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Four researchers named recipients of the University Scholarly Achievement Award | The University of Kansas – KU Today

Posted: March 25, 2022 at 1:45 am

LAWRENCE Four midcareer faculty members at the University of Kansas will receive an award in recognition of their significant research or scholarly achievements in their field.

The University Scholarly Achievement Award recognizes truly outstanding scholarly or research contributions, with one award given each year in each of four categories: arts and humanities; medicine and clinical sciences; science, technology and mathematics; and social science and professional programs.

This years winners:

These four scholars have all helped to elevate our university through their work, and I look forward to helping them celebrate their successes, said Chancellor Douglas A. Girod. Taken together, these faculty members and their inspiring achievements demonstrate the breadth and depth of the contributions to society that are possible through the work of one of Americas leading research universities.

A panel chaired by Dave Tell, professor of communications studies, reviewed the nominations from colleagues at KU and across the nation.

These four winners along with the winners of other annual research awards will be honored at the University Research Awards ceremonyfrom 7-9 p.m. April 5 at the Lied Center of Kansas. The event will be hosted by the chancellor, and all faculty and staff are invited to attend to help celebrate the universitys top researchers from both the Lawrence and KU Medical Center campuses.

Additional information about each of this years recipients and their work from the nomination materials is below.

Misty Schieberle

Misty Schieberlemade a once-in-a-lifetime discovery that has changed the landscape of late medieval literary studies. Schieberle effectively found a literary Holy Grail: a stunning discovery of a 15th-century manuscript by a prominent English author, royal secretary to Henry IV, Thomas Hoccleve. Schieberles discovery and article, A New Hoccleve Literary Manuscript, substantially reorients approaches to Hoccleve, his original English poetry, and to 15th-century language and literature.Thisdiscovery placesSchieberleamong the few elite researchers who have discovered a new manuscript written by a medieval author. The article in which she announced her discovery pushed a record number of downloads before it was printed. Her discovery has rocked the world of medieval studies in English, history and French as well as in book history/manuscript studies.

Soumen Paul

The body of Soumen Pauls work has clinical implications for pregnancy-associated disorders, pregnancy loss and perinatal pathology. Paul is a leading researcher in the field of stem cells, vascular biology and hematopoiesis, which he has applied to the areas of pregnancy and early intrauterine development, with emphasis on the pioneering fields of embryonic stem cells and trophoblast stem cells. Pauls laboratory first discovered the importance of a transcription factor, GATA3, in early stages of trophoblast development and embryo implantation. Subsequently, he also identified the importance of another GATA factor, GATA2, in this process.His discoveries have been used as a benchmark of early trophoblast development by scientists all over the world in the field of regenerative medicine.Thus, Pauls research has contributed novel and fundamental discoveries that are highly cited by scientific peers worldwide. In addition to his strong funding track record and significant scientific contributions, Paul has invested immense time in the training and mentoring of KUMC graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty.

Amy Burgin

Amy Burgin is an outstanding scholar who works at the interface of biogeochemistry, aquatic ecology, microbial ecology, ecosystem ecology and hydrology to address environmental problems. Her work looks at some of the fundamental issues facing the planet today:What is the role of climate change in degrading waterquality? How do agricultural practices impact streams? How donon-perennial streams influence water chemistry? In addition to questions of global concern, she addresses important local issues such as the impact of a decommissioned fertilizer plant on Kansas River water quality. Burgin has secured more than $8 million in federalgrants, published 50 peer-reviewed papers and is a leader in her fieldfor performing cutting-edge research across a range of aquatic systems. In 2021, she and her studentspublished "A practical guide for undergraduate research" that many, evenoutside her field, use to build inclusive research spaces. She alsopublished a paper providing concrete suggestions for supporting academicmothers during COVID-19 and beyond.

