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Patient Advocate Reed Defends Patient Advocates on Stem Cell Board

Posted: January 28, 2013 at 1:46 pm

Patient advocate Don Reed, declaring that the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) 17-month study of the $3 billion California stem cell agency is "grossly misguided," this weekend nonetheless said the agency took "the high road" in its response to the study's recommendation.

Reed, of Fremont, Ca., was particularly incensed about the IOM's recommendations concerning patient advocates on the board. The IOM said that none of the board members, including patient advocates, should vote on grant applications secretly in grant review groups. The IOM said their votes should be recorded in public at full board meetings. Other patient advocates would still have seats on the grant review group, under the IOM recommendations. But they would not also be members of the governing board.

The IOM also said that CIRM should also revise its conflict of interest standards to regulate personal conflicts of interest, such as those involving particular diseases and patient advocates. Some members of the CIRM governing board bristled at the recommendation, and the board did not act on it last week.

Last Wednesday, the CIRM board acted to permit board members who are patient advocates to continue to participate in the closed door grant review sessions, but not vote on the grants at that stage. Previously patient advocates had two cuts at applications, one in the grant review group and one at the public board meeting.

Writing on the Daily Kos blog, Reed also said that no real conflicts of interest currently exist on the board, although 90 percent of the $1.7 billion that has awarded has gone to institutions tied to board members.


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Stem cells aid recovery from stroke

Posted: January 28, 2013 at 9:46 am

Public release date: 27-Jan-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Hilary Glover 44-020-319-22370 BioMed Central

Stem cells from bone marrow or fat improve recovery after stroke in rats, finds a study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy. Treatment with stem cells improved the amount of brain and nerve repair and the ability of the animals to complete behavioural tasks.

Stem cell therapy holds promise for patients but there are many questions which need to be answered, regarding treatment protocols and which cell types to use. This research attempts to address some of these questions.

Rats were treated intravenously with stem cells or saline 30 minutes after a stroke. At 24 hours after stroke the stem cell treated rats showed a better functional recovery. By two weeks these animals had near normal scores in the tests. This improvement was seen even though the stem cells did not appear to migrate to the damaged area of brain. The treated rats also had higher levels of biomarkers implicated in brain repair including, the growth factor VEGF.

A positive result was seen for both fat (adipose) and bone-marrow derived stem cells. Dr Exuperio Dez-Tejedor from La Paz University Hospital, explained, "Improved recovery was seen regardless of origin of the stem cells, which may increase the usefulness of this treatment in human trials. Adipose-derived cells in particular are abundant and easy to collect without invasive surgery."


Media Contact

Dr Hilary Glover Scientific Press Officer, BioMed Central Mob: 44-778-698-1967


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Stem cells aid recovery from stroke

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Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury c5 – c6 – Video

Posted: January 28, 2013 at 9:43 am

Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury c5 - c6
He has history of fall in the swimming pool ,leading to fracture and compression of C4 over C5 and Quadriplegia with complete bowel bladder incontinence . He was operated for C5 corpectomy spiral stabilization. He is on regular rehabilitation since then. Neurologically, he is hypertonic hyperreflexic On examination, he has partial sensory recovery till D1, but complete loss below D1 .He has grade 0 muscle power in bilateral lower extremity wrist below, but grade 3++ muscle power in bilateral shoulders. He has no bowel bladder control is on condom catheter for same on ASIA impairment scale he scores #39;A #39; Functionally, he is dependent for all ADL will chair bound for mobility. On FIM he scores 73 After Stem Cell Therapy 1) Trunk balance has improved in sitting and standing. 2) Touch sensation has improved (10%). 3) Now while standing and exercising, can feel stress coming on joint (proprioception). 4) Spasticity, flexor spasms in lower limb increased. 5) Left thumb movement has started. 6) FIM -- no change. 7) Now spasticity grade 2 to 3. 8) Walking in parallel bars better. Can turn and find it easier than before. Stem Cell Therapy done at NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute Surana Sethia Hospital Sion-Trombay Rd, Suman Ngr Opp Corporate Park, Chembur, Mumbai -- 71. Tel : 022 - 25283706, 022 - 25281610, Mob : +91 9920 200 400

