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Dr. William Rader – Breakthrough Stem Cell Therapy for Epilepsy – Video

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 11:50 pm

Dr. William Rader - Breakthrough Stem Cell Therapy for Epilepsy - New Stem Cell Therapy for EpilepsyFrom:William RaderViews:7 0ratingsTime:01:59More inScience Technology

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Dr. William Rader - Breakthrough Stem Cell Therapy for Epilepsy - Video

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Cardiovascular and Chronic Liver Disease Cell Therapy Clinical Studies Approved in Japan

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 11:50 pm


Cytori Therapeutics (CYTX) today announced two independent investigator-sponsored and funded cell therapy clinical studies in Japan have been approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare under the Guidelines on Clinical Research Using Human Stem Cells. One study will investigate the use of Cytoris cell therapy as a treatment for ischemic heart failure and the other as a treatment for cirrhosis of the liver. The studies will be performed by Shuichi Kaneko, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Chairman of Departments of Gastroenterology, and Disease Control and Hemostasis, Graduate School of Medicine at Kanazawa University Hospital School of Medicine.

In each study, patients will receive an injection of Cytoris cell therapy, which consists of their own adipose-derived stem and regenerative cells (ADRCs) processed at the point-of-care using the Cytoris proprietary and automated Celution System. The ischemic heart failure study will enroll patients with low left ventricular function due to a prior heart attack and the ADRCs will be delivered through the coronary artery. In the study of patients with cirrhosis of the liver, the ADRCs will be delivered through the hepatic artery.

About Cytori

Cytori Therapeutics, Inc. is developing cell therapies based on autologous adipose-derived regenerative cells (ADRCs) to treat cardiovascular disease and repair soft tissue defects. Our scientific data suggest ADRCs improve blood flow, moderate the immune response and keep tissue at risk of dying alive. As a result, we believe these cells can be applied across multiple "ischemic" conditions. These therapies are made available to the physician and patient at the point-of-care by Cytori's proprietary technologies and products, including the Celution system product family.

Cardiovascular and Chronic Liver Disease Cell Therapy Clinical Studies Approved in Japan

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Stem cell therapy for muscle, sports injury alternative to surgery

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 11:50 pm

By Erika Sauler Philippine Daily Inquirer

MANILA, Philippines This type of stem cell therapy does not claim to be the fountain of youth, but an alternative treatment to arthritis, muscle pain and tendon tear.

Two Filipino doctors who trained in the United States said in a media forum on Sunday that autologous stem cell therapy could speed up the healing of musculoskeletal and sports-related injuries, which could be an optional remedy before undergoing surgery.

Dr. Jeimylo de Castro explained that the procedure would involve taking stem cells from the patients blood, fat tissue or bone marrow and injecting them to the injured area of the same person. This type of therapy is different from the controversial embryonic stem cells which are harvested from animals or fertilized eggs.

With stem cell therapy being a current fad for anti-aging, the Department of Health has warned the public that the benefits of stem cell therapy are still under evaluation. The DOH will soon issue guidelines for the use of stem cell therapy and the licensing of facilities offering this service.

De Castro and Dr. Franklin Domingo are both fellows of the Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine. They underwent training for stem cell therapy under Dr. Joseph Purita of the Institute of Regenerative and Molecular Orthopaedics, and Dr. Sherwin Kevy of Harvards Immune Disease Institute.

If you have arthritis and you take anti-inflammatory drugs, you will not feel the pain so you will move around and further damage the cartilage. Whereas stem cells will regenerate tissues and ease the pain, making the damaged cells become young again, De Castro said.

Domingo likened the stem cells to high school students who have no career yet and could be trained to be professionals in a field where they are needed. So if the stem cells are injected into an injured knee, they will develop into tissues that hasten the recovery of the area.

According to Domingo, stem cell therapy is not for everybody and is not a quick-fix solution because it uses the bodys natural ability to heal.

Patients who have cancer and infection are not allowed to undergo stem cell therapy, and so are those under the influence of alcohol or who have taken blood-thinning medicine like Coumadin at the time of extraction.

