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Biostem US Corp. CEO (HAIR, HAIR.OB) CEO Interview on CEOinsiderTV – Video

Posted: February 9, 2013 at 4:42 am

Biostem US Corp. CEO (HAIR, HAIR.OB) CEO Interview on CEOinsiderTV In this edition of CEOinsiderTV we #39;ll speak with Mr. Dwight Brunoehler CEO of Biostem US Corporation (HAIR, HAIR.OB) Biostem US is a public company trading on the over the counter market under the ticker symbol HAIR In this video interview you #39;ll discover: bull; The almost $2 Billion annual market where HAIR will provides services bull; How Biostem has completely avoided ANY controversy in the use of stem cells in its regenerative medicine therapies bull; Why HAIR #39;s Scientific and Business Boards are so unique - and why they can quickly boost the Company #39;s market footprint bull; How acquisitions play into HAIR.ob #39;s future growth plans... and why the Company believes THEY could soon be acquired by a highly-motivated investment fund bull; And much more. Watch this entire video interview for free at to learn more about Biostem US Corporation and the many applications - including hair regrowth - for their groundbreaking regenerative medicine technology. http

By: ceoinsidertv

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Biostem US Corp. CEO (HAIR, HAIR.OB) CEO Interview on CEOinsiderTV - Video

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GGN: Record Snow Hits Russia, 3-D Printed Stem Cells?, Paris Pants Ban Dropped – Video

Posted: February 8, 2013 at 3:48 pm

GGN: Record Snow Hits Russia, 3-D Printed Stem Cells?, Paris Pants Ban Dropped
Part Three (3) PLEASE SUBSCRIBE Please visit: or http for the latest news commentary by Global Government News DONATIONS WELCOME Visit to make a PayPal donation because it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. -Darko HEADLINES WITH LINKS #39;Historic #39; Snow Storm Looms for New England Heaviest Snowfall in a Century Hits Moscow Anti-snow chemicals used in Moscow take 1.3bn years to dissolve -- report Thousands of dead herring wash up in Iceland 2 Great Lakes Hit Record Lows on Water Level What Punched a Hole in these Clouds? (HAARP?) What to Do with Thousands of Tons of Radioactive Scrap Metal? Recycle It Into Consumer Goods KFC hit by chicken chem food scare Food Manufacturers are Fraudulently Diluting High-Quality Food with Inferior Quality Junk Safety Group Blows Lid on #39;Secret Virus #39; Hidden in GMO Crops Nearly Half of All US Farms Now Have Superweeds Widow of 81 starved to death after council forgot about her for nine days: It did nothing when care agency was shut by police Meet the #39;Stay-at-Home Dude #39; New Research Indicates Doing Household Chores May Turn Men Gay The power of TV: watching 20 hours a week halves sperm count, according to new study Married men and women far less likely to suffer heart attack: study 3D-Printed Human Embryonic Stem Cells Created for First Time North Dakota Senate passes personhood ...

By: DDarko2013

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GGN: Record Snow Hits Russia, 3-D Printed Stem Cells?, Paris Pants Ban Dropped - Video

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Stem cells beauty by Dr. Diaz on “Kumustahan Live” – Video

Posted: February 8, 2013 at 3:48 pm

Stem cells beauty by Dr. Diaz on "Kumustahan Live"

By: nolidpogi2

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Researchers look at stem cells for burn victim skin repair

Posted: February 8, 2013 at 3:48 pm

Researchers at the University of Calgary are hoping skin stem cells will improve skin grafts for burn victims.

The project is focused on people who require skin grafts after a deep burn injury where many layers of skin have been destroyed.

Right now, doctors only use the outer layers, or epidermis, to repair the wound, but those layers lack some important functions found in deeper skin, or dermis.

"The dermis is important because that's where all the nerve endings, the hair follicles, the oil glands and sweat glands are," said Dr. Vincent Gabriel.

Don Adamson required 15 surgeries to repair his skin after his gas tank exploded while he was driving home.

Adamson says he found the new skin simply did not work the same way after the skin grafts.

"I noticed [the] first time I went out and tried to shovel snow I nearly froze my hands and I didn't know it," said Adamson.

Dr. Jeff Biernaskie says this project will try to recreate normal skin.

"It may be possible to generate dermal stem cells from the patient and actually transplant them into the skin graft in order to regenerate the dermis and improve the overall function of that grafted skin."

Researchers estimate about 1,500 skin grafts are performed in Alberta each year.

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Researchers look at stem cells for burn victim skin repair

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RNL BIO filed Phase II/III Clinical Trial with KFDA to Treat Cerebral Palsy Using Autologous Fat Derived Stem Cells

Posted: February 8, 2013 at 3:48 pm

SEOUL, South Korea, Feb. 8, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- RNL BIO CO LTD (RNL) announced today the filing of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application with the Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) to initiate clinical trials phase II and III assessing the company's RNL-Astrostem stem cell drug in patients with cerebral palsy. The purpose of this study is to assess conclusive efficacy of stem cells for the treatment of cerebral palsy in 45 subjects over 11 months. The study is to be conducted through Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong and THE Bethesda Hospital.

