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StemCells, Inc., Still Looking for $40 Million from California Stem Cell Agency

Posted: January 20, 2013 at 1:04 am

Remember StemCells, Inc., and the $40
million it was awarded by the California stem cell agency.
The Newark, Ca., firm, founded by
eminent Stanford researcher Irv Weissman, received an award of $20
million last July and then again in September. Nearly five months
later, however, the stem cell agency has yet to cut a check for the
company, a spokesman for the agency told the California Stem Cell
in response to a query.
The hang-up is the $40 million in
matching funds that the company promised the agency. The stem cell
agency has yet to be satisfied that StemCells, Inc., can actually
produce the match, although the spokesman did not offer details.
The StemCells, Inc., awards were
unusual in a number of ways. It was the first time that former CIRM
Chairman Robert Klein lobbied the CIRM governing board on behalf of a
company(see here and here). It was the first time that the governing
board approved an application that had been rejected twice by grant
reviewers. It was the first time that the board said explicitly in a
public session that it wanted proof of the matching funds as a
condition of the award.
It was the first time that a CIRM award
to a company received a careful and critical scrutiny from a major
California newspaper. Michael Hiltzik, a Pulitzer Prize-winning
business columnist and author, wrote in October in the Los Angeles
that the award was “redolent of cronyism.” He referred
particularly to longstanding ties between Klein and Weissman.
The CIRM board vote on the StemCells,
Inc., grant in September was 7-5, which amounted to 12 out of 29
members of the board.
In December, a blue-ribbon panel of the
Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended that the agency tighten its
conflict of interest standards to avoid such perceptions as have been
generated by the StemCells, Inc., awards. The IOM said,

“(C)om­peting personal and
professional interests com­promise the perceived independence of
the (governing board), introduce potential bias into the board’s decision
making, and threaten to undermine confidence in the board.”

Concerns about conflicts of interest have long been of concern to observers of the stem cell agency for years. Indeed, the prestigious journal Nature in 2008 warned of "cronyism" at the $3 billion research enterprise.


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Stem Cell Agency Chair Pressing for Consensus on IOM Recommendations

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 3:56 pm

The chairman of the $3 billion
California stem cell agency, Jonathan Thomas, yesterday outlined how
he intends to proceed next week when the agency's governing board
considers the far-reaching recommendations of a blue-ribbon Institute
of Medicine

“While some of the IOM’s
recommendations are administrative in nature and can be implemented,
others are much more complex and would require changes in (governing)
board policy or legislative changes.” 

Jonathan Thomas, chairman of CIRM governing board at far right. Art
Torres (center), co-vice chair and former state Democratic party chairman,
who would  play key role in dealing with lawmakers. Robert Klein is at the
 left in this 2011 meeting, Klein's last as chairman of the agency and the one
 in which Thomas was elected chairman. 
He continued,

“My goal is to strive to reach
consensus on a course of action on the 23rd. However, if the board
isn’t able to choose a course of action at this time we will
continue the conversation and bring it up at future board meetings
until we reach agreement.”

It is worth noting that Thomas did not
mention the possibility of having to ask the people of California to
amend the state constitution, which would require a statewide election. Opponents to change at the agency have
used that possibility to discourage action. (See here and here.) An
election would be costly, politically difficult and could open the
door to additional unwelcome changes at the eight-year-old research
Thomas' desire for a consensus among
the 29 board members – instead of a simple majority – could be a
stumbling block as the board becomes snarled internally, perhaps for
months or more. The board normally meets only about once a month and
has a full slate of regular business on those occasions. The agency
will run out of money for new grants in less than four years, and
action on the IOM recommendations seems a necessary prelude to
winning continued financial support.
While four years would appear to an ample
period of time, making the sort of changes the IOM recommends would
require legislative action, which probably would take a minimum of a
year. Timing is important as well. The current leaders in the state
Senate and Assembly will be termed out in 2014. Starting all over
with novice leadership, changes in key committee chairmanships and so
forth would make the task even more difficult. Then there is the need
to address strategies for continued financial support. Should the
agency seek a new statewide bond measure (the current funding
mechanism)? If so campaign committees need to be formed, electoral
strategies planned and tested and tens of millions of dollars raised
for campaign expenses. If private funds instead are to be raised to
the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars(the agency spends about
$300 million a year), such an effort would also require considerable time.
To keep the funding pipeline full, all of this should be completed
well before the money runs out in 2017.
Dilly-dallying this year in drawn-out, fruitless debate over
the IOM proposals would be an unfortunate beginning should CIRM
directors actually want to continue the existence of the
In his blog item, Thomas sounded this
final note.

“It’s likely the debate will be
passionate – everyone involved in this work cares deeply about it –
and there will undoubtedly be disagreements, but ultimately we all
share the same goal, a desire to make sure that whatever we decide
helps make the stem cell agency even stronger and more effective, and
is in the best interests of the people of California.”


