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Dr. Ganesha Dev Vashishtha, BGS Global Hospitals – – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:44 am

Dr. Ganesha Dev Vashishtha, BGS Global Hospitals -
Dr. Ganesha Dev Vashishtha, Chief Medical Oncologist and BMT Physician, BGS Global Hospitals Bone Marrow Transplant facility , elaborating on the facility stated, "The hospital is equipped to perform Autologous BMT, (using patient #39;s own stem cells)From:hybiztvViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:07More inScience Technology

Dr. Ganesha Dev Vashishtha, BGS Global Hospitals - - Video

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Stem Cells Treatment process at StemRx Bio Science Solutions – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:44 am

Stem Cells Treatment process at StemRx Bio Science Solutions
This video is discribes the stem cells process at StemRx Bio Science SolutionsFrom:Pradeep MahajanViews:2 0ratingsTime:04:54More inScience Technology

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Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:44 am

Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds
Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger #39;s videos at DESCRIPTION: The spice fenugreek appears to significantly improve muscle strength and weight lifting power output while possessing anti-cancer properties in vitro. This reminds me of the whole beet juice saga on improving athletic performance. My ten video series started with Doping With Beet Juice ( and ended with So Should We Drink Beet Juice or Not? ( Other plants with apparently remarkable benefits include amla [see, for example, Amla Versus Diabetes ( saffron [Saffron for the Treatment of Alzheimer #39;s ( the tea plant [Dietary Brain Wave Alteration ( and humble broccoli [Broccoli Versus Breast Cancer Stem Cells ( More on the power of plants in general in Power Plants ( and spices like fenugreek in particular in Antioxidants in a Pinch ( See what a whole diet of plants can do to prostate cancer growth at Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay ( Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he #39;ll try to answer it!From:NutritionFactsOrgViews:1662 31ratingsTime:01:34More inScience Technology

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A Day to Give Thanks – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:44 am

A Day to Give Thanks
Transition Radio 11/22/12 new stem cells project will allow gay men to have kids, transgender individual jailed for defending self, and much more. http://www.thebreastformstore.comFrom:markangelocViews:4 0ratingsTime:33:12More inEntertainment

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Global Conspiracy 2007 Classic Show C2CAM Guests David Icke – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:44 am

Global Conspiracy 2007 Classic Show C2CAM Guests David Icke
WATCH THE LATEST VIDEO THAT CAME OUT TODAY HERE http If You Use Twitter heres the Twitter address or just click the twitter link on the right of the channel page Host: George Noory Guests: David Icke, Christian Wilde Author and speaker David Icke returned for a discussion on his new work on the #39;Global Conspiracy. #39; This conspiracy goes back thousands of years, he said: At one time there was a global society of great advancement, but after a cataclysm ended their golden age, they were split into isolated groups. From these various groups, "divine" bloodlines emerged, assuming the "right to rule." Members of these groups, known as the Illuminati keep people under control via the chemical poisoning of the food supply, and eventually plan to microchip the entire population for complete external control, he outlined. However, he noted that people can break free by not identifying with the "body computer" or five senses. "We #39;ve forgotten that we #39;re an expression of infinite consciousness," and have become identified with "the small instead of the all," said Icke. In the 2008 election, both Giuliani and Hillary Clinton are Illuminati candidates-- "puppets of the hidden force," he declared, adding that Hillary is a particularly powerful figure in the Illuminati. Stem Cell Update First hour guest, author Christian Wilde reported on a research breakthrough in the use of stem cells. Researchers have been able to turn ...From:zigdogshowViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:34:09More inEducation

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Global Conspiracy 2007 Classic Show C2CAM Guests David Icke - Video

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stem cells in south park – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:44 am

stem cells in south park
you may think it is incorrect information, but this is actually correct. credit: http://www.southparkstudios.comFrom:Bryan McLaughlinViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:33More inEducation

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Stem cells for life: Become a bone marrow donor

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:43 am

Did you know November is bone marrow awareness month? There are 18,000 people in the United States waiting for a bone marrow transplant. With less than 2 percent of the country on the bone marrow registry, it has never been more important to consider being a donor.

