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Cerebrospinal fluid from young mice improved memory in older mice – National Institute on Aging

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 2:35 am

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from young mice improved the ability of older mice to recall recent memories, according to an NIA-funded study published in Nature. The findings suggest that at least one CSF protein may trigger the growth and maturation of cells that help protect brain function in older mice. The study results appear to underscore the therapeutic potential of CSF proteins found in young mice fluid as well as the role that these helper cells play in brain aging.

CSF is a clear fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord, providing protection as well as vital nutrients, including proteins, fats, sugars, and vitamins. The composition of CSF changes with age, and it is not clear whether these changes contribute to age-related memory loss.

Previously, scientists discovered that blood from young mice may rejuvenate the brains of older mice. In this more recent study, an international team of scientists from Stanford University; Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research; Saarland University, Germany; University of Gothenburg, Sweden; and University College London Queen Square Institute of Neurology explored whether CSF from young mice might have similar effects.

To address this possibility, the researchers first tested whether CSF from young mice influenced the ability of older mice to recall memories of foot shocks. Mice are considered adults at two months old and have a life expectancy of approximately two years. First, a group of 20-month-old mice was trained with foot shocks to freeze in motion when presented with a light and sound cue. Then CSF, drawn from three-month-old mice, was injected into the brains of some of the older mice. The mice that received the CSF froze in motion more often when presented with the cue than those that received a control fluid, suggesting the young CSF helped the older mice remember better.

Next, the researchers searched for clues to how this happened by examining the brains of the older mice. Their results suggest that the young CSF caused stem cells, called oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), to multiply and mature. Mature oligodendrocytes help neurons by creating myelin, which is a waxy material that insulates long, stringy axons, a part of neurons that relays signals to other cells. Much of this was observed in the hippocampus, a region of the brain involved in memory. Other studies of mice have also found links between brain myelin and memory.

Further experiments revealed that a protein called Fgf17 may have played a critical role in improving memory and triggering OPC growth. Mice injected with Fgf17 performed better on the foot shock memory tests and had greater OPC growth and maturation than those that received a control solution. In contrast, mice treated with a blocker of Fgf17 activity performed worse on the memory tests than those receiving a control drug. Moreover, the Fgf17 blocker inhibited the OPC growth in the presence of young CSF.

The results support the idea that the CSF and myelinating helper cells may play a critical role in the aging brain. Furthermore, by studying Fgf17 and other factors found in younger CSF, scientists may discover new clues to treating age-related brain disorders.

This research was supported in part by NIA grants RF1-AG064897-02 and T32AG000266.

Reference: Iram T, et al. Young CSF restores oligodendrogenesis and memory in aged mice via Fgf17. Nature. 2022;605(7910):509-515. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04722-0.

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Cerebrospinal fluid from young mice improved memory in older mice - National Institute on Aging

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Patient with rare blood disorder successfully treated at SUM – Odisha News In English

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 2:35 am

Bhubaneswar, July 26: A 30-year-old woman suffering from a very rare blood disorder has been successfully treated at the Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM Hospital recently.

The woman, hailing from Jajpur, was admitted into the hospital in the last week of May for anemia and bleeding requiring repeated blood and platelet transfusions spread over one month.

The patients bone marrow, the site of blood cell formation, was biopsied for diagnosing the disease and investigations revealed that she was suffering from Severe Aplastic Anemia, a rare blood disorder, where the bone marrow was found completely empty and unable to form new blood cells, Dr. Priyanka Samal, Head of the department of Hematology in the hospital, said.

Such patients have very low hemoglobin, low total white blood cell count and very low platelet count, she said adding they complain of severe weakness, bleeding from orifices or menorrhagia which does not stop unless platelets are transfused.

These patients also get infected frequently requiring hospitalization and administration of intra-venous antibiotics and often succumb to sepsis, Dr. Samal said.

She said the very severe form of Aplastic Anemia had a very poor prognosis and such patients survived only a few months. The incidence of this disease is higher in Asia compared to the west and the only cure is available through stem cell transplantation, she added.

The woman underwent stem cell transplantation on July 5 with stem cells donated by her 28-year-old brother though they had a major blood group discrepancy which was taken care of very delicately, Dr. Samal said while pointing out that stem cells in the donors body get replaced within 4-6 weeks without any adverse effect to the donor.

A growth factor of 4-5 days is required for the stem cells to get mobilized from the bone marrow to peripheral blood. Following this, apheresis was done for 4-5 hours for harvesting only stem cells from the blood and it was just like a normal platelet donation process, she said.

The patient was then subjected to high dose chemotherapy after which the donors stem cells were infused into her body like normal blood transfusion. It took 12-13 days for these donor cells to make the new blood cells in the patients body.

The woman, whom the disease might not have given a few months to live, was discharged from the hospital on July 23 in good condition and full blood count recovery though she needs to be closely observed for the next few months for complete immunological recovery, Dr. Samal said.

The patient can now hope to lead an uneventful life, at least from this ailments aspect, she said.

She also thanked the Medical Superintendent Prof. Pusparaj Samantasinhar, Additional Medical Superintendent Dr. Rajesh Lenka, the department of transfusion medicine, laboratory and radiology teams as also the nursing staff whose tireless efforts led to the success of the procedure.

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Meet the U of T neuroscientist helping the brain heal itself – Toronto Star

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 2:35 am

Back in the early 1990s, when 30,000 eager attendees filed into the Society for Neurosciences annual meeting, the talk of the conference was Samuel Weisss jaw-dropping discovery of neural stem cells. At the time, scientific dogma insisted the brain had no regenerative capacity: you do drugs, you bump your head, you lose neurons and they never come back. Weisss research showed that cells in the adult brain could make new neurons, opening the door to dramatic possibilities for neural repair.

