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Introduction To Stem Cell Therapy For Parkinson’s And Alzheimer’s Diseases | Stem Cell Malaysia – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:40 am

Introduction To Stem Cell Therapy For Parkinson #39;s And Alzheimer #39;s Diseases | Stem Cell Malaysia Stem cell therapy projects so much potential and hope for patients of different illnesses. This is due to the unique characteristics of stem cells. For more information on stem cell therapy, please visit Stem Cell Malaysia at stemcellmalaysia.comFrom:stemcells2012Views:3 1ratingsTime:03:51More inPeople Blogs

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Introduction To Stem Cell Therapy For Parkinson's And Alzheimer's Diseases | Stem Cell Malaysia - Video

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Introducing Stem Cell Therapy Using Oral Placenta Stem Cells | Stem Cell Malaysia – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:40 am

Introducing Stem Cell Therapy Using Oral Placenta Stem Cells | Stem Cell Malaysia Stem cell therapy can take on various forms and choices. Due to the advent of technology, stem cell therapy using oral placenta stem cells is now available. For more information on stem cell therapy, please visit Stem Cell Malaysia at stemcellmalaysia.comFrom:stemcells2012Views:3 1ratingsTime:05:23More inScience Technology

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Introducing Stem Cell Therapy Using Oral Placenta Stem Cells | Stem Cell Malaysia - Video

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Official Presentation of Live Cell Therapy Using Purtier Placenta | Stem Cell Malaysia – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:40 am

Official Presentation of Live Cell Therapy Using Purtier Placenta | Stem Cell Malaysia Live cell therapy is a very effective stem cell therapy for improving health and even disease treatment other than for beauty and anti-aging. Purtier Placenta is a live cell therapy using deer placenta stem cells from New Zealand. Watch this official presentation for a complete understanding of live cell therapy with Purtier Placenta. For more information on stem cell therapy, please visit Stem Cell Malaysia at stemcellmalaysia.comFrom:stemcells2012Views:0 0ratingsTime:08:59More inScience Technology

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Official Presentation of Live Cell Therapy Using Purtier Placenta | Stem Cell Malaysia - Video

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DWAH Stem Cell Therapy. – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:40 am

DWAH Stem Cell Therapy.
From:Dundas West AHViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:53More inPets Animals

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DWAH Stem Cell Therapy. - Video

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Moratorium on stem cell treatment in PH a must for now

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:40 am

THIS IS in reference to the latest Department of Health warning on the use of stem cells from aborted fetuses (DOH warns against use of stem cells from aborted babies, Inquirer, 11/11/12). It is my humble opinion as a Filipino medical practitioner that the most logical and effective way for the DOH to fulfill its function of protecting and safeguarding the health of Filipino patients from dubious stem cell treatment is to immediately impose a moratorium on stem cell therapy in the country.

In developed countries, novel stem cell treatment can only be tried on patients under a strict clinical trial environment. For example, if one tries to treat cancer or diabetes mellitus with stem cells using a protocol not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA), one has to submit first to the US FDA voluminous scientific documents supporting or justifying the trial, based on pre-clinical studies. The trial is undertaken only after approval by the US FDA and institutional review boards, and usually the patients are treated for free or at a minimal patient expense. The treatment protocol is also open for review and the treatment results, both positive and negative, are meticulously monitored, reported and preferably published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.

In the Philippines, some medical centers are currently giving stem cell treatment for a variety of conditions that had not been approved by the US FDA. The DOH mentioned that they will just be regulating and monitoring these centers (or the quality of their stem cells), but it is not saying anything yet about stopping the practice of delivering unproven stem cell treatments. I respectfully believe that this is the wrong approach and that it is paramount that the DOH should prioritize the safety and interests of Filipino patients rather than the financial interests of hospitals and doctors who have already invested in the technology. Of course, those few stem cell treatments that are approved by the US FDA (some blood cancers, prostatic cancer, etc.) should be the only ones allowed to continue for now until the DOH finalizes its regulatory guidelines.

JOSE A. AGUILAR, M.D., consultant,

Philippine Childrens Medical Center,

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Moratorium on stem cell treatment in PH a must for now

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World Renowned Stem Cell Therapist Lectures Around the World

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:40 am

(PRWEB) November 22, 2012

Dr. Joseph Purita, world renowned stem cell therapist and medical director of the Institute of Regenerative and Molecular Orthopaedics (IRMO), is giving lectures around the world on stem cell treatments and more. As a pioneer in laser orthopedic surgery and regenerative stem cell therapy, Dr. Purita is regularly invited to lecture for students, organizations, and colleagues around the globe. His lectures are highly sought after for their many insights into the exciting and growing field of stem cell and platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy.