Brian Boyd

Brian Boyd is the director of Juniper Gardens Childrens Project in Kansas City, Kansas, a part of the KU Life Span Institute. His research focuses on the development andevaluation of evidence-based practicesto improve outcomes for children with autism.His inquiry is at the forefront of community-engaged research and scholarship and building community partnerships to implement evidence-based practices in school and community contexts. His work also focuses on issues of implicit bias and race and how these issues affect the lives and outcomes of children of color, including children with disabilities.His work hasshaped the directionof autism and disability research, reflected in over 80 peer-reviewed publications, over $20 million in current grant funding from multiple sources, and strong and sustained community impacts.

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Four researchers named recipients of the University Scholarly Achievement Award | The University of Kansas - KU Today

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Posted: January 20, 2022 at 2:53 am

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Stem cell therapy for heart failure: Medical breakthrough …

Posted: January 20, 2022 at 2:53 am

This section will focus on past, present and future clinical trials that use stem cells as a treatment modality for HF and their degree of success in improving various parameters of cardiac function such as left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), left ventricular end systolic volume (LVESV), left ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV) end-systolic volume (ESV) and end diastolic volume (EDV). Though there are varying degrees of success depending on the cell type, successful application relies heavily on the engraftment and survivability of stem cells into the host myocardium, their revascularization potential and electromechanical coupling to beat in synchrony with resident cardiomyocytes[26].

Both ESCs and iPSCs are considered pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). By definition, these cells are those that can form all three germ layers of the embryo[27]. Although there are some subtle differences in potency between the two cell types, the major distinction between the two comes from their difference in origin. Embryonic stem cells are derived from human embryos, while iPSCs are derived from mature somatic cells that have been engineered in laboratories to regain pluripotent capacity. Nonetheless, PSCs have the unique advantage of being able to be differentiated in a tightly controlled, stepwise fashion. This allows researchers to create lineage-specific progenitors such as cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs)[28].

To date, there have been few preclinical or clinical trials investigating the safety and efficacy of ESCs in animals and humans. In non-human primates, human ESC-derived cardiomyocytes were administered via the intramyocardial (IM) route in two preclinical trials[29,30]. In these studies, human ESC-derived cardiomyocytes were administered 2- and 4-wk post-MI into immunocompromised Macaque monkeys. These studies produced some positive results: as hearts exhibited significant remuscularization within the infarcted area, ESC-grafts successfully reperfused the host vasculature and electromechanically coupled with host cardiomyocytes. There were also no signs of immune rejection or teratoma formation. However, there was no significant improvement in LVEF and non-fatal ventricular arrhythmias were seen in all monkeys[29,30]. Interestingly, these findings were reproduced in a similar preclinical experiment administering human ESC-derived cardiomyocytes into a post-MI porcine model[31]. Together, these three studies demonstrated the feasibility of producing and using human ESC-derived cardiomyocytes on a clinical scale and opened the door for phase 1 clinical trials in humans. The first human trial using human ESC-derived CPCs to treat HF was completed and illustrated some encouraging preliminary results[32]. The ESCORT trial investigated the feasibility and safety of implanting a fibrin patch embedded with human ESC-derived CPCs on the epicardium during coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). In total, 6 patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction (EF < 35%) and a history of MI received treatment. The study produced positive safety outcomes, as no patients presented with arrhythmias and there were no tumours detected during follow-up[32]. Notably, three of the six patients presented with clinically silent alloimmunization. At the 1-year follow-up, all patients reported a symptomatic improvement via the NYHA functional class, a median increase in the 6 min walk test, a significant increase in heart wall motion of cell treated areas and a modest increase in LVEF, though statistically insignificant. Results of this study should be interpreted with caution as the sample size was extremely small and there are various confounding variables involved. Nonetheless, the principal discovery of this trial was successful in showing that human ESC-derived CPCs can be produced on a clinical scale and show no major signs of adverse effects after implantation. This trial displays the potential for human ESCs to be used in the treatment of HF, and further clinical trials that incorporate larger sample sizes are certainly warranted to investigate the full extent of their clinical usefulness.