There was just one hitch.

They had kind of taken this melon-ball scoop of the brain, so they didnt really know where the stem cells were, says Cindi Morshead, who arrived at the conference as a University of Toronto graduate student and full-fledged neuro nerd.

Her research, however, focused on the lateral ventricles of the forebrain, and she had a sneaking suspicion thats where they were hiding. I just walked up to Sams graduate student and said, I know where the stem cells are. A handful of experiments later, she was proved right.

Morshead wasnt a brash student, brimming with confidence. In fact, as one of just five female scientists currently at U of Ts Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, she says she still contends with impostor syndrome. But ever since taking a third-year undergraduate course in neuro-psychopharmacology where she first became enamoured with the brain Morshead has seized any opportunity to work in the field she loves.

I kicked ass on this one neuroanatomy exam, and that meant I got to do research with Derek van der Kooy, who ended up being my mentor, she recalls. Her graduate work involved using viral vectors for cell lineage tracing, a new technique at the time.

There were people who needed the expertise that I had people like Weiss and Bryan Kolb, both titans in Canadian neuroscience so I literally called them up and said, I know this is what you should do, and I can do it for you, Morshead says. The whole idea of putting myself out there was hard, but I really had no choice. I had to break into that field.

Now the chair of the anatomy division in the department of surgery at U of T, Morshead is once again helping upend expectations about brain cells. As part of the regenerative medicine hub Medicine by Design, which receives funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, shes exploring the possibility of using gene therapy to treat neurodegenerative disorders, particularly strokes.

For the 50,000-plus Canadians who have a stroke each year, cutting off the blood supply to their brains, time is of the essence. Neurons are very greedy cells and require constant oxygen and glucose, so they start to die within minutes to hours, she says. A stroke can often cause certain brain cells called astrocytes which play a key role in supporting the transmission of neural messages and keeping the brain in equilibrium to become toxic, killing even more neurons.

What if, Morshead and her team wondered, we could make new neurons in the brain to take their place? To do so, they infected astrocytes in mice brains with a nonreplicating virus containing the DNA code for NEUROD1, a transcription factor that expresses genes typically found in neurons. Within a matter of weeks, those astrocytes had transformed into functioning neurons. Were able to replace a lost cell and were able to get rid of a toxic cell, Morshead says. Its sort of a double whammy.

Following a stroke, people tend to have motor impairments and weakened grip strength. But Morshead found that after the mice were given the transcription factors, all of these behaviours improved, and it was correlated with this new production of neurons, she says. So that was phenomenal.

It points to the possibility of treatment that might profoundly help stroke patients, who are often given very little reason to hope. Even small changes can have an enormous impact on the quality of their lives. Being able to pick up a utensil or scratch the itch on their neck rather than asking someone else to scratch it that can make such a difference, she says.

This gene therapy has implications for other neurodegenerative diseases, too: Morshead is collaborating with Sunnybrook scientists like Carol Schuurmans (whose group studies ALS) and JoAnne McLaurin (whose team works in Alzheimers disease). Theyre finding that using gene therapy to turn astrocytes into neurons is showing improved outcomes in their animal models, which is huge.

When Morshead first pursued brain research as an undergraduate student, she told herself shed just keep doing the work until she didnt like it anymore and then maybe shed go to teachers college or try dentistry. But Ive been really lucky, she says. My work has taken many turns, but I still love the brain.

Four ways tech can help diagnose and manage neurodegenerative diseases

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WVXU: UC scientists are deep-freezing molecules. Here’s why they’re so excited about it – University of Cincinnati

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 2:34 am

The University of Cincinnati is making a significant commitment of funds and resources to establish the latest innovation in microscopy as the focal point of the Center for Advanced Structural Biology in the College of Medicine. The project will be built out in three phases over the next five years. WVXU covered the story by interviewing Desiree Benefield, PhD, the lab manager and researcher Rhett Kovall, PhD, both of the Department of Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry and Microbiology at the UC College of Medicine.

Cryo-EM technologyallows researchers to prepare and image samples at very cold temperatures to visualize them in a near-native hydrated state. This helps them get a look at proteins at the atomic level.

Were actually visualizing a single protein, says Kovall. This is quite different from other structural techniques where you dont get this direct visualization.

For research scientist and facility manager Benefield, PhD, its valuable for studying any kind of proteins that are related to human disease. She first learned about cryo-EM in graduate school.

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WVXU: UC scientists are deep-freezing molecules. Here's why they're so excited about it - University of Cincinnati

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Duke Announces Winners of the 2022 DST Spark Seed Grants – Duke Today

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 2:34 am

The Office for Research and Innovation has awarded funding to nine best-in-class projects for the inaugural Duke Science and Technology (DST) Spark Seed Grant program. This years winners include early- to mid-career faculty from across campus and the School of Medicine who were selected from a pool of 52 finalists for delivering innovative and creative ideas in pursuit of new directions and the enhancement of research and scholarship at Duke.

As new scientific discoveries and breakthroughs continue to surface at Duke, were excited by the novel ideas that our faculty have for tackling the worlds most pressing challenges through research said Jenny Lodge, Dukes vice president for Research & Innovation. The proposals of this years DST Spark Seed Grants winners embody how research can improve lives and we look forward to each PIs accomplishments over the next year.


