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Rufus Black at Creative Innovation 2010 – “The human boundaries of innovation” – Video

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 11:44 am

Rufus Black at Creative Innovation 2010 - "The human boundaries of innovation"
Dr Rufus Black is the Master of Ormond College at the University of Melbourne . An ethicist, management consultant and theologian, he writes and works on ethical and public policy issues. He has published on many topics including economic development, unemployment, the ethics of using stem cells and the life challenges of Generation X. He is an ordained minister in the Uniting Church of Australia . He is very involved in educational issues. He Chairs the Board of Teach for Australia and is on the Board of the New York based Teach for All. Before becoming Master of Ormond he worked at McKinsey Company for 9 years, where he was a partner and played leadership roles in the firm #39;s Asia/Pacific Organisation. His work on ethics and public policy issues includes chairing the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute #39;s Human Ethics Research Committee, serving on the Board of Committee for the Economic Development of Australia and the McDonald Centre for Ethics and Public Life in Oxford . He holds degrees in law and politics from the University of Melbourne and degrees in moral theology from the University of Oxford , where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar. Creative Innovation is an annual future-shaping conference event. It is the place to learn from world-changing innovators, futurists, inspired thinkers and curious souls gathered together in an interactive community. Our next conference will take place 28-30 November 2012 at Sofitel Melbourne On Collins. To receive updates, please ...From:CInnovationGlobalViews:2 0ratingsTime:15:09More inEducation

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Rufus Black at Creative Innovation 2010 - "The human boundaries of innovation" - Video

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Miami HD Liposuction® – Before

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 11:44 am

Miami HD Liposuction® - Before After Photos Instant Body Builder Body with advanced HD liposuction techniques coupled with stem cells.From:TheRegenestemViews:74 0ratingsTime:00:28More inPeople Blogs

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Stem Cells Embryonic New – Video

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 11:44 am

Stem Cells Embryonic New
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Handbook On Immunosenescence – Video

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 11:44 am

Handbook On Immunosenescence Handbook On Immunosenescence 1. Immunosenescence.- 2. Methods and models for studying immunosenescence.- 3. Cellular immunosenescence. 3.1 T cells. 3.2. B cells. 3.3 Neutrophils. 3.4 Antigen presenting cells. 3.5 NK and NKT cells. 3.6. Stem cells. 3.7. Genetics.- 4. Mechanisms4.1. Receptors and signal transduction. 4.2 Mitochondria. 4.3 Proteasome. 4.4 Cytokines. 4.5 Neuro-endocrine-immune Network. 4.6 Thymus. 4.7. Inflammation.- 5. Clinical relevance in disease states. 5.1 Infection. 5.2 Autoimmunity. 5.3 Cancer. 5.4 Metabolic syndrome. 5.5. Neurodegenerative diseases. 5.6 Frailty. 5.7. Osteoporosis.- 6. Modulation. 6.1 Nutrition. 6.2. Lipids. 6.3. Vaccination. 6.4. Can interventions to influence immunosenescence succeed? Subject Index. EAN/ISBN : 9781402090639 Publisher(s): Springer Netherlands Discussed keywords: Immunologie Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Fulop, Tamas - Franceschi, Claudio - Hirokawa, Katsuiku 1. Immunosenescence.- 2. Methods and models for studying immunosenescence.- 3. Cellular immunosenescence. 3.1 T cells. 3.2. B cells. 3.3 Neutrophils. 3.4 Antigen presenting cells. 3.5 NK and NKT cellsFrom:aaronrogers9865Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:16More inPeople Blogs

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LAMININE GMA-7 Jessica SOJO Report – YouTube.flv – Video

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 11:44 am

LAMININE GMA-7 Jessica SOJO Report - YouTube.flv
Specification of Laminine - Fibroblast Growth Factor - 2 LAMININE - A Functional Superfood For The 21st Century Nature #39;s perfect food has long been considered to be the lowly egg. The biological value of its protein is second only to mother #39;s milk for its ability to promote cell growth, repair and regeneration. Yet, the secret power of the egg, is only beginning to be understood. One man, ahead of his time, discovered the potent adaptogenic effect contained within a bio-rich extract taken from a fertilized egg on the ninth day of development. Taken at the peak of the first developmental phase, just before the differentiation of cells, this special extract nourishes the body with such a pure source of nutrition and "life force" that it acts as an adaptogen promoting homeostasis throughout the body. The results can be remarkable. What is Laminine? Laminine is a complete Synergy of : 22 Amino Acids Trace Minerals Vitamins Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) Laminine contains a patented bio-rich extract from fertilized eggs that acts as a powerful "adaptogen". To this base ingredient additional amino acids from plant and marine sources are added to create a complete amino acid profile. The proprietary formula contains 22 amino acids, trace minerals and vitamins. It is also the only known food source of Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (abundant before birth) which is thought to mobilize and instruct the body #39;s stem cells to do their repair work. It is believed that these instructions ...From:GILBERT SANTOSViews:11 0ratingsTime:08:04More inScience Technology

LAMININE GMA-7 Jessica SOJO Report - YouTube.flv - Video

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Posted: November 18, 2012 at 11:44 am

