NEW YORK, Nov. 1, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Stem for Life Foundation, NeoStem, Inc. (NYSE MKT:NBS), The Pontifical Council for Culture, and STOQ International today announced that they will host The Second International Vatican Adult Stem Cell Conference: Regenerative Medicine -- A Fundamental Shift in Science & Culture, from within The Vatican, April 11-13, 2013.
This event is part of a five-year collaboration between The Stem for Life Foundation, a not-for-profit organization devoted to raising global awareness of the therapeutic potential of adult stem cells, NeoStem, an emerging leader in the fast growing cell therapy industry, The Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture and its foundation, called STOQ International (Science, Theology and the Ontological Quest).
With renowned journalists serving as moderators -- Meredith Vieira from NBC News, Bill Hemmer from The Fox News Channel, Peggy Noonan of The Wall Street Journal and Dr. Max Gomez from WCBS-TV -- The Second International Vatican Adult Stem Cell Conference will feature leading adult stem cell scientists and clinicians, thought leaders of faith, ethics and culture, business leaders as well as Ministers of Health, Ambassadors to The Holy See and regulatory officials from around the world. During the event, adult stem cell scientists and clinicians will present an array of medical advancements and ongoing research occurring throughout the world, including the ability to grow replacements for damaged and diseased organs; restoring heart function after heart attack; growing new skin for burn victims; rebalancing our own immune systems, pushing back a rising tide of chronic disease; advancements in cancer therapy; preventing organ rejection and addressing a range of other conditions and trauma, such as MS, traumatic brain injuries and cardiovascular disease via adult stem cell therapies. Throughout the event, patients will share their own stories of the unique, powerful treatments that have helped address their disease and reduce suffering.
"Regenerative medicine is poised to revolutionize disease management by finding new ways to boost the body's ability to heal itself. Whereas today treatment for many diseases is a matter of managing symptoms, regenerative medicine seeks to reverse the course of the disease by targeting its cause and repairing diseased or defective tissues or organs," said Dr. Robin Smith, President of The Stem for Life Foundation. "Not only will our conference educate people of all ages, religions and cultures on the potential of adult stem cells to treat chronic disease as part of this next great frontier, but we will generate a truly international dialogue on regenerative medicine, one that explores the interconnections between scientific breakthroughs, faith, culture and ethics."
The goals of the 2013 Second International Vatican Adult Stem Cell Conference are to:
"The developments within regenerative medicine are of great interest," said Msgr. Tomasz Trafny. "They show how science changes, causing paradigm shifts through interdisciplinary research. Cellular biology is a good example of such changes. These dynamics also cause deep cultural transformations on different levels, from health care to economy, from new technologies to legal issues. Thus, topics that apparently seem to be circumscribed only to strictly scientific discussions or theoretical ones, in fact modify our understanding of social dynamics, relationships and, in the ultimate analysis, our understanding of the human being. Today we acknowledge that insights from natural sciences play a crucial role in our society, having consequences for anthropology, philosophy and even theology. It is our mission and our duty to explore the above dynamics, to offer the best tools for pastoral care, and to encourage understanding of changing culture."
In June, The Pontifical Council for Culture and The Stem for Life Foundation presented the first copy of their forthcoming book, The Healing Cell: How The Greatest Revolution in Medical History is Changing Your Life, to The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. The book is the result of a unique collaboration between the two organizations, and will be available in 2013. It includes a special address by His Holiness Benedict XVI, urging increased support and awareness for advancements in adult stem cell research in order to alleviate human suffering. To reserve a copy of the book, go to:
To learn more about The Second International Vatican Adult Stem Cell Conference please visit
About The Pontifical Council for Culture
The Pontifical Council for Culture is that Dicastery of the Roman Curia which assists the Pope in the exercise of his supreme pastoral office for the benefit and service of the universal Church and of particular Churches concerning the encounter between the saving message of the Gospel and cultures, in the study of the weighty phenomena of the rift between the Gospel and cultures; indifference in matters of religion; unbelief. It is also concerned with relationships between the Church and the Holy See and the world of culture; in particular it promotes dialogue with contemporary cultures, so that human civilization may become increasingly open to the Gospel, and so that men and women of science, letters and the arts may know that the Church acknowledges their work as a service to truth, goodness and beauty.
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The Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture, NeoStem, The Stem for Life Foundation & STOQ International Announce 'The ...