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How to understand stem cells – case study: Organogenesis – Video

Posted: January 25, 2013 at 10:41 pm

How to understand stem cells - case study: Organogenesis 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells The 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells is an introductory level course designed to bridge gaps in your knowledge. It is most useful to new entrants, senior managers needing a big picture refresher, professional advisors and suppliers to the industry. We make it all easy -- leading you through the dynamics of stem cells, the main business drivers, giving you precious insight into where the money is made, stem cell development, commercialisation and ethics. In less than 12 hours you #39;ll: - Understand stem cells from bench to bedside - Discover where the money is made with stem cells - Understand risk and project management techniques for stem cells - Explore practices for stem cell product commercialisation - Learn about regulations, the government and the impact they can have - Consider the ethics of stem cells - Discover what the future holds for stem cells For more information, contact us at:

By: TerrapinnTraining

See the rest here:
How to understand stem cells - case study: Organogenesis - Video

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How to understand stem cells – ensuring product safety – Video

Posted: January 25, 2013 at 10:41 pm

How to understand stem cells - ensuring product safety 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells The 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells is an introductory level course designed to bridge gaps in your knowledge. It is most useful to new entrants, senior managers needing a big picture refresher, professional advisors and suppliers to the industry. We make it all easy -- leading you through the dynamics of stem cells, the main business drivers, giving you precious insight into where the money is made, stem cell development, commercialisation and ethics. In less than 12 hours you #39;ll: - Understand stem cells from bench to bedside - Discover where the money is made with stem cells - Understand risk and project management techniques for stem cells - Explore practices for stem cell product commercialisation - Learn about regulations, the government and the impact they can have - Consider the ethics of stem cells - Discover what the future holds for stem cells For more information, contact us at:

By: TerrapinnTraining

Read this article:
How to understand stem cells - ensuring product safety - Video

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How to understand stem cells – ethical debate on cloning – Video

Posted: January 25, 2013 at 10:41 pm

How to understand stem cells - ethical debate on cloning 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells The 12 Hour MBA in Stem Cells is an introductory level course designed to bridge gaps in your knowledge. It is most useful to new entrants, senior managers needing a big picture refresher, professional advisors and suppliers to the industry. We make it all easy -- leading you through the dynamics of stem cells, the main business drivers, giving you precious insight into where the money is made, stem cell development, commercialisation and ethics. In less than 12 hours you #39;ll: - Understand stem cells from bench to bedside - Discover where the money is made with stem cells - Understand risk and project management techniques for stem cells - Explore practices for stem cell product commercialisation - Learn about regulations, the government and the impact they can have - Consider the ethics of stem cells - Discover what the future holds for stem cells For more information, contact us at:

By: TerrapinnTraining

Read the original here:
How to understand stem cells - ethical debate on cloning - Video

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Stem Cell Research Articles – Video

Posted: January 25, 2013 at 10:41 pm

Stem Cell Research Articles

By: Jakes Bling

See original here:
Stem Cell Research Articles - Video

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Protection of genetic heritage in the era of cloning

Posted: January 25, 2013 at 10:17 pm

Research on human beings has expanded greatly due to progress and the evolution of society as well as customs. Not only the unceasing development of research on human beings, but also interference in the beginning and end of life with homologous and heterogonous human reproduction, surrogate motherhood, cloning, gene therapies, eugenics,euthanasia, dysthanasia, orthothanasia, assisted suicide, genetic engineering, reassignment surgery in cases of transsexuality, the use of recombinant DNA technology and embryonic stem cells, transplantation of human organs and tissues, biotechnology and many other scientific advances. Scientific progress goes faster than the real needs of human beings, who are the final recipient of the entire evolutionary progress. Hence, there is the need to scrutinize w...

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Thelma 9 weeks after Stem Cell Therapy – Video

Posted: January 25, 2013 at 4:48 pm

Thelma 9 weeks after Stem Cell Therapy
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

By: krazykp12

Thelma 9 weeks after Stem Cell Therapy - Video

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Canada launches first gene therapy trial for Fabry disease

Posted: January 25, 2013 at 2:45 pm

Public release date: 24-Jan-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Gregory Harris 403-619-3108 Alberta Health Services

CALGARY Researchers in Calgary have launched the first gene therapy clinical trial in the world for Fabry disease, a rare inherited enzyme deficiency that can shorten the lifespan of people who have it by as much as 40 years.

Researchers will first remove a quantity of stem cells from a Fabry patient's blood. Then a working copy of a new gene will be inserted into the stem cells using a specially engineered virus. During the final phase of the trial, researchers hope to transplant these stem cells back into the donor patient and the new, working copy of the gene will make the missing enzyme.

The clinical trial has been prompted by promising gene therapy results in mice performed in the laboratory of Dr. Jeffrey Medin at the University Health Network in Toronto. Dr. Medin is the principal investigator of the pan-Canada team grant that is supporting this trial.

"We hope this will one day become a form of treatment that effectively cures Fabry disease," says Dr. Aneal Khan, a medical geneticist based at Alberta Children's Hospital, who is leading the Calgary segment of the national project.

"It could also help establish a platform on which we can create gene therapies for other illnesses and establish Calgary as a national leader in this experimental field of interventional genetics."

Although several gene therapies have been used in Canada for cancer, this study will be the first in the country to test a gene therapy for an inherited metabolic disorder.

People with Fabry disease have a change in a gene called GLA and can't make enough enzyme to break down a fatty substance called Gb3. The build-up of Gb3 can lead to problems in the kidneys, heart and brain. About 400 Canadians, including 25 Calgarians, have Fabry disease.

