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cord blood donation | How Cord Blood Stem Cell Can Bring Hope to People Suffering From Life – Video

Posted: November 21, 2012 at 9:42 pm

cord blood donation | How Cord Blood Stem Cell Can Bring Hope to People Suffering From Life A large number of people die waiting for a transplant due to this reason. Well, there are still debates on this issue. Human umbilical cord blood cells are very rich in stem cells and progenitor cells which make them the perfect place to take cells from and then store them in a cord blood bank or a stem cells bank. There is also another option given by non-profit cord blood banks, of free programs through which one can store umbilical cord blood stem cell samples. Others choose to donate the blood to a public bank for the public good. Given the progress that stem cell research and regenerative medicine have attained at present, and the promise that they show for the future, stem cell transplants may one day provide a cure for type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and brain injury, among other potentially life threatening and debilitating illnesses and conditions with inadequate treatment options today. One study in particular by Wagner, et al. ""Settling on a name for your newborn is definitely something all parents spend time doing, but one decision that is rarely thought of or overlooked is saving your newborn #39;s cord blood. However, you can choose to make a once-in-a-lifetime decision to collect and store your baby #39;s cord blood stem cells after the birth of your newborn baby. It is able to kill either normal or cancer-producing blood cells of the bone marrow. Your child #39;s umbilical cord blood contains special cells known as stem cells. Thus, it ...From:Alexander santafeViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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stem cell | Advantages Of Cord Blood Banking – Video

Posted: November 21, 2012 at 9:42 pm

stem cell | Advantages Of Cord Blood Banking Programs Available to Store the Blood There are a small number of programs in the US currently (December 2011) that save cord blood. Before you decide on a specific cord blood bank, contact the AABB to determine if the private blood bank is accredited or if it has any complaints lodged against the facility by other patrons. It really should be observed that the technique has a high risk of complication. Keep in mind that cord blood storage acts as an insurance policy for your family, so consider any other factors before immediately determining not to store your child #39;s cord blood simply because of price. One more cord blood donation might just be enough to save another life. Given the progress that stem cell research and regenerative medicine have attained at present, and the promise that they show for the future, stem cell transplants may one day provide a cure for type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and brain injury, among other potentially life threatening and debilitating illnesses and conditions with inadequate treatment options today. In addition, you have to decide well in advance of the due date because once you lose the precious blood, you cannot regain it. The patient no longer needs to wait for a donor; he can be his own donor if his cord blood had been preserved after his birth. The ultimate decision to bank cord stem cells or not is a personal decision as to what is deemed appropriate for that particular family, but in making that ...From:loshoteles enmedellinViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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Stem cells achieve sustained heart function improvement in heart attack patients – Video

Posted: November 21, 2012 at 9:40 pm

Stem cells achieve sustained heart function improvement in heart attack patients
From Louisville - Stem cell therapy has been shown to sustain heart function improvement in heart attack patients in a phase 1 clinical presented at the AHA #39;s Scientific Sessions. The trial, known as SCIPIO for Stem Cell Infusion in Patients with Ischemic CardiOmyopathy, randomized 33 patients diagnosed with heart failure after suffering a heart attack to either cardiac stem cells or no stem cells. Researchers found that patients who received the stem cells had great improvement in their heart function, and that this improvement was sustained 2 years following infusion. Patients who did not receive stem cells had no improvement. There were no adverse effects of the treatment. One patient #39;s heart experienced such dramatic improvement that there was no sign of heart failure at all. Said Dr. Roberto Bolli, lead author of the study, "Anyone who looks at his heart now would not imagine that this patient was (ever) in heart failure or that he had a heart attack."From:insidermedicineViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:59More inScience Technology

