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Bacteria Can Morph Host Cells Into Stem Cells

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 6:44 am

Featured Article Academic Journal Main Category: Stem Cell Research Also Included In: Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses;Biology / Biochemistry Article Date: 18 Jan 2013 - 14:00 PST

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Researchers at the University of Edinburgh made this remarkable discovery while studying mice infected with bacteria that cause leprosy, an infectious disease that attacks the nerve system.

They propose the finding will help stem cell researchers use similar mechanisms to develop new stem cell treatments for degenerative conditions.

They write about their findings in the 17 January issue of the journal Cell.

Senior researcher Anura Rambukana, Chair of Regeneration Biology at Edinburgh, says in a press statement:

"Bacterial infections can completely change a cell's make up, which could have a wide-range of implications, including in stem cell research."

But once the infection is established, the bacterium then sets about reprogramming the Schwann cells to become like stem cells.

This is how the disease sets in and causes nerve damage: once the Schwann cells are reprogrammed into stem cells they lose their ability to protect nerve cells, which in turn prevents nerve signals travelling to the brain.

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Bacteria Can Morph Host Cells Into Stem Cells

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UC Davis Stem Cell Researcher: 'Ivory Tower' IOM Recommendations Harmful to California Stem Cell Agency

Posted: January 18, 2013 at 9:57 pm

The $3 billion California stem cell
agency has funded in the neighborhood of 500 to 600 scientists and
institutions, reviving and starting careers and stimulating
construction of $1 billion in new research labs around the state.

None of those recipients, as far as we
know, has come forward to comment publicly on the sweeping recommendations by Institute of Medicine for changes at the agency.
Until today, that is.
UC Davis researcher Paul Knoepfler, who
may be the only stem cell scientist in the United States with a stem
cell blog, weighed in with his thoughts today, which do not align
with those of the blue-ribbon IOM panel.
“Harmful” is one word that Knoepfler, who is a stem cell agency grant recipient,  used to describe the recommendations. He predicted “extremely negative repercussions” that “would
actually make CIRM less effective and less responsive to patients and
California citizens.”
He wrote that the IOM report, which
will come before stem cell agency governing board next week “...seems more like an ivory tower
intellectual exercise than an operative, realistic guide to a dynamic
agency that must operate in the real world.”
He defended the CIRM governing board,
which came under fire from the IOM for conflicts of interest.
Institutions linked to board members have received about 90 percent
of the $1.7 billion that the board has awarded, according to compilations by the California Stem Cell Report. The IOM said,

“Far too many board mem­bers
represent organizations that receive CIRM funding or benefit from
that funding. These com­peting personal and professional
interests com­promise the perceived independence of the ICOC,
introduce potential bias into the board’s decision making, and
threaten to undermine confidence in the board."

Knoepfler said,

“(The) IOM itself admits there is no
evidence that any conflicts of interest have ever guided (the agency's governing board) decisions. Not one example.”

Knoepfler also wrote,

“Interestingly, highlighting the
extremely sensitive nature of this issue, while I’ve been talking
with many bigwigs about this, at this point no one is wiling to go on
the record with an opinion about it except one courageous soul, Don
his piece here

There is a reason for that. The IOM is the most prestigious organization of its sort. Its studies are
described as the gold standard. And it has a rareified membership
that many scientists seek to join. So few are ready to give the
organization a smack on the nose. Likewise, California researchers
are loath to publicly criticize the stem cell agency because it
holds the strings to the purse that finances their careers.
California scientists, however, should
be asking themselves a bottom-line question. Do they want to see the
stem cell agency continue for another 10 to 20 years? Under the best
of circumstances, that may be unlikely given the other pressing needs
that the state faces. But if CIRM directors do not forthrightly
address the recommendations of the IOM panel, the fate of the stem
cell agency is exceedingly uncertain.


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Patient Advocate Says IOM Recommendations Would 'Destroy' California Stem Cell Agency

Posted: January 18, 2013 at 4:04 pm

California's “beloved,” $3 billion
stem cell research program should not be altered despite
recommendations from the most prestigious scientific organization of
its kind. So says longtime patient advocate Don Reed of Fremont, Ca.

Reed says the recommendations by the
Institute of Medicine (IOM) are a “threat” that would “destroy” an
agency that “is like nothing else on earth.” Reed is urging other
patient advocates to turn out at next week's critical meeting of the stem cell agency's board and lobby against alterations in how it does
Reed and CIRM's Amy Adams
World Stem Cell Summit photo
Reed is a fixture in stem cell circles
nationally and in California and has been a regular at the stem cell
agency's public meetings since 2004. He is also vice president of
Americans for Cures, a private stem cell lobbying group created by
Robert Klein when he was chairman of the stem cell agency,  formally known as the California Institute for Regenerative
Reed has written twice about the IOM
report on his blog with duplicate publication on the Huffington Post.
Yesterday, he said IOM “defies” the voters' will when they
created the stem cell agency in 2004. On Dec. 19, he said the
$700,000, 17-month study was “staggeringly misguided.” He wrote,

“If its recommendations were enacted,
they would silence stem cell patient advocate involvement, eliminate
public debate on funding proposals, and delegate the real decisions
to secret proceedings by an out-of-state-controlled board.”

