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Researcher Alert: Troubling CIRM Grant Appeal Process Up for Revision

Posted: September 2, 2012 at 3:59 pm

Directors of the California stem cell
agency next week are expected to make unspecified changes in how
scientists can appeal denials of their applications for millions of
dollars in research grants.

The move follows a jam-packed and
emotional meeting last month in which the CIRM governing board faced a record outpouring of appeals of negative decisions by grant
reviewers. The board is the ultimate arbiter on applications. While it almost never overturns positive decisions by reviewers, it sometimes
approves applications that they have rejected. 
No details of the proposed changes in
the appeal process are yet available for the meeting Sept. 5-6 in
Burlingame, Ca. All that is known at this point is the following item
from the board agenda: “consideration of modifications to the
extraordinary petition policy and adoption of additional
information policy.” Extraordinary petitions are the key vehicle
for appeals.
The appeals process has long troubled the CIRM board. It has made changes in the procedures, but last
month's high stakes, $243 million round posed new challenges and
consumed so much time that the board was unable to complete action on
several items.
As a result of the July appeals, the
board sent five applications back for re-review. (See here, here and
here.) Some of those are expected to come up next week and others at
the end of October. The board agenda, however, did not specify which
applications would be considered next week. Nor did it specify how many additional appeals have been filed in the round that was up for
approval in July.


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Are some cell counts too good to be true? Why some companies' product data may mislead.

Posted: September 2, 2012 at 3:58 pm

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California Stem Cell Agency: A New Board Member and a New Vacancy

Posted: September 2, 2012 at 3:58 pm

The chairs are shifting a tad on the
governing board of the $3 billion California stem cell agency as a
French immigrant is added, a Latino leaves and a veteran patient
advocate is reappointed.

Coming on board for next week's meeting
is Anne-Marie Duliege, chief medical officer of Affymax Inc., of
Palo Alto, a publicly traded biopharmaceutical company that deals
with kidney disease. Leaving is David Serrano Sewell, who has been
named to the state Medical Board by Gov. Jerry Brown. Reappointed is
Jeff Sheehy, an HIV/AIDs patient advocate who may be the most public face
of patient advocates on the stem cell agency.
Anne-Marie Duliege
Affymax Photo

State Controller John Chiang appointed
Duliege to the CIRM post, saying

“Dr. Duliege brings
first-hand knowledge of what is required to take a drug from research
phase through FDA approval.”

In May, Duliege made a presentation to
the Bioscience Forum in South San Francisco called “Beating the
Odds,” a discussion of Affymax's first commercial product.
According to information posted by the group, Duliege led the way by
shepherding it through a 10-month gauntlet at the FDA.
Duliege has been with Affymax since
2007. Her prior positions included time at Chiron and Genentech. She
is a practicing physician, working part-time, and received her
medical degree from Paris Medical School.
Affymax has had a previous tie to the
stem cell agency. Ted Love, one of the initial members of the CIRM board, also sits on the Affymax board of directors. Indeed, Duliege fills the seat
vacated by Love when he resigned from the CIRM board. The position must be
filled by an officer of a California life science company.  
David Serrano Sewell
CIRM Photo

Serrano Sewell, who has also served on
the CIRM board since its inception, is apparently resigning to accept
an appointment to the board that regulates
California physicians. Apparently – because the stem cell agency
has not confirmed that he is leaving, although this morning it placed a resolution honoring him on the agenda for next week's meeting.  That almost invariably means a board member is departing.

Serrano Sewell, an attorney for the
city of San Francisco, was one of 10 patient advocate members on the
29-member board. Sewell was apppointed by the California lieutenant
governor. His seat will remain vacant until the current lieutenant
governor, Gavin Newsom, makes an appointment, who must also be a patient advocate.
Jeff Sheehy
CIRM Photo

Sheehy was reappointed recently by
state Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg. Sheehy is a
communications manager at UC San Francisco and a nationally known
HIV/AIDS advocate. He is co-chairman of CIRM's Science Subcommittee
and vice chairman of the grants review group. Sheehy leads the
discussion of grant applications when they come before the full board
in public session.

With the latest shuffling, the board has essentially lost its only African-American member – Ted Love.
Eugene Washington, dean of the UCLA medical school, is a member of
the board but never attends the meetings. Instead he sends a
surrogate. Serrano Sewell's departure brings the number of Hispanics
to three, co-vice chairman Art Torres, Francisco Prieto and Marcy
. No Asians sit on the board.


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Bob Klein, "Lobbying" and Reader Reaction

Posted: September 2, 2012 at 3:58 pm

A robust discussion has arisen
concerning Bob Klein and his appearance last month before the
governing board of the $3 billion California stem cell agency, a body
that he once chaired and an enterprise that he once oversaw.

