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Beauty Innovation: Young-looking skin with stem cell therapy

Posted: February 1, 2013 at 10:44 am

Admit it or not, as you age your skin starts showing signs that you would rather hide. Spots, wrinkles, and even crow's feet are just some of those signs that you would camouflage with makeup and skin creams to make them disappear-temporarily. But fear not, for beauty experts have discovered that stem cell treatment can also help in maintaining youthful skin.

According to Ma Fe Doria, a skin care expert, stem cell therapy is an intervention strategy that introduces new adult stem cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury. As many may be aware, the most popular stem cell treatment is in Germany, where lots of celebrities and personalities (i.e. politicians) have flown to have stem cell injections for their ailments, using cells mostly harvested from the sheep. According to those who have undergone the procedure, the treatments have improved their body and the pains they've experienced have disappeared.

Today, many medical researchers continue to do experiments to determine if stem cell can help in curing various types of ailments from cancer to diabetes, which doctors have said may not be far behind. Aside from its healing benefits, stem cell is now being used by the beauty industry. Many cosmetic and beauty centers have started offering stem cell injections for the face, which is said to regenerate the skin where the cells are injected. While some continue to use sheep cells, plant and fat stem cells are now becoming the popular alternatives, with the fat stem cells being used to heal wounds, improve scars, and rejuvenate the skin.

But stem cell treatment is not cheap. Those who can afford it need to fly out of the country to avail of the treatment. Realizing the need in the market, Flawless Facial Center partnered with a local industry leader to produce Flawless' Stem Cell line, which uses the potent power of plant stem cells. Dubbed as the "superfood for the skin," Flawless' Stem Cell line is the epitome of skin nutrition.

"This new range of products allowed us to mark several milestones not just for Flawless but for the local beauty industry. Once again, we have taken something that, for the longest time, has remained exclusive to celebrities and other influential people, and made it affordable for the regular Juan and Juana," says Flawless ceo Ruby Sy.

For P2,500, the line includes a cleanser, day cream, and night serum. Flawless' Stem Cell line utilizes the plant stem cell technology to achieve the skin's youthful appearance by protecting it against oxidative stress and boosting the skin's repair and rejuvenation systems. "Times have really changed. No thanks to free radicals that are present in almost everything around us-from the food we eat to the air we breathe-people today age so much faster. This is especially true for people who like to spend late nights partying or spend too much time in front of the [TV/computer] monitor. Various studies have proven time and again the harmful effects such activities have on our skin," Sy said.

But with Flawless' latest baby, you can say goodbye to those ugly marks on your face. The Stem Cell line promises to solve all these, and more, by providing your skin with the right amount of nutrition and protection. Indeed, youthful glow is not only safe and available in a bottle, it's also now within reach of your pocket.

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ViaCyte’s Role as a Leading Cell Therapy Company Bolstered with the Issuance of 20 Patents in 2012

Posted: February 1, 2013 at 3:44 am

SAN DIEGO, Jan. 31, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- ViaCyte, Inc., a leading regenerative medicine company focused on developing new approaches to treat major diseases through the application of a stem cell-derived cell therapy, announced today that the Company was granted 20 patents worldwide in 2012, eight U.S. and twelve foreign. These patents bolster the Company's already strong proprietary position for its ground-breaking diabetes product, VC-01, as well as other applications of its broad technology platform.


VC-01 is a very promising, development-stage product that consists of pancreatic precursor cells (called PEC-01) derived from a proprietary human embryonic stem cell line and encapsulated in a proprietary, immune isolating medical device (the ENCAPTRA device). When implanted under the skin in suitable animal models, the cells further differentiate into insulin producing and other endocrine cells that regulate blood glucose in a manner similar or identical to a normal pancreas. If VC-01 performs in humans as it has in animal studies, it could effectively cure type 1 diabetics and be an important new therapy for insulin dependent type 2 diabetics.

ViaCyte's significant intellectual property portfolio now includes over 300 issued patents and pending applications related to the growth, directed differentiation and use of human pluripotent stem cells such as human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. This portfolio includes 51 issued U.S. and foreign patents specifically directed to the Company's VC-01 product. In addition to the protection afforded by patents, the Company also relies on significant proprietary know-how to develop its product offerings.

Dr. Paul Laikind, ViaCyte's president and chief executive officer said, "Our comprehensive and growing intellectual property portfolio helps to establish us as a leading company in the cell therapy and regenerative medicine field. Although the Company's resources are currently fully committed to the rapid development of VC-01 as a potentially transformative treatment for patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, our platform technology has many other important applications."