So far this year, Dr. Puritas lecture circuit has taken him to Mexico, Peru, South Korea, Los Angeles, and more. He has given lectures on the use of autogenous stem cells on orthopedic conditions, medicine lectures on stem cells and PRP injections, and more. Dr. Purita is currently in Moscow, Russia by the invitation of the Moscow Ministry of Health and the Peoples Friendship University School Medicine. Soon after, Dr. Purita is slated to lecture and perform cases in Brisbane, Australia at the Australian Sports Medicine Meeting.

Dr. Purita heads the renowned Institute of Regenerative and Molecular Orthopaedics. They are one of the few orthopedic practices on earth that utilize stem cell therapy and platelet rich plasma therapy with orthopedic surgery or in some cases, in lieu of surgery. Their regenerative medicine techniques include relief of pain and other symptoms in the joints, spine, and more. As Dr. Purita works to keep the Institute of Regenerative and Molecular Orthopaedics on the forefront of orthopedic practices, he also continues to lecture around the world and share his special knowledge of stem cell treatments and more.

About Stem Cell Orthopedic The Institute of Regenerative and Molecular Orthopaedics (IRMO) is a world-class orthopedic practice and stem cell facility staffed with seasoned board certified orthopedic surgeons. They differ from most orthopedic practices because they offer stem cells and platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy in conjunction with surgery or as alternative to surgical procedures. They utilize state-of-the-art technology and the latest in stem cell research to best treat their patients. IRMO uses hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), which are found circulating in blood, fat, and bone marrow, to help repair the body. They are headed by Medical Director Dr. Joseph Purita, a world renowned pioneer in laser orthopedic surgery and graduate of the esteemed Georgetown University Medical School. For more information, visit or follow them on Facebook or Twitter.

Originally posted here:
World Renowned Stem Cell Therapist Lectures Around the World

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The year (so far) in stem cells

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 9:40 am

Stem cell research took a few surprising twists during 2012, and California's $3 billion stem cell program completed its last building to support stem cell research.

Here are some of the highlights for this year.

-- People are composed of a genetic mosaic of cells, which slightly differ from each other.

-- The 12th and last stem cell facility funded by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, in Santa Barbara, has opened.

-- Geron's embryonic stem cell therapy for spinal cord damage, dropped in the middle of clinical trials, has been picked up by another biotech company, StemCells Inc.

You can find out much more about each finding from the three stem cell blogs I got them from. They are:

-- Knoepfler Lab Stem Cell Blog, run by prolific blogger and stem cell scientist Paul Knoepfler

-- California Stem Cell Report, by veteran journalist David Jensen

-- CIRM's official blog.

But if you would rather read the gist of these findings here, read on. Plus, you'll get a video of one of the top scientists in the field giving his vision of where stem cell science should go.

See the article here:
The year (so far) in stem cells

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NeoStem Receives Notification Of $1.2 million NIH Grant Award For First Clinical Study Of VSELTM Technology In Humans

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 3:42 am

NeoStem, Inc. (NYSE:NBS ("NeoStem" or the "Company"), an emerging leader in the fast growing cell therapy industry, today announced that it has been awarded a two year grant totaling $1,221,854 for "Repair of Bone Defects with Human Autologous Pluripotent Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem Cells (VSEL)", grant number 2R44DE022493-02A1, from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This peer reviewed grant is to support a Phase 2 investigation and first approved NIH clinical study of VSELsTM in humans. The study will be headed by Denis O. Rodgerson, Ph.D., Director of Grants and Academic Liaison for NeoStem, in collaboration with co-investigators Drs. Russell Taichman and Laurie McCauley of the University of Michigan. Enrollment for this study is expected to begin in 2013.

This award will fund the evaluation of VSELTM stem cells as a potential treatment for periodontitis. The product candidate, an autologous therapy derived from a patient's own stem cells, is to be developed for use in the regeneration of bone tissue damaged by this disease. The award includes $706,682 for the first year and $515,172 for the second year of the project, and will cover the cost of the Investigational New Drug (IND) submission to the FDA for the product candidate.

Dr. Denis O. Rodgerson, Director of Grants and Academic Liaison for NeoStem, said, "We are pleased and honored that NIH has agreed to support further studies on bone regeneration by using VSELTM stem cells. This is an extension of our successful NIH funded collaboration with Dr. Taichman showing the production of human bone from human VSELsTM in a mouse model."

Periodontal disease is prevalent in the U.S. and affects up to 90% of the world population. The most severe cases of periodontal disease affect between 5% and 15% of the U.S. population, or between 15 and 47 million Americans. The incidence of periodontal disease is estimated to be between 1 and 3 million Americans annually, and growing at a 7% rate each year. Studies have shown that periodontal inflammation could have a role in the initiation or progression of coronary heart disease and stroke. Market research experts have estimated that severe periodontal disease represents a market between $1.25 and $1.5 billion annually.