The comments were triggered by the original "unseemly performance" item on the California Stem Cell Report and a subsequent comment by Francisco Prieto, a longtime member of the board.
The comments discussed whether Klein
was manipulated and whether he was engaged in so-called “revolving
door” activity – the practice of former government officials,
such as Klein, becoming paid representatives of enterprises that were
involved with their former agency.
The comments raise a number of
interesting questions that we will discuss on the California Stem
Cell Report during the next few days.
You can read the remarks by going to this item and scrolling down to the end of the piece.
(Editor's note: Our apologies to some
of those who commented for the delay in posting their remarks.)


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Nearly $6 Million Sought: Four Scientists Seek to Overturn Rejection by CIRM Reviewers

Posted: September 2, 2012 at 3:58 pm

Four researchers are appealing
rejection of their proposals to win millions of dollars from the
California stem cell agency just as the agency is moving to curb such
reconsideration efforts by scientists.

The latest appeals come in what the
agency calls its basic biology round. The agency's governing board
meets next Wednesday and Thursday to hand out as much as $35 million
to as many as 25 scientists competing for the research dollars.
The four appeals follow a record outpouring last month of attempts at reconsideration in another
round. One upshot has been a proposal that would tighten the review process. That plan also comes before directors next week.
In three of the latest appeals, the
applications were given scientific scores that exceeded those of some
proposals that were approved by reviewers. The lower scoring
proposals were given the go-ahead on the basis of “programmatic
review,” which one CIRM document says is designed to allow
“consideration of issues beyond scientific merit, such as disease
representation and societal impact.” 
The latest appeals – formally known
as extraordinary petitions – were filed by Michael Teitell of UCLA,
Deborah Lieu of UC Davis, Tony Hunter of Salk and Hanna Mikkola, also
of UCLA. In all, their applications seek nearly $6 million from CIRM.
Hunter's $1.8 million application had the highest scientific score, 70,  of the four appeals. It ranked above three grants approved by reviewers. 
In his appeal, Hunter said “no major scientific issues were found” by reviewers concerning his application. He also reported new data involving a “major concern” of reviewers. Hunter said the information was developed after the application was submitted April 25.

In the case of Lieu, reviewers
said she was “relatively inexperienced.” Lieu's appeal said she
has “24 publications with over 6 years of experience in the
differentiation of cardiac muscle cells from human pluripotent stem
cells, 12 publications (3 co-corresponding author) on human
pluripotent stem cells and their cardiac derivatives, and 3
publications on the engineering of pacemaker cells” in addition to
other related professional experience.
She is seeking $1.3 million. Her
application received a score of 68, ranking it above two other grants
approved by reviewers and equal to a third also approved by
Mikkola said her application built on work previously funded by CIRM. She also cited new data that the
reviewers did not have access to. Mikkola's application for $1.4 million
received a score of 65, which ranks it above one grant approved by
Teitell's letter to the board also cited new data that is scheduled to published in November that deals with one of the concerns of reviewers. Teitell additionally disputed some of the critical information in the summary of reviewer comments.

He is seeking $1.4 million. CIRM did not release a score on his application, although it appears to be below 63, the lowest score disclosed publicly by the agency.


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Stem Cell Agency Moving to Curb Free-Wheeling Appeals by Researchers

Posted: September 2, 2012 at 3:58 pm

The $3 billion California stem cell
agency on Tuesday released details of proposed, major changes in how
scientists are allowed to appeal decisions when their
applications for millions of dollars are rejected by grant reviewers.

The agency posted on its web site a 4 ½ page plan to curb the free-wheeling pitches that reached a record level at last month's governing board meeting. Some of the changes
would formalize ad hoc procedures that have emerged over the last
several years. The plan would also make it clearer exactly what can
and cannot be done or expected under the agency's appeal process,
which is poorly understood by at least some researchers.
The agency's proposal, due to be acted
on at the CIRM board meeting next Wednesday and Tuesday, is heavily
nuanced, dealing with such matters as “supplemental information,”
an “additional analysis option,” “criteria for material dispute
of fact,” “criteria for material new information” – not to
mention the old standby – “extraordinary petition.”
CIRM also reiterates in a footnote its
distinction between an “appeal” and an “extraordinary
petition.” However, it is a distinction without a difference except
to those in thrall of bureaucratic jargon. Both are appeals. Their
purpose is to provide a method for overturning reviewers' decision under certain conditions.
Details on CIRM's proposed changes came
only four business days prior to next week's governing board meeting
– a little late to generate thoughtful comment and constructive
suggestions from those most likely to be affected by the changes –
the 500 or so recipients of $1.6 billion in CIRM funding. Before final action on the changes, the board may well want to send out the proposal to all of its grant recipients and ask them for written comment that could then be considered at a public meeting of its Science Subcommittee.
The CIRM board has been bedeviled by
the appeal process for more than four years, including the
presentations at its public meetings by scientists. Ironically, the
first such public appearance was made by Bert Lubin, who is now a member of the CIRM
board  and CEO of Childrens Hospital in Oakland, Ca..
As the California Stem Cell Report
wrote at the time, the pitch by Lubin, who was unsuccessful,
disturbed some board members. Gerald Levey, then dean of the UCLA
medical school and a member of the board, said,

"I don't think we can run a board
this way. If we do, it would be chaos." 