Each year, 3,000 people die while waiting for a bone marrow match. Such was the case of a Bangor woman, who had cancer of the white blood cells in her bone marrow, who died while waiting to be matched with a donor. On Oct. 14, a bone marrow drive was held at the Bangor YMCA in her honor.

Deutsche Knochemarkspenderdatei (DKMS), meaning Bone Marrow Donor Center, is the largest national registry. It was initially founded in Germany and has been used ever since to provide healthy bone marrow to patients with bone cancers, such as leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

Despite the mass amounts of people registered, many are still unable to find their complete genetic match in order to receive a donation. Race and ancestry form each persons genetic make-up. The minority population is considerably underrepresented on this registry. With more support from this population, DKMS hopes to save more lives of all genetic backgrounds.

In order to be eligible for bone marrow donation, you must be between the ages of 18-55 (25-40 being the ideal age), be in good health and weigh more than 110 pounds. You will not be qualified to register if you have ever been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, sleep apnea, asthma, kidney or liver disease, uncontrolled epilepsy, blood clotting, bleeding disorders, cancers or autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis or fibromyalgia.

If you do qualify, all you have to do is complete a registration form stating your name, address, ethnicity and how to contact you in case you are a match. Once the registration form is complete, you will be asked to swab the inside of your cheek, and then your information will be submitted into the national registry. It is as simple as that!

If a donor is chosen to be a match for a patient requiring a bone marrow transplant, the process is simple and is controlled by DKMS. There are two ways in which to donate bone marrow: peripheral blood stem cell donation (PBSC) or bone marrow donation via aspiration.

PBSC involves receiving the stem cells from a needle in the arm (similar to an IV) and having the stem cells filtered through the blood via a special machine. This simple and relatively pain free procedure accounts for about 80 percent of donations. Bone marrow donation via aspiration of the pelvic bone requires the donor to be under general anesthesia through which no painful procedure is experienced. As with any medical procedure, side effects can occur, but they are minimal when compared to the alternative: a person dying without the bone marrow donation.

You can become a donor today simply by going to the DKMS website at and registering. They will send you the tools and directions to swab yourself. Once you send the cheek swabs back to DKMS, you will officially be on the bone marrow donor registry. People of all ages are in need of a bone marrow transplant; maybe you are their match. Even if you may be unable to register or donate, you are still able to spread the word and help save someones life.

Jenna Marcotte, of Hampden, is a nursing student at the University of Maine. The OpEd was written in collaboration with fellow students Ashleigh Fairbank, of Levant; Jemima Mensah, of Orono; Emily Barnes, of Weare, N.H.; and Eileen Stirling, of South Berwick; and Associate Professor of Nursing Mary Brakey.

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Perrin 410 Animal Hospital Stem Cell Therapy – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:41 am

Perrin 410 Animal Hospital Stem Cell Therapy
From:perrin410Views:0 0ratingsTime:09:58More inPets Animals

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Stem Cell Therapy For Alzheimer’s Disease | Stem Cell Malaysia – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:40 am

Stem Cell Therapy For Alzheimer #39;s Disease | Stem Cell Malaysia Stem cell therapy for Alzheimer #39;s Disease is currently in research and soon there may be a cure using stem cells treatment. Stem cell therapy through non-medical channel using a legal and licensed oral placenta product has produced amazing effects on an 81 years old, stage 7 Alzheimer #39;s sufferer. The effects were shockingly effective beyond words. For more information on stem cell therapy, please visit Stem Cell Malaysia at stemcellmalaysia.comFrom:stemcells2012Views:0 3ratingsTime:21:27More inScience Technology

Stem Cell Therapy For Alzheimer's Disease | Stem Cell Malaysia - Video

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Stem Cell Therapy Overview | Stem Cells Treatment | Stem Cell Malaysia – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:40 am

Stem Cell Therapy Overview | Stem Cells Treatment | Stem Cell Malaysia Stem cell therapy is getting a lot of attention in the news and media these days. This video gives an overview of what stem cell therapy is all about. The content will help people without the scientific background to understand the important elements of stem cell therapy. For more information on stem cell therapy, please visit Stem Cell Malaysia at stemcellmalaysia.comFrom:stemcells2012Views:0 1ratingsTime:20:17More inScience Technology

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