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Dr. Tommy Mitchell Stem Cells

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

Dr. Tommy Mitchell Stem Cells Cloning Immanuel Baptist Church Highland, CA. November 5, 2012
At 44:00 Min he accidentally says "Is using Adult Stem Cells Wrong? Yes. He should have said Embryonic Stem Cells. ; ) Dr. Tommy Mitchell Lecture on Stem Cells Cloning at Immanuel Baptist Church Highland, CA. November 5, 2012 Dr. Mitchell graduated with a BA with highest honors from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1980, with a major in Cell Biology and a minor in Biochemistry. For his superior scholarship during his undergraduate study, he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa Society (the oldest and one of the most-respected honor societies in America). Dr. Mitchell subsequently attended Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, where he received his medical degree in 1984. Dr. Mitchell completed his residency at Vanderbilt University Affiliated Hospitals in 1987. He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine. In 1991, he was elected a *Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP). Tommy had a thriving medical practice in his hometown of Gallatin, Tennessee, for 20 years, but, in late 2006, he withdrew from medical practice to pursue creation ministry full time.From:MClover420Views:0 0ratingsTime:01:00:01More inEducation

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Dr. Tommy Mitchell Stem Cells

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Current Medication after Stem Cells – Video

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

Current Medication after Stem Cells
From:Earle JuddViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:43More inPeople Blogs

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MS stem cells trial – Video

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

MS stem cells trial
Dr Antonio Uccelli from Italy talks about the international MS stem cells clinical trial currently taking place and how it benefits people with MS.From:MSIFmediaViews:2 0ratingsTime:05:47More inNonprofits Activism

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MS stem cells trial - Video

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Crystal Castles – INSULIN – official – Video

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

Crystal Castles - INSULIN - official
from the album (III) produced by Ethan Kath lyrics below: "Insulin" (written by Ethan Kath and Alice Glass) We dissolve everything Scratch follicles so they don #39;t grow Expose your shame for all to see Sell your bones as ivory Perfume in my blood Nails grow through the glove Bruise my embryo Lay them down lay them down in rows I sleep for you when you #39;re exhausted Your first born will be accosted Fill their lungs with tar and sage Make the stem cells act their age Perfume in my blood Nails grow through the glove Bruise my embryo Lay them down lay them down in rowsFrom:hologramsViews:1113 70ratingsTime:01:47More inEducation

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Crystal Castles - INSULIN - official - Video

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QTV News: Get Swabbed – Video

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

QTV News: Get Swabbed
Who likes stem cells?From:QueensTVViews:2 0ratingsTime:04:15More inNews Politics

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Laminine Results for Glucoma, Pain

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

Laminine Results for Glucoma, Pain a Tumor
These testimonies, all from one family, are Very Poignant and helped them Reclaim their Health! Laminine helps YOU create a Healing Environment in your body by helping the Stem Cells strengthen and rejuvenate your body. To see how Laminine can help you Reclaim YOUR Health visit and order yours today.From:RSMalloryViews:0 0ratingsTime:06:05More inScience Technology

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Laminine Results for Glucoma, Pain

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cord blood center | Cord Blood Transplant – A Better Alternative to Bone Marrow Transplant – Video

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

cord blood center | Cord Blood Transplant - A Better Alternative to Bone Marrow Transplant This is the reason the average price is over $1000. You can also save your baby #39;s life!There are lots of umbilical cord blood banks and/or storage facilities throughout the US. Chemotherapy only kept the cancer under control for 17 months. The likelihood of an Autologous transplant using your own stem cells is 1 in 435 whereas the likelihood of an allogeneic transplant from a matched donor (such as a sibling) is 1 in 400, and the net likelihood of any type of stem cell transplant is 1 in 217. Firstly, the greater immaturity of cord blood stem cells provides a more effective transplant. It is often finished in less than ten minutes by your doctor. e. Furthermore, collecting umbilical cord blood has no controversy since the process does not cause the destruction on the embryos and fetus. Being so, they show greater adaptability to form any cells of the organ where tissue re-growth is needed. According to the informative Web site Should You Bank Cord Blood, regardless of the form of birth, the nurses and doctors in the room will be able to easily collect your child #39;s cord blood. Research which cord blood bank you wish to use carefully and when you have decided give your baby or perhaps someone else the precious gift of life. The collection of this blood is done within 15 minutes after the birth and is not a painful procedure. This is still new methodology but holds great promise for the future of regenerative therapies. Other testing is for ...From:kristinagraddyViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:18More inScience Technology

