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First in Michigan: Stem Cells to Preserve Heart Function

Posted: January 8, 2013 at 2:47 pm

DETROIT, Jan. 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Physicians at Henry Ford Hospital are the first in Michigan in a new national research study to investigate treating a recent heart attack with a patient's own stem cells to preserve heart muscle function.

(Photo: )

"Stem cell therapy offers new potential approaches in the treatment of acute heart attack patients to prevent further damage to heart muscle and improve function," says Gerald Koenig, M.D., Ph.D., a cardiologist and researcher at Henry Ford. "Current standard treatment options only limit the weakening of the heart. This is why we are studying stem cell therapy, which looks very promising, but it is still an investigation, not an established treatment."

The body has a mechanism to repair itself. When a heart attack occurs, the heart sends a distress signal to the body, which then sends repair cells to the injury site. In some cases, depending on the severity of damage, the repair is insufficient, with a poor prognosis for the patient. A dead zone of tissue develops in the heart, while the surrounding healthy heart cells are stressed as they work harder to pump blood.

The American Heart Association, with the assistance of the National Institutes of Health, reports that an average of 16 years of life may be lost due to a heart attack.

"Previous studies using adult stem cells to limit heart muscle damage and improve function have had mixed success," says Dr. Koenig. "Some studies have tried to do this too soon after a heart attack, and some tried the procedure at a later time.

"It has been determined that there's a window of opportunity one week to 10 days after a heart attack which is the optimum time for stem cell treatment."

The type of stem cell used to treat heart muscle is critical for success, according to Dr. Koenig, as well as the number of cells infused. When the correct amount of the right cells are used in the specified timeframe, the possibility of preserving heart function is much higher.

"We look for a specific stem cell that has the capability to improve the function of the heart, potentially by regenerating tissue, or as in this case, preventing the loss of heart muscle that typically continues for weeks after the heart attack," he says.

"An acute heart attack can severely weaken heart muscle. Today's therapies, including balloon angioplasty and stents to reopen blocked blood vessels, and medication, have raised the survival rate for patients. However, one third of heart attack survivors has a significant amount of damage to the heart, and is at high risk to develop congestive heart failure over several years."

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First in Michigan: Stem Cells to Preserve Heart Function

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Owner hopes stem cell therapy will get dog’s life back

Posted: January 8, 2013 at 2:44 pm

REHOBOTH, Mass. --

A first of its kind procedure is being performed in Massachusetts Monday. Its a stem cell therapy on a dog.

"He can't get comfortable, can't lay down, because of the pain, so he sits up and stares at the wall all night, which is tough to watch," said Bob Cook, Bubbas owner.

Cook of Taunton is talking about his 2-year-old English Bulldog Bubba, who suffers from hip dysplasia.

He said his condition has gotten worse in the last several months. After doing research, he found out about a regenerative stem cell therapy and has been hopeful.

He brought Bubba to the Abbot Animal Hospital in Rehoboth.

"Hopefully we can give these animals relief and increase quality of life and their life span as well, said Dr. Ashraf Gomaa.

Gomaa is the only doctor in our area certified by MediVet America, the company that developed this technology.

After extracting fat from Bubba, it is processed in a machine that basically breaks down the cells to get to the healthy stem cells. The cells are then injected back into Bubba into the area of concern.

"Replacing the bad cells with new cells, pretty advanced technology," Gomaa said.

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Owner hopes stem cell therapy will get dog's life back

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Hi Brome – Morfogen (Horacio Cruz

Posted: January 8, 2013 at 1:47 pm

Hi Brome - Morfogen (Horacio Cruz C-System)
Hi Brome - Morfogen (Horacio Cruz C-System) Morforecs 001 - Special Vinyl edition // Morforecs 002 Stem Cells - Digital Series MORFOGEN live! (TECH ON RECS./CUBBO) SPAIN Enjoy the music, support cubbo and be our fan at our facebook page : Download our free Iphone application at the Appstore and stay tuned with the latest news of our artists, videos, online streaming....

By: CUBBO Bookings

The rest is here:
Hi Brome - Morfogen (Horacio Cruz

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Fluctuations in Nanog expression – Video

Posted: January 8, 2013 at 1:47 pm

Fluctuations in Nanog expression
This is a movie from our paper Kalmar on the dynamics of ES cells (Kalmar T., Lim, C., Hayward, P., Muoz Descalzo, S., Garcia Ojalvo, J. and Martinez Arias, A. (2009) Regulated fluctuations in Nanog expression mediate cell fate decisions in embryonic stem cells. PLoS Biol 7(7): e1000149. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000149). It does show fluctuations in Nanog expression and does represent much of the spirit of the research in our laboratory.