RNL-Astrostem, has already completed a phase I trial to assure safety, including tests to rule out toxicity or tumorigenicity. This trial was conducted at the Seoul National University's Clinical Research Institute. In addition, thephase I study has confirmed the safety of stem cells infused by IV, as published in a leading peer-reviewed journal, Stem Cells and Development ("Safety of intravenous infusion of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells in animals and humans," February 2011). In the course of successful safety trials, scientists found significant evidence suggesting the potential for efficacy of stem cells in treatment of cerebral palsy. In addition, a case report with obvious result of improvement was published in another internationally renowned journal. RNL BIO believes that with successful trials and approval of the KFDA, it will be possible to commercialize RNL-Astrostem by 2014, revolutionizing the possibility to cure this incurable disease of children, which can only be managed with current technologies.

Cerebral Palsy is caused by non-progressive brain damage from single or multiple defect(s) on thenerve/muscular system and results in disorder in motion and sensory integration. According to Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, the prevalence of cerebral palsy is 3.5 per 1000 male to 2.8 per 1000 female children, averaged at 3.2 per 1000 children, which is expected to increase due to reduction of premature death.

In the clinical study investigators employ a variety of methods to assess efficacy: K-ABC: Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Gross Motor Function Measure, (GMFM), box and block test, Modified Asworth Scale, MAS, finger tapping test, Brain SPECT and MRI.

Dr. JC Ra, president of RNL BIO Stem Cell Technology Institute, said, "It is our mission to find cures for incurable diseases, such as the terrible pediatric curse of cerebral palsy, through autologous stem cell technology."


RNL BIO is a premier biotechnology company focused on the research and development of adult derived stem cell technologies. RNL has completed one phase I trial for spinal cord injury and one Phase II clinical trial for Osteoarthritis and is near to the completion of Buerger's Disease trial. RNL has been a supporter of UN Global Compact's free program to work with children who suffer from cerebral palsy, as major sponsor of the Bethesda Life Foundation. RNL is a publicly traded company on the Korean Stock Exchange (Code 003190) and is expanding its operations throughout the world.

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RNL BIO filed Phase II/III Clinical Trial with KFDA to Treat Cerebral Palsy Using Autologous Fat Derived Stem Cells

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ALS Patients’ Own Stem Cells Show Promise as a Future Treatment Option

Posted: February 8, 2013 at 3:48 pm

Stem cells taken from ALS patients may have the same capacity to develop into mature neuron-like cells as those collected from healthy donors, according to a new study released this month in STEM CELLS Translational Medicine. These findings could open doors to a possible new treatment option while also reducing the chance for rejection and other side effects often seen when someone other than the patient is the cell donor.

Durham, NC (PRWEB) February 08, 2013

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrigs Disease, is a rapidly deteriorating neurological condition affecting five out of every 100,000 people worldwide, mainly after the age of 50. The average survival time is only three years.

While no effective treatment exists, preliminary studies suggest that the quality of life and even life expectancy itself could be improved in patients who receive stem cell infusions. However, questions remain about the capacity of these cells to take hold and turn into neurons.

The study involved stem cells that bear the surface antigen CD133+, which have been shown to have a very low association with creating cancers. These cells can be isolated from a wide range of sources including bone marrow, peripheral blood and umbilical cord. A group of researchers from the Tecnolgico de Monterrey School of Medicine, in Monterrey, Mexico, led by Hector Martinez, M.D., Ph.D., Maria Teresa Gonzlez-Garza, Ph.D., and Jorge Moreno Cuevas, M.D., Ph.D., recently reported on the effects of CD133+ stem cells taken from peripheral blood of affected patients and transplanted into their own brains.

In this earlier trial, we provide evidence of a positive clinical response in ALS patients treated with auto-transplantation of CD133+ cells into the frontal motor cortex. However, there was an important question remaining to be answered: Were CD133+ cells obtained from ALS patients capable of transforming into neural cells? The present study demonstrated in a convincing manner the promise of CD133+ cells obtained from affected individual with ALS to transform into cells with neural potential, Dr. Martinez said.

The team collected CD133+ cells from 13 patients diagnosed with ALS and then grew the cells in the lab for a period lasting up to 48 hours. At the end of the two days, they saw an increase in neuronal proteins. This suggested that the stem cells were in the early stages of becoming neurons. Furthermore, the expression of some specific genes within the same time period indicated that the fate towards motor neurons, the neurons being destroyed in Lou Gehrigs patients, was underway.

No correlation was found between age, sex or ALS functional scale and the CD133+ stem cells response to the neuro-induction medium, Dr. Gonzlez-Garza said. Therefore, we concluded that CD133+ stem cells from ALS patients are capable of differentiating into pre-neuron cells, as well as the stem cells from healthy subjects.

These new findings provide the scientific basis for the positive clinical observations in patients with ALS treated by autotransplantation with CD133+ cells in the frontal cortex. But more importantly, they also give credence to the field of stem cell transplantation in other potentially fatal neurodegenerative conditions, Dr. Cuevas added.