In July and August of 2012, the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (the "Board") also issued two decisions favoring ViaCyte on motions filed in the patent interference proceedings between ViaCyte and Geron Corporation (Menlo Park, California). The interferences involved ViaCyte's U.S. Patent No. 7,510,876 ("876 Patent"), which is directed to human definitive endoderm cell cultures in vitro. The Board upheld the claims of ViaCyte's '876 Patent in its entirety over Geron's applications. In September 2012, Geron appealed this decision in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.

About ViaCyteViaCyte, a private company that has emerged as a leader in the field of regenerative medicine, is currently focused on developing a novel cell therapy for the treatment of diabetes. The Company's lead product is based on the production of pancreatic progenitors derived from human pluripotent stem cells. These cells are implanted in a durable and retrievable encapsulation device. Once implanted and matured, these cells secrete insulin and other regulatory factors in response to blood glucose levels. ViaCyte's goal for this potentially transformative diabetes product is long term insulin independence without immune suppression, and without risk of hypoglycemia and other diabetes-related complications.

ViaCyte is headquartered in San Diego, California with additional operations in Athens, Georgia. The Company is funded in part by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) and JDRF.

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ViaCyte's Role as a Leading Cell Therapy Company Bolstered with the Issuance of 20 Patents in 2012

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Hyping the Economic Impact of the California Stem Cell Agency

Posted: January 31, 2013 at 9:03 pm

The $3 billion California stem cell agency today served up a warmed-over version of a study that would have the
public believe that the research program has had a major economic
impact on the state.

The latest study was prepared last
August by a firm that was hired under an RFP in 2010 that said it must execute "a vibrant and aggressive strategy to support the goals and initiatives of CIRM.” 
The agency paid $300,000 for the
original study but contends the report is “independent” of CIRM.
According to the CIRM press release
today, the latest version of the study by Jose Alberro of the
Berkeley Research Group claims creation of 38,000 “job years” and
$286 million in “new tax revenue” from the award of $1.5 billion. Those awards actually cost something in the neighborhood of $3 billion, given that state taxpayers must pay interest the borrowed funds that finance the agency. 
The Institute of Medicine's recent
blue-ribbon report on the stem cell agency carried remarkably different
information than the economic figures reported today. The institute's study was also financed by CIRM but at a cost of
$700,000. The report said,

“In the short term, CIRM’s
expenditures are supporting approximately 3,400 jobs and their
innovative efforts have also attracted substantial additional private
and institutional resources to this research arena in California
CIRM’s long-term impact on such critical aspects of the California
economy as state tax revenues and health care costs beyond the
shorter-term and temporary impact of its direct expenditures cannot
be reliably estimated at this point in CIRM’s history."

Here is what the California Stem Cell Report wrote in 2011 when the first study was released:

“No doubt exists that the stem cell
spending has had a beneficial economic impact. But whether it has had
a 'significant' impact on the California economy is in the eye of the
beholder. The state's economy runs to something like $1.7 trillion a
year. If California were a nation, it would rank among one of the
larger economies in the world. The workforce totals around 18
million, making 25,000 jobs statistically less than a hiccup. Keep in
mind as well that CIRM, until 2009,  paid the interest on its
borrowing with more borrowed funds, all of which adds to the total
cost of the borrowing, which is about $3 billion on top of the $3
billion CIRM is handing out.”

By ballyhooing economic impact reports
the stem cell agency would seem to be inviting assessment of its
efforts as an industrial development enterprise, which involve
criteria significantly different than that of a research enterprise.
A few years ago, we asked the agency's then Chairman Robert Klein
whether he wanted to have CIRM assessed as industrial development
effort. His quick response was a very emphatic no. Klein nonetheless
frequently touted the figures produced under the contract with the
The latest figures are undoubtedly
likely to be cited as the agency begins a road trip around the state
to meet with newspaper editorial boards to trumpet CIRM's reponse to
the Institute of Medicine study.
See below for a full copy of the
report. We have asked CIRM for a copy of the contract with the group
that prepared it. We will carry it when we receive it.


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Potent growth-inhibitory effect of a dual cancer-specific oncolytic adenovirus expressing apoptin on prostate carcinoma.