Project: Enabling Unbiased Discovery of Force-Sensitive Protein-Protein InteractionsPI: Brenton Hoffman, James L. and Elizabeth M. Vincent Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Brenton Hoffman studies how the cells of the body respond to getting squished or stretched. His team has developed a variety of sensors that measure, on a molecular level, the effect ofsuch forces on specific proteins and their function in living cells. But proteins rarely act alone. With support from a DST Spark Seed Grant, he plans to create technologies that will make it possible, for the first time, to understand how mechanical forces influence the networks of proteins that team up in the molecular machinery of the cell. Hoffman says the work could lead to new treatments for conditions such as cancer and heart disease.


Project: New Dimensions in Tropical Ecology: Megafaunal Effects on Biogeochemical Cycling in 3-DPI: John Poulsen, Associate Professor of Tropical Ecology

John Poulsen, an associate professor of tropical ecology, will be using terrestrial lidar scanning to measure forest structure in areas of Gabon that are with and without forest elephants in an attempt to measure the influence large animals have on carbon capture. Two years later, the same measurements will be repeated. The analysis will build connections with faculty in economics and computer science to quantify the value and impact of large herbivores on climate change dynamics.


Project: Revenue Positive Carbon Dioxide Removal Enabled by Carbonate Conversion and Marine Algae BioproductsPI: Zackary Johnson, Associate Professor of Molecular Biology in Marine Science

To combat global warming, we need techniques that suck up greenhouse gases, and Dukes Zackary Johnson envisions a way to do that: with tiny algae from the ocean. Johnson has been working on a project to capture carbon dioxide from the smokestacks of power plants and convert it into bicarbonate, which is then added to marine algae to boost their growth. Johnson says that the algae-based system could in turn provide heat, electricity and as much protein as soybeans making them a potential source of animal feed that wouldnt compete for farmland or freshwater. His method is still in the demonstration phase, but the DST Spark Seed Grant will help him take the concept from the lab and show whether it could be commercially viable at larger scales.


Project: Using Deep Learning To Train a Single-molecule DNA Sequencer to Accurately Identify DNA LesionsPI: Raluca Gordan, Associate Professor of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Computer Science, and Molecular Genetics and Microbiology

Raluca Gordan is developing machine learning techniques for sequencing damaged DNA, which standard DNA sequencing technologies cant handle. She hopes to use these techniques to better understand how proteins bind to damaged sites within the human genome and inhibit their repair, and whether this binding process gives rise to mutations that can lead to diseases such as cancer.


Project: Synchronized Clocks in Zebrafish PatterningPI: Stefano Di Talia, Associate Professor of Cell Biology and Orthopaedics

Stefano Di Talia, an associate professor of cell biology, will be studying oscillations in the activity of a kinase protein called Erk, which appears to be the timekeeper that signals regular patterning of vertebral segments in a developing zebrafishs spine. His group has recently discovered that Erk activity oscillates across the entire notochord and dictates the time at which precursors of the vertebrae begin to form. The group hopes to establish which mechanism controls the Erk oscillations and build enough data from this work in zebrafish to secure greater grant funding.


Project: Interrogating Subcellular Gene Expression in the Developing BrainPI: Debra Silver, Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Cell Biology, and Neurobiology

Debra Silver, an associate professor of molecular genetics and microbiology, will be studying the localization of messenger RNA and localized gene translation in nervous system cells. These processes are key to guiding new connections in a developing brain and are particularly focused in just one part of neural progenitor cells. The project will be trying to develop a new technology to measure and control gene expression in just one part of the cell. Developing a new technology is not typically funded by NIH, but mastering the technique could open up many new grant opportunities and be valuable for understanding local gene expression in systems beyond the brain.


Project: Harnessing Female Resilience Factors to Promote Renal RepairPI: Tomokazu Souma, Assistant Professor of Medicine

Tomokazu Souma, MD, an assistant professor of nephrology and affiliate of the Duke Regeneration Center, will be using human-derived kidney organoids organs in a dish to identify new therapies to improve kidney repair and regeneration. Specifically, his lab hopes to follow up on a recent finding that females have greater resistance to acute kidney injury. They would like to see if these female resistance factors could be harnessed to treat kidney disease.


Project: Integration of Metabolomics and Proteomics Platforms To Resolve Rad6 Roles in Energy Production and Stress ResistancePI: Gustavo Silva, Assistant Professor of Biology

Gustavo Silva, an assistant professor of biology, will be building on his earlier findings in yeast and human cells to better understand the cells response to oxidative stress an overabundance of reactive oxygen molecules. His group identified new links between protein synthesis and energy production during stress, and the elucidation of this process requires tracking changes in the abundance of specific metabolites, which is a completely new direction for his lab. The Spark grant should help them develop new technologies and gather sufficient information for follow-up grant applications.

Project: K-12 Educational Inequality and Public Policy PreferencesPI: Sarah Komisarow, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Economics

When it comes to school funding, education policy expert Sarah Komisarow says more U.S. school districts are considering a new formula: one based on the needs of students. The idea is that some students have more needs than others, and schools that serve students with greater needs -- because they are learning English, or living with a disability, for example -- should get more funds. The DST Spark Seed Grant will allow Komisarow to collect much-needed data on how information about educational inequality affects peoples preferences for different K-12 spending policies, including equity-based approaches that direct more financial resources to disadvantaged students.

