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Optic Nerve Tumors Traced Back To Stem Cells In Young Brains

Posted: July 10, 2012 at 8:14 am

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have traced brain tumors caused by a common genetic disorder back to a particular area in the developing brains of mice, suggesting a possible way of targeting these tumors for treatment in humans.

Washington University neurologist David Gutmann and his team were examining tumors associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), an inherited disorder that occurs in about one out of every 3,000 people. NF1 causes, among other things, tumors in the optic nerve called optic gliomas that are usually harmless, but which can sometimes impair a child's vision.

Before the team began their research, no one really knew where the tumors were coming from. They could have been originating in mature cells in the optic nerve, or they could have been coming from regions of stem cells in the embryonic brain. Gutmann and his colleague Da Yong Lee decided to look at areas of the brain right near the optic nerve.

"It's like an episode of CSI -- you want to look for clues in the area of the murder," Gutmann said in a phone interview.

Two regions of stem cells appeared to be likely candidates: the third ventricle and the lateral ventricle, located roughly in the middle of the brain. Both areas are lined with stem cells during embryonic development until shortly after birth.

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In a paper appearing in the journal Cancer Cell, Gutmann and his colleagues described how they turned off Nf1 -- a gene in mice that's similar to the gene that, when turned off, causes NF1 in humans -- in stem cells from both regions.

When the gene was turned off in stem cells from the third ventricle, those cells started proliferating wildly - the first step on the road to tumor formation. But when the researchers turned off the Nf1 gene in stem cells from the lateral ventricle, they didn't find that same effect.

People might think of stem cells as a single kind of cell, but they're actually more diverse than that. While stem cells from the lateral ventricle and the third ventricle are both able to differentiate into a wide range of cell types, they express different kinds of genes and, as Gutmann and his colleagues showed, behave in different ways to the same genetic changes.

"There are innate properties of stem cells that map to where they grow up. It's like how if you grow up in New York City, you're more likely to be a Yankees fan than a Cardinals fan," Gutmann explained.

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Optic Nerve Tumors Traced Back To Stem Cells In Young Brains

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UCLA researcher discovers epigenetic links in cell-fate decisions of adult stem cells

Posted: July 10, 2012 at 8:14 am

Public release date: 6-Jul-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Brianna Deane 310-206-0835 University of California - Los Angeles

The ability to control whether certain stem cells ultimately become bone cells holds great promise for regenerative medicine and potential therapies aimed at treating metabolic bone diseases.

Now, UCLA School of Dentistry professor and leading cancer scientist Dr. Cun-Yu Wang and his research team have made a significant breakthrough in that direction. The scientists have discovered two key epigenetic regulating genes that govern the cell-fate determination of human bone marrow stem cells.

Wang's new research is featured on the cover of the July 6 issue of Cell Stem Cell, the affiliated journal of the International Society for Stem Cell Research.

The groundbreaking study grew out of Wang's desire to better understand the epigenetic regulation of stem cell differentiation, in which the structure of genes is modified while the sequence of the DNA is not. He and his team found that KDM4B and KDM6B, two gene-activating enzymes, can promote stem cells' differentiation into bone cells by removing methyl markers from histone proteins. This process occurs through the activation of certain genes favoring a commitment to one lineage and the concurrent deactivation of genes favoring other lineages.

The findings imply that chemical manipulation of these gene-activating enzymes may allow stem cells to differentiate specifically into bone cells, while inhibiting their differentiation into fat cells. The group's research could pave the way toward identifying potential therapeutic targets for stem cellmediated regenerative medicine, as well as the treatment of bone disorders like osteoporosis, the most common type of metabolic bone disease.

"Through our recent discoveries on the lineage decisions of human bone marrow stem cells, we may be more effective in utilizing these stem cells for regenerative medicine for bone diseases such as osteoporosis, as well as for bone reconstruction," Wang said. "However, while we know certain genes must be turned on in order for the cells to become bone-forming cells, as opposed to fat cells, we have only a few clues as to how those genes are switched on."

The research group, through its study of aging mice, found that the two enzymes KDM4B and KDM6B could specifically activate genes that promote stem cell differentiation toward bone, while blocking the route toward fat.