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How Can Cord Blood Banking Help Tomorrow? – Video

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 9:42 am

How Can Cord Blood Banking Help Tomorrow?
The Insception Lifebank Cord Blood Program is Canada #39;s largest and most experienced program of its kind, committed in its dedication to store umbilical cord blood and maintain viable stem cells. Families across the world are choosing to preserve their baby #39;s cord blood in order to take advantage of the medical advancements that cord blood has the potential to provide. For more information please visit: http

By: Insception

Read this article:
How Can Cord Blood Banking Help Tomorrow? - Video

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What is long term self renewal.mp4 – Video

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 9:42 am

What is long term self renewal.mp4 Scientists are trying to understand two essential properties of stem cells 1. why can embryonic stem cells proliferate for a year or more in the laboratory without differentiating, but most non-embryonic stem cells cannot; and 2. what are the factors in living organisms that normally regulate stem cell proliferation and self-renewal? Discovering the answers to these questions may make it possible to understand how cell proliferation is regulated during normal embryonic development or during the abnormal cell division that leads to cancer. This information will also help scientists grow embryonic and non-embryonic stem cells more efficiently in the laboratory.

By: Nathan Wei

Go here to read the rest:
What is long term self renewal.mp4 - Video

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Korean Team Demonstrates Success of Cerebral Palsy Treatment [Arirang News] – Video

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 9:42 am

Korean Team Demonstrates Success of Cerebral Palsy Treatment [Arirang News]
A Korean medical team has succeeded in treating children with cerebral palsy... using the umbilical cord blood of another person. It #39;s the first time in history the treatment has been proven. Arirang #39;s Hwang Ji-hye has the details. A Korean medical team... has had the first success with a treatment for cerebral palsy that uses the umbilical cord blood of a person other than the patient. The blood, which is rich in stem cells,... is what remains in the vein of the umbilical cord... and placenta at birth. The team is led by Doctor Kim Min-young of Bundang CHA Hospital. In their study of 31 patients suffering from cerebral palsy... all 31 patients showed improvement... six months after receiving injections of umbilical cord blood... from 31 other patients... over the course of five months... beginning in May 2010. The team added... that the patients #39; athletic and cognitive abilities have also improved. Cerebral palsy is a devastating disability acquired in early childhood... that affects 10-thousand children worldwide every year. The disability results in lifelong motor and cognitive functional deficits. Patients with cerebral palsy were previously treated with stem cells from their own cord blood, but not all patients have this. The medical team says the results are promising and believe the study will give hope to cerebral palsy patients. Hwang Ji-hye, Arirang News. * For more information - Arirang Homepage: - Arirang World Official Facebook Page www ...

By: arirangnews

Continued here:
Korean Team Demonstrates Success of Cerebral Palsy Treatment [Arirang News] - Video

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Parkinson’s: Ask the Stem Cell Expert | Xianmin Zeng, Buck Institute – Video

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 9:42 am

Parkinson #39;s: Ask the Stem Cell Expert | Xianmin Zeng, Buck Institute
For more information about CIRM-funded stem cell research related to Parkinson #39;s research, see our fact sheet: Dr. Xianmin Zeng, associate professor at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging answers your questions about Parkinson #39;s disease and stem cell research. Zeng has a CIRM research grant to develop a stem cell treatment for Parkinson #39;s disease. Parkinson #39;s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, which leads to tremors, slowness in movement, impaired balance, and stiffness. There is no cure for Parkinson #39;s. And although drugs can help reduce symptoms, they eventually lose their effectiveness. Zeng has developed methods for transforming those stem cells into dopamine-producing nerve cells, the same cells that are lost in Parkinson #39;s disease. The hope is that by transplanting these cells into the brain, they will replace the lost cells and restore function in the brain.


Here is the original post:
Parkinson's: Ask the Stem Cell Expert | Xianmin Zeng, Buck Institute - Video

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Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells – Video

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 9:42 am

Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
mESCs expressing a fluorescently tagged transcription factor under doxycycline control

By: amalabgenetics

The rest is here:
Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells - Video

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Years younger, Younger Look – Video

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 9:42 am

Years younger, Younger Look - Years Younger and Younger Look with Hi-purity, medical grade Stem Cells Growth Factor Technology applied to serums anti aging, to make you years younger and feel that younger look! For Years Younger and Younger Look, click the link!

By: John LePaul

Originally posted here:
Years younger, Younger Look - Video

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I Dreamed a Dream at Mile High – Video

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 9:42 am

I Dreamed a Dream at Mile High
I dreamed a dream at Mile High When hope was new Our ranking rising I dreamed that Peyton was our guy I dreamed the stem cells were surprising Then with eleven wins in a row The dreams of New Orleans came dancing Elway And Fox were in control With first seed home field advantage But the Ravens came to play With Joe Flacco passing wonders And they tore our dream apart Controlling the whole game. We had a season oh so bright Until they flipped the bird to Thunder Tebow was gone and that #39;s alright But prayer could #39;ve helped us in that game But we took a knee when we should pass And 30 seconds is a lifetime Our man named Champ ran out of gas And Rahim leapt up at the wrong time I had a dream our year would end So different from this hell we #39;re living A #39;hail Mary #39; forces an OT The playoffs have killed the dream I dreamed. A Production of Redstone ( and OnTrack studios (

By: RedstoneSpots

Follow this link:
I Dreamed a Dream at Mile High - Video

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Bill Weir promos upcoming Nightline special on stem cells – Video

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 9:42 am

Bill Weir promos upcoming Nightline special on stem cells
Bill Weir, host of ABC #39;s Nightline program provides a sneak peak at an upcoming program on stem cell research at Mayo Clinic.

By: mayoclinic

See the original post:
Bill Weir promos upcoming Nightline special on stem cells - Video

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