Reed described the stem cell agency as
“fantastic” and wrote,

“So why mess with it, in such a
brutal and insulting manner?”

This writer has known Reed since the
early days of the stem cell agency and respects him. But in this
case he has many of his facts wrong. To mention just a few key
points: Patient advocates would not be silenced; their role would be
changed. Public comment would not be eliminated. Scientists could
still appeal negative decisions by reviewers to the full board if
they so choose, although the “extraordinary petition” process
would be eliminated. The voters' will would not be defied; they provided for a mechanism for making changes in the stem cell program.
While Bob Klein has not been heard from
publicly on the IOM report, some of Reed's comments reflect Klein's
past positions against altering the agency. Klein, an attorney and
real estate investment banker, might well be considered the father of
the agency. He directed the writing of the 10,000-word measure, Prop. 71, that created the program and wrote much of ballot initiative himself. The initiative contained a detailed description of the
qualifications for the chairman, which fit only one person in
California. It was no surprise when he won the post.
In years past, Klein has been extraordinarily protective of the ballot measure, at one point boxing
in the board on earlier proposals for changes that he disliked and that the IOM report now echoes.
In 2010, he was the prime
advocate for commissioning the IOM report which he expected
to serve as the basis for continued funding of the agency. It will
run out of cash for new grants in 2017.
To keep the money rolling in, Klein
said the IOM report would constitute a “gold standard” that would
generate increased enthusiasm for the research.
According to the transcript of the Aug.18, 2010, governing board meeting, Klein declared,

“(We will) never convince the people
that are adamant against us. But for the public and for the
constituent groups that are reasoned and prepared to look at
evidence, this is a very important validation that they can look to
to separate out what is a false claim from real performance.”

Also writing yesterday about the IOM
study was Bradley Fikes of the San Diego U-T, the dominant daily
newspaper in that area.
He summarized Reed's latest item as well as this on the California Stem Cell Report yesterday. Fikes
plans to file his own story within the next few days.
Feel free to file your own comments by
clicking on the word “comment” below or with the stem cell agency
at Anonymous
comments are permitted on this blog.


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James freaking out donating stem cells – Video

Posted: January 18, 2013 at 2:47 am

James freaking out donating stem cells
Donating stem cells for Jessica

By: Jimmy Bouvier

Continued here:
James freaking out donating stem cells - Video

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Stem Cells: Revolutionizing the World – Video

Posted: January 18, 2013 at 2:47 am

Stem Cells: Revolutionizing the World
My First Project


See the original post here:
Stem Cells: Revolutionizing the World - Video

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Knee Stem Cell Treatment – Video

Posted: January 18, 2013 at 2:47 am

Knee Stem Cell Treatment
Mr. William Vose describes his treatment with bonr marrow stem cells to his damaged kneereports results after 8 weeks.

By: FLRegenerativeMed

See the original post:
Knee Stem Cell Treatment - Video

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Social Studies Final Project Stem Cells – Video

Posted: January 18, 2013 at 2:47 am

Social Studies Final Project Stem Cells

By: ZachH197

Read the original post:
Social Studies Final Project Stem Cells - Video

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What Is Cord Blood Banking? – Video

Posted: January 18, 2013 at 2:47 am

What Is Cord Blood Banking?
The Insception Cord Blood Program is Canada #39;s largest and most experienced program of its kind, committed in its dedication to store umbilical cord blood and maintain viable stem cells. Families across the world are choosing to preserve their baby #39;s cord blood in order to take advantage of the medical advancements that cord blood has the potential to provide. For more information please visit: http

By: Insception

Continue reading here:
What Is Cord Blood Banking? - Video

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How Can Cord Blood Help Today? – Video

Posted: January 18, 2013 at 2:47 am

How Can Cord Blood Help Today?
The Insception Cord Blood Program is Canada #39;s largest and most experienced program of its kind, committed in its dedication to store umbilical cord blood and maintain viable stem cells. Families across the world are choosing to preserve their baby #39;s cord blood in order to take advantage of the medical advancements that cord blood has the potential to provide. For more information please visit: http

By: Insception

Original post:
How Can Cord Blood Help Today? - Video

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How Much Cord Blood Is Enough? – Video

Posted: January 18, 2013 at 2:47 am

How Much Cord Blood Is Enough?
The Insception Cord Blood Program is Canada #39;s largest and most experienced program of its kind, committed in its dedication to store umbilical cord blood and maintain viable stem cells. Families across the world are choosing to preserve their baby #39;s cord blood in order to take advantage of the medical advancements that cord blood has the potential to provide. For more information please visit: http

By: Insception

Visit link:
How Much Cord Blood Is Enough? - Video

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