Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds
Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger #39;s videos at DESCRIPTION: The spice fenugreek appears to significantly improve muscle strength and weight lifting power output while possessing anti-cancer properties in vitro. This reminds me of the whole beet juice saga on improving athletic performance. My ten video series started with Doping With Beet Juice ( and ended with So Should We Drink Beet Juice or Not? ( Other plants with apparently remarkable benefits include amla [see, for example, Amla Versus Diabetes ( saffron [Saffron for the Treatment of Alzheimer #39;s ( the tea plant [Dietary Brain Wave Alteration ( and humble broccoli [Broccoli Versus Breast Cancer Stem Cells ( More on the power of plants in general in Power Plants ( and spices like fenugreek in particular in Antioxidants in a Pinch ( See what a whole diet of plants can do to prostate cancer growth at Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay ( Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he #39;ll try to answer it!From:NutritionFactsOrgViews:2314 33ratingsTime:01:34More inScience Technology
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Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds - Video