There has been great interest in the therapeutic potential of iPSCs as they serve as an unlimited source of cells with an extensive proliferation potential[11]. They have been investigated for various diseases, including Parkinsons disease, immunotherapy for cancer and now heart disease[33]. Several preclinical studies have validated that iPSCs could play an important role in cardiac repair. It was demonstrated that the IM administration of a fibrin patch embedded with human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, among other cells and growth factors, produced a significant improvement in LV function and decreased infarct size in a post-MI porcine model[34]. In a recent study, extracellular vesicles secreted by murine iPSCs were shown to cause a significant improvement in LV function and a decrease in infarct size in a post-MI mouse model[35].

There are currently two clinical trials that have been approved for utilizing iPSCs in the treatment of chronic cardiomyopathy in humans. The world's first clinical trial was approved in Japan in 2018 and aims to administer a patch of human reprogrammed iPSC cardiomyocytes into the damaged myocardium[36]. Details about the trial are scarce, but three patients with chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy have been treated and the clinical trial aims to involve 10 patients over three years. Follow-up will occur at 1-year post-implantation and the primary endpoints investigated will be safety and efficacy. The second clinical trial is an open-label trial taking place in China. Five patients with HF will be treated with direct epicardial injection of allogeneic human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and assessed for safety and efficacy. There are currently no published results from either trial, although these should be expected within the next year.

One of the major barriers that arose during preclinical trials is that cardiomyocytes derived from PSCs (ESCs or iPSCs) have an immature phenotype compared to human adult cardiomyocytes[26]. Moreover, human PSC-derived cardiomyocytes are functionally immature in terms of sarcomere organization, calcium handling properties, and metabolism compared to adult cardiomyocytes[37]. This hinders their ability to efficiently integrate with host cardiomyocytes and is believed to be the reason that ventricular arrhythmias can arise[38]. The problem may not be with the potency of the cells themselves, but rather, the differentiation techniques that are currently used to create cardiomyocytes. Strategies that enhance the differentiation of PSC-derived cardiomyocytes include the use of bioengineered scaffolds, chemical factors, mechanical loading, and electrical stimulation[38]. Although clinical trial data is still quite limited, initial results regarding safety are quite promising, suggesting that the challenges of cell integration surrounding the immature cardiomyocyte phenotype may not be as severe in humans. Future studies should shift towards confirming safety in larger cohorts and optimizing the efficacy of PSCs.

The use of cardiac stem cells (CSCs) in clinical research showed great promise in the literature until it was discovered that the field was heavily compromised due to Dr. Piero Anversa, who was accused of scientific misconduct. He falsely claimed that CSCs did, in fact, produce viable and functional myocardium, which sparked a huge interest in the medical community and public media[39]. Many researchers attempted to replicate Anversas findings but failed to do so. Following these events, Harvard Medical School and the Brigham and Womens Hospital launched investigations on Anversa, which in 2014 led to the retraction of the SCIPIO trial that used c-kit+ CSCs in patients with HF[40]. By October 2018, the investigation revealed that 31 publications included falsified or fabricated data. Following these events, the National Institute of Health suspended the CONCERT-HF trial in November 2018 due to its scientific foundations. This trial was the first to evaluate a combination of c-kit+ CSCs and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in patients with HF[41]. These alarming findings had a major impact on cardiac cell therapeutics and discredited the current advancements being made in this field.