By: neurogenbsi

See original here:
Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury c5 - c6 - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy for Moderate Mental Retardation with Behavioural Issues – Video

Posted: January 28, 2013 at 9:43 am

Stem Cell Therapy for Moderate Mental Retardation with Behavioural Issues
She is a known case of Mental Retardation with history of full term normal delivery, but mother had malaria during pregnancy. She had delayed motor milestones but achieved. She had delay mainly in speech. So she was tested and diagnosed to have MR. Gradually, she developed abnormal behavior and hyperactivity. Neurologically, she has near normal tone, reflexes and muscle power. On examination: She is hyperactive. She has poor social interaction and poor social skills. She has poor attention span. She has aggressive behavior. She is unable to read and write, but goes to a special school. She is unable to follow commands and has delayed speech. She needs assistance in all ADL. After Stem Cell Therapy OT assessment: 1) Hyperactivity has reduced by 30-40%. Now she can sit at one place if activity is of interest for 1-2 hours. She has calmed down a lot. 2) Attention and concentration has improved. Now she follows commands or instructions given. Does not need repetitions. 3) Concepts have improved, recognizes objects, matching colours, alphabets, numbers. 4) Speech is clearer and responses are relevant to questions asked. She sometimes still has repetitive speech or speaks sentences not appropriate to the present situations. 5) Aggressive behaviours have decreased. Initially the first month after SCT -- she showed increased aggressiveness towards younger brother. She would beat her brother for no reason. That slowly reduced. Now rarely does it (only when very angry). 6 ...

By: neurogenbsi

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Stem Cell Therapy for Moderate Mental Retardation with Behavioural Issues - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy for Left Hemiplegia Stroke – Video

Posted: January 28, 2013 at 9:43 am

Stem Cell Therapy for Left Hemiplegia Stroke
He is a case of right MCA infarct with left hemiplegia since 2009. He was treated conservatively and is able to walk independently, but not able to use left upper extremity. Neurologically, he is hypertonic and hyperreflexic on the left side. On examination: he has grade 3 voluntary control in left lower extremity and walks with aid of a stick. He has hemiplegic gait. Left upper limb voluntary control is poor with spaticity grade 3 in shoulder. On Modified Ashworth Scale spasticity on left side is grade 4. He has normal speech and bowel /bladder control. After Stem Cell Therapy 1) Spasticity has reduced in all muscle of left UE and LE. 2) He can raise his left shoulder upto 100° of range which he couldn #39;t do before. 3) Previously, he used to stretch his left hand only in the morning but now he can do the same throughout the day. 4) He can climb stairs without any support. 5) Balance while standing, walking and stair climbing has improved. 6) Now he can maintain tandem stance for 20 sec without losing balance. 7) He can do marching with leg in standing which he couldn #39;t do before. 8) VC grading : elbow 3 knee 4 Stem Cell Therapy done at NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute Surana Sethia Hospital Sion-Trombay Rd, Suman Ngr Opp Corporate Park, Chembur, Mumbai -- 71. Tel : 022 - 25283706, 022 - 25281610, Mob : +91 9920 200 400

By: neurogenbsi

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Stem Cell Therapy for Left Hemiplegia Stroke - Video

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IOM's Shapiro Wants to See More Changes from California Stem Cell Agency

Posted: January 28, 2013 at 12:16 am

Additional mainstream media news
coverage surfaced last Friday involving the California stem cell
agency's response to the blue-ribbon report from the Institute of
, whose concerns about the agency ranged from conflicts of interest to grant
appeals by rejected researchers.

