cord blood banking | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Could Be an Investment in Our Future Health To get these stem cells, your doctor will draw blood from the umbilical cord at the time of your baby #39;s birth. Nevertheless, do remember that even if the option of bone marrow transplant is available, your child will have a greater chance in emergencies or critical illnesses when there is no matching donor nearby. The collecting of this blood in no way harms or even comes close to placing either the mother or the new born in any danger. The more you know about the situation, the more comfortable you #39;re going to feel about the process. In private banks however, they charge a very costly fee. This would be a significant event, which would save thousands of lives of those waiting for an organ. ""Cord blood, also called placental blood, is the blood that remains in the placenta and umbilical cord following birth, after the umbilical cord is cut. Roughly 75% of patients will not find a bone marrow cell match even within their own family. While research has gained momentum in the last decade or so as topic of mainstream discussion, the technology has circled the medical field since the late 1980s. In addition, there are annual fees for storage that typically average about $125. Brother, sister, mom or dad. Current data reflect that those that have been stored for fifteen years have the same ability as they did at the time of storage. Stem cells are very important, unspecialized cells, blank cells, that produce all other blood cells. Some people ...From:kristinagraddyViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:01More inScience Technology
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