"Interestingly, in our aged mice, as well as osteoporotic mice, we observed a higher amount of silencing histone methyl groups which were normally removed by the enzymes KDM4B and KDM6B in young and healthier mice," Wang said. "And since these enzymes can be easily modified chemically, they may become potential therapeutic targets in tissue regeneration and treatment for osteoporosis."

Originally posted here:
UCLA researcher discovers epigenetic links in cell-fate decisions of adult stem cells

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Discovery of epigenetic links in cell-fate decisions of adult stem cells paves way for new osteoporosis treatments

Posted: July 10, 2012 at 8:14 am

ScienceDaily (July 9, 2012) The ability to control whether certain stem cells ultimately become bone cells holds great promise for regenerative medicine and potential therapies aimed at treating metabolic bone diseases.

Now, UCLA School of Dentistry professor and leading cancer scientist Dr. Cun-Yu Wang and his research team have made a significant breakthrough in that direction. The scientists have discovered two key epigenetic regulating genes that govern the cell-fate determination of human bone marrow stem cells.

Wang's new research is featured on the cover of the July 6 issue of Cell Stem Cell, the affiliated journal of the International Society for Stem Cell Research.

The groundbreaking study grew out of Wang's desire to better understand the epigenetic regulation of stem cell differentiation, in which the structure of genes is modified while the sequence of the DNA is not. He and his team found that KDM4B and KDM6B, two gene-activating enzymes, can promote stem cells' differentiation into bone cells by removing methyl markers from histone proteins. This process occurs through the activation of certain genes favoring a commitment to one lineage and the concurrent deactivation of genes favoring other lineages.

The findings imply that chemical manipulation of these gene-activating enzymes may allow stem cells to differentiate specifically into bone cells, while inhibiting their differentiation into fat cells. The group's research could pave the way toward identifying potential therapeutic targets for stem cell-mediated regenerative medicine, as well as the treatment of bone disorders like osteoporosis, the most common type of metabolic bone disease.

"Through our recent discoveries on the lineage decisions of human bone marrow stem cells, we may be more effective in utilizing these stem cells for regenerative medicine for bone diseases such as osteoporosis, as well as for bone reconstruction," Wang said. "However, while we know certain genes must be turned on in order for the cells to become bone-forming cells, as opposed to fat cells, we have only a few clues as to how those genes are switched on."

The research group, through its study of aging mice, found that the two enzymes KDM4B and KDM6B could specifically activate genes that promote stem cell differentiation toward bone, while blocking the route toward fat.

"Interestingly, in our aged mice, as well as osteoporotic mice, we observed a higher amount of silencing histone methyl groups which were normally removed by the enzymes KDM4B and KDM6B in young and healthier mice," Wang said. "And since these enzymes can be easily modified chemically, they may become potential therapeutic targets in tissue regeneration and treatment for osteoporosis."

"The discovery that Dr. Wang and his team have made has considerable implications for craniofacial bone regeneration and treatment for osteoporosis," said Dr. No-Hee Park, dean of the UCLA School of Dentistry. "As a large portion of our population reaches an age where osteoporosis and gum disease could be major health problems, advancements in aging-related treatment are very valuable."

Professor Wang holds the No-Hee Park Endowed Chair in Dentistry at the UCLA School of Dentistry, where he is also chair of the division of oral biology and medicine and the associate dean for graduate studies.

Discovery of epigenetic links in cell-fate decisions of adult stem cells paves way for new osteoporosis treatments

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Stem Cells From Amniotic Fluid

Posted: July 10, 2012 at 8:14 am

Featured Article Academic Journal Main Category: Stem Cell Research Also Included In: Pregnancy / Obstetrics;Pediatrics / Children's Health;Biology / Biochemistry Article Date: 09 Jul 2012 - 9:00 PDT

Current ratings for: Stem Cells From Amniotic Fluid

Scientists from Imperial College London, and University College London Institute of Child Health, and colleagues, said their discovery means it may be possible to store stem cells from donated amniotic fluid for clinical and research use, offering a much needed alternative to the limited supply of embryonic stem cells.

"These cells have a wide range of potential applications in treatments and in research. We are particularly interested in exploring their use in genetic diseases diagnosed early in life or other diseases such as cerebral palsy," said co-senior author Dr Pascale Guillot, from the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial.

