Miami, FL (PRWEB) September 19, 2012
GeneCell International, an international leader in the processing and preservation of umbilical cord blood stem cells, announced today the expansion of its services into the country of India.
The company, with its corporate headquarters located in Miami, Florida, privately collects, processes and stores stem cells from umbilical cord blood, cord tissue, dental pulp and adipose tissue that can later be used to treat a variety of diseases. GeneCell International has deep roots in Latin America and more than a decade of experience in helping parents make informed decisions that can lead to potentially life-saving possibilities. The company also plans to collaborate with the medical community to further educate the expecting parents on the benefits stem cells offer.
The expansion into India provides easy and accessible resources for parents looking to preserve viable adult stem cells from both umbilical cord blood and dental pulp, said GeneCells Director of Operations, Jose Cirino. GeneCell believes in offering the best support and advice to the medical community to ensure parents are given the best and most up to date information in making an informed decision on preserving their childs stem cells that can potentially save a life of a family member.
Cord blood is rich in stem cells and there is less risk for the recipients immune system to reject these cells, because certain immune cells found in the cord blood are not mature. These cells can later be used to treat a variety of diseases and blood disorders within the immediate family, are free of ethical debate and patients can get the treatment in about three weeks - as opposed to six to eight for bone marrow from an adult donor, added Dr. Todd R. Flower, Genecells Director of Research and Laboratory Operations.
Alongside its commitment to educating the public on the benefits of stem cell preservation, GeneCell is always on the forefront in providing information for those who may require stem cells for medical treatments. With more than a decade of experience, GeneCell has maintained a large presence in Latin America - promoting the practice and encouraging families to bank their childs stem cells to help protect their loved ones.
About Umbilical Cord Blood Preservation: Umbilical cord blood preservation is a process by which blood is collected from the umbilical cord of a newborn baby and is stored cryogenically in a specially-designated bank. According to the National Marrow Donor Program, cord blood contains cells that can be transfused to a patient to treat various diseases, including lymphoma and leukemia. The list of illnesses that can be treated with cord blood continues to grow. In addition, the cord blood can be used to treat the child from whom the blood was collected as well as some first-degree relatives who are a close genetic match, such as immediate family members. Cord blood banking is regulated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration and each year more and more parents choose to save their childrens cord blood should the medical need arise.
About Dental Pulp Stem Cells: One of the major advantages one gets from harvesting stem cells from his own body is that there will be no rejection of these cells when they are harvested and subsequently re-implanted. In the future, medical researchers anticipate being able to use technologies derived from stem cell research to treat a wider variety of diseases including Parkinsons, Alzheimers, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, heart diseases, liver disease, multiple sclerosis, muscle damage and many other diseases. The discovery that human dental pulp tissue contains a population of multi-potent mesenchymal dental pulp stem cells with the ability to reproduce quickly for self-renewal and the ability to differentiate into functional odontoblast has revolutionized dental research and opened new avenues in particular for reparative and reconstructive dentistry and tissue engineering in general.
About GeneCell International: GeneCell International, LLC is a trusted provider of collection, processing and storage of umbilical cord blood, dental pulp (teeth), and adipose (fat) from which stem cells can be extracted to treat a variety of diseases and disorders. GeneCell operates state-of-the-art laboratories and storage facilities for the cord blood of thousands of clients, headquartered in Miami, Florida and with local offices in Central Florida, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, India, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela.
For more information and to learn more about cord blood, dental pulp, adipose tissue stem cell banking benefits or other services visit
Original post:
GeneCell International an International Leader in Cord Blood and Dental Pulp Stem Cells Expands to India