To learn more about the Duke Science and Technology (DST) Spark Seed Grant winners, visit

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Replay Launches with $55 Million Seed to Reprogram Biology by Writing and Delivering Big DNA – GlobeNewswire

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 2:34 am

Replay Launches with $55 Million Seed to Reprogram Biology by Writing and Delivering Big DNA

San Diego, California and London, UK, 25 July 2022 Replay, a genome writing company reprogramming biology by writing and delivering big DNA, today announced its launch with $55 million in seed financing. The round was led by KKR and OMX Ventures, with additional participation from ARTIS Ventures and Lansdowne Partners, SALT, DeciBio Ventures, and Axial.

Replays portfolio of next-generation genomic medicine technologies aims to solve the key challenges currently limiting clinical progress, including the need for increased payload capacity and off-the-shelf cell therapies that substantially reduce cost of goods, improve production speed, volume and consistency, and expand the potential for genome engineering.

Replays genomic medicine toolkit comprises several synergistic technology platforms, including:

Replays innovative corporate structure separates technology development from therapeutic product development within disease area-specific product companies. Each product company is co-founded by seasoned entrepreneurs in conjunction with global thought leaders in each therapeutic area. To date, Replay has established four synHSV gene therapy product companies, aimed at bringing big DNA therapies to monogenic diseases affecting the skin, eye, brain and muscle, and an enzyme writing product company using LASR and DropSynth to optimize enzyme functionality.

Replay was co-founded by Dr. Adrian Woolfson BM BCh PhD, formerly Executive Vice President and Head of Research and Development at Sangamo Therapeutics, Chief Medical Officer at Nouscom, Global Clinical Leader of Early and Late Stage Immuno-Oncology/Hematology at Pfizer and Global Medical Lead in Oncology at Bristol Myers Squibb; Lachlan MacKinnon, a member of the founding team at Oxford Science Enterprises (formerly OSI) and founding investor in Base Genomics, ONI and OMass Therapeutics; Professor David Knipe PhD, a world-renowned virologist and pioneer of HSV research; and Professor Ron Weiss PhD, one of the pioneers of synthetic biology and Professor of Biological Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Adrian Woolfson, Executive Chairman, President, and Co-founder of Replay, commented: Genomic medicine has the potential to transform the future of clinical therapeutics. Over my three decades of experience working in clinical medicine, academia, and the biopharmaceutical industry, it has become clear that we require a more robust and comprehensive toolkit of molecular genetic platform technologies to solve biologys most complex problems and realize its full therapeutic potential. In Replay we have assembled a world-class team of entrepreneurs, subject matter experts, and cutting-edge genomic medicine and synthetic biology technologies into a coherent structure that will enable us to address medicines greatest challenges, including solid tumors and polygenic diseases.

Lachlan MacKinnon, Chief Executive Officer, and Co-founder of Replay, added: Technology and product development have different talent requirements, timelines, costs and cultures. By separating technology development from product development, we have generated a model to accommodate these differences. Our ability to write and deliver big DNA has the potential to disrupt many areas of genomic medicine. We have the right team, corporate structure, portfolio of technology platforms, and financial backing to build an enduring company that shapes the future of the industry.

Kugan Sathiyanandarajah, Managing Director at KKR and Board Member at Replay, said: Replays mission is to create a world-leading company that develops and owns the tools to reprogram biology by writing and delivering big DNA; we believe these capabilities will unlock the largest untapped opportunity in medicine. Replay has tremendous entrepreneurial experience within the Company, as well as a team of seasoned industry players to guide the development of the platform technologies and product companies to bring new treatments to patients.

Nick Haft, Managing Director at OMX Ventures and Board Observer at Replay, added: Replay has assembled an impressive portfolio of step-change technologies to propel the field of genomic medicine forward. We are excited to support these technologies, Replays creative business model and the excellent team of entrepreneurs and investors that brings it all together.

Errik Anderson, CEO of Alloy Therapeutics and Independent Board Member at Replay, stated: Substantial technological advances in biotechnology often create opportunities for new business models. I am very excited to partner with Replays ambitious founders and investors who have devised a new structure around the significant opportunity space afforded by synHSV, uCell, and Replays related genomic medicine and synthetic biology technologies.

Alongside a highly experienced management team and board, which includes serial entrepreneur Errik Anderson, Replay is supported by a distinguished team of entrepreneurs and international experts including product company co-founders: Professor Joe Glorioso PhD, inventor of Replays synHSV technology and Senior Advisor for Gene Therapy Programs at Replay, Co-founder of Oncorus, and Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at the University of Pittsburgh; Mark Blumenkranz, MD, MMS, the HJ Smead Professor of Ophthalmology, Emeritus, at the Stanford School of Medcine, Co-Director of the Stanford Opthalmology Innovation Program, and former Chairman of the Board and Co-founder of Adverum Biotechnologies; Professor Howard Federoff MD PhD, Co-Founder of Brain Neurotherapy Bio, and former CEO of Aspen Neuroscience and Brooklyn Immunotherapeutics; and Professor David Schaffer PhD, Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Bioengineering and Neuroscience at University of California, Berkeley, and Co-founder of 4D Molecular Therapeutics.

KKR is investing in Replay through KKR Health Care Strategic Growth Fund II, a $4.0 billion fund focused on investing in high-growth health care companies.