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One Gold – Video

Posted: November 21, 2012 at 9:40 pm

One Gold
Get the best offer here out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fdp%2FB0079QLQ0G Product Description One Gold Experience the Anti-Aging Power of the New Generation 24K Nano Gold Stem Cell Therapy Mask. This excellent product by BeautyMedica Lab offers an innovative Transdermal Delivery System with a unique blend of transforming growth factors (TGF), amino acids, antioxidants and peptides.Sheet form of the mask makes it extremely easy to apply to the face and allowing the ingredients to be absorbed into the skin slowly melting under body temperature. The Mask was formulated to Re-activate stem cells and stimulate new skin development. Increase collagen production and elastin synthesis. Minimize appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Enhance moisture with Y-PGA and refine skin structure. Whiten the skin and reduce melanin. Restore youthful healthy looking skin and creates radiant skin appearance.For more info, please visit 24K Gold Mask presentation video by Beauty Medical Laboratorys - DuongViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:58More inScience Technology

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One Gold - Video

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Biologic Cell – Video

Posted: November 21, 2012 at 9:40 pm

Biologic Cell
Get the best offer here out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fdp%2FB0083UMZOI Product Description Biologic Cell Re-Activate your stem cells to make wrinkles disappear! Set of 4 - 1 oz. jars.Stem Cell Therapy is the newest bio-active topical cream that actually stimulates your own skin stem cells to grow smooth, supple, firm new skin.Three powerful ingredients, Phyko-AI-PF (increases skin production by 57%), Mitostime (re-activates stem cells), and Seractin (a youth compound targeted at decreasing your deepest wrinkles) all work together to help you turn back the clock.Results start to appear within 2 weeks of regular use.From:Lilliam FogleViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:58More inNews Politics

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umbilical cord | Compare Cord Blood Banks – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 6:44 pm

umbilical cord | Compare Cord Blood Banks Sprague underwent the treatment in November 1997, and has now been cancer free for over nine years. Hence, these types of cells are the building blocks of the human body, repairing what ever is deficient in the human body. Another issue is that of ""autologous"" and ""family"" use. However, the researcher states that there is still a huge gap between the preparation of cells in a laboratory and producing functional cells on a large scale, to treat patients. One more cord blood donation might just be enough to save another life. However, all samples are not considered of medical potential and worthy of being stored. You should probably start saving money even before you plan your pregnancy. To get the best price possible, you will want to consult with a few companies, to ensure that you #39;re getting the best deal. The family searched for bone marrow and cord blood donors in various public and private cord blood banks as they failed to find a match with in their own family. Ultra-modern cord blood banking technologies induce multiplication of cord blood stem cells by ex vivo expansion. While a parent donating their child #39;s umbilical cord blood is unlikely to retrieve that same blood back should the medical need for a transfusion arise in the future, as the number of public donations continues to increase, so does the likelihood of anyone in need finding a suitable donor. Diseases That Can Be Treated With Stem CellsMore than 70 diseases can be ...From:BuscoFincaRaizcomarViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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cryo cell | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking – A Responsible Decision – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 6:44 pm

cryo cell | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking - A Responsible Decision This is a type of insurance that can be called upon if your child gets ill, and has a life threatening disease. This a free service offered by the government and so the blood donated becomes public property and is offered to whoever needs it and at no cost to that person. There are several pros and cons of storing this blood. It is better than bone marrow since it does not take time to find a matching donor. . Cord Blood Storage is a pain-free process using umbilical cord blood that would otherwise be discarded. As the stem cells are an essential part of our blood and immune system, they have the ability to produce other blood cells as well as reproduce their own type. The patient no longer needs to wait for a donor; he can be his own donor if his cord blood had been preserved after his birth. Stem cell cord blood has higher probability of becoming the perfect match for family members and relatives and has no risk of rejection by the recipient #39;s body. Yet, with more people considering cord blood banking, whether privately or publicly, it is likely that more miracles can happen. Types Of Blood Cord Collection Methods Cord blood storage follows two prior steps: Collection Processing First and foremost is the blood cell collection. Mrs. At no stage will the donor #39;s identity be revealed to the recipient, especially if the latter is a stranger. Private banks on the other hand are for-profit organizations which store blood from the baby for the ...From:LosHotelesEnBogotaViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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cryo cell | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking - A Responsible Decision - Video