Lubin was later quoted in the journal
Nature as saying that his rejected application did not come from “the
in crowd” of stem cell researchers or organization.

“So a project that was really going
to go into patients was essentially triaged.”

A final note: CIRM's proposal for changes in
the appeal process also uses language that obfuscates exactly what
researchers can do under state law. The document says that scientists
“may” make oral and written comments to the board, which is a
state government entity. In fact, state law makes it clear that
researchers as well as any member of the public have the “right”
to comment. The board legally cannot prevent them from speaking or
making comments. And the board, to its credit, has always allowed
ample public comment even when it slows the board's work.  


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USC Researchers Appeal Rejection of $20 Million Proposal

Posted: September 2, 2012 at 3:58 pm

Researchers from the University of
Southern California
are making a pitch to overturn rejection of their
$20 million grant application by reviewers in one of the signature
commercialization rounds of the California stem cell agency.

The appeal by Roberta Diaz Brinton and
Lon Schneider will be taken up one week from tomorrow by the
governing board of the $3 billion state enterprise.
The USC application deals with Alzheimer's. It came in the $243
million disease team round that was considered last month during a
record-breaking outpouring of appeals and a day of emotion-filled
appearances by patients. CIRM directors adjourned their meeting
without completing action on a number of items, leaving open the possibility of additional appeals such as the one from USC.
The Brinton-Schneider application
received a score of 63 from reviewers. They said in a letter to
the board,

“We are submitting the petition at
this time as we are new to the CIRM ICOC(governing board) process and after listening
to the July 26 ICOC meeting deliberations now understand that the
petition process allows the ICOC to further consider our proposal.
We noted that the proposal scored one point above ours and another
two points below ours, each utilized the extraordinary petition
strategy to gain ICOC review which resulted in funding approval in
the former, and reconsideration in the latter instance.”

Their statement reinforced a concern
expressed by CIRM Director Oswald Steward, director of the Reeve Center at UC Irvine,  at last month's board
meeting about fairness in the grant process. He said,

“I'm not really quire sure that all
of the applicants clearly understood that they could come back to us
to address the criticisms(of reviewers).”

Concerns about whether all applicants fully understand the appeal process have surfaced on a number of occasions over the last several years. The CIRM board, however, is generally reluctant to overturn negative recommendations by reviewers. It also almost never reverses positive recommendations.

Next week the board is scheduled to
make unspecified changes in the appeal process. No further details on
those changes have yet been released by the agency although the
meeting is just four business days away.
In the Brinton-Schneider letter to the
CIRM board, the scientists defended their scientific approach and
responded to criticism by reviewers, especially those related to
sedation. Reviewers expressed reservations about over-sedation, which
the researchers said were erroneous.
It is not clear whether other scientists will
be making appeals during next week's board meeting.


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Researcher Alert: Troubling CIRM Grant Appeal Process Up for Revision

Posted: September 2, 2012 at 3:58 pm

Directors of the California stem cell
agency next week are expected to make unspecified changes in how
scientists can appeal denials of their applications for millions of
dollars in research grants.

The move follows a jam-packed and
emotional meeting last month in which the CIRM governing board faced a record outpouring of appeals of negative decisions by grant
reviewers. The board is the ultimate arbiter on applications. While it almost never overturns positive decisions by reviewers, it sometimes
approves applications that they have rejected. 
No details of the proposed changes in
the appeal process are yet available for the meeting Sept. 5-6 in
Burlingame, Ca. All that is known at this point is the following item
from the board agenda: “consideration of modifications to the
extraordinary petition policy and adoption of additional
information policy.” Extraordinary petitions are the key vehicle
for appeals.
The appeals process has long troubled the CIRM board. It has made changes in the procedures, but last
month's high stakes, $243 million round posed new challenges and
consumed so much time that the board was unable to complete action on
several items.
As a result of the July appeals, the
board sent five applications back for re-review. (See here, here and
here.) Some of those are expected to come up next week and others at
the end of October. The board agenda, however, did not specify which
applications would be considered next week. Nor did it specify how many additional appeals have been filed in the round that was up for
approval in July.