About Replay

Replay is a genome writing company, which aims to define the future of genomic medicine through reprogramming biology by writing and delivering big DNA. The Company has assembled a toolkit of disruptive platform technologies including a high payload capacity HSV platform, a hypoimmunogenic platform, and a genome writing platform to address the scientific challenges currently limiting clinical progress and preventing genomic medicine from realising its full potential. The Companys hub-and-spoke business model separates technology development within Replay from therapeutic development in product companies, which leverage the technology platforms. For example, Replays synHSV technology, a high payload capacity HSV vector capable of delivering up to 30 times the payload of AAV, is utilized by Replays four gene therapy product companies, bringing big DNA treatments to diseases affecting the skin, eye, brain, and muscle. The Company has, additionally, established an enzyme writing product company engaging its evolutionary inference machine learning and genome writing technology to optimize functionality. Replay is led by a world-class team of academics, entrepreneurs and industry experts.

The Company has raised $55 million in seed financing and is supported by an international syndicate of investors that includes KKR, OMX Ventures, ARTIS Ventures, and Lansdowne Partners.

Replay is headquartered in San Diego, CA and London, UK. For further information please visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

About KKR

KKR is a leading global investment firm that offers alternative asset management as well as capital markets and insurance solutions. KKR aims to generate attractive investment returns by following a patient and disciplined investment approach, employing world-class people, and supporting growth in its portfolio companies and communities. KKR sponsors investment funds that invest in private equity, credit and real assets and has strategic partners that manage hedge funds. KKRs insurance subsidiaries offer retirement, life and reinsurance products under the management ofGlobal Atlantic Financial Group. References to KKRs investments may include the activities of its sponsored funds and insurance subsidiaries. For additional information aboutKKR & Co. Inc.(NYSE: KKR), please visit KKRs website and on Twitter.

About OMX Ventures

OMX Ventures is an early stage, tech-bio focused venture capital fund a force multiplier for scientists and innovators pushing the boundaries of whats possible in biology and beyond. Visit OMX Ventures website at OMX.VC and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.


ReplayDr. Adrian Woolfson/Lachlan

Consilium Strategic Communications Media relationsAmber Fennell/Tracy Cheung/Jessica

KKRAlastair Elwen/Sophia JohnstonFinsbury Glover 20 7251 3801

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Replay Launches with $55 Million Seed to Reprogram Biology by Writing and Delivering Big DNA - GlobeNewswire

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Regeneron Announces the 2022 Winners of the Regeneron Prize for Creative Innovation – PR Newswire

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 2:34 am

TARRYTOWN, N.Y., July 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(NASDAQ:REGN) today announced the winners of the 10th annual Regeneron Prize for Creative Innovation, a competition designed to recognize excellence and creativity in biomedical research conducted by postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. Each year, Regeneron invites the country's leading research universities to nominate early career scientists. Applicants present their "dream projects" within the field of biomedical science to a committee of Regeneron scientists and leaders, describing and designing the research they would pursue if they had access to any resource or technology, to compete for the Regeneron Prize and an award of $50,000.

This year's winners are Ryan Emenecker, Ph.D., of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, in the postdoctoral fellow category, and Venkata (Sai) Chaluvadi of the University of Pennsylvania in the graduate student category. Meagan Esbin, a graduate student from theUniversity of California at Berkeley, received a $10,000 prize as an honorable mention. Seven other finalists received awards of$5,000each. In total,$155,000in prize money and donations was awarded to winners, finalists and institutions to advance innovative scientific research. The finalists were selected by a committee of senior Regeneron leaders and scientists.

"The Regeneron Prize celebrates the ingenuity of young scientists who are early in their careers but already on the cusp of the next big scientific breakthroughs," said George D. Yancopoulos, M.D., Ph.D., President and Chief Scientific Officer of Regeneron. "Creativity is the engine that drives cutting-edge science, and both Ryan's and Sai's creativity shone brightly in their presentations. I was impressed by this year's winners for their determination to push the boundaries of science and demonstrate scientific courage."

Dr. Emenecker is a molecular biologist with a strong interest in the relationship between sequence composition and encoded function of intrinsically disordered proteins, which can impact aging and neurodegenerative disease. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Alex Holehouse, Ph.D., at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. A prolific researcher, Dr. Emenecker has been a part of over a dozen publications on topics ranging from biomolecular condensate function, to computational tool development, to organismic development.

Mr. Chaluvadi first developed an interest in immunology during his time in Dr. Susan Schwab's lab at New York University where he helped discover the roles of S1P in immune cell trafficking and function, which resulted in publications in Nature and Nature Immunology. He began exploring the intersections between immunology and other fields such as oncology and neurology at the Perelman School of Medicine. Work during rotations resulted in manuscripts related to tumor immunology and microglial replacement therapy that are in preparation. Currently, he is a member of the Bennett Lab, studying the contributions of diseased immune cells to the progression of Krabbe diseasea fatal neurodegenerative condition with limited available therapies.

Ms. Esbin studies transcriptional regulation, with her thesis work probing the human SAGA complex, an important regulator of gene expression. Ms. Esbin's most recent work in this area studied the structure of the SAGA complex and appeared last year in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ms. Esbin took additional work helping to develop open-source methods for COVID-19 detection, illustrating her commitment to applying science to biomedical innovation.

"The Regeneron Prize encourages early career scientists to prioritize independent thinking and creative ingenuity as core components of their future work," saidDavid Glass, M.D., Vice President of Research and Chair of the Postdoctoral Program at Regeneron. "When it comes to the impact these young scientists will have on the world, the work they have presented this year is just the beginning. We applaud their innovative thinking and look forward to seeing what they accomplish next."

Requests for applications are distributed to academic institutions each December. Regeneron asks institutions to nominate two graduate students and two postdoctoral fellows. In addition to the dream project proposals, submissions must include a curriculum vitae and samples of publications that enable the selection committee to review each nominee's scholarly productivity. For more information, please email[emailprotected].

