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umbilical cord stem cells | Umbilical Cord Blood to Extract Stem Cells – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 10:44 am

umbilical cord stem cells | Umbilical Cord Blood to Extract Stem Cells This is the reason the average price is over $1000. At least nine months!3 - Better Safe Than SorryIt #39;s better to be safe than sorry, the time to wish you had spent a bit more money is not when you get told your child has leukemia and the cord blood could help them be treated. There are several pros and cons of storing this blood. In utero method involves the same procedure, except its time of collection. Therefore, if the first cord blood unit fails, the second unit will have to be obtained from a different donor. It is painless and there is no risk to your newborn or to yourself. It is an inflammatory disease that affects the skin, joints and kidneys. Most obstetricians now offer their pregnant patients information on how to bank or donate their unborn child #39;s umbilical cord stem cells. One of the final pros would be the benefit of the entire family. Research has shown that stem cells from your own body may be the best way of using cord blood stem cells therapy. The medical professionals are curing a number of people of their diseases and giving them a new lease of life everyday. There are certain key points that you must consider in this regard. Nevertheless, here you can preserve the stem cells just for your family use. Take time and think about cord blood banking. Other blood related diseases which can be treated with stem cell transplant are: Leukemia, Immunodeficiency, Lymphomas, Hodgkin #39;s disease, Bone marrow failure, etc. These ...From:Alexander santafeViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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umbilical cord stem cells | Cord Blood Banking – The Basic Facts About Cord Blood Banking – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 10:44 am

umbilical cord stem cells | Cord Blood Banking - The Basic Facts About Cord Blood Banking There are many children who die of diseases such as leukemia, because there is no cure except bone marrow transplant, for which there are a lot of problems with finding a genetic match. What happens to cord blood?These are great benefits, but sadly, the cord as well as the placenta usually just gets disposed of immediately after childbirth and delivery, casting aside any hopes of gaining something out of them. Those that choose a private blood bank consider this, in a sense, as similar to insurance: setting aside a perfect match of blood cells should their child, or immediate member of the family (if a matching blood type), should need a transfusion or bone marrow transplant in the future. The banking facility helps in making blood donation readily available for transplantation #39;s. Depending on where you live and what company you choose you can expect to find a range of five hundred to a thousand dollars. While many people have different opinions on the issues, even if you feel that you don #39;t want to have your baby #39;s blood stored at a local facility, you will find that you can donate it for free to many various causes. With people not fully understanding how important stem cells could be for us, everybody agrees that more research need to be done in order to help understand all that. g. ""Leukemia is a type of cancer that begins from those tissues in the body that form blood. SO if the cost of private donation is prohibitive for you and your ...From:myc0kyViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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Posted: November 20, 2012 at 10:44 am

Till McCulloch #39;s Stem Cell Legacy
Fifty years ago, Canadian Scientists James Till and Ernest McCulloch discovered stem cells and created a research legacy for Canada. As we celebrate their discovery, a new chapter begins with the official launch of the Canadian Stem Cell Foundation - Canada #39;s voice and champion for stem cell research and its application to human health to treat and cure life threatening diseases and conditions.From:stemcellfoundationViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:41More inScience Technology

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Pluripotent Stem Cells – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 10:44 am

Pluripotent Stem Cells
Dr. Joe talks about stem cells.From:DrJoeTVViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:40More inEducation

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Therafit Gym Multiple Sclerosis Jody MS (stem cell trial).wmv – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 10:44 am

Therafit Gym Multiple Sclerosis Jody MS (stem cell trial).wmv
PLEASE SEND THE LETTER BELOW TO YOUR US SENATORS! We are writing to encourage the FDA and the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) to approve a clinical trial of mesenchymal stem cell derived neural progenitors (MSC-NPs) in the treatment of Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS). The initial 20 person trial will be conducted at the Multiple Sclerosis Research Center of New York (MSRCNY) under the direction of Dr. Saud Sadiq, neurologist and director of the MSRCNY. Dr. Sadiq was previously the head of Neurology at St. Luke #39;s Roosevelt Hospital in New York City (NYC). In 2006, he started this research center in NYC working only on MS. In November 2011, the MSRCNY received approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the International Cellular Medicine Society (ICMS) to conduct this trial for patients with SPMS, the first of its kind ever done in the US. This trial is very specialized as it uses a patient #39;s own adult stem cells that are removed from the patient #39;s breast bone marrow, grown, isolated and injected into the spinal fluid (intrathecal) where the disease attacks the myelin. The trial will last for 3 years with stem cell treatments every 3 months for the first year and potentially more, depending on the many evaluations to determine physical and mental progress. MSRCNY requested approval in the past and is currently seeking approval for this trial AGAIN!! We are at a breakthrough point in the treatment of patients with SPMS. These ...From:therafitgymViews:6 0ratingsTime:08:46More inSports

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Stanford researcher Michael Longaker, MD, discusses research on coaching stem cells to become bone. – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 10:44 am