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Stem cell therapy for muscle, sports injury alternative to surgery

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Irvine Scientific Offers Cell Therapy Products

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 11:50 pm


Irvine Scientific, a leading cell culture media/ medical device company for more than 40 years, announced their newly launched cell therapy PRIME-XV product portfolio as part of the companys commitment to accelerate basic research and clinical applications in cell therapy and regenerative medicine. Using their expertise in cell culture media development, PRIME-XV products were designed to function as part of an integrated workflow solution in culturing primary cells, where all products have been pre-validated to decrease end user qualification time. Initially, PRIME-XV products will comprise of a serum-free medium for the expansion of human mesenchymal stromal/ stem cells (MSCs), biopreservation solutions and extracellular matrix proteins. However, Irvine Scientific intends to expand this product line to offer other cell culture media and reagents, such as stem cell qualified fetal bovine serum, tumorsphere and neural progenitor cell expansion media. Examples of existing PRIME-XV products include:

PRIME-XV MatrIS F: a recombinant human matrix protein intended for the culture of human stem/ progenitor cells under serum-free conditions. PRIME-XV MatrIS F provides an alternative substrate to the PRIME-XV Human Fibronectin product, which has a wide variety of applications in primary cell spreading and attachment.

PRIME-XV MSC EXPANSION SFM: a complete, serum-free expansion medium specifically designed for the culture of primary human MSCs derived from bone marrow and adipose tissues. This medium is supplied as a convenient one 250mL bottle and is ready-to-use without the need of additional cytokine/ growth factor supplements. MSCs cultured in PRIME-XV MSC EXPANSION SFM out performed serum-containing medium as well as leading competitors in cell expansion studies without losing their multipotent characteristics or immune modulation functions.

PRIME-XV Hypothermic Biopreservation Solution: a protein-free, defined solution intended for storage and stable shipping of cells and tissue samples under hypothermic (2-8C) condition. By preserving cells above freezing temperature, it reduces cellular stress response associated from chilling and re-warming of cells and tissues, and retains high culture viabilities after recovery. Simply replace the culture medium with this animal component-free, cGMP manufactured product for short term storage. To recover from preservation, PRIME-XV Hypothermic Biopreservation Solution is removed and replaced with growth medium of choice.

As an alternative to the PRIME-XV Hypothermic Biopreservation Solution, Irvine Scientific also carries a protein-free, defined PRIME-XV Cryogenic Preservation Solution, which allows for cryopreservation of biologics at -80C to -196C.

About Irvine Scientific

Irvine Scientific, a member of JX group, is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of medical devices, including Cell Therapy, Industrial Cell Culture, Cytogenetic and Assisted Reproductive Technology products. We are a large scale producer of advanced quality cell culture media for the cell therapy, industrial bioprocess, medical and diagnostic markets. Our companys extensive experience in the design of culture media, compliance with ISO and FDA regulations for class II/III medical devices and industrial scale manufacturing capacity provides our customers with unique capabilities and support. Irvine Scientific delivers products worldwide to the biopharmaceutical industry, research and medical laboratory communities.

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Irvine Scientific Offers Cell Therapy Products

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University of Melbourne announce Stem Cells Discovery – Video

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 7:46 pm

University of Melbourne announce Stem Cells Discovery
Researchers have completed the study by using skin biopsies from patients with the rare genetic disease Friedreich Ataxia (FA). The discovery will allow for the development of new treatments for FA and related conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. For more information, see the following websites: University of Melbourne Stem Cell Laboratory: Monash Institute of Medical Research: Friedreich Ataxia Research Association: Friedreich Ataxia Research Alliance: Credits Produced by Rebecca Scott Camera by Clive Banfield Editing by Rob Cross, Corporate Video Video of heart cells provided courtesy of: Duncan E Crombie. Senior Research Assistant Stem Cell Medicine, O #39;Brien Institute With thanks to: Dr. Alice Pébay Group Leader, Stem Cell Lab, Centre for Neuroscience and Dept of Pharmacology, The University of Melbourne Senior Research Fellow, O #39;Brien Institute Dr Mirella Dottori Group Leader, Stem Cell Lab. Centre for Neuroscience and Dept of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne Dr Paul Verma Senior Scientist, Head of the Reprogramming of Somatic Cells Lab, Centre for Reproduction and Development, Monash Institute of Medical Research Dr Jun Liu, Post-doc fellow Centre for Reproduction and Development, Monash Institute of Medical Research Ms Varlli Beetham, Executive Director, Friedreich #39;s Ataxia Research Association (FARA) Jessica Leung and the staff of the Stem Cell Lab, Centre for Neuroscience ...From:globotrashViews:1292 1ratingsTime:03:20More inPeople Blogs

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Cord Blood Banking: CBR CellAdvantage® Saves More Stem Cells – Video

