SCMOM 2012_StemCells Inc.
StemCells, Inc. is engaged in the research, development, and commercialization of cell-based therapeutics and tools for use in stem cell-based research and drug discovery. StemCells #39; lead therapeutic product candidate, HuCNS-SC cells (purified human neural stem cells), is currently in clinical development for a broad range of central nervous system disorders, including myelination disorders, spinal cord injury, and age-related macular degeneration. The Company has completed two clinical studies, is currently conducting two other trials, and is pursuing preclinical studies in Alzheimer #39;s disease. StemCells also markets stem cell research products under the SC Proven brand. Presenter: Martin McGlynn, President and CEO, StemCells, Inc.From:AllianceRegenMedViews:6 0ratingsTime:17:13More inScience Technology
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