About RegeneronRegeneron (NASDAQ: REGN) is a leading biotechnology company that invents, develops and commercializes life-transforming medicines for people with serious diseases. Founded and led for nearly 35 years by physician-scientists, our unique ability to repeatedly and consistently translate science into medicine has led to nine FDA-approved treatments and numerous product candidates in development, almost all of which were homegrown in our laboratories. Our medicines and pipeline are designed to help patients with eye diseases, allergic and inflammatory diseases, cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, pain, hematologic conditions, infectious diseases and rare diseases.

Regeneron is accelerating and improving the traditional drug development process through our proprietaryVelociSuitetechnologies, such asVelocImmune, which uses unique genetically humanized mice to produce optimized fully human antibodies and bispecific antibodies, and through ambitious research initiatives such as the Regeneron Genetics Center, which is conducting one of the largest genetics sequencing efforts in the world.

Regeneron believes that operating as a good corporate citizen is crucial to delivering on our mission. We approach corporate responsibility with three goals in mind: to improve the lives of people with serious diseases, to foster a culture of integrityandexcellence,and tobuild sustainable communities. Regeneron is proud to be included on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the Civic 50 list of the most "community-minded" companies in the United States. Throughout the year, Regeneron empowers and supports employees to give back through our volunteering, pro bono, and matching gift programs. Our most significant philanthropic commitments are in the area of science education, including theRegeneron Science Talent Search and the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).

For additional information about the company, please visitwww.regeneron.comor follow@Regeneronon Twitter.

Regeneron Media RelationsElla CampbellTel: +1 914-572-4003[emailprotected]

SOURCE Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Regeneron Announces the 2022 Winners of the Regeneron Prize for Creative Innovation - PR Newswire

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Better Diagnosis and Treatment: Genetic Clues to Age-Related Macular Degeneration – SciTechDaily

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 2:34 am

Better diagnosis and treatment of age-related macular degeneration could be in the future after a new genetic breakthrough.

Discovery of molecular signatures of age-related macular degeneration will help with better diagnosis and treatment of this progressive eye disease.

Thanks to the discovery of new genetic signatures of age-related macular degeneration, better diagnosis and treatment of the incurable eye disease is a step closer.

Scientists reprogrammed stem cells to create models of diseased eye cells, and then analyzed DNA, RNA, and proteins to pinpoint the genetic clues. The researchers were from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, the University of Melbourne, the Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania, and the Center for Eye Research Australia,

Weve tested the way that differences in peoples genes impact the cells involved in age-related macular degeneration. At the smallest scale weve narrowed down specific types of cells to pinpoint the genetic markers of this disease, saysjoint lead author Professor Joseph Powell, Pillar Director of Cellular Science at Garvan. This is the basis of precision medicine, where we can then look at what therapeutics might be most effective for a persons genetic profile of disease.

Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD is the progressive deterioration of the macular a region in the center of the retina and towards the back of the eye leading to possible impairment or loss of central vision. Around one in seven Australians over the age of 50 are affected, and about 15 percent of those aged over 80 have vision loss or blindness. According to the CDC, it is estimated that 1.8 million Americans aged 40 years and older are affected by AMD and an additional 7.3 million are at substantial risk of developing AMD.

While the underlying causes of the deterioration remain elusive, genetic and environmental factors contribute. Risk factors include age, family history, and smoking.

The research is published today (July 26, 2022) in the journal Nature Communications.

Black and white electron microscopy imaging of retinal pigment epithelium cells. Credit: Dr. Grace Lidgerwood

The scientists took skin samples from 79 participants with and without the late stage of AMD, called geographic atrophy. Their skin cells were reprogrammed to revert to stem cells called induced pluripotent stem cells, and then guided with molecular signals to become retinal pigment epithelium cells, which are the cells affected in AMD.

Retinal pigment epithelium cells line the back of the retina and are essential to the health and functioning of the retina. Their degeneration is associated with the death of photoreceptors, which are light-sensing neurons in the retina that transmit visual signals to the brain and are responsible for the loss of vision in AMD.

Fluorescent imaging of retinal pigment epithelium. Dr. Grace Lidgerwood

Analysis of 127,600 cells revealed 439 molecular signatures associated with AMD, with 43 of those being potential new gene variants. Key pathways that were identified were subsequently tested within the cells and revealed differences in the energy-making mitochondria between healthy and AMD cells, rendering mitochondrial proteins as potential targets to prevent or alter the course of AMD.

Further, the molecular signatures can now be used for screening of treatments using patient-specific cells in a dish.

Ultimately, we are interested in matching the genetic profile of a patient to the best drug for that patient. We need to test how they work in cells relevant to the disease, says co-lead of the study Professor Alice Pbay, from the University of Melbourne.

Professor Powell and co-lead authors Professor Pebay, and Professor Alex Hewitt from the Menzies Institute for Medical Research in Tasmania and the Centre for Eye Research Australia, have a long-running collaboration to investigate the underlying genetic causes of complex human diseases.

We have been building a program of research where were interested in stem cell studies to model disease at very large scale to do screening for future clinical trials, says Professor Hewitt.

In another recent study, the researchers uncovered genetic signatures of glaucoma a degenerative eye disease causing blindness using stem cell models of the retina and optic nerve.

The researchers are also turning their attention to the genetic causes of Parkinsons and cardiovascular diseases.