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cord blood center | Cord Blood Transplant - A Better Alternative to Bone Marrow Transplant - Video

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Stem Cells: Revolutionizing the Treatments of Human Diseases – Video

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

Stem Cells: Revolutionizing the Treatments of Human Diseases
Stem Cells: Revolutionizing the Treatments of Human Diseases, recorded November 7, 2012. Topics Covered: Stem Cells, Developmental Biology, Research For more information and access to courses, lectures, and teaching material, please visit the official UC Irvine OpenCourseWare website at: ocw.uci.eduFrom:UCIrvineOCWViews:2 0ratingsTime:47:25More inEducation

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Scientists find a master control gene for blood stem cells

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

Canadian and Italian scientists say they have identified a master control gene for turning on blood stem cells, which could lead to a greatly expanded supply of these precious cells for medical treatments.

The discovery, published Thursday in the journal Cell: Stem Cell, follows another major development in 2011, when the Canadian researchers first isolated a human blood cell in its purest form a single stem cell capable of regenerating the entire blood system.

These advances are critical for people who suffer from blood disorders such as leukemia, a form of cancer. Doctors currently treat leukemia by using chemotherapy to destroy the cancerous cells in the bone marrow, where blood cells are produced, in the process also killing off normal blood cells. The blood system is then replaced with healthy cells from a bone-marrow donor.

Worldwide, about 40,000 people a year receive bone-marrow transplants. But an additional 120,000 patients fail to find a suitable match. Many die on waiting lists.

While blood stem cells taken from an umbilical cord have recently offered an alternative transplant source, they cannot be grown in large enough quantities to treat an adult. And even with last years announcement that Canadians had isolated the prized stem cells that endlessly replenish human blood, they still did not know how to control them.

Stem cells are actually dormant in the cord blood or in your bone marrow. They lie dormant for long periods of time, explained John Dick, a senior scientist at the University Health Networks McEwen Centre for Regenerative Medicine and the Ontario Cancer Institute in Toronto.

But the discovery of a master control gene could mean that scientists will be able to finally harness the power of stem cells. Now we have peered into those cells and identified one of these master regulator switches which actually governs the dormancy, Dick said. By altering the master regulators, you could greatly expand the number of stem cells which could then be used to transplant into an adult.

The researchers still have to identify other genes that regulate blood stem cells. But Dick believes that goal is within their grasp.

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Scientists find a master control gene for blood stem cells

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Two Years On, Stem Cells Still Healing Damaged Hearts

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

By E.J. Mundell HealthDay Reporter

TUESDAY, Nov. 6 (HealthDay News) -- Updated two-year results from a small trial using cardiac stem cells to repair damaged hearts suggest the treatment's healing effect persists.

Patients with heart failure caused by prior heart attacks who got the treatment continue to see reductions in cardiac scar tissue, improvements in the heart's pumping ability and even a boost in their quality of life, researchers said.

These improvements seem to be continuing as time goes on, suggesting that stem cell therapy's healing power hasn't diminished.

"Now we need to perform larger and randomized, blinded studies ... to confirm this data," said study lead author Dr. Roberto Bolli, director of the Institute of Molecular Cardiology at the University of Louisville.

His team presented its results Tuesday at the American Heart Association's annual meeting, in Los Angeles.

According to the AHA, more than 6 million Americans suffer from heart failure, a gradual weakening of the heart often caused by damage from a prior heart attack. Despite its prevalence and lethality, virtually no advance has been made over the past few decades in doctors' ability to treat or reverse heart failure.

That's why the advent of stem cell therapy has encouraged researchers. Stem cells have the ability to turn into myriad living cells, and the hope is that once infused into the heart they can help repair it.

This trial is the first human trial to test this theory using the patient's own cardiac stem cells. The cells used in the trial were harvested from 33 heart failure patients who were undergoing bypass surgery. The cells were then coaxed to multiply into the millions in the lab and then transplanted back into 20 of the patients. The remaining 13 patients did not receive a stem cell infusion and are the "control" group for comparison purposes.

Results gathered one year after treatment showed improvements for the treated patients, but experts questioned whether those gains would fade over time.

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Two Years On, Stem Cells Still Healing Damaged Hearts

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