To date, c-kit+ CSCs and cardiosphere-derived cell (CDC) phenotypes have been utilized in clinical trials. In the CADUCEUS trial, the intracoronary (IC) injection of CDCs has shown to reduce scar tissue size, improve regional contractility and viable heart mass on MRI. However, changes in ESV, EDV and LVEF did not differ between groups[42]. This clinical trial did not note any significant adverse events, alluding to a positive safety profile for CDCs. Likewise, the TAC-HFT-II trial will soon compare therapy with autologous MSCs alone vs MSCs combined with c-kit+ CSCs[41]. Indeed, the field of adult stem cells is highly compromised and has yet to demonstrate any clinical benefit for patients. Clinical trials with rigorous scientific standards are warranted in order to confirm the true efficacy of CSCs in the future. However, it is likely that the implications of Piero Anversas 31 retracted papers will remain far-reaching within the field.

Bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMDSCs) have been one of the most heavily tested cell types in the treatment of cardiovascular disease to date. Previous studies have shown that autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMNCs) have the potential to improve heart function through angiogenesis and direct myocardial regeneration[43]. Additionally, BMMNCs are an attractive source for therapy, as they have been found to be safe for clinical use and are easily harvested. When isolated, their biological characteristics are largely unaffected. The first-ever clinical trial using autologous BMMNCs was published in 2003. It included 21 patients with chronic HF who received transendocardial injection of autologous BMMNCs. After 4 mo, there was a significant increase in LVEF and a reduction in ESV, improvements in perfusion and myocardial contractility[44]. No significant safety concerns were noted. Similar results were found in the TOPCARE-CHD trial, which showed a significant improvement in global cardiac function, regional contractility, a decrease in brain natriuretic peptide and decreased mortality in response to IC administration of BMMNCs[45]. The STAR-heart study demonstrated that up to 5 years after IC administration, autologous bone marrow cells improved long-term mortality, LVEF and NYHA functional class[46]. In addition, a decreased LV preload, ESV, systolic wall stress, occurrence of arrhythmias, and area of infarction was noted. To this point, all clinical trials had also demonstrated a positive safety profile for BMDSCs. This initial success set the stage for the larger phase 2, randomized, double-blind FOCUS-CCTRN trial. This trial enrolled 92 patients with chronic HF and aimed at administering autologous BMMNCs via transendocardial injection. The positive results from smaller clinical trials could not be replicated, as there were no significant improvements in LVEF, maximal oxygen consumption, or infarct size[47]. Results were similar in the CELLWAVE trial, where IC or transendocardial injection of BMMNCs produced only modest improvements in LV function, maximal oxygen consumption and reversibility of ischemia[48].

In the TAC-HFT trial, patients received either transendocardial injections of autologous BMMNCs, autologous MSCs, or placebo. Results showed that only MSC therapy decreased infarct size, improved the 6 min walk test distance and regional function of the heart[49]. No improvements were noted in LVEF. The Cardio133 clinical trial noted a high frequency of adverse events in patients receiving CD133 (+) bone marrow cells delivered via CABG. It was concluded that although some improvements in scar size and perfusion may have occurred, injection of CD133 (+) cells has no effect on clinical symptoms of HF nor on global LV function[50]. Another clinical trial with 60 participants showed that the administration of BMMNCs via CABG improved LVEF, LVESV, wall motion index score and improved distance on the 6 min walk test and increased exercise tolerance. Moreover, brain natriuretic peptide levels decreased significantly, indicating that BMMNCs can improve heart function in patients with previous MI who suffer from chronic HF[43]. These cells may have a positive impact on the long-term prognosis of HF. After more than a decade of research, a systematic review and meta-analysis was published, providing clarity on the overall effectiveness of BMDSCs in the treatment of HF. In total, 38 randomized controlled trials including 1907 participants were included in the updated review. It was found that there is low-quality evidence that treatment with BMDSCs reduces mortality and improves LVEF on short and long-term follow-up[51]. There was also low-quality evidence that BMDSCs improve NYHA functional class in people with HF. Notably, 23 trials of the 38 were at high or unclear risk of selection bias. Given these findings, there is no current consensus on whether or not BMDSCs are truly efficacious in improving outcomes for HF patients. However, there are generally few safety concerns surrounding BMDSCs aside from the Cardio133 trial.