Specification of Laminine - Fibroblast Growth Factor - 2 LAMININE - A Functional Superfood For The 21st Century Nature #39;s perfect food has long been considered to be the lowly egg. The biological value of its protein is second only to mother #39;s milk for its ability to promote cell growth, repair and regeneration. Yet, the secret power of the egg, is only beginning to be understood. One man, ahead of his time, discovered the potent adaptogenic effect contained within a bio-rich extract taken from a fertilized egg on the ninth day of development. Taken at the peak of the first developmental phase, just before the differentiation of cells, this special extract nourishes the body with such a pure source of nutrition and "life force" that it acts as an adaptogen promoting homeostasis throughout the body. The results can be remarkable. What is Laminine? Laminine is a complete Synergy of : 22 Amino Acids Trace Minerals Vitamins Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) Laminine contains a patented bio-rich extract from fertilized eggs that acts as a powerful "adaptogen". To this base ingredient additional amino acids from plant and marine sources are added to create a complete amino acid profile. The proprietary formula contains 22 amino acids, trace minerals and vitamins. It is also the only known food source of Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (abundant before birth) which is thought to mobilize and instruct the body #39;s stem cells to do their repair work. It is believed that these instructions ...From:GILBERT SANTOSViews:14 0ratingsTime:08:04More inScience Technology

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Dr. Keith Tansey at the Spinal Cord Workshop 2012 – Video

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 11:44 am

Dr. Keith Tansey at the Spinal Cord Workshop 2012
Keith Tansey, MD, PhD Director, Spinal Cord Injury Research, Shepherd Center Talk title: Stem Cells in Spinal Cord Injury: a Medical Physiologists ViewFrom:bedfordstemcellViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:02:24More inScience Technology

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Dr. Keith Tansey at the Spinal Cord Workshop 2012 - Video

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Targeted Nanoparticle Probes for Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Progenitor Cells – Video

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 11:44 am

Targeted Nanoparticle Probes for Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Progenitor Cells
David Larocca. Advanced Cell Technology Inc., Burnham Institute for Medical Research, La Jolla, CA Pluripotent stem cells whether from embryonic (ES) or induced (iPS) cells offer a potentially unlimited source of replacement cells for treating human degenerative diseases associated with aging such as cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration, aging skin, diabetes, Parkinson #39;s, and Alzheimer #39;s disease. The availability of iPS cells will no doubt increase the number of research grade ES-like cell lines dramatically and may ultimately fulfill the need for patient specific stem cells. However, a significant problem and potential bottleneck to developing stem cell therapies is the development of efficient tools and technologies for directed differentiation of pluripotent stem cells toward therapeutic cell types. Currently, this process is poorly understood and often yields differentiated cells that represent only a few percent of the starting ES cells which are difficult to scale up. Identification of surface markers of lineage specific progenitor cells would provide tools for tracking, isolating and scaling these cells to improve differentiation yields and increase our understanding of ES cell differentiation in vitro. Toward this end, we have isolated progenitor cell-targeting peptides by selecting phage display libraries on differentiating ES cells. We have used the cell-targeting peptides or peptide phage themselves to target fluorescent nanoparticles (quantum dots) to ...From:Jeriaska JeriaskaViews:0 0ratingsTime:17:08More inEducation

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Targeted Nanoparticle Probes for Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Progenitor Cells - Video

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Stem Cells explained by Dr Newman – Video

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 11:44 am

Stem Cells explained by Dr Newman
Stem Cell technology based on 200+ growth factors that supports the DNA, replenishes the skins natural levels of proteins like collagen elastin, reconstructing the aging process by repairing and regenerating the skin cells. Introducing "Luminesce"- giving you age defying radiance and luminosity. http://www.cellrenewals.jeunesseglobal.comFrom:CellrenewalsViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:16More inScience Technology

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2012-11.17-Ask the Experts- “Living with ALS” – Video

Posted: November 18, 2012 at 11:44 am

2012-11.17-Ask the Experts- "Living with ALS"
Tune in LIVE on Saturday, November 17 from 3-6 pm Viewers can ask the experts their questions via the "Live Chat" feature or you can send an email to Program Schedule: 3:00 pm- Important Aspects in Clinical Care Multidisciplinary Care and ALS Catherine Lomen-Hoerth, MD, PhD Director, The ALS Center at UCSF Communicating with ALS Ilyssa Abaranok, MS CCC-SLP AAC Specialist, The ALS Association Golden West Chapter Meeting Your Mobility Needs David Beals, ATP Brett Zaer, ATP Superior Mobility 5:00 pm - Research Developments Overview of ALS Research Lucie Bruijn, PhD Chief Scientist, The ALS Association Genetics of ALS Robert H Baloh, MD, PhD Director, Cedars-Sinai ALS Center Novel Approaches, Therapies, and Genes Don W. Cleveland, PhD Departmental Chair of Cellular and Molecular Medicine University of California, San Diego Stem Cells and ALS Clive Svendsen, PhD Director, Cedars-Sinai RMIFrom:alsagoldenwestViews:131 0ratingsTime:02:12:48More inNonprofits Activism

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