By: amalabgenetics

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Fluctuations in Nanog expression - Video

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Haley – Video

Posted: January 8, 2013 at 1:47 pm

"Haley" Dog treated with stem cells from InGeneron

By: Dalia Martinez

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Haley - Video

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Bioeconomy Transformation Programme – Video

Posted: January 8, 2013 at 1:47 pm

Bioeconomy Transformation Programme
Bioeconomy refers to all economic activity that is derived from the continued commercial application of biotechnology. It encompasses the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed, chemicals, energy and healthcare wellness products via innovative and efficient technologies. In addition to being a key contributor to economic growth, the Bioeconomy benefits the society and nation through breakthroughs in agricultural productivity, discoveries in healthcare and the adoption of sustainable industrial processes. To reflect its potential in transforming Malaysia into a high income, inclusive and sustainable economy,the Bioeconomy Transformation Programme (BTP) which is one of the implementation strategies under the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). BTP was designed as a Transformation Programme based on the potential for biotechnology to cut across various different industries.The BTP is a platform provided by the government for the private sector to channel and maximise commercial opportunities based on biotechnology. The shortlisted Entry Point Projects (EPPs) are focused on three areas, ie tropical agro-biotechnology, renewable bioresources as well as innovative healthcare products and services. The 10 shortlisted EPPs include industrial bio inputs, biochemicals, biomaterials, bio-based farm inputs, high value bioingredients, high value food varieties, biosimilars, drug discovery, molecular screening, as well as stem cells and ...

By: BiotechCorpMy

More here:
Bioeconomy Transformation Programme - Video

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Owner hopes stem cell therapy will get dog's life back

Posted: January 8, 2013 at 8:42 am

REHOBOTH, Mass. --

A first of its kind procedure is being performed in Massachusetts Monday. Its a stem cell therapy on a dog.

"He can't get comfortable, can't lay down, because of the pain, so he sits up and stares at the wall all night, which is tough to watch," said Bob Cook, Bubbas owner.

Cook of Taunton is talking about his 2-year-old English Bulldog Bubba, who suffers from hip dysplasia.

He said his condition has gotten worse in the last several months. After doing research, he found out about a regenerative stem cell therapy and has been hopeful.

He brought Bubba to the Abbot Animal Hospital in Rehoboth.

"Hopefully we can give these animals relief and increase quality of life and their life span as well, said Dr. Ashraf Gomaa.

Gomaa is the only doctor in our area certified by MediVet America, the company that developed this technology.

After extracting fat from Bubba, it is processed in a machine that basically breaks down the cells to get to the healthy stem cells. The cells are then injected back into Bubba into the area of concern.

"Replacing the bad cells with new cells, pretty advanced technology," Gomaa said.

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Owner hopes stem cell therapy will get dog's life back

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BioTime Buys Geron's Stem Cell Assets, Including hESC Clinical Trial

Posted: January 8, 2013 at 3:29 am

Geron Corp., which pioneered the first
clinical trial of an hESC therapy, today sold its stem cell
business to another San Francisco Bay Area firm whose two top
executives were once CEOs at Geron.

Michael West
BioTime photo
The total value of the complex deal was
not clear from the public statements released by Geron and the
acquiring firm, BioTime, Inc., of Alameda, but an unidentified
outside investor is adding $10 million to transaction.
In a telephone interview this evening,
Michael West, CEO of BioTime, said that as a result of the deal his
firm will hold 600 patents and patent applications involving stem
cells. He said the aggregation should help in attracting financial
interest in the firm and its efforts.
West founded Geron in 1990. BioTime
Acquistion Corp
., the BioTime subsidiary that is picking up the Geron
assets, is headed by Tom Okarma, who was Geron's CEO from 1999 to
After Okarma left the firm in 2011,
Geron abruptly jettisoned its stem cell business along with the
clinical trial. Geron has been looking since then for a buyer for the
Tom Okarma
Geron photo
Only a few months prior to the Geron
decision in 2011, the California stem cell agency had signed a $25
million loan agreement with Geron to support the clinical trial. The
company paid back with interest the amount of the loan that it had
Information from the two companies did
not specify whether BioTime will begin seeking additional
participants in the clinical trial. Nor did BioTime indicate whether
it would seek additional funding from the state stem cell agency.
However, West said during the telephone
interview that he has an “open mind” about working with CIRM.
Last year, agency officials indicated an interest in continuing to
support the clinical trial. West said BioTime had already hired some
employees that were laid off by Geron, including its patent attorney.
He said that he hoped to reassemble at least part of Geron's now
scattered stem cell team.
According to the Geron press release,
when the deal is officially concluded in September, “it is
anticipated that Geron stockholders would own approximately 21% of
BAC, BioTime would own approximately 72%, and a private investor
would own approximately 7% after an additional $5 million investment
in BAC.”
For its new operations, BioTime has
leased space in Menlo Park that Geron once used for its stem cell
Both firms are publicy traded.
BioTime's stock price closed at $3.45 today and had a 52-week high of
$6.35 and a low of $2.67. Geron closed at $1.60 and had a 52-week
high of $2.99 and a low of 91 cents.