This study may help explain the positive clinical outcomes obtained by stem cell transplantation in ALS patients and suggest the potential of stem cell therapy for conditions such as stroke and Parkinsons disease, said Anthony Atala, M.D., Editor of STEM CELLS Translational Medicine and director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

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ALS Patients’ Own Stem Cells Show Promise as a Future Treatment Option

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Stem cells and plastics combined to heal bones

Posted: February 8, 2013 at 3:48 pm

8 February 2013

The use of bone stem cells combined with a degradable rigid material that inserts into broken bones and encourages real bone to re-grow has been developed at the Universities of Edinburgh and Southampton.

Researchers are said to have developed the material with a honeycomb scaffold structure that allows blood to flow through it, enabling stem cells from the patients bone marrow to attach to the material and grow new bone. Over time, the plastic slowly degrades as the implant is replaced by newly grown bone.

According to a statement, scientists developed the material by blending three types of plastics. They used a technique to blend and test hundreds of combinations of plastics, to identify a blend that was robust, lightweight, and able to support bone stem cells. Successful results have been shown in the lab and in animal testing with the focus now moving towards human clinical evaluation.

The study, published in Advanced Functional Materials, was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

This new discovery is the result of a seven-year partnership between the two universities.

Richard Oreffo, Professor of Musculoskeletal Science at the University of Southampton, said, Fractures and bone loss due to trauma or disease are a significant clinical and socioeconomic problem.

This collaboration between chemistry and medicine has identified unique candidate materials that support human bone stem cell growth and allow bone formation. Our collaborative strategy offers significant therapeutic implications.

Prof Mark Bradley, of Edinburgh Universitys School of Chemistry, added, We were able to make and look at a hundreds of candidate materials and rapidly whittle these down to one which is strong enough to replace bone and is also a suitable surface upon which to grow new bone.

We are confident that this material could soon be helping to improve the quality of life for patients with severe bone injuries, and will help maintain the health of an ageing population.

Stem cells and plastics combined to heal bones

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Stem cells and degradable implants encourage bone regrowth

Posted: February 8, 2013 at 3:48 pm

A multidisciplinary team has developed a technique for rebuilding broken bones by inserting a degradable material and stem cells into them.

In 2012 a Glaswegian team developed a polymer implant that used stem cells to graft on to the marrow inside the bone and make for a more streamlined fix. This was, however, a method for lengthening the time an implant -- such as joints in a hip replacement -- can do its job properly. One year on, and the Department of Musculoskeletal Science at the University of Southampton and the University of Edinburgh's School of Chemistry have published their proposal for effective bone regrowth around an implant.

The degradable material was generated using solvent blending, an automatic process that sees hundreds of natural and synthetic polymers mixed and tested to get the right combination of strength and flexibility.

"Several of the blend materials were found to be excellent supports for human bone marrow-derived skeletal cells and foetal skeletal cells, with the optimised blend exhibiting in vivo osteogenic potential," state the authors, "suggesting that these polymer blends could act as suitable matrices for bioengineering of hard tissues".

The material, made from three different plastics, was then built into a 3D honeycomb pattern to act as scaffolding for the bone stem cells (generated using marrow cells). Tiny holes in the material permit blood flow, feeding the stem cells which can attach themselves all around the structure to form new bones.

"Fractures and bone loss due to trauma or disease are a significant clinical and socioeconomic problem," said Richard Oreffo of the University of Southampton in a statement. "This collaboration between chemistry and medicine has identified unique candidate materials that support human bone stem cell growth and allow bone formation."

It's not the first time a solution like this has been proposed. In 2010 Paul Wooley of the Centre of Innovation for Biomaterials in Orthopaedic Research claimed to have regrown bone inside a mammal's leg using a porous composite material akin to the honeycomb now being used. According to Wooley, bone and blood vessels grew around and through the material in six weeks. It could, he claimed, mean the prevention of countless amputations.

The Southampton-Edinburgh research is novel in its use of solvent blending to get the right materials for the job. Wooley had wanted to use aviation composites, whereas in the latest piece of research every effort has been made to engineer a material effective enough to do the job, with no chance of rejection, but supple enough that it can degrade over time leaving a fully-grown piece of bone intact.

The findings have been published in the Advanced Functional Materials.

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Stem cells and degradable implants encourage bone regrowth

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Stem Cell Therapy Testimonial – Arthritis Treatment (full version) – Video

Posted: February 8, 2013 at 3:43 pm

Stem Cell Therapy Testimonial - Arthritis Treatment (full version)
Stem Cell Therapy Testimonial - Arthritis Treatment (full version) 1-888-545-4333

By: Bofitmiami

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Stem Cell Therapy Testimonial – Arthritis Treatment (Short Version) – Video

Posted: February 8, 2013 at 3:43 pm

Stem Cell Therapy Testimonial - Arthritis Treatment (Short Version)
Stem Cell Therapy Testimonial - Arthritis Treatment (Short Version) 1-888-545-4333

By: Bofitmiami

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