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blood banks | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking – A Responsible Decision – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 6:44 pm

blood banks | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking - A Responsible Decision This is a type of insurance that can be called upon if your child gets ill, and has a life threatening disease. Before you decide on a specific cord blood bank, contact the AABB to determine if the private blood bank is accredited or if it has any complaints lodged against the facility by other patrons. It really should be observed that the technique has a high risk of complication. This is a rare blood disease where the body does not produce white blood cells at all. One more cord blood donation might just be enough to save another life. However, all samples are not considered of medical potential and worthy of being stored. It is hard to obtain sufficient stem cells from embryos and the right tissue type for a patient. The remaining stem cells will be frozen at -196 centrigrade in liquid nitrogen. Although this procedure is not cheap, parents are ready to make the extra investment, because of the chance that it can help save their child #39;s life in the future if need be. It is important to know that not all donated cord blood samples are banked. This means that there are lesser chances of getting infection from the donor #39;s during infusion. You however, have the option of donating or giving for some consideration the blood to a needy patient a few years down the line when you are sure of your baby #39;s health. And in some cases, the likelihood of it having been used is low since in general less than 10 percent of banked units are used ...From:Aldana LuisViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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blood banks | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking - A Responsible Decision - Video

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cord blood registry | Is Storing Cord Blood Worth the Cost? – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 6:44 pm

cord blood registry | Is Storing Cord Blood Worth the Cost? If you have finished an anti-malaria course more than six months ago, you qualify to donate. You can also save your baby #39;s life!There are lots of umbilical cord blood banks and/or storage facilities throughout the US. Stem cell transplantation offers a ray of hope to lupus sufferers who have failed conventional treatments. Both are similar but the cost and privacy rules tend to be the deciding factors for most. But the only difference is that, when you donate to a Public facility, you cannot be assured that the same blood can someday be used to treat your child. If the amount is less, the collected cord blood is used for scientific researches. Why would someone opt for cord blood preservation? Well, research is continually being conducted and cells extracted from this blood has already been used to treat and cure injuries and diseases. In view of these aspects, there is no doubt that storing umbilical cord blood after birth is a choice for all parents. It is always wise to preserve this waste blood of the baby which is otherwise thrown away. Cord blood storage might become a new trend very soon. Usually, cord blood stem cell banking comes with a payment package that sum up fees for enrollment information, collection kits, courier charges, banks laboratory, sample typing, processing, storing and maintenance of the cord blood units. In the future, researchers might be able to examine cord blood from babies with lung diseases such as cystic ...From:2angelasmithViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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cord blood registry | Is Storing Cord Blood Worth the Cost? - Video

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cord blood bank | Collection of Cord Blood – Some Frequently Asked Questions – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 6:44 pm

cord blood bank | Collection of Cord Blood - Some Frequently Asked Questions For a successful transplant, the process is relatively complex, but the basics of the process involve typing the blood. If you have a complicated birth, your doctor is obligated not to collect the material for donation. This blood would be sent to the company that you will have previously chosen for services. The collection process can be done by the bag method or with a syringe. Similar breakthroughs have been achieved by scientists throughout the world. Since children that come from the same mother and father share genetic material, this cord blood containing the stem cells can be used to treat all children in a family for these diseases, including leukemia and sickle cell anemia. The future uses of stem cells in medicine are very promising. But these are just some diseases from amongst the 70 diseases that can be cured by stem cell, and the list keeps on getting longer. It further saves you from the trouble of locating a matching donor when transplants are concerned. ""Stem cells can be found in multiple locations within our body. In spite of these plus points, the expensive procedure of blood cord cell donation and its preservation is dissuading parents from donating. It is indicated by the decline of muscle function, motor skills, and speech patterns. But how does one actually collect stem cells for cord blood banking? Well, the collection process for cord blood banking will actually take place right after the delivery of a baby ...From:BuscoFincaRaizcomarViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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