Here is a link to an article in the San
Francisco Business Times
about the deal. Here are links to the
BioTime press release, a BioTime FAQ and the Geron press release.


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Reverse Engineering Grandpa

Posted: January 7, 2013 at 3:06 pm

Stem cells are rarely the subject of
cartoons, but one popped last week from Bizarro.

The cartoon appeared in the San
Francisco Chronicle
 and elsewhere, including the
Bizarro web site
. The image was of a petri dish in a lab with
tiny maternal speck giving parental advice to an even tinier speck:
"You can be anything you want to be when you grow up."
Artist Dan Piraro said the cartoon was his favorite of the
week because of its “strangeness.”
Piraro wrote on his blog,

“To use a term common in the
vernacular of geneticists, it’s creepy cool.”

The cartoon did not differentiate
between embryonic and adult cells, much less reprogrammed adult
cells. Using reprogrammed cells in the cartoon would have been even
creepier and cooler, giving new meaning to the 1947 song, “I Am My
Own Grandpa.”
(See here and here.)

(A nod to "Bob" for calling our attention to the cartoon.)


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Elsevier Selected to Publish Cytotherapy: The Journal of Cell Therapy

Posted: January 7, 2013 at 1:44 pm

AMSTERDAM, January 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --

Official journal of the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) to be published by Elsevier beginning January 2013

Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, is pleased to announce that the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) has selected Elsevier to publish Cytotherapy: The Journal of Cell Therapy effective January 2013.

"Elsevier presented ISCT with unsurpassed reach into the global medical community, top class publishing services, and significant experience in this field. We are extremely confident that our collaboration with Elsevier will not only help Cytotherapy grow for the benefit of our members and readers, but also for the benefit of all scientists, technologists, regulators, manufacturing experts and others dedicated to translational development of safe and effective cell therapies," said ISCT President, Kurt Gunter, MD, FASCP.

Cytotherapy is a highly influential publication in the mainstream of the rapidly expanding field of cell-based treatments for cancer, degenerative disorders, immunotherapy and stem cell transplantation. Cytotherapy publishes cutting edge findings, clinical trials of cell-based therapies, and news and opinion on all aspects of these disciplines. The journal focuses especially on the practical translation of scientific developments in the laboratory into clinical practice. Cytotherapy is an essential global resource for clinical researchers, oncologists, hematologists, doctors, and regulatory experts involved in cell processing and therapy.

Senior Editor of Cytotherapy, John Barrett, MD, commented, "What matters is ensuring that new peer-reviewed treatments, developments, and studies reach as many specialists working with cell therapies as possible. In this, I believe Elsevier offers an unrivaled opportunity to help the journal achieve this goal."

Glen Campbell, Executive Vice President at Elsevier added, "Cytotherapy is an established and reputable journal and we are honored that the International Society for Cellular Therapy selected Elsevier as their publishing partner. Together, we will ensure that this prestigious title develops further as the leading global forum and resource for developing and supporting innovative cellular therapies."

For more information go to:

About ISCT

ISCT is a global association driving the translation of scientific research to deliver innovative cellular therapies to patients. Since 1992, ISCT has been the leading global forum for developing and supporting innovative cellular therapies through communication, education and training. ISCT fosters international translational research, informs national and global regulatory framework development and harmonization, drives commercialization strategies, and educates principal investigators, lab directors, technologists, regulators and commercial stakeholders.

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