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 7:46 pm

Cord Blood Banking: CBR CellAdvantage® Saves More Stem Cells
Learn more at Watch this guided tour of Cord Blood Registry #39;s CellAdvantage System -- advanced technology for the collection, processing, and storage of newborn cord blood stem cells. CBR gives your family access to today #39;s stem cell medicine, cutting-edge research, and the potential of tomorrow. CBR also offers the CellAdvantage Banking Package, which preserves cord blood and cord tissue. Cord blood is being used to save lives today and cord tissue has demonstrated the power to heal in different ways. Learn more with CBR #39;s free information kit: Disclaimer: Ultimate use of cord blood stem cells will be determined by the treating physician who will consider if they are applicable for the condition and should come from the patient or a suitable donor (like an HLA matched sibling). There is no guarantee that treatments being studied in the laboratory or in clinical trials will be available in the future. CBR is the preferred choice of OB/Gyns. Source: blind survey, GfK Market Measures, 04/07, funded by CBR. © 2012 Cord Blood Registry. All rights reserved.From:cordbloodregistryViews:2818 4ratingsTime:07:51More inScience Technology

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Cord Blood Banking: CBR CellAdvantage® Saves More Stem Cells - Video

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RGO Walking – Video

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 7:46 pm

RGO Walking
T-6 Asia A Complete Injury. March 4 2011 is the date of my injury. I have had 2 stem cell treatments at Cell Medicine Institute, Panama City, Panama.From:TheBncfilmsViews:858 2ratingsTime:02:41More inEntertainment

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RGO Walking - Video

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Walk – Video

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 7:46 pm

Some video of me doing water therapy at Lawrence County physical therapy Institute in New Castle Pennsylvania. I also do gait training at Harmerville rehab center. My name is Chris Niles. I #39;m a T6 Asia A complete spinal cord injury. I was injured March 4, 2011. I have had two treatments of adult stem cell therapy at Cell Medicine, located in Panama City, Panama. I have made significant gains since participating in stem cell therapy. Improvements with body temperature regulation, blood pressure, lower back muscle regeneration, nerve pain reduction. I Have sensory sensation down to about my T10 in my back. I am looking to go for my third treatment of adult stem cells in 2012.From:Chris NilesViews:542 2ratingsTime:04:27More inPeople Blogs

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Walk - Video

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Doctor Reviews: Cord Blood Banking and Rapidly Changing Medicine – Video

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 7:46 pm

Doctor Reviews: Cord Blood Banking and Rapidly Changing Medicine
Learn more about cord blood banking here: Meet Dr. Michael Chez, Director of Pediatric Neurology and Epilepsy at Sutter Neuroscience Institute in Sacramento, Calif. Dr. Chez has worked first-hand with patients who have undergone cord blood stem cell infusions as potential treatment for conditions like cerebral palsy. "I think we #39;re at the dawn of a very big leap in science with stem cell medicine," he says. According to Dr. Chez, recommending cord blood banking has become fairly standard in prenatal counseling. It #39;s also becoming normal to ask parents if they #39;ve banked when exploring potential treatment options for diseases and disorders that may be treated with cord blood. "Any friend of the family who asks me, I suggest they bank their baby #39;s cord blood," Dr. Chez adds. Cord blood has been successfully used for more than 20 years to treat many serious diseases like certain cancers and blood, immune, and metabolic disorders. Today, clinical trials are investigating new therapies using a child #39;s own cord blood stem cells for conditions that currently have no treatment, like hearing loss, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, and juvenile diabetes. Several of these clinical trials only use stem cells from CBR as a way of ensuring consistent quality, offering CBR clients exclusive access to groundbreaking medicine. You can learn more about CBR #39;s role in advancing stem cell research through our Center for Regenerative Medicine, Use ...From:cordbloodregistryViews:667 8ratingsTime:01:44More inScience Technology

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Future Health Biobank Arabic video tour – Video

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 7:46 pm

Future Health Biobank Arabic video tour
Learn more about the services offered at Future Health: Europe #39;s first accredited family stem cell bank and UK Queen #39;s Award winner, Future Health Biobank, is celebrating 10 years as a pioneer in the collection and cryopreservation of stem cells for potential future medical use with the news that it is opening a second laboratory in Switzerland to complement its established UK facility. The company, which is headquartered in Nottingham in the UK, was established to process and store cord blood stem cell samples for families in 2002 at a time when the idea of stem cell medicine was still more likely to be read about in science fiction books than in our daily newspapers and magazines. Future Health started by storing cord blood stem cells in 2003 and within four years it had stored its 10000th sample. Another five years on and the company #39;s purpose built cryogenic storage facility has over 50000 stem cell samples for families from more than 50 countries in its care. A cord tissue storage service was added in 2009 and now services to capture stem cells from other sources identified for potential medical use have been introduced. Future Health have also put time and resources into research. In the last four years the company have invested in a number of important study areas which could have an impact on the future effectiveness and use of stem cells in medical treatments. These include finding the optimum cryopreservation methods which maintain stem cell ...From:FHBioBankViews:140 0ratingsTime:13:05More inScience Technology

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