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T-shirts: Claim Your I am 47 percent T-shirts – Video

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 11:41 am

T-shirts: Claim Your I am 47 percent T-shirts
Mr. Romney claims to have experience reaching across the aisle. Maybe he did do some reaching, but not much of it went toward the Democrats. In his first two years of office, he vetoed legislation at more than twice the rate of Republican predecessor Governor Weld. Governor Romney had a record 800 vetoes (most of which were overturned, sometimes unanimously). One example is when the legislature provided a budget amendment to stop contracting with companies that outsource state work to other countries. Governor Romney vetoed the provision. This meant that he supported outsourcing jobs at the expense of US workers. He also started a huge campaign to unseat Democratic legislators, but failed and ended up with even fewer Republican seats than before he took office. Governor Romney correctly claims that Massachusetts rose to #1 in education mdash;but it was based on former Governor Weld #39;s education reform plan. Governor Romney moved in the opposite direction--he vetoed bills that would have strengthened preschool education. However, the issue is not so much how he voted, but that Mr. Romney won the governorship by presenting himself in one way, as a social and fiscal moderate (some saw him as a social progressive), and by the end of his single term, he had acted in an entirely different way. He said during his campaign that he favored stem cell research and then vetoed a bill to fund it. He argued for a lower minimum wage than the state legislature ended up passing (over his veto ...From:Sheila DrewViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:28More inNews Politics

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16. Liow: No plans yet for stem cell Act

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 11:41 am

KUALA LUMPUR: There are no plans to introduce a stem cell Act at the moment, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

He said the ministry's four guidelines on stem cell research sufficiently served as standards to which practitioners and scientists involved in stem cell research and therapy should adhere to, ensured patients were out of harm's way.

The guidelines would provide a framework for researchers, clinicians and companies involved in research, clinical trials and manufacture of stem cells, he noted.

"There is no stem cell Act in this country. But the guidelines alone are sufficient to provide the grounds and ethical environment to carry out their work," Liow told reporters after launching the 1st National Stem Cell Congress here Monday.

The four guidelines are National Standards For Haemopoietic Stem Cell Therapy, National Standards For Cord Blood Banking and Transplantation, National Standards For Stem Cell Transplantation and Guidelines On Stem Cell Research and Therapy.

"Before we came up with the guidelines, we formed a committee to discuss the details of the research. The committee also included Jakim and religious officials for their views," Liow said.

He said the use of cell-based therapies should be done strictly under clinical trials. Prior to the clinical trials, there must be sufficient evidence to show safety, quality and efficacy.

Meanwhile, Liow said stem cell therapy in Malaysia was developing well in government, as well as university hospitals, noting that the number of patients receiving bone marrow and stem cell transplantation for leukaemia and solid tumours was on the rise.

He said a total of 213 haemopoietic stem cell transplants were performed and registered in the country, the majority of which centred on malignant disorders, namely leukaemia and lymphoma.

Currently, the minister disclosed, there were 11 haemopoietic transplant centres performing haemopoietic stem cell transplants in the country, including Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital, Haematology Department (Ampang Hospital), Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Unit (Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital) and Paediatric BMT Unit, Institute of Paediatrics Kuala Lumpur Hospital. - Bernama

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Donna Dickenson introduces Bioethics – Video

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 4:44 am

Donna Dickenson introduces Bioethics
All That Matters author Donna Dickenson introduces the topic covered in her book, Bioethics. Bioethics: All That Matters shows how new departments in biotechnology - like genetics, stem cell research and artificial reproduction - arouse both our greatest hopes and our greatest fears.From:AllThatMattersBooksViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:52More inEducation

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David Lichtenstein: Biotechnology is Rich Area for Investment

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 4:44 am

NEW YORK, Oct. 30, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- As many scientists and researchers are aware, biology entails an incredibly complex series of mechanisms and processes that still amaze intelligent minds today. While these biological systems have shaped the world, the application of modern biotechnology has only existed for approximately for three decades. According to a recent FundWeb article, this year marks the 30th anniversary of the "first biotechnology drug approved for human medical use," known as Humulin, "a genetically engineered version of natural human insulin for the treatment of diabetes." Since 1982, biotechnology has seeped its way into modern science and popular applications, which has led many to believe that biotechnology is the next "technology super-cycle." David Lichtenstein, biotechnology supporter and BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics investor, agrees that the science certainly holds the potential to change culture and the way humans live and solve problems.