Mesenchymal stem cells are located in various tissues of the body including the bone marrow, adipose tissue and umbilical cord tissue. Evidence in preclinical and clinical studies suggests that MSCs may provide some benefits in the treatment of MI and HF due to a greater likelihood of vascular proliferation and direct myocardial regeneration[2,52]. Other BMDSCs have different mechanisms as they seem to trigger favorable forms of inflammation[2] rather than direct regeneration. Moreover, MSCs exhibit important reparative properties such as immunomodulation and promote antifibrotic, pro-angiogenic and anti-oxidative effects, making them great contenders for treating cardiomyopathies such as HF[53]. Among the different BMDSCs, MSCs seem to show the greatest promise for regeneration of myocardium, likely due to their strong paracrine effect[28]. The MSC-HF trial was the first placebo-controlled study conducted in chronic HF patients, which indicated that IM injection of autologous MSC is safe, improves myocardial function and reduces hospital admissions[54]. The POSEIDON randomized control trial compared the transendocardial delivery of autologous and allogeneic MSCs in HF patients. Results indicate that in a post-MI state, both autologous and allogeneic MSCs reduced adverse cardiac remodeling, infarct size and improved LV function. These structural and functional improvements were witnessed without significant safety concerns[55]. Similarly, the POSEIDON-DCM clinical trial demonstrated greater improvements in functional capacity and quality of life with allogeneic MSCs vs autologous MSCs in patients with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. Interestingly, allogeneic MSCs produced a constellation of clinically significant effects, such as improvements in EF, the 6 min walk test and higher scores in the Minnesota Living With HF Questionnaire vs autologous MSCs[56]. Evidence supports the superiority of allogeneic MSCs in regards to efficacy and endothelial function. Like the POSEIDON trial, transendocardial injection of autologous and allogeneic MSCs provided a highly acceptable safety profile in the POSEIDON-DCM trial.

Cardiopoietic stem cells are more specialized cells derived from a pure MSC population in the bone marrow. The C-CURE trial is one of the first using cardiopoietic cells in the treatment of HF. Findings demonstrated an increased LVEF, improved quality of life and a lower LVESV after 2 years while demonstrating feasibility and safety in chronic HF patients[57]. The findings of the C-CURE trial catalyzed larger studies to take place such as the CHART-1 trial which had a greater sample size, sharing similar results as the latter[58]. Both the C-CURE and CHART-1 trials indicate that stem cell therapy is safe and has the potential to provide long-lasting benefits on cardiac function in those affected by HF[57-59]. Larger randomized controlled trials, along with a comprehensive assessment of the impact of MSCs on cardiac function, would further establish a conclusive risk-benefit ratio for MSCs.

Umbilical cord MSCs have also been utilized in various clinical trials. The RIMECARD trial investigated the intravenous infusion of such cells in a sample of 30 patients. Results demonstrate that umbilical MSCs were not associated with significant acute adverse events or other safety concerns[60]. Moreover, there were improvements in LVEF, but no noteworthy reductions in LVESV or LVEDV. Another study delivered umbilical cord MSCs via the IC method, in combination with various medications, such as beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme-inhibitors or ARBs, diuretics and digoxin[61]. HF symptoms such as cough, chest tightness, dyspnea and shortness of breath were alleviated 24 h after transplantation. In contrast, symptoms of fatigue, chest tightness and dyspnea were high in the treatment group after 1 mo of transplantation. There were some improvements in the 6 min walking distance test, but no improvements in LVEF. In addition, the mortality rate and NT-pro brain natriuretic peptide levels were statistically lower than those in the control group[61]. Results must be interpreted with caution, as the improvements seen may have been linked to the medications that were prescribed in addition to the MSCs.

