - there are supplements now that can help you increase your own body #39;s stem cells.
By: Jessica See
Continued here:
Dr Vincent Giampapa's interview on the TODAY morning show October 27 2012 mp4 - Video
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 5:52 am
Finger regeneration An amazing testimony on how one man grew a new finger back simply by activating his own body #39;s stem cells. Stem cell miracles are real - find out more how you can turn on and activate your own body #39;s adult stem cells to bring back your health and even reverse the aging process.
By: Jessica See
Read more:
Finger regeneration - Video
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 5:52 am
BIOL 1103 (62PM)
Little Johnny and that dirt bike, but no fear! Stem cells help him back to good health! **It was 2 minutes before I uploaded it. I don #39;t really know what happened...
By: Maria Van Allen
More here:
BIOL 1103 (62PM) - Video
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 5:52 am
Stem Cells and Lung Cancer - Group #54 AM
Group #54 AM Allison Cape, Anna Shelnutt, Melissa Leming, Carl Edens, and Brooks Parrish
By: brooksthebabbling
See original here:
Stem Cells and Lung Cancer - Group #54 AM - Video
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 5:51 am
AM 49 BIOL 1103
Kwang) Hold up, acid in my eye Well to my cornea I can finally say good bye, I think my visons gone, forever Eternal slumber, Stevie Wonder Yeah, been washing my eyes for a couple minute but I still know that there #39;s a certain limit If I just keep running water any longer, I just know that it won #39;t make my vision any stronger Ne) I can #39;t see well I #39;m 40 years old man my doctor told me i got macular degeneration damaging retina aging cause glaucoma hurting the optic nerve in a charactersitic pattern catarac surgery the only way to solve it good prognosis: surgical care of its condition preventing the loss of vision yeah it #39;s efficient Chorus) I got blindness that #39;s my only problem Yeah I can #39;t see that #39;s my only problem if you find somebody having a vision problem bring yo boy to the lab maybe we can solve it Myeung) I came into the world in darkness They call this congenital blindness I might #39;ve had a disease in her womb or genetics took my vision to a tomb before my eyes become irreversible* pros make it usable my retina might be far from the normal but simple exercise make it stable Kevin) Now just rest assured take it easy now Treatment is administered in one of two approaches now Utilize the stem cells in a fetus for creation Through mitosis comes a sheet of retinal cells in nice formation Second method is transplanting corneal stem cells in directly Hereby restoring eyeball functionality Advanced Cell Technology conducted a study on two patients suffering from ...
By: xkwangg
Read more from the original source:
AM 49 BIOL 1103 - Video
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 5:51 am
group 70 movie AM.wmv
Were describing how to use stem cells on Non-Hodgkin #39;s Lymphoma
By: Cameron Anderson
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 5:51 am
Stem Cell Video Application Video Project 42PM S13
How stem cells can be used to treat blindness, a short video for Biology 1103 at UGA Spring 2013.
By: Mia Chang
Continue reading here:
Stem Cell Video Application Video Project 42PM S13 - Video
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 5:51 am
Stem Cell Facelift by Scott Wells, MD (Using patients own Adult Stem Cells)
Featured on Fox5, this video demonstrates a non invasive facelift using the patients adult stem cells.
By: Scott Wells
Continue reading here:
Stem Cell Facelift by Scott Wells, MD (Using patients own Adult Stem Cells) - Video
Posted: February 27, 2013 at 5:51 am
Tues-Thur 3:30PM Group 17 Stem Cell Assignment
What is the prevalence of male pattern baldness around the world? (2008, February 23). Retrieved from What is the prevalence of female hair loss around the world? (2009, August 03). Retrieved from Condliffe, J. (2012, April 18). Can stem cells finally provide a baldness cure that works? Retrieved from McAndrews, P. (2010). Causes of hair loss. Retrieved from
By: Edgar Hernandez
Read more:
Tues-Thur 3:30PM Group 17 Stem Cell Assignment - Video