Stem cells hold promise for regenerative medicine because they have the potential to become virtually any cell in the body. The current "gold standard" of human stem cells is the human embryonic stem cell (hESC), which is harvested from human embryos.

However, researchers and clinicians are keen to find alternatives to hESCs because of ethical concerns about using human embryos and also because of their limited availability.

Previous studies have shown it is possible to use other types of cell and, by introducing extra genes, often using viruses as carriers, make them almost as versatile or pluripotent as hESCs. For instance, scientists have reprogrammed human skin cells to behave like embryonic stem cells.

But this way of making induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) is not efficient and there is also a risk that the DNA disruption that occurs (something the authors attribute to "random integration of the reprogramming transgenes into the host genome") will lead to tumors.

This new study is the first to make iPSCs without having to insert foreign genetic material into the cells.

Guillot and colleagues also found the iPSCs they made from amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSCs) showed some of the characteristics normally only seen in embryonic stem cells, that are not present in iPSCs made from adult cells.

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Stem Cells From Amniotic Fluid

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Pediatric brain tumors traced to brain stem cells

Posted: July 10, 2012 at 8:14 am

ScienceDaily (July 9, 2012) Scientists showed in mice that disabling a gene linked to a common pediatric tumor disorder, neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), made stem cells from one part of the brain proliferate rapidly. But the same genetic deficit had no effect on stem cells from another brain region.

The results can be explained by differences in the way stem cells from these regions of the brain respond to cancer-causing genetic changes.

NF1 is among the world's most common genetic disorders, occurring in about one of every 3,000 births. It causes a wide range of symptoms, including brain tumors, learning disabilities and attention deficits.

Brain tumors in children with NF1 typically arise in the optic nerve and do not necessarily require treatment. If optic gliomas keep growing, though, they can threaten the child's vision. By learning more about the many factors that contribute to NF1 tumor formation, scientists hope to develop more effective treatments.

"To improve therapy, we need to develop better ways to identify and group tumors based not just on the way they look under the microscope, but also on innate properties of their stem cell progenitors," says David H. Gutmann, MD, PhD, the Donald O. Schnuck Family Professor of Neurology.

The study appears July 9 in Cancer Cell. Gutmann also is the director of the Washington University Neurofibromatosis Center.

In the new study, researchers compared brain stem cells from two primary sources: the third ventricle, located in the midbrain, and the nearby lateral ventricles. Before birth and for a time afterward, both of these areas in the brain are lined with growing stem cells.

First author Da Yong Lee, PhD, a postdoctoral research associate, showed that the cells lining both ventricles are true stem cells capable of becoming nerve and support cells (glia) in the brain. Next, she conducted a detailed analysis of gene expression in both stem cell types.

"There are night-and-day differences between these two groups of stem cells," Gutmann says. "These results show that stem cells are not the same everywhere in the brain, which has real consequences for human neurologic disease."

The third ventricle is close to the optic chiasm, the point where the optic nerves cross and optic gliomas develop in NF1 patients. Lee and Gutmann postulated that stem cells from this ventricle might be the source of progenitor cells that can become gliomas in children with NF1.

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Pediatric brain tumors traced to brain stem cells

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Ovarian Stem Cell Debate

Posted: July 10, 2012 at 8:14 am

Opinion is divided on a new paper showing that adult ovaries do not contain egg-making stem cells, contrary to the findings of two recent studies that themselves appeared to overturn longstanding dogma.

For more than half a century, textbooks have stated that women and other female mammals are born with all the eggs, or oocytes, they will ever have. This supply gradually shrinks with age, and ovaries are incapable of producing more of these reproductive cells.

This dogma has taken a pounding in recent years, however. Starting in 2004, Ji Wu of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China and Jonathan Tilly of Massachusetts General Hospital isolated stem cells from the ovaries of mice, which could apparently divide to produce fresh oocytes. And earlier this year, Tilly announced that he has found cells with the same qualities, known as oogonial stem cells (OSCs), in the ovaries of middle-aged women.

These discoveries promised to offer new treatments for fertility, allowing women to have babies without worrying about an ageing supply of eggs. But as with all dogma-contradicting discoveries, they remained contentious.

