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What Stems Cancer Cells? The discovery of a new cancer stem cell marker – Video

Posted: February 18, 2013 at 6:42 pm

What Stems Cancer Cells? The discovery of a new cancer stem cell marker
Excited about stem cells? Want to learn how stem cells influence cancer growth? Learn how scientists are paving the way to a better understanding of the identity and behavior of cancer stem cells! For more exciting science videos, visit Youreka Science: Original article: "Dclk1 distinguishes between tumor and normal stem cells in the intestine." Nakanishi et al. Nature Genetics, Jan 2013

By: YourekaScience

What Stems Cancer Cells? The discovery of a new cancer stem cell marker - Video

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TwoMinuteGenius – Suzanne Somers – Bombshell, Book Review – Excelerol Best Brain Supplement – Video

Posted: February 18, 2013 at 6:42 pm

TwoMinuteGenius - Suzanne Somers - Bombshell, Book Review - Excelerol Best Brain Supplement
TwoMinuteGenius Brought to you By . For more information go to http Are you ready to rethink and redefine your approach to aging? This powerhouse book tells you how to go from dreading it to making it the greatest passage of your life! Dubbed a health pioneer by the Wall Street Journal and called "crazy smart" by Dr. Mehmet Oz, Suzanne Somers has repeatedly opened up new terrain to health seekers worldwide. And now, with Bombshell, she does it again. Acting like your personal medical detective, she has found the most advanced scientists, doctors, and health professionals and gotten them to share jaw-dropping advances that will stop deterioration and set you on the path to restoration and healthy longevity. By taking advantage of these new bombshell advancements, you can live longer than ever with great quality of life, and experience a different way to age: with great health, strong bones, vitality, a working brain, and sizzling sexuality. All of it is yours for the taking if you are willing to make some simple, effective changes. In Bombshell you will learn about explosive medical secrets utilizing the groundbreaking technologies of today, or the very near future, that will allow us all to truly maintain the fountain of youth, including: bull; How nanobots, small "robots" the size of blood cells, will be injected into the human bloodstream to clean the blood supply and literally wipe out today #39;s most feared diseases bull; How stem cell procedures, using one #39;s ...

By: TwoMinuteGenius

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TwoMinuteGenius - Suzanne Somers - Bombshell, Book Review - Excelerol Best Brain Supplement - Video

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Beckers Muscular Dystrophy After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India – Video

Posted: February 18, 2013 at 9:47 am

Beckers Muscular Dystrophy After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India
He is a 12 year old and a known case of BMD with history of gradual onset of progressive lower extremities muscle weakness since age of 7 years with complaints of difficulty in climbing stairs, getting up from floor. Weakness even progressed to upper extremities with difficulty in overhead activities and frequent falls. No family history. On examination, he has grade 3 #713; muscle power in proximal muscles of both upper extremities and lower extremities and 4 in distal muscles of both upper extremities and lower extremities. He has bilateral pseudohypertrophy of calf muscles and walks on toes. Neurologically, he is hypotonic and hyporeflexic. Functionally, he is independent in most of the ADL, needs assistance in lower body dressing. On FIM he score 109. After Stem Cell Treatment 1. Reports overall feeling of freshness and energetic. 2. Can manage to walk on heels. Earlier he would walk on toes. 3. Posture has improved. Earlier he would walk with lordosis. 4. Earlier he would need maximum support for stair climbing from both railing and one hand on knee, now only uses railing to climb stairs. 5. Stamina has improved and he has increased level of confidence. 6. Sit to stand and stand to sit transfers requires less efforts. 7. Can perform overhead activities with ease and maintains for a longer time. 8. Is more active than before. 9. Speech is clear and loud followed by deep inhalation and slow rate with prolongation technique. 10. Secondary behaviors also reduced like reduced ...

By: neurogenbsi

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Beckers Muscular Dystrophy After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India - Video

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Hypoxic Ischaemic Brain Injury Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India – Video

Posted: February 18, 2013 at 9:47 am

Hypoxic Ischaemic Brain Injury Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India
He is a case of Hypoxic Brain Injury since 4 years. Because of high grade fever of "chikungunya", he got cardiac arrest and went into coma for 1 year. During comatose stage, he had sacral and Greater Trochanter sores which are all recovered and he has developed myositis ossification at bilateral hip and right elbow. Hip myositis ossification was removed surgically. After comatose stage, he has recovered in speech and voluntary control. He has developed rigidity in trunk and lower extremities. In 2011,he had history of fall while walking and had right femur shaft fracture which was treated surgically with plate and screws in place. Neurologically, he is hypertonic and hyperreflexic. On examination, he has restricted range of motion of bilateral hip, knee and ankle and right elbow. Voluntary control of lower extremities is poor while voluntary control of upper extremities is fair. He has rigidity in bilateral lower extremities and spasticity of grade 2 in upper extremities muscles. Patient is dependent for all ADL. On FIM he scores 30. After Stem Cell Treatment 1. He feels ease in getting up from supine to sit. 2. He can sit straight for some time (5-10 minutes) ,earlier easily stoop in 5-10 seconds. 3. His sitting balance is improved than before, earlier had fear to tilt sideways. 4. His spasticity in lower limb has reduced. 5. His speech has become clear and with proper pauses. 6. He can do roll over on bed with ease and less assistance from caretaker than before. Stem ...