Another study looked into the transendocardial injection of mesenchymal precursor cells (MPCs) to a cohort of 60 patients. Adverse events and all-cause mortality were similar across groups, suggesting the safety and feasibility of MPCs. This study suggests that high-dose allogeneic MPC treatment may reduce HF-major adverse cardiac events, reduce adverse LV remodeling and provide a readily available, off-the-shelf cell product that may be available in the future[62]. A recent study did not note any significant safety concerns in the intramyocardial injection of MSCs in HF patients. Results demonstrated improvements in LVEF, stroke volume and myocardial mass in HF patients[63]. More studies are required to confirm this hypothesis. Other trial results are pending, such as the DREAM-HF-1 trial that is evaluating the efficacy of transendocardial delivery of allogeneic MPCs in patients with advanced chronic HF[64].

A systematic review and meta-analysis investigated the efficacy of MSC therapy on ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. Of the 29 randomized controlled trials, the majority demonstrated clinical benefits including improvements in LVEF, LVESV, NYHA functional class, quality of life and exercise capacity[65]. More specifically, patients who received stem cells in combination with CABG had the greatest improvements in LVEF vs other techniques. Reductions in LVESV were observed in more than half of the trials, suggesting that MSC therapy may decrease adverse cardiac remodeling in HF patients. Another recent systematic review and meta-analysis which included 23 studies in total, investigated the safety and efficacy of adult stem cell therapy for the treatment of acute MI and HF. In total, 12 of the 23 studies evaluated the efficacy of adult MSCs in ischemic HF. Post-treatment, there was a significant improvement in LVEF, but no differences in mortality between groups[52]. However, upon further subgroup analysis, improvements in LVEF were no longer found to be significant. Positive results were observed in other clinical outcomes of HF, as there were significant improvements in quality of life and the 6 min walk test. Overall, evidence suggests that MSC therapy seems to be safe, as no association between treatment and acute adverse outcomes for patients were noted[52]. Larger randomized, double-blind trials with longer follow-up periods are warranted to determine which combination of cell type and route of administration will yield the greatest improvements and reduce safety concerns in HF patients. The surge of incoming clinical trials should help clarify the true therapeutic potential of MSC therapy.

Early preclinical trials showed promise as skeletal myoblasts (SMs) appeared to have the capabilities to differentiate into cardiomyocytes and improve cardiac function in animal models[66,67]. The fact that these cells are abundant in the body and are already differentiated into muscle cells made them an attractive option. As a result, SMs were quickly rushed into clinical trials, and the results were disappointing. In the myoblast autologous grafting in ischemic cardiomyopathy (MAGIC) trial, the intramyocardial injection of SMs did not improve LVEF and failed to improve regional and global heart function. In addition, patients receiving SMs had a significantly greater risk of arrhythmias vs placebo[68]. On long-term follow-up, the findings of the MAGIC trial were confirmed, as SMs did not improve LV function[69]. Notably, the follow-up cohort only consisted of 7 patients while the original group consisted of 120 patients. For this reason, it is very difficult to establish the true long-term clinical impact of this study. Another small-sample study with 7 patients investigated the safety and efficacy of SM sheets for the treatment of severe HF. In 5 out of the 7 subjects, LVEF was maintained and showed improvement over time on echocardiography at 26 wk post-transplantation[70]. Among the 6 subjects, improvements in NYHA functional class and some improvements in the 6 min walk were noted, though this study had a very small sample size and there was no control group. No arrhythmias were noted and no other serious adverse effects were observed. Similar to the MAGIC trial, the MARVEL study did not demonstrate improvements in LV function or changes in the Minnesota Living with HF score, although some moderate improvements in the 6 min walk test distance were noted[71]. The MARVEL trial also revealed that the IM injection of SMs posed an increased risk of developing ventricular tachycardia, although such a complication appears to be transient and treatable[71]. Interestingly, a small clinical trial discovered that the transfection of muscle-derived progenitor cells with the connexin-43 gene administered transendocardially attenuated the proarrhythmic potential of SMs in the myocardium[72]. Nonetheless, since these landmark trials have come out, researchers have transitioned away from using skeletal myoblasts in hopes of finding a safer, more effective alternative cell type (Tables and ).

