stem cells | Cryo-Cell - Cord Blood Banking Information For Parents You never know when you might need this blood and it might give your child a new life. Why Bank Cord Blood?Cell therapy has become a more ideal method to treat certain diseases than bone morrow transplants. Most of the private and public banks were founded during the 1990s. In a laboratory test, cord blood stem cells were transplanted into rodents with controlled strokes. With the success from transfusions creating immune system stability, and creating new oxygen baring cells for many diseases, researchers are hoping that more diseases can not only be treated effectively, but possibly stopped in their tracks altogether. In cancer patients, such as those with leukemia, the introduction of HSC #39;s into the body may rapidly produce healthy cells that can replace destroyed cells from chemotherapy and/or hopefully prevent infections that often create complications or even death, during the treatment process. If you pass all the tests you will be free to donate your baby #39;s blood. Although some will allow you to prepay during your pregnancy so as to not have to pay the amount all in one lump sum, but in general all initial fees must be paid well in advance of delivery in order to utilize the private storage services. According to the most current data, the prospect of needing a stem cell transplant in any individuals Life is 1 in 217! So you can imagine that the likelihood of your baby, or one of your family members needing this kind of help is ...From:kristinagraddyViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inTravel Events
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