By: neurogenbsi

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Hypoxic Ischaemic Brain Injury Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India - Video

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Inclusive Body Myopathy Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India – Video

Posted: February 18, 2013 at 9:47 am

Inclusive Body Myopathy Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India
He is a case of Inclusive Body Myopathy, since last 16 years with the history of slowness in running speed and slipping of "chappals" while walking and following foot drop. Weakness is progressive in nature and now involved muscles of all 4 limbs and trunk. Since last 3 years he is bedridden. Muscle biopsy is showing Inclusive Body Myopathy and EMG-NCV reports are showing generalized primary muscle disease. His elder sister also suffering from the same problem. Neurologically, he is hypotonic and hyporeflexic. On examination: he has grade 1+ muscle power in all 4 limbs proximally and grade 0 foot muscles and grade 3 distal muscles of upper limbs. Proximal muscle weakness is more than distal. Functionally, he is dependent in all ADL and mobility. On FIM he scores 48. After Stem Cell Treatment 1. Stamina has increased. 2. He can do suspension exercises for more range of motion and with more repetition without fatigue. 3. Now he can initiate rolling. He takes less support for rolling and turning. Earlier he used to change his position 4-5 times because of discomfort, but now he needs to change his position only once at night. 4. He can initiate supine to sit. 5. He is able to perform side lying to sitting by himself upto 70%. 6. Attempted drinking water in modified manner with right hand, which he couldn #39;t do before. Stem Cell Therapy done at Dr Alok Shrama NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute Surana Sethia Hospital Sion-Trombay Rd, Suman Ngr Opp Corporate Park, Chembur ...

By: neurogenbsi

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Inclusive Body Myopathy Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India - Video

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Autism Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India – Video

Posted: February 18, 2013 at 9:47 am

Autism Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India
He is a known case of Autism with history of full term normal delivery, cried immediately after birth. He had near normal motor milestones with delayed speech. On examination, he has poor eye contact, poor concentration, poor attention span, poor language command. He is stubborn and aggressive (decreased with rehabilitation). He goes to normal school and had good memory but poor in social communication. On ISAA scale he scores 90. On WeeFIM, he scores 77. After Stem Cell Therapy Psychology assessment: 1) His attention and concentration has improved by 25%. Previously his remedial educator would take him in a group session as he would do an activity only under a competitive spirit whereas now he can even study alone. 2) Eye contact has improved. 3) His quantity and quality of vocabulary has improved about 25%. 4) Now, he is able to form sentences of 4-5 words whereas previously his speech was bisyllables. 5) Now he is able to formulate meaningful sentences and have a meaningful conversation. 6) Now he is learning new mathematical concepts and mother and teachers feel that study wise there are real good improvements. 7) Memory has improved ie now he is able to reproduce and recollect whatever has been taught to him in the school. 8) Speech therapist mentioned that he now does not require speech therapy whereas he now requires OT and remedial education. 9) Social interaction is better ie now he can initiate and engage himself and other people into an activity or conversation ...

By: neurogenbsi

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Autism Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India - Video

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Spinal Cord Injury Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India – Video

Posted: February 18, 2013 at 9:47 am

Spinal Cord Injury Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India
She is a known case of Spinal Cord Injury since age of 1 year. After trauma she lost sensations of motor power below D6 level and on bowel bladder. MRI report showed 1) tiny focal traumatic contusion in cervical and upper dorsal spinal cord. 2) Grade 1 listhesis at C6-7 level. 3) Thin pre vertebral and anterior epidural hematoma. Initially she got good physiotherapy rehabilitation. She recovered in terms of bowel and bladder sensation, 50%. She has developed scoliosis (convexity towards right side) due to weakness of paravertebral muscles. Neurologically, she is hypertonic and hyperreflexic. She has ankle clonus. On examination: she has sensory loss below T6 level. She has grade 0 muscle power in bilateral lower extremities and near normal upper extremities strength. She is following time voiding for urination and she passes stool once in every 2-3 days. She has no pressure sores. On ASIA scale she scores "A". Functionally, she needs assistance in most ADL and wheelchair bound for mobility. On WeeFIM she scores 53. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Exercises tolerance has increased. 2. Sitting posture is better. 3. She sits more erect now. Earlier, she used to stoop to one side. 4. Parents report that she responds to pain (being pinched on the side) now. Earlier would not be able to appreciate. Stem Cell Therapy done at Dr Alok Sharma NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute Surana Sethia Hospital Sion-Trombay Rd, Suman Ngr Opp Corporate Park, Chembur, Mumbai -- 71. Tel : 022 ...