David Lichtenstein states, "It is amazing to look back at the last 30 years a small period in terms of scientific development and realize just how far biotechnology has come. I expect these applications to become more present in our society, improving every facet of daily life." According to the article, such varied use of biotechnology has been witnessed since the original introduction of Humulin. It states, "Roughly two-thirds of all new drugs approved by the FDA have been discovered and/or developed by a biotechnology company at some stage." In addition to medical use, biotechnology has encouraged significant changes in agriculture and industrial manufacturing."

According to the article, financial analysts believe that biotechnology holds the potential for creating the next major socio-economic era in modern culture. It explains that such possibility for growth opens up a wide variety of investment opportunities in biotechnology. However, few have committed to investing in the science. Having already made significant investments in the field of biotechnology, David Lichtenstein knows that the industry holds promise. At BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics alone, there are projects that focus on repairing ALS, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's disease through stem cell therapy.

David Lichtenstein concludes, "As far as investment strategies go, biotechnology is one field that is new, exciting and offers opportunity for long-term profit. After close examination, I believe wary investors may change their mind about investing in this incredible field of science."


David Lichtenstein is a supporter of the growth of biotechnology and has become a major investor in the innovative science. He is currently an investor in BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics, a biotechnology company that develops adult stem cell therapies to resolve medical issues associated with severe neurodegenerative disorders including ALS, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. In addition, David Lichtenstein has proven his worth as an investment strategist, having steadily built the Lightstone Group since 1988. As chairman and CEO of the Lightstone Group, David Lichtenstein has carefully developed a diverse portfolio of properties allowing the company to become of the most widespread and successful privately held real estate companies in the United States of America.

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What is Cord Blood Banking? The Medical Potential of Newborn Stem Cells – Video

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 4:42 am

What is Cord Blood Banking? The Medical Potential of Newborn Stem Cells
Learn more at What is cord blood banking? What cord blood stem cell medicine is being researched? Listen in as leading pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Baumgartner discusses the future potential of regenerative medicine. Cord blood stem cells are being used today to treat blood disorders and certain cancers. Researchers are also investigating therapies that may one day treat cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and hearing loss. At Cord Blood Registry, connecting parents with the most up-to-date information on stem cell therapies and FDA-regulated clinical trials is central to our mission and purpose. For more information about the lifesaving potential of cord blood, sign up for a free CBR information kit Disclaimer: Ultimate use of cord blood stem cells will be determined by the treating physician who will consider if they are applicable for the condition and should come from the patient or a suitable donor (like an HLA matched sibling). There is no guarantee that treatments being studied in the laboratory or in clinical trials will be available in the future. CBR is the preferred choice of OB/Gyns. Source: blind survey, GfK Market Measures, 04/07, funded by CBR. © 2012 Cord Blood Registry. All rights reserved.From:cordbloodregistryViews:624 4ratingsTime:00:57More inScience Technology

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PROSTATE CANCER and stem cells.wmv – Video

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 4:42 am

PROSTATE CANCER and stem cells.wmv Business entrepreneur Larry Howard #39;s 77 year old father was in deep trouble. He had been diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer by his doctors at Kaiser Permanente. Their treatments had failed to check it and it was spreading. As-a-result the elder Howard had lost a great deal of weight and was running out of time. Larry had heard that a team of doctors in Mexico was using umbilical cord stem cells that had been genetically modified to fight cancer. One of the chief medical consultants to this program, in fact, was actually a friend of Larry #39;s; namely, pioneering physician and stem cell medicine expert David Steenblock. Larry took his father to see Dr. Steenblock, who sent them both to Mexico. The senior Mr. Howard was infused with the genetically engineered stem cells and wound up in total remission within 3 month #39;s time. He went on to regain all the weight he had lost previously and soon felt so good that he resumed socializing and dating. In this very short video segment Larry Howard shares how his father went from gravely ill to free of any detectable cancer.From:btancredi1Views:154 0ratingsTime:01:10More inScience Technology