Summary of landmark human clinical trials

Safety parameters of various stem cell types

In the last decade, there has been a considerable amount of interest in the role of exosomes and microvesicles and their role in cardiovascular homeostasis. Exosomes are extracellular microvesicles that deliver active ribonucleic acid, lipids, proteins and various signaling molecules to a cell target[73,74]. Various cell types including cardiomyocytes, cardiac fibroblasts and endothelial cells release exosomes to help the survival, proliferation and normal apoptotic processes of cells, promoting a stable biological environment in the heart[75]. An MI damages the resident cardiac cells, subsequently reducing these endogenous, protective processes[73]. Exosomes can be derived from a range of stem cells including MSCs, CPCs, and iPSCs, all of which can be harnessed to provide a cell-free strategy with the goal of improving cardiac function and endogenous regeneration, reducing the risk of eliciting an immune response[73,76].

It is established that MSCs possess important paracrine signaling properties, which have shown to reduce inflammation and induce cell growth[77,78]. Thus, the premise of using exosomes as a therapeutic tool is that the majority of the benefit from stem cell therapy comes from paracrine effects. Preclinical studies indicate that extracellular vesicles from MSCs provided anti-apoptotic effects, reduced infarct size post-MI and reduced cardiomyocyte necrosis post-injury[79-82]. In addition to MSCs, iPSCs and ESCs have shown also to possess cardioprotective exosomes that may improve outcomes in HF patients[73]. Although many preclinical studies show promise in exosome-based therapeutics, there has yet to be a major breakthrough in human clinical trials. Recently, a small phase 1 clinical trial was initiated using allogeneic MSC-derived exosomes in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke (trial ID: {"type":"clinical-trial","attrs":{"text":"NCT03384433","term_id":"NCT03384433"}}NCT03384433). Exosomes are incredibly complex and we are still unsure on various parameters of therapy such as the loading, targeting and optimal method of delivery. Successful human clinical trials in the treatment of HF are still required before reaching any conclusions on whether or not exosomes are a feasible, safe, and effective solution in cardiac regeneration.

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Frequently Asked Questions About CAR T-Cell Therapy – Dana …

Posted: January 20, 2022 at 2:53 am

What is CAR T-cell therapy?

CAR T-cell therapy is a form of immunotherapy that uses specially altered T cells a part of the immune system to fight cancer. A sample of a patient's T cells are collected from the blood, then modified to produce special structures called chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) on their surface. When these CAR T cells are reinfused into the patient, the new receptors enable them to latch onto a specific antigen on the patient's tumor cells and kill them.

Read more about how CAR T-cell therapy works

Currently, CAR T-cell therapy is FDA approved as standard of care for:

There are also many clinical trials of CAR T-cell therapy for other types of blood cancer and solid tumors.

For adult patients, call 877-801-CART (2278).For pediatric ALL patients, call 617-632-5064 or email

Read more about whether CAR T-cell therapy is right for you

Because this is a highly specialized, highly personalized treatment, CAR T-cell therapy is available at a limited number of cancer centers with specialized expertise in cellular therapies. Both Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center and Dana-Farber Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorder Center offer the FDA-approved CAR T-cell therapy as well as CAR T clinical trials.

Coverage is reviewed on a case-by-case basis, as is typical for new therapies. We work with patients and insurers to seek health insurance coverage for clinically-eligible patients.

Although most patients do not experience the common side effects associated with chemotherapy such as hair loss, nausea, and vomiting, there are risks of significant side effects with CAR T-cell therapy. Patients are monitored closely to manage reactions to this therapy. The complications are generally temporary and resolve with treatment. Our care team is specially trained to identify and manage these side effects.