By: neurogenbsi

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Time For Public Disclosure of Financial Interests of Stem Cell Agency Reviewers

Posted: February 17, 2013 at 9:47 pm

Should the scientists who evaluate
and score the applications for $3 billion in taxpayer funds be
required to publicly disclose their financial interests?

No, says the California stem cell
agency, despite concerns by the state auditor and the state's Fair
Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
that date back at least six
years. The agency says that its governing board makes the decisions
on the applications – not the grant reviewers – and that the
members of the board fully disclose their economic interests.
However, last month the agency produced
a document that sheds new light on the issue. The document confirms
that the board rubber-stamps virtually all the reviewers' decisions,
going along with their actions 98 percent of the time. The board
exercised independent judgment on 28 out of 1,355 applications.
Why is this important? Here is what the state auditor said in 2007,

“(T)he FPPC believes that, under
state regulations, working group members (including grant reviewers)
may act as decision makers if they make substantive recommendations
that are, over an extended period, regularly approved without
significant amendment or modification by the committee. Thus, as
decision makers, working group members would need to be subject to
the conflict-of-interest code. This would mean that working groups
would be subject not only to the (public) financial disclosure requirements of
the Political Reform Act but also to the prohibition against a member
participating in a government decision in which that member has a
disqualifying financial interest and may be subject to the penalties
that may be imposed on individuals who violate that act.”

The auditor recommended that the stem
cell agency seek an attorney general's opinion on the matter, a
recommendation the agency agency summarily dismissed seven months later..
Then interim CIRM
President Richard Murphy, a former member of the agency's board and
former president of the Salk Institute, replied to the auditor:

"We have given careful
consideration to your recommendation and have decided it is not
appropriate to implement at this time. In almost three years of
operation and approval of four rounds of grants, the recommendations
of the CIRM working groups have never been routinely and/or regularly
adopted by the ICOC. Until the time that such a pattern is detected,
the question you suggest we raise with the attorney general is
entirely hypothetical, and is therefore not appropriate for
submission. We will, however, continue to monitor approvals for such
a pattern and will reconsider our decision if one emerges."

In the four rounds mentioned in
Murphy's response, 100 percent of reviewer decisions were
rubber-stamped by the board. In the other two rounds, the percentage
was 95 and 96 percent.
Currently, scientific grant reviewers at the stem cell agency, all of whom are from out-of-state, disclose financial and professional conflicts
of interest in private to selected CIRM officials. (See policy here.)
From time to time, grant reviewers are excused from evaluating
specific applications.
The CIRM governing board has resisted
requiring public disclosure of the interests of reviewers. The subject
has come up several times, but board members have been concerned
about losing reviewers who would not be pleased about disclosing
their financial interests.  Nonetheless, disclosure of interests among researchers is becoming routine in scientific research articles. Many universities, including
Stanford, also require public disclosure of financial interests of
their researchers. Stanford says,

“No matter what the circumstances --
if an independent observer might reasonably question whether the
individual's professional actions or decisions are determined by
considerations of personal financial gain, the relationship should be
disclosed to the public during presentations, in publications,
teaching or other public venues.”

The latest version of CIRM's conflict
of interest rules are under review by the FPPC. They do not include
any changes in public disclosure for grant reviewers. In view of the
new information that confirms that reviewers are making 98 percent of
the decisions on who gets the taxpayers' dollars, it would seem that it is long past due for public disclosure of both financial and professional
interests of reviewers. Indeed, given the nature of scientific
research and the tiny size of the stem cell community, disclosure of
professional interests may be more important than financial

"The public trust in what we do is
just essential, and we cannot afford to take any chances with the
integrity of the research process."

Here is the CIRM document concerning
reviewers' decisions and governing board action. The table has not
been posted on the CIRM website, but it was prepared for last month's
meeting dealing with the Institute of Medicine's recommendations for
sweeping changes at the agency, especially related to conflicts of


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Dead Space 3 Ep. 5: invest in copper and stem cells – Video

Posted: February 17, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Dead Space 3 Ep. 5: invest in copper and stem cells
Questions of moral standing are brought up. for instance: was it moral of me to upload this video and waste time?

By: megakiller999

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Dead Space 3 Ep. 5: invest in copper and stem cells - Video

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stem cells KNEE3 H264 youtube 16×9 – Video

Posted: February 17, 2013 at 4:44 pm

stem cells KNEE3 H264 youtube 16x9

By: Austin Lovell

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stem cells KNEE3 H264 youtube 16x9 - Video

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