Stanford researcher Michael Longaker, MD, discusses research on coaching stem cells to become bone.
Stanford stem cell scientist and craniofacial surgeon Michael Longaker, MD, discusses research showing that embryonic-like (pluripotent) stem cells can successfully be coached by the body to become specific types of tissue--in this case, bone. Researchers have long worried that pluripotent stem cells might become teratomas--benign tumors--when implanted in the body, which would be a significant roadblock to the clinical use of stem cells. Dr. Longaker #39;s research suggests that this problem can be solved. The research was published in the November 19, 2012 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.From:stanfordmedicineViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:19More inScience Technology

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Douglas Melton: Is Biomedical Research Really Close to Curing Anything? – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 10:44 am

Douglas Melton: Is Biomedical Research Really Close to Curing Anything?
What #39;s Up, Doc? Is Biomedical Research Really Close to Curing Anything? Douglas Melton, Thomas Dudley Cabot Professor of the Natural Sciences at Harvard University A century ago, people would suffer and die from what we now consider routine bacterial infections. With the discovery of penicillin, a miracle occurred where it became possible to cure people who previously had been left for dead. We #39;re now at the edge of a similar revolution due to remarkable innovations in the field of regenerative biology. In this lecture, Dr. Douglas Melton introduces the astounding advances being made today to unlock the powerful potential hidden within our own cells. Cloning, regeneration, "man-made" stem cells, an end to aging as we know it; these may all sound like science fiction, but they #39;re closer than you think. The Floating University Originally released September 2011. Additional Lectures: Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell Joel Cohen: An Introduction to Demography (Malthus Miffed: Are People the Problem?) Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain Leon Botstein: Art Now (Aesthetics Across Music, Painting, Architecture, Movies, and More.) Tamar Gendler: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Politics and Economics Nicholas Christakis: The Sociological Science Behind Social Networks and Social Influence Paul Bloom: The Psychology of Everything: What Compassion ...From:bigthinkViews:8195 636ratingsTime:43:02More inEducation

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Laminine on PBS Special Report. Major Health Improvements changing people’s lives! – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 10:44 am

Laminine on PBS Special Report. Major Health Improvements changing people #39;s lives!
Contact Paul Piper at 214-564-6229 or Email at Web: The Happy Pill Laminine is a Natural, Synergistic Super Food that contains 22 amino acids, trace minerals, vitamins and Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF). 8 Clinical Studies which showed positive effects on Physical, Mental, Emotional Strengths and Overall Health. Optimal nutrition for your body, it gives your stem cells nutrition to rebuild and rejuvenate themselves. * Help moderate the stress response * Maintains healthy cortisol levels * Regulates serotonin levels * Supports good mood * Reduces physical and mental stress * Increase physical and mental strength * Improve emotional balance * Promote more restful sleep * Enjoy quicker recovery after exercise * Increase muscle tone and strength * Increase alertness * Improve stamina and energy * Aid in brain function and activity * Improve Focus * Reduce signs of aging * Increase libido desire * Stimulate natural DHEA production * Improve overall sense of well-beingFrom:Paul PiperViews:2 0ratingsTime:10:47More inPeople Blogs

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Laminine on PBS Health Journal Report. Rebuilds Cells and Much More – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 10:44 am

Laminine on PBS Health Journal Report. Rebuilds Cells and Much More
Contact Paul Piper at 214-564-6229 or Email at Web: The Happy Pill Laminine is a Natural, Synergistic Super Food that contains 22 amino acids, trace minerals, vitamins and Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF). 8 Clinical Studies which showed positive effects on Physical, Mental, Emotional Strengths and Overall Health. Optimal nutrition for your body, it gives your stem cells nutrition to rebuild and rejuvenate themselves. * Help moderate the stress response * Maintains healthy cortisol levels * Regulates serotonin levels * Supports good mood * Reduces physical and mental stress * Increase physical and mental strength * Improve emotional balance * Promote more restful sleep * Enjoy quicker recovery after exercise * Increase muscle tone and strength * Increase alertness * Improve stamina and energy * Aid in brain function and activity * Improve Focus * Reduce signs of aging * Increase libido desire * Stimulate natural DHEA production * Improve overall sense of well-beingFrom:Paul PiperViews:4 0ratingsTime:10:47More inPeople Blogs

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123Triad : precisionstemcellcom – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 10:44 am

123Triad : precisionstemcellcom
123Triad is proud to design website for Precision StemCell is located within the United States on the beautiful Gulf Coast in Alabama they use minimally invasive advanced stem cell harvesting and processing. Large numbers of stem cells can be harvested from the patient #39;s fat. Their system is entirely closed, meaning the fat is harvested and stem cells are separated from the fat without ever exposing the cells to the outside environment. Stem cells are then placed into the area of damage tissue using the most advanced imaging technology.From:123triadorgViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:24More inScience Technology

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