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University of Melbourne announce Stem Cells Discovery – Video

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 4:42 am

University of Melbourne announce Stem Cells Discovery
Researchers have completed the study by using skin biopsies from patients with the rare genetic disease Friedreich Ataxia (FA). The discovery will allow for the development of new treatments for FA and related conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. For more information, see the following websites: University of Melbourne Stem Cell Laboratory: Monash Institute of Medical Research: Friedreich Ataxia Research Association: Friedreich Ataxia Research Alliance: Credits Produced by Rebecca Scott Camera by Clive Banfield Editing by Rob Cross, Corporate Video Video of heart cells provided courtesy of: Duncan E Crombie. Senior Research Assistant Stem Cell Medicine, O #39;Brien Institute With thanks to: Dr. Alice Pébay Group Leader, Stem Cell Lab, Centre for Neuroscience and Dept of Pharmacology, The University of Melbourne Senior Research Fellow, O #39;Brien Institute Dr Mirella Dottori Group Leader, Stem Cell Lab. Centre for Neuroscience and Dept of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne Dr Paul Verma Senior Scientist, Head of the Reprogramming of Somatic Cells Lab, Centre for Reproduction and Development, Monash Institute of Medical Research Dr Jun Liu, Post-doc fellow Centre for Reproduction and Development, Monash Institute of Medical Research Ms Varlli Beetham, Executive Director, Friedreich #39;s Ataxia Research Association (FARA) Jessica Leung and the staff of the Stem Cell Lab, Centre for Neuroscience ...From:globotrashViews:1294 1ratingsTime:03:20More inPeople Blogs

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Cord Blood Banking: CBR CellAdvantage® Saves More Stem Cells – Video

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 4:42 am

Cord Blood Banking: CBR CellAdvantage® Saves More Stem Cells
Learn more at Watch this guided tour of Cord Blood Registry #39;s CellAdvantage System -- advanced technology for the collection, processing, and storage of newborn cord blood stem cells. CBR gives your family access to today #39;s stem cell medicine, cutting-edge research, and the potential of tomorrow. CBR also offers the CellAdvantage Banking Package, which preserves cord blood and cord tissue. Cord blood is being used to save lives today and cord tissue has demonstrated the power to heal in different ways. Learn more with CBR #39;s free information kit: Disclaimer: Ultimate use of cord blood stem cells will be determined by the treating physician who will consider if they are applicable for the condition and should come from the patient or a suitable donor (like an HLA matched sibling). There is no guarantee that treatments being studied in the laboratory or in clinical trials will be available in the future. CBR is the preferred choice of OB/Gyns. Source: blind survey, GfK Market Measures, 04/07, funded by CBR. © 2012 Cord Blood Registry. All rights reserved.From:cordbloodregistryViews:2818 4ratingsTime:07:51More inScience Technology

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GeneCell International on Miami Moms – Video

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 4:42 am

GeneCell International on Miami Moms
GeneCell International is one of the leaders in the field of stem cell banking. We operate a laboratory that focuses on processing and cryopreserving of stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood, dental pulp, adipose tissue, other tissues, and cells that can be cryogenically preserved. Our purpose is to provide families with the highest quality stem cell products and services and the best customer service, unparalleled scientific excellence and innovative leadership in the areas of stem cell collection, processing and cryopreservation. We are constantly updating our expertise in these disciplines so that individuals and their families can count on every available therapeutic option should a debilitating disease manifest itself. Our goal is to assist individuals around the world make the most of the advances in stem cell medicine.From:genecellintlViews:153 1ratingsTime:00:31More inEducation

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RGO Walking – Video

Posted: November 2, 2012 at 4:42 am

RGO Walking
T-6 Asia A Complete Injury. March 4 2011 is the date of my injury. I have had 2 stem cell treatments at Cell Medicine Institute, Panama City, Panama.From:TheBncfilmsViews:858 2ratingsTime:02:41More inEntertainment

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