Although the project is headquartered in Toronto, physicians and scientists in Calgary will play a major role in the clinical trial. In particular, the lab at Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary has specialized expertise in the stem cell filtering process that will be used for the clinical trial.

Go here to see the original:
Canada launches first gene therapy trial for Fabry disease

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Keynote Message of Secretary Enrique T. Ona: Stem Cell Medicine 1st National Convention

Posted: January 25, 2013 at 2:43 pm

Keynote Message of Secretary Enrique T. Ona

Philippine Society for Stem Cell Medicine

1st National Convention The Truth and Fallacies about Stem Cell Therapy

January 16, 2013, Pandanggo Hall, Manila Hotel

The establishment of the Philippine Society for Stem Cell Medicine composed of physicians with interest in stem cell therapy is opportune, with the increasing demand for the use of stem cells as therapy in oncology, end organ diseases and regenerative medicine, here now in the Philippines and worldwide. I congratulate the founding members, led by Dr. Jose Sabili, your Chairman and Dr Rey Melchor Santos, your President for recognizing the need to organize and professionalize the practice of stem cell therapy in this country.

This two-day national convention, with the theme The Truth and Fallacies about Stem Cell Therapy is very timely as we in the Department of Health and the medical profession try to clear the air of misinformation and half-truths regarding this popular mode of treatment. We owe it to our patients and the general public to ensure that proper information and guidance regarding this novel medical approach is available. To protect themselves and their loved ones, the public must know the most current and accurate information about stem cells and its various applications, including some of which are purely experimental. We must ensure that only safe and ethical uses of stem cells are being used in the Philippines.

Today, we see the proliferation of centers offering stem cell treatments for medical and aesthetic purposes. Some stem cell programs here have expert personnel and clinical facilities and advanced laboratory equipment and technologies, reputed to be more advanced than other institutions abroad. We are concerned, however, that other facilities might not have the minimum capabilities especially trained personnel staff and equipment needed to perform stem cell therapies safely and effectively.

View original post here:
Keynote Message of Secretary Enrique T. Ona: Stem Cell Medicine 1st National Convention

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Stem Cell Agency Adds Fresh Details to IOM Response

Posted: January 24, 2013 at 9:05 pm

The California stem cell agency today
issued a press release touting “dramatic changes” at the agency in response to critical recommendations by the Institute of Medicine.

The press release contained a few more
details about the changes than were released in the Power Point
presentation yesterday. Here is the text of those details.
  • “The 13 Board members appointed from
    institutions eligible for funding from the stem cell agency, such as
    those in the University of California system, would no longer vote on
    any grants brought before the Board but would instead abstain
  • “All members of the Board would
    be able to participate in discussions on applications but only
    patient advocates and independent members of the Board would be able
    to vote on funding issues (members would continue to refrain from
    any discussion of specific applications from their institutions)
  • “Patient Advocates would
    continue to be members of the Grants Working Groups but would not
    vote on individual applications
  • “Programmatic review, aimed at
    balancing the agency’s portfolio, would take place at public Board
    meetings where members have a chance to make changes to
    recommendations from the Grants Working Group
  • “Industry involvement would
    increase, where appropriate, on the Grants Working Group, and also
    feature in a newly constituted Scientific Advisory Board; the
    structure and membership of this group is still under discussion
  • “Appeals on applications not
    recommended for funding will be handled by science staff who will
    evaluate them, determine if they merit further review by the Grants
    Working Group, and ultimately make recommendations to the Board.
    Staff will also be allowed to advocate for additional grants not
    recommended for funding by the Grants Working Group that they
    believe should be considered in programmatic review
  • “The Chair and President would
    share a division of responsibilities with the President supervising
    all scientific operations and internal operational responsibilities.
    In addition the Chief Financial Officer would report to the
    President. The Chair would handle the ‘external affairs’ aspect
    of the agency, things such as financial sustainability to raise
    additional funds, state legislative relations, bond financing,
    public communications etc.
  • “IOM recommendation on the
    creation of a Scientific Advisory Board to provide counsel on such
    issues as funding priorities and portfolio strategy will be
    implemented by staff
  • “IOM recommendations on
    Intellectual Property will be referred to the agency’s IP
    subcommittee which will review and report back to the full board
    with options and recommendations
  • “IOM recommendations on
    Sustainability: Chair, working with the President, will develop a
    plan to address this and present to the Board when ready


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California Stem Cell Agency to Pitch Newspaper Editorial Boards

Posted: January 24, 2013 at 8:55 pm

The California stem cell agency is
planning an editorial road show with major California newspapers to
explain its new plan to deal with the recommendations of the
Institute of Medicine(IOM) for major changes at the agency.

In what might be called the kickoff to the campaign, the agency this afternoon issued a press release hailing the plan as making “dramatic changes.”

The agency could have a tough audience.
The newspapers editorializing on the subject were unanimously in
favor of the IOM recommendations. One said the agency needs to clean
up its act. They warned of a loss of public trust along with losing the
possibility of continued financial support. (For a sample, see here
and here.)

CIRM Chairman J.T. Thomas said during
today's meeting that a public relations foray was in the works
following board action on his proposals yesterday. He said,

“The opportunity is ripe.”

His comments came after CIRM Director
Jeff Sheehy, a UCSF communications manager, urged engaging the
editorial boards.
Thomas' plan meets only a portion of
the IOM recommendations and sidestepped a call for
creating a new majority on the board of independent members. The IOM
said “far too many” board members – at least 13 – are tied to
institutions that receive money from CIRM. Thomas' plan would have
the 13 voluntarily restrain from voting on any grants for any
A compilation by the California Stem
Cell Report
shows that roughly 90 percent of the $1.7 billion awarded
by directors has gone to institutions with links to the directors.  


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