Reference: Transcriptomic and proteomic retinal pigment epithelium signatures of age-related macular degeneration 26 July 2022, Nature Communications.DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31707-4

This research was supported by the Macular Disease Foundation Australia, the Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia, Retina Australia, the DHB Foundation, The Goodridge Foundation, the NHMRC, the ARC and the Medical Research Future Fund.

Professor Joseph Powell isPillar Director of Cellular Science, Garvan Institute of Medical Research and Conjoint Deputy Director of Cellular Genomics Futures Institute, University of New South Wales

Professor Alice Pebay is a Principal Research Fellow at the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, and at the Department of Surgery, The University of Melbourne

Professor Alex Hewitt is an ophthalmologist and Research Fellow at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania, and Head of Clinical Genetics at the Centre for Eye Research Australia.

Read more:
Better Diagnosis and Treatment: Genetic Clues to Age-Related Macular Degeneration - SciTechDaily

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How is Biotechnology revolutionising food and beverage industry? – The Statesman

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 2:34 am

Of late, biotechnology is fast becoming an integral part of human existence. A multidisciplinary science with a foundation in many fields including cell and molecular biology, physiology, immunology, microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, and chemical engineering, application of biotechnology is revolutionising the fields of agriculture and the food industry.Over the years, biotechnology helped evolve newer and viable methods of production of various food items and improved their quality by adding more nutritional value. The changing aspect of food via biotechnology is called food biotechnology.Biotechnology is part of applied biology, which can be defined as using living organisms or their products for commercial purposes. Rayan Benthencourt, a famous American scientist, says, Our world is built on biology and once we begin to understand it, it then becomes technology.The history of biotechnology dates back to ancient times starting from 1150 AD when wine production started. Later in the 14th century, vinegar was manufactured, fermentation of yeast was done in 1818, fermentation enzymes were detected in 1897, and penicillin was discovered in 1928 and 1929. But Biotechnology rose to its peak when humans discovered the recombinant DNA technique and of various vaccines for life-threatening diseases and their uses in the food and beverage industry.How biotechnology is used in the food and beverage industry?Feeding the world will be one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. It will be impossible without using scientific advancements and biotechnology, said Mike Pompeo, an American politician.We cannot imagine our lives without technology and in todays scenario Biotechnology is what the world needs.According to Prof. SR Kale of Department of Food Microbiology and Safety and KK Wagh of the Department of Food and Technology, Nasik, the main objectives of biotechnology in the food and food processing sector are to improve the processing, control, yielding, and efficiency, as well as the quality, safety, and consistency of bio-processed products.Following are the examples of the biotechnologically processed items:AlcoholYeast or microscopic single-cell fungi that help in the fermentation of grape juice by converting them into ethanol, carbon dioxide, and other end products that contribute to the chemical composition and taste of wine.BreadIn the process of making bread, fermentation takes place when the dough is rising in a high-temperature oven. During this time, the fermented sugar that is naturally present in flour is converted into glucose, which is then fermented by yeast to create carbon dioxide and alcohol.YogurtYogurt is a milk product made by using bacterial culture. It is originated from the West Asia and Eastern Europe and now is eaten all over the world. In the process of making yogurt, whole or skimmed milk is fermented by harmless lactic acid bacteria, like lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus. These bacteria ferment the lactose, producing lactic acid, which curdles the milk and gives yogurt its characteristic tangy taste and texture.Bio yogurtIt is a recently invented dairy product containing extra bacteria that are not found naturally in the digestive system. It is milder and premier than conventional yogurt.CheeseAs we all know cheese is one of the major products of food biotechnology. Making different cheeses by fermentation is very common. Different flavours and textures are improved with the help of microorganisms. Apart from the normal process of yogurt making, another important player in cheese making is the enzyme named chymosin or rennin, which is required to set or ready the milk for the process to occur. Nowadays vegetarian cheese is also available and is made from genetic modification.Monitoring and controlling milk qualityIn any industrial process, the quality of raw materials is critical to determining the quality of the product. The raw material of dairy fermentation is, of course, milk, and, being a biological secretion of high nutritional potential, it is subject to spoilage, principally by contaminating bacteria from the cows environment.The reduction of the root cause of milks potential to be spoiled has not been a target of biotechnological interest, rather is one of husbandry, antisepsis, and engineering. However, there have been developments in enzyme technology and nucleic acid technology which are relevant to the monitoring and controlling of milk contamination by bacteria and pathogens.Fruit and vegetable juicesThe application of biotechnology in making fruit and vegetable juices is very common as it helps suppress and increase various flavours and textures of the juices. Certain citrus fruits which have bitter flavour can be eliminated with the help of microbial actions. It helps in increase the yield and improve quantity.Biotechnology is not only used in the making of different products via fermentation but also helps in improving the nutritional value of different food products.Transgenic crops like soyabean which has higher protein content and potatoes with higher starch content and different amino acids and rice which has the ability to produce beta carotene improves the quality of food and provides better nutrition in less quantity.Speaking to The Statesman correspondent, Vipasha Thakur Research scholar, Department of Biotechnology, Panjab University, said that the potential benefits of biotechnology are enormous. Food producers can use new biotechnology to produce newer products with desirable characteristics, including disease and drought-resistant plants, leaner meat, enhanced flavours, and addition to nutritional qualities of the food products.This technology has also been used for the development of life-saving vaccines, insulin, cancer treatment, and other pharmaceuticals to improve quality of life.She added that with the population growing by the day there will be more difficulties in providing food to people with proper quality and quantity. But with the help of biotechnology, we can expect to have better and more food in the coming years.

