BIOL1103 Stem Cell Uses_Group 5 PM
This is our video that shows a use of stem cells!
By: Alexa Becker
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BIOL1103 Stem Cell Uses_Group 5 PM - Video
Posted: February 26, 2013 at 3:42 am
BIOL1103 Stem Cell Uses_Group 5 PM
This is our video that shows a use of stem cells!
By: Alexa Becker
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BIOL1103 Stem Cell Uses_Group 5 PM - Video
Posted: February 26, 2013 at 3:42 am
Stem Cell Research - UGA BIOL 1103 Group 53 (AM)
Group 53 (AM) presentation for Biology 1103 at The University of Georgia. By Kevin Schatell, Melissa Thomas, Claudette Bailey, Amy Kyser, and Kyle Smith.
By: Kevin Schatell
Here is the original post:
Stem Cell Research - UGA BIOL 1103 Group 53 (AM) - Video
Posted: February 26, 2013 at 3:42 am
Cell Differentiation Stem Cell Research
From the greatest discoveries series (Discovery). Cell differentiation in embryos and stem cell research.
By: bavajose
See more here:
Cell Differentiation
Posted: February 25, 2013 at 6:45 am
Newswise In research that could one day improve the success of stem cell transplants and chemotherapy, scientists have found that distinct niches exist in bone marrow to nurture different types of blood stem cells.
Stem cells in the blood are the precursors to infection-fighting white blood cells and oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
The research, by a team at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, is reported Feb. 24 in the advance online edition of Nature.
The new findings, in mice, suggest that it may be possible to therapeutically target support cells in a particular niche. On the one hand, a drug that nourishes support cells could encourage blood stem cells to establish themselves in the bone marrow, enabling patients who have had stem cell transplants to more quickly rebuild their immune systems.
On the other, tumor cells are known to hide in the bone marrow, and a drug that disrupts the niche environment may drive cancer cells into the bloodstream, where they are more vulnerable to the damaging effects of chemotherapy.
Our results offer hope for targeting these niches to treat specific cancers or to improve the success of stem cell transplants, says senior author Daniel Link, MD, the Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Professor of Medicine. Already, we and others are leading clinical trials to evaluate whether it is possible to disrupt these niches in patients with leukemia or multiple myeloma.
Working in the mice, the researchers selectively deleted a critical gene, CXCL12, which is known to be important for keeping blood stem cells healthy. Rather than knock out the gene in all of the support cells in a niche, the researchers deleted the gene in specific types of support cells. This led to the discovery that each niche holds only certain blood stem cells that are nourished by a unique set of support cells.
What we found was rather surprising, Link says. Theres not just one niche for developing blood cells in the bone marrow. Theres a distinct niche for stem cells, which have the ability to become any blood cell in the body, and a separate niche for infection-fighting blood cells that are destined to become T cells and B cells.
The findings provide a strong foundation for investigating whether disrupting these niches can improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
In a phase II pilot study led by Washington University medical oncologist Geoffrey Uy, MD, assistant professor of medicine, Link is evaluating whether the drug G-CSF can alter the stem cell niche in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia whose cancer has recurred or is resistant to treatment. The drug was approved by the Food and Drug Administration more than 20 years ago to stimulate production of white blood cells in patients undergoing chemotherapy, who often have weakened immune systems and are prone to infections.
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Distinct Niches in Bone Marrow Nurture Blood Stem Cells
Posted: February 25, 2013 at 6:43 am
Manila: A Philippine-based group has aired concern over the dangers of stem cell treatment as it warned of the possibility that materials being used for such procedures could have been extracted from hapless donors, particularly human foetuses.
Dr Leo Olarte, spokesman of the Philippine Society for Stem Cell Medicine, said they were alarmed over reports coming locally and from abroad that some stem cell materials were being taken from the unborn.
At the same time he called on the Department of Health to carefully watch stem cell treatment practitioners. The Catholic Church, he said, should unite with health practitioners and put an end to such practices.
Olarte was quoted as saying in reports that allogenic stem cells from aborted foetuses of humans were being exported to the Philippines.
Article continues below
We cannot stand by and merely watch how they exploit people in poverty just to profit while allowing others who are economically well off to benefit from this, he said.
He said there were reports that human stem cells from foetuses and female egg cells were being used in anti-ageing procedures and other medical treatments.
Olarte is also concerned over the sale of supposedly stem cell products that come in the form of injectibles and even soaps.
Dont patronise those products. An example is the stem cell soap. It is unfair that stem cell therapy becomes a quackery, he said.
Earlier, Department of Health Secretary Enrique Ona led a national convention participated in by doctors to discuss the truth behind stem cell therapy.
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Philippine-based group warns on stem cell medicine
Posted: February 25, 2013 at 6:42 am
Group 62AM Alzheimer #39;s Stem Cell Therapy
Group 62AM #39;s video for Biology 1103 at UGA
By: Brooke Dillard
The rest is here:
Group 62AM Alzheimer's Stem Cell Therapy - Video
Posted: February 25, 2013 at 12:42 am
Stem Cells for Degenerative Disc Disease - Manila Philippines
Degenerative Disc Disease was treated successfully at the ASCI in Manila Philippines using the patient #39;s own autologous stem cells:
By: stemcellregeneration
Read the original here:
Stem Cells for Degenerative Disc Disease - Manila Philippines - Video
Posted: February 25, 2013 at 12:42 am
Growth factors for cartilage repair and healing - TGF Beta The first growth factor is transforming growth factor beta, TGF beta for short. It is a critical ingredient in the genesis of both cartilage as well as of bone. TGF beta is a potent stimulator of proteoglycan and collagen synthesis, the key compounds found in cartilage. Multiple experiments in animal models have confirmed that TGF-beta is instrumental in the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into cartilage and helps integrate the newly formed cartilage into bone underlying the cartilage. This is key to the development of cartilage as well as to the cartilage laying down on bone... all important elements for cartilage repair and healing when stem cells are used. http
By: Nathan Wei
Read more here:
Growth factors for cartilage repair and healing - TGF Beta - Video
Posted: February 25, 2013 at 12:42 am
Regenerative Properties of stem cells Prof May Hasaballa Cairo University
Regenerative Properties of stem cells Prof May Hasaballa Cairo University
By: mansvu
Go here to read the rest:
Regenerative Properties of stem cells Prof May Hasaballa Cairo University - Video
Posted: February 25, 2013 at 12:42 am
BMP needed for cartilage repair and growth in arthritis Bone morphogenic protein or BMP is an essential ingredient needed for normal cartilage development, growth, and repair. Mouse models deficient in this protein show significant deformities as do humans deficient in the gene responsible for BMP. BMP has been shown to stimulate cartilage growth from mesenchymal stem cells and enhance the production of collagen. However, it has also been shown that when implanted in areas away from where cartilage would normally grow, BMP led to the formation of ectopic bone, meaning bone growing in areas it shouldn #39;t. http
By: Nathan Wei
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BMP needed for cartilage repair and growth in arthritis - Video