Dr. Russell Taichman, Major Ash Collegiate Professor and Co-Director of the Scholars Program in Dental Leadership, Department of Periodontics & Oral Medicine, University of Michigan stated, "I am thrilled for the possibilities that this award opens. The chance to continue to partner with NeoStem to further develop regenerative therapies is significant. The validation that this award brings and the opportunity to establish a proof of concept, which may impact human health, is truly rewarding." Dr. Laurie McCauley, The William K. and Mary Anne Najjar Professor, Division of Periodontics Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, University of Michigan added, "This novel cell based therapeutic approach looks to validate scientifically sound pre-clinical studies and provide a vital translation to improved human patient care."

NeoStem has a worldwide exclusive license to VSEL technology which uses very small embryonic-like stem cells, a heterogeneous population of stem cells found in adult bone marrow that have properties similar to those of embryonic stem cells. NeoStem has shown that very small embryonic-like stem cells can be mobilized into the peripheral blood, enabling a minimally invasive means for collecting what it believes to be an important population of stem cells that may have the potential to achieve the positive benefits associated with embryonic stem cells without the ethical or moral dilemmas or the potential negative biological effects associated with embryonic stem cells.

Dr. Robin L. Smith, Chairman and CEO of NeoStem, added, "We are very excited about this important step of funding for what will be the first human clinical study for our VSELTM technology. Not only will this study expand our knowledge of how autologous cell therapy can treat periodontitis and other bone defects, but it represents a milestone for NeoStem as we move our development of VSELTM technology beyond animal models and into the clinic, paving the way for other potential VSELTM trials."

About NeoStem, Inc.

NeoStem, Inc. continues to develop and build on its core capabilities in cell therapy, capitalizing on the paradigm shift that we see occurring in medicine. In particular, we anticipate that cell therapy will have a significant role in the fight against chronic disease and in lessening the economic burden that these diseases pose to modern society. We are emerging as a technology and market leading company in this fast developing cell therapy market. Our multi-faceted business strategy combines a state-of-the-art contract development and manufacturing subsidiary, Progenitor Cell Therapy, LLC ("PCT"), with a medically important cell therapy product development program, enabling near and long-term revenue growth opportunities. We believe this expertise and existing research capabilities and collaborations will enable us to achieve our mission of becoming a premier cell therapy company.

Our contract development and manufacturing service business supports the development of proprietary cell therapy products. NeoStem's most clinically advanced therapeutic, AMR-001, is being developed at Amorcyte, LLC ("Amorcyte"), which we acquired in October 2011. Amorcyte is developing a cell therapy for the treatment of cardiovascular disease and is enrolling patients in a Phase 2 trial to investigate AMR-001's efficacy in preserving heart function after a heart attack. Athelos Corporation ("Athelos"), which is approximately 80%-owned by our subsidiary, PCT, is collaborating with Becton-Dickinson in the early clinical exploration of a T-cell therapy for autoimmune conditions. In addition, pre-clinical assets include our VSELTM Technology platform as well as our mesenchymal stem cell product candidate for regenerative medicine. Our service business and pipeline of proprietary cell therapy products work in concert, giving us a competitive advantage that we believe is unique to the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Supported by an experienced scientific and business management team and a substantial intellectual property estate, we believe we are well positioned to succeed.

The rest is here:
NeoStem Receives Notification Of $1.2 million NIH Grant Award For First Clinical Study Of VSELTM Technology In Humans

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Stem Cell Therapy For Alzheimer's Disease | Stem Cell Malaysia – Video

Posted: November 23, 2012 at 8:40 pm

Stem Cell Therapy For Alzheimer #39;s Disease | Stem Cell Malaysia Stem cell therapy for Alzheimer #39;s Disease is currently in research and soon there may be a cure using stem cells treatment. Stem cell therapy through non-medical channel using a legal and licensed oral placenta product has produced amazing effects on an 81 years old, stage 7 Alzheimer #39;s sufferer. The effects were shockingly effective beyond words. For more information on stem cell therapy, please visit Stem Cell Malaysia at stemcellmalaysia.comFrom:stemcells2012Views:0 0ratingsTime:21:27More inScience Technology

The rest is here:
Stem Cell Therapy For Alzheimer's Disease | Stem Cell Malaysia - Video

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Dr Giampapa TODAY SHOW 27.10.2012 – Video

Posted: November 22, 2012 at 6:40 pm

Dr Giampapa TODAY SHOW 27.10.2012
Interview on Anti-Ageing using Adult derived Stem CellsFrom:Sharren WaltersViews:6 0ratingsTime:03:48More inFilm Animation

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Dr Giampapa TODAY SHOW 27.10.2012 - Video

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