Doctor Reviews: Cord Blood Banking and Rapidly Changing Medicine
Learn more about cord blood banking here: Meet Dr. Michael Chez, Director of Pediatric Neurology and Epilepsy at Sutter Neuroscience Institute in Sacramento, Calif. Dr. Chez has worked first-hand with patients who have undergone cord blood stem cell infusions as potential treatment for conditions like cerebral palsy. "I think we #39;re at the dawn of a very big leap in science with stem cell medicine," he says. According to Dr. Chez, recommending cord blood banking has become fairly standard in prenatal counseling. It #39;s also becoming normal to ask parents if they #39;ve banked when exploring potential treatment options for diseases and disorders that may be treated with cord blood. "Any friend of the family who asks me, I suggest they bank their baby #39;s cord blood," Dr. Chez adds. Cord blood has been successfully used for more than 20 years to treat many serious diseases like certain cancers and blood, immune, and metabolic disorders. Today, clinical trials are investigating new therapies using a child #39;s own cord blood stem cells for conditions that currently have no treatment, like hearing loss, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, and juvenile diabetes. Several of these clinical trials only use stem cells from CBR as a way of ensuring consistent quality, offering CBR clients exclusive access to groundbreaking medicine. You can learn more about CBR #39;s role in advancing stem cell research through our Center for Regenerative Medicine, Use ...From:cordbloodregistryViews:667 8ratingsTime:01:44More inScience Technology
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