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UCLA Researchers Discover “Missing Link” Between Stem Cells and the Immune System

Posted: September 1, 2012 at 5:17 am

Newswise UCLA researchers have discovered a type of cell that is the missing link between bone marrow stem cells and all the cells of the human immune system, a finding that will lead to a greater understanding of how a healthy immune system is produced and how disease can lead to poor immune function.

The studies were done using human bone marrow, which contains all the stem cells that produce blood during postnatal life.

We felt it was especially important to do these studies using human bone marrow as most research into the development of the immune system has used mouse bone marrow, said study senior author Dr. Gay Crooks, co-director of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and a co-director of the Cancer and Stem Cell Biology program at UCLAs Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. The few studies with human tissue have mostly used umbilical cord blood, which does not reflect the immune system of postnatal life.

The research team was intrigued to find this particular bone marrow cell because it opens up a lot of new possibilities in terms of understanding how human immunity is produced from stem cells throughout life, said Crooks, a professor of pathology and pediatrics.

Understanding the process of normal blood formation in human adults is a crucial step in shedding light on what goes wrong during the process that results in leukemias, or cancers of the blood.

The study appears Sept. 2 in the early online edition of Nature Immunology.

Before this study, researchers had a fairly good idea of how to find and study the blood stem cells of the bone marrow. The stem cells live forever, reproduce themselves and give rise to all the cells of the blood. In the process, the stem cells divide and produce intermediate stages of development called progenitors, which make various blood lineages like red blood cells or platelets. Crooks was most interested in the creation of the progenitors that form the entire immune system, which consists of many different cells called lymphocytes, each with a specialized function to fight infection.

Like the stem cells, the progenitor cells are also very rare, so before we can study them we needed to find the needle in the haystack. said Lisa Kohn, a member of the UCLA Medical Scientist Training Program and first author in the paper.

Previous work had found a fairly mature type of lymphocyte progenitor with a limited ability to differentiate, but the new work describes a more primitive type of progenitor primed to produce the entire immune system, Kohn said

Once the lymphoid primed progenitor had been identified, Crooks and her team studied how gene expression changed during the earliest stages of its production from stem cells.

Read this article:
UCLA Researchers Discover "Missing Link" Between Stem Cells and the Immune System

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'Flip-flop' switch discovered behind key cellular process

Posted: August 31, 2012 at 11:14 pm

The molecular circuitry controlling asymmetric cell division in roots resembles a flip-flop switch.

( organisms to grow and develop, they must produce tissues with distinct functions, each one made up of similar cells. These different tissues are derived from stem cells. How stem cells divide to create new cell types is known as asymmetric cell division, and is obviously crucial to the overall development of the organism. In plants, whose cells cannot migrate, the location where a stem cell undergoes asymmetric cell division must also be crucial to ensuring tissues develop in the correct place.

In research published in the journal Cell, a collaboration between theoretical biologists and experimentalists, headed by Stan Mare of the John Innes Centre, and Ben Scheres, of the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, uncovered a molecular switch that integrates signals to ensure these asymmetric cell divisions happen in the right place and at the right time, to produce layers of specialised tissue in the root.

"Through an experimental-modelling cycle, we have unravelled how stem cells in the Arabidopsis root regulate asymmetric cell divisions that give rise to two new cell identities at the correct position," said Dr Stan Mare of the John Innes Centre, which is strategically funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. "We dissected the underlying molecular circuit which operates in each cell, and found that it presented a highly robust bistable behaviour, due to two positive feedback loops involving the proteins SHR, SCR and the cell-cycle related players RBR and CYCLD6;1. In other words, we showed that the circuit behaves like a switch."

Bistable systems, which can only exist in one of two states, are found in nature where tight control is needed. Positive feedback loops are common features of them as they help make the rapid switch from one state to another.

Having identified this switch, the next step was to work out how the plant turns it on and off, so that only the correct stem cells perform asymmetric division, and in the right location for the overall development of the plant.

To do this, Dr Stan Mare together with Dr Vernica Grieneisen constructed a mathematical model, an in silico version of the root and the molecular circuitry behind the switch.

The physical location of an asymmetric cell division relies on the interaction of the plant hormone auxin and the protein SHR. Previous work by Dr Grieneisen had shown how auxin accumulates in the root tip through a reflux-loop mechanism established by polarly localized auxin efflux carriers in cells, and that the concentration of auxin declines the further from the root tip, forming a gradient with its highest peak at the stem cells.SHR protein sets up a similar gradient, but perpendicular to the auxin gradient, radiating out.

"We found that the cells that undergo these special cell divisions are located right at the crossroads of these two gradients," said Dr Grieneisen.

The cell divisions also trigger protein degradation, which turns the switch off again. This is needed to prevent uncontrolled development.

Read this article:
'Flip-flop' switch discovered behind key cellular process

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