Now, a new study from researchers at the University of Gothenburg is likely to fuel the controversy. Kui Liu and his colleagues used fluorescing proteins to identify the alleged egg-producing stem cells in the ovaries of mice, and found that the cells do not divide into oocytes. They published their results today (July 9) in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The reaction to Lius study is strongly divided. Patricia Hunt, a reproductive biologist from Washington State University, described it as solid and informative. For those of us who have remained skeptical about the existence or role of stem cells in the ovary, this approach is a most welcome addition to the field, she said.

I took a close look at this and the work is fantastic, agreed David Albertini, a physiologist from the University of Kansas. It should put previous discussions into perspective. At least in mice, OSCs do not exist.

But Evelyn Telfer, a cell biologist from the University of Edinburgh, is less impressed, and said that Liu missed the opportunity to obtain robust experimental evidence. Because Liu used completely new methods, it is unclear how the cells he identified compare with those from previous studies. We are left with more questions than answers, said Telfer.

When Liu first saw the papers by Wu and Tilly, he was more excited than sceptical. My first impulse was: I want to repeat this, he said. But he was troubled by the fact that both Wu and Tillys teams fished for their cells using antibodies that recognize DDX4, a protein found in reproductive stem cells. But DDX4 is not a surface protein, Liu said, and is mainly found inside cells. The fishing technique should not have worked.

To avoid this problem, Lius members Hua Zhang and Wenjing Zheng worked with rainbow mice, whose reproductive cells glow green under normal conditions, but change to red, orange, or blue if they switch on the Ddx4 gene. Zhang and Zheng identified several such cells and watched them for 72 hours. They never once divided or produced oocytes. The duo did find some cells that looked like oocytes, but these did not express Ddx4.

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Ovarian Stem Cell Debate

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Egg production after birth questioned

Posted: July 10, 2012 at 8:14 am

Study finds no evidence of stem cells in mouse ovaries

Web edition : Monday, July 9th, 2012

Women may indeed be limited to the number of eggs their ovaries contain at birth, a new study finds, directly contradicting recent research that suggests otherwise.

Scientists have long thought that female mammals, including humans, are born with all the egg cells they will ever have. But a few papers, culminating with a study published earlier this year in Nature Medicine, have suggested that ovaries contain rare stem cells that can replenish egg supplies (SN: 4/7/12, p. 8). These egg-producing stem cells could lead to new treatments for fertility problems, ways to delay menopause and advancements in the basic understanding of human egg cells.

Not so fast, says Kui Liu, a molecular reproductive biologist at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. Working with mice, Liu and his colleagues used a technique to identify egg cells and their precursors in ovaries. The team found no evidence of the stem cells in ovaries that reproductive biologist Jonathan Tilly of Massachusetts General Hospital and colleagues recently described in Nature Medicine.

To look for egg-making stem cells in mouse ovaries, Liu and his colleagues genetically engineered mice so that every cell glows green with a fluorescent protein, except for eggs, sperm and cells destined to become gametes. Those cells glow yellow, blue or red. The scientists found cells glowing red purported gamete precursors in the ovary, but those cells did not divide the way stem cells would and did not produce new eggs, leading the researchers to conclude that stem cells dont exist in the ovary. The researchers report their work online July 9 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The new finding in no way disproves the existence of egg-making stem cells in the ovary, says Evelyn Telfer, a reproductive biologist at the University of Edinburgh. For one thing, these cells are absolutely not the same as the ones Tillys got, she says. The cells Liu found are much larger and are probably already nondividing egg cells.

Liu says his point in publishing the paper is not to say that Tilly is wrong, but to urge scientists to take a hard look at the evidence for and against stem cells in the ovary.

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Egg production after birth questioned

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Stem Cell Trickery

Posted: July 10, 2012 at 8:14 am

A postdoctoral research fellow at Emory University falsifies stem cell research data.

By Cristina Luiggi | July 9, 2012


A former postdoc in the Department of Medicine at Emory University was found guilty of falsifying data presented at national and laboratory meetings, in ongoing and pending National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants, and in manuscripts submitted to five high-profile journals, according to a report by the Office of Research Integrity (ORI)published last Friday (July 6).