One of the more interesting pieces was
done by Stephanie O'Neill of Los Angeles radio station KPCC. To her
credit, she contacted the chairman of the IOM panel, Harold Shapiro,
for his fresh take on what the stem cell agency's board did on
His comments were somewhat different
than those read Wednesday at the CIRM board meeting. On Friday, Shapiro was quoted as
saying the board action was “an important first step forward,”
but he added a caveat. O'Neill wrote,

“'I’m encouraged by this,' Shapiro
told KPCC. 'Presumably in the future they’ll take other steps. But
these are steps they could take without any legislative approval and
…I think it does respond in a pretty significant way to the spirit
of the report.'
“But Shapiro expressed concern that
the agency is making only 'small moves' to address a recommendation
that CIRM separate operations from oversight. Currently, the ICOC
functions 'both as an executor and as an overseer—competing duties
that compromise the ICOC’s critical role of providing independent
oversight and strategic direction,' according to the December IOM
“'But  I do understand… that
would be a move that they would have to take over time so we’ll
have to wait and see,' Shapiro said.
“Thomas agreed and said that while
CIRMs recommendations more clearly define the roles of chairman and
president, more refinements will be likely over time.”

From the Los Angeles Times, came a
piece from Eryn Brown. Her article was brief and she referred her
readers to the California Stem Cell Report for details. Her first
paragraph said,

“Changes may be on the way at
California’s stem cell funding agency.”

In coverage outside the mainstream media,
the Burrill Report carried an article by Daniel Levine. The Burrill
Report is produced by Burrill & Co., a San Francisco life
sciences financial firm. Levine's straight-forward account was
largely based on the CIRM press release and the IOM report.
Two bloggers surfaced with some
coverage. UC Davis stem cell researcher Paul Knoepfler, who is a CIRM
grantee, called the Thomas plan a “bold one-year experiment” and
“biggest development for CIRM in many years.” Knoepfler said,

“I’m still not sure I’m a fan of
all of the proposed changes, but I would say the plan is bold and

On, an unidentified
CIRM grantee carried a few brief items live from the meeting.


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How to understand stem cells – growth drivers – Video

Posted: January 27, 2013 at 9:44 am

How to understand stem cells - growth drivers 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells The 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells is an introductory level course designed to bridge gaps in your knowledge. It is most useful to new entrants, senior managers needing a big picture refresher, professional advisors and suppliers to the industry. We make it all easy -- leading you through the dynamics of stem cells, the main business drivers, giving you precious insight into where the money is made, stem cell development, commercialisation and ethics. In less than 12 hours you #39;ll: - Understand stem cells from bench to bedside - Discover where the money is made with stem cells - Understand risk and project management techniques for stem cells - Explore practices for stem cell product commercialisation - Learn about regulations, the government and the impact they can have - Consider the ethics of stem cells - Discover what the future holds for stem cells For more information, contact us at:

By: TerrapinnTraining

Read more here:
How to understand stem cells - growth drivers - Video

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Brazilian Butt Lift using fat and stem cells – Video

Posted: January 27, 2013 at 9:44 am

Brazilian Butt Lift using fat and stem cells

By: DrRiopelle

See the article here:
Brazilian Butt Lift using fat and stem cells - Video

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Randolf Jamias on Myanmar International Jan-26-13 World News2 – Video

Posted: January 27, 2013 at 9:44 am

Randolf Jamias on Myanmar International Jan-26-13 World News2
Please log on to for other news. A 14-year-old Australian boy was rescued from fast moving flood waters near the town of Rock Hampton on Friday. Next up, a research team in Kyoto University said it has created world #39;s first kidney tissue from stem cell. Still in Japan, Japanese researchers have succeeded in using stem cells to reproduce hair follicles. Now in Dubai, the country #39;s 2nd International Kite Festival was held just outside the city, with kite flyers from across the country and the world participating.

By: Randolf Jamias

Randolf Jamias on Myanmar International Jan-26-13 World News2 - Video

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Protection of genetic heritage in the era of cloning

Posted: January 27, 2013 at 8:06 am

Research on human beings has expanded greatly due to progress and the evolution of society as well as customs. Not only the unceasing development of research on human beings, but also interference in the beginning and end of life with homologous and heterogonous human reproduction, surrogate motherhood, cloning, gene therapies, eugenics,euthanasia, dysthanasia, orthothanasia, assisted suicide, genetic engineering, reassignment surgery in cases of transsexuality, the use of recombinant DNA technology and embryonic stem cells, transplantation of human organs and tissues, biotechnology and many other scientific advances. Scientific progress goes faster than the real needs of human beings, who are the final recipient of the entire evolutionary progress. Hence, there is the need to scrutinize w...

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