Posted: January 31, 2013 at 7:30 am

Potent growth-inhibitory effect of a dual cancer-specific oncolytic adenovirus expressing apoptin on prostate carcinoma.
Int J Oncol. 2013 Mar;42(3):1052-60
Authors: Zhang M, Wang J, Li C, Hu N, Wang K, Ji H, He D, Quan C, Li X, Jin N, Li Y
Apoptin is a chicken anemia virus-derived, p53-independent, bcl-2-insensitive apoptotic protein with the ability to specifically induce apoptosis in various human tumor cells, but not in normal cells. To explore the use of apoptin in tumor gene therapy, we assessed a recombinant adenovirus expressing the apoptin protein (Ad-hTERTp-E1a-Apoptin) in order to determine its lethal and growth-inhibitory effects on PC-3 and RM-1 cells in vitro and its antitumor effect on solid tumors in vivo....

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Timothy Ray Brown, the Berlin Patient, Speaks to the ACTG (Full Version) – Video

Posted: January 31, 2013 at 4:48 am

Timothy Ray Brown, the Berlin Patient, Speaks to the ACTG (Full Version)
Timothy Ray Brown, also known as the Berlin Patient, shares how living with HIV and then being diagnosed with leukemia led his German oncologist to try an innovative treatment using stem cells from a donor with a mutation that makes cells immune to HIV. Mr. Brown spoke at the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Network #39;s University of California at San Diego AntiViral Research Center site #39;s Community Advisory Board meeting on Nov. 12, 2012. He is the only known cured case of HIV in the world. Mr. Brown also shares his hope for the future of HIV/AIDS research. Our previous cut of this video showed highlights from this presentation. This video features Mr. Brown #39;s talk in its entirety.

By: ACTGNetwork

Here is the original post:
Timothy Ray Brown, the Berlin Patient, Speaks to the ACTG (Full Version) - Video

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epidermal stem cells – Video

Posted: January 31, 2013 at 4:48 am

epidermal stem cells

By: siegart89

The rest is here:
epidermal stem cells - Video

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Biotech Showcase 2012_Stem Cells, Inc. – Video

Posted: January 31, 2013 at 4:48 am

Biotech Showcase 2012_Stem Cells, Inc.
StemCells, Inc. is applying its scientific and industry leadership in stem cell biology to discover, develop and commercialize breakthrough therapeutics and enabling tools and technologies for use in stem cell-based research and drug discovery. View Stem Cells Inc. #39;s Alliance for Regenerative Medicine member profile at

By: AllianceRegenMed

Original post:
Biotech Showcase 2012_Stem Cells, Inc. - Video

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Biotech Showcase 2012_NeuralStem – Video

Posted: January 31, 2013 at 4:48 am

Biotech Showcase 2012_NeuralStem
Neuralstem #39;s patented technology enables the ability to produce neural stem cells of the human brain and spinal cord in commercial quantities, and the ability to control the differentiation of these cells constitutively into mature, physiologically relevant human neurons and glia. In August 2012, Neuralstem completed the final surgery of an FDA-approved Phase I NSI-566 safety clinical trial for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as Lou Gehrig #39;s disease. The trial is the first FDA-approved neural stem cell trial to treat ALS and concludes six months after that surgery. Neuralstem #39;s lead cell therapy candidate NSI-566 has been awarded orphan drug designation by the FDA for the treatment of ALS.

By: AllianceRegenMed

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Biotech Showcase 2012_NeuralStem - Video

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Biotech Showcase 2012_AlloCure – Video

Posted: January 31, 2013 at 4:48 am

Biotech Showcase 2012_AlloCure
AlloCure, Inc. is a pioneer in the development of cell therapies for the treatment of kidney disease and is a leader in the acute kidney injury field. The company #39;s proprietary technology enables the isolation and expansion of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), obtained via conventional bone marrow donation, which can then be administered off-the-shelf to any patient in need without requiring tissue matching or immunosuppressants. The company #39;s most advanced program, AC607, targeting acute kidney injury, is entering phase 2 clinical development and represents the first cell therapy to treat this life threatening condition. View AlloCure #39;s Alliance for Regenerative Medicine member profile at

By: AllianceRegenMed

Read more:
Biotech Showcase 2012_AlloCure - Video

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embryonic stem cells 2 – Video

Posted: January 31, 2013 at 4:48 am

embryonic stem cells 2
Video featuring a colony of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). For more info on ESCs check out this article from Stem Cells Freak.

By: Nikos Korompos

See more here:
embryonic stem cells 2 - Video

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