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How is Biotechnology revolutionising food and beverage industry? - The Statesman

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ACP offers guidance on the ethical use of genetic testing and precision medicine – EurekAlert

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 2:34 am

1. ACP offers guidance on the ethical use of genetic testing and precision medicine


URLs go live when the embargo lifts

A new position paper from the American College of Physicians (ACP) offers guidance regarding ethical decision-making for the integration of precision medicine and genetic testing into internal medicine. ACP's advice is published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

The paper was developed by ACPs Ethics, Professionalism and Human Rights Committee in response to the issue of rapid advances in genome sequencing technology that have generated a range of genetic testing technologies that can contribute to precision medicine. Like many new technologies, these testing approaches have the potential to improve health care but can pose ethical questions. The position paper states that:

The position paper is intended to complement and provide more specificity to the guidance outlined in the ACP Ethics Manual, which identifies a number of issues associated with precision medicine including the broad implications of genetic testing including for family members, incidental findings, education for physicians and patients, counseling needs, privacy and confidentiality concerns, costs and possible consequences such as the discovery of unwanted information or discrimination. Precision medicine, defined as individualized care based on knowledge of a persons genetics, lifestyle, and environment, encompasses a wide spectrum of uses of genetic information including predictive risk testing, risk assessment, diagnostic testing, pharmacogenomics, molecular profiling of tumors, population screening, and direct-to-consumer genetic testing.

Media contacts: For an embargoed PDF, please contact Angela Collom at To speak with someone from ACP, please contact Andrew Hachadorian at


2. Atrial fibrillation after non-cardiac surgery is common and not benign


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A cohort study of persons with incident atrial fibrillation (AF) has found that AF after noncardiac surgery is common and comprises 13 percent of all new AF diagnoses. Postoperative AF is also associated with similar risk for stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) and death as AF unrelated to surgery. The findings are published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

AF occurring after noncardiac surgery may be triggered by perioperative stress and systemic inflammation in patients with predisposing comorbidities. For those who develop AF within 30 days of surgery, AF often recurs during subsequent follow-up and carries increased risks for thromboembolism and death compared with patients who had surgery but did not develop AF. It is less clear how postoperative AF compares with AF occurring outside of the operative setting for risk of both nonfatal and fatal outcomes.

Researchers from the Mayo Clinics Departments of Cardiovascular Medicine and Quantitative Health Sciences studied data from the Rochester Epidemiology Project (REP) for 4,231 patients with incident AF to compare the risks for ischemic stroke or TIA and other outcomes in patients with postoperative AF versus those with incident AF not associated with surgery. They found that 550 patients, or 13%, had postoperative AF as their first-ever documented AF presentation. Most of these incidents occurred within one week after surgery and the cumulative incidence of subsequent documented AF was approximately 21% at 1 year after the index periprocedural AF episode. The authors also found that compared to AF unrelated to a surgical procedure, postoperative AF was associated with similar risks for stroke or TIA and death. According to the authors, their results suggest that patients with postoperative AF may require ongoing surveillance for the arrhythmia and its complications. They also suggest that the underuse of anticoagulation in these patients may reflect the perception that postoperative AF is an isolated, provoked arrhythmia after noncardiac surgery that carries less severe implications than other forms of AF, but their data show that this perception may be erroneous and underscores a therapeutic gap with direct clinical relevance.

Media contacts: For an embargoed PDF, please contact Angela Collom at To speak with the corresponding author, Alanna M. Chamberlain, PhD, or the first author, Konstantinos C. Siontis, MD, please contact Teresa Malloy at


3. Telehealth-delivered maternal care yields similar results to in-person visits


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A rapid systematic review of published research found that when telehealth-delivered care was used to supplement or replace in-person maternal care services, clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction were similar, and sometimes better, compared to in-person care. The findings are published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

Access to high-quality maternal health care is associated with reduced maternal morbidity and mortality

because it facilitates identification of conditions that increase the risk for poor outcomes and enables timely prevention or treatment. Maternal morbidity and mortality are unacceptably high in the United States and significant health disparities exist. The use of telehealth services to deliver maternal care is a possible strategy towards improving delivery of maternity care, increasing patient satisfaction, and reducing health disparities.

Researchers from Oregon Health & Science University conducted a rapid review of 28 RCTs and 14 observational studies of 44,894 women to determine the effectiveness and harms of telehealth strategies for maternal health care in response to the recent expansion of telehealth arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and produced an evidence map to display research gaps. Many of the telehealth strategies included in the review were studied to treat postpartum depression, monitor diabetes or hypertension during pregnancy, or as an alternative to general maternity care for low-risk pregnancies. The authors found that telehealth strategies resulted in mostly similar, or sometimes better, maternal clinical, obstetric, or patient-reported outcomes compared with in-person care. More specifically, they noted that telehealth may have a role as a supplement to usual care for postpartum depression, as telehealth interventions were more likely to improve mood symptoms in the short term compared to in-person care alone, although effects may not be sustained. According to the authors, maternity care is particularly ripe for innovation, given the limited evidence supporting traditional approaches to prenatal care that rely on multiple in-person visits. They add that their findings highlight an ongoing need to incorporate methods to evaluate and improve health equity, an important element lacking in these telehealth studies.

Media contacts: For an embargoed PDF, please contact Angela Collom at To speak with the corresponding author, Amy G. Cantor, MD, MPH, please contact please contact the OHSU newsroom at


Annals of Internal Medicine

Literature review


Ethical Considerations in Precision Medicine and Genetic Testing in Internal Medicine Practice: A Position Paper From the American College of Physicians


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