Sinae Kim, who joined the lab of Emory stem cell biologist Young-sup Yoon in 2008 after a 1-year stint as a postdoc at a university in Seoul, Korea, fudged immunocytochemistry images and real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) results by using data she had obtained from her previous human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research in Korea to confirm the generation, differentiation, and verification of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), the reported stated.

Among her transgressions, Kim shared mouse and human iPSC cell lines with some of her lab mates that had supposedly been generated from the peripheral blood of coronary artery disease patients, when in fact she knew they were of other origin, the report stated.

The falsified data affect 3 funded NIH grants, 5 NIH grant applications, 5 manuscripts submitted to Nature, Nature Medicine, Nature Biotechnology, Science, and Blood, and other documents.

By Ed Yong

Opinion is divided on a new paper showing that adult ovaries do not contain egg-making stem cells, contrary to the findings of two recent studies that themselves appeared to overturn longstanding dogma.

By Jef Akst

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Stem Cell Trickery

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New paper stirs more debate about whether adult ovaries can make new eggs | Not Exactly Rocket Science

Posted: July 10, 2012 at 3:14 am

Any study that claims to overturn long-held dogmas is going to run headlong into controversy. Take, for example, a stream of recent papers which apparently showed that adult ovaries contain stem cells capable of producing eggs.

If thats true, its a really big deal. For decades, the textbooks have said that women are born with their lifetime supply of eggs, which slowly dwindle away and are never replaced. If adult ovaries do indeed have stem cells that can regenerate new eggs, that has big implications for fertility treatments, and when a woman could potentially have children.

But wait! A new study, which used a different technique to isolate these ovarian stem cells in mice, found that they dont divide, and never produce actual eggs. Maybe the textbooks are fine as they are?

But WAIT! This study, far more than many of the others I cover, has divided opinion. Obviously, the authors think that it deals a critical blow to the idea of egg-making adult stem cells. And obviously, one of the people behind the stem cell discovery thinks that the new experiments arent very good. I also contacted four other scientists who work on ovarian biology and their views differ considerably.

Ive written about this story for The Scientist so head over there for the details, and the grounds for the disagreement.

Image from RWJMS IVF Laboratory

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New paper stirs more debate about whether adult ovaries can make new eggs | Not Exactly Rocket Science

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Stem Cells From Amniotic Fluid

Posted: July 10, 2012 at 3:14 am

Featured Article Academic Journal Main Category: Stem Cell Research Also Included In: Pregnancy / Obstetrics;Pediatrics / Children's Health;Biology / Biochemistry Article Date: 09 Jul 2012 - 9:00 PDT

Current ratings for: Stem Cells From Amniotic Fluid

Scientists from Imperial College London, and University College London Institute of Child Health, and colleagues, said their discovery means it may be possible to store stem cells from donated amniotic fluid for clinical and research use, offering a much needed alternative to the limited supply of embryonic stem cells.

"These cells have a wide range of potential applications in treatments and in research. We are particularly interested in exploring their use in genetic diseases diagnosed early in life or other diseases such as cerebral palsy," said co-senior author Dr Pascale Guillot, from the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial.

Stem cells hold promise for regenerative medicine because they have the potential to become virtually any cell in the body. The current "gold standard" of human stem cells is the human embryonic stem cell (hESC), which is harvested from human embryos.

However, researchers and clinicians are keen to find alternatives to hESCs because of ethical concerns about using human embryos and also because of their limited availability.

Previous studies have shown it is possible to use other types of cell and, by introducing extra genes, often using viruses as carriers, make them almost as versatile or pluripotent as hESCs. For instance, scientists have reprogrammed human skin cells to behave like embryonic stem cells.

But this way of making induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) is not efficient and there is also a risk that the DNA disruption that occurs (something the authors attribute to "random integration of the reprogramming transgenes into the host genome") will lead to tumors.

This new study is the first to make iPSCs without having to insert foreign genetic material into the cells.

Guillot and colleagues also found the iPSCs they made from amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSCs) showed some of the characteristics normally only seen in embryonic stem cells, that are not present in iPSCs made from adult cells.

See the article here:
Stem Cells From Amniotic Fluid

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