Possible side effects from CAR T-cell therapy include:

Read more about potential side effects of CAR T-cell therapy

The treatment process involves:

Recovery can take time as your immune system recovers. The acute recovery period is typically for 30 days after the CAR T-cell infusion. During this time, patients must remain within two hours of Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center, and must have a caregiver with them at all times to monitor for signs of fever, infection, and neurologic difficulties. Most patients feel tired and don't have much appetite during this period.

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De-risking cell therapy manufacturing with downstream technology innovation –

Posted: January 20, 2022 at 2:53 am

"However, there are limited automated solutions in this area, much less specific to formulation, fill, and finish, that genuinely address the market needs,"Kathie Schneider, director, global commercial lead, andDalip Sethi, director, scientific affairs, Terumo BCT, told us.

Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies (BCT), a US-based medical technology firm and subsidiary of Tokyo-based Terumo Corporation, has been focusing on innovation in downstream technologies to automate the final steps involved in autologous cell therapy manufacturing.

Final formulation is considered one of the most critical steps in the autologous cell therapy manufacturing process but manydevelopers are still performing this process manually, they said.

"To get drug products to scale in manufacturing, automation is required. Solutions must maintain the viability of the product as much as possible so that the cells are able to proliferate inside the body. This is further complicated with autologous products; one product is one batch. Therefore, finding automated solutions can be a challenge due to the smaller batch sizes.

"Uniquely maintaining drug products at ultralow temperatures, that can maintain the products viability from the fill/finish stage through infusion is also a challenge. The complex final formulation steps involve the addition of pre-cooled cryoprotectants and maintaining the cell product at low temperature for a short duration before freezing, which can limit the batch size of the drug product."

In the addition of pre-cooled cryoprotectants, cells are mixed with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and that process needs to be managed very carefully so as not to harm the cells, via slow addition with chill plates, said the Terumo team.

Managing the DMSO addition, accurately aliquoting into specific bags, sealing the bag, and maintaining batch records leave opportunities for errors.With manual processes, we have found customers lose cell viability, experience operator-related product variability, experience contamination due to open events, and errors in data logging.

Terumos automated Finia system, made available to the market in 2020, addresses this final step.

The Finia system automatically adjusts product temperature, as per users protocol, with the mixing and cooling assembly for cells, buffer, and DMSO. The system accurately aliquots the desired volume across three product bags plus a QC bag. Finally, the system removes air, seals the product bags for downstream, cryopreservation, and logs the steps for export into batch records, thus making this process much more scalable as manufacturers manage increased patient volume.

Terumo found that in this process, the product maintained >90% post-thaw cell viability. Finia hands-on time is typically 6.4 minutes versus 56.7 minutes when performed manually.

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Orgenesis and Johns Hopkins University create Maryland Center for Cell Therapy Manufacturing –

Posted: January 20, 2022 at 2:53 am

Construction of the new POCare Center, to be known as the Maryland Center for Cell Therapy Manufacturing, has been funded in part by a $5m grant from the State of Maryland; and the 7,000-square-foot facility has been designed to meet US Food and Drug Administration standards.

The facility will provide Johns Hopkins clinicians and researchers with a more streamlined path to treat patients and take promising and novel treatments from the lab to patient trials.The model provides local capacity for processing of clinical therapeutics at the point of care, rather than having to outsource clinical trial cell and gene therapy manufacturing to third parties.

The establishment of the new POCare Center will also enable rapid scale up of additional processing capacity through connecting/servicing Orgenesis Mobile Processing Units and Labs (OMPULs): which can shorten the implementation time of new capacity from 18-24 months to 3-6 months.

Construction of the center is expected to start in Q2 2022 and be operational in Q2 of 2023.Orgenesis will base 30 employees on the site when it is completed.

Founded in 2012, Orgenesis is a Germantown, Maryland based biotech: focused on developing cell and gene therapies in an affordable and accessible format at the point of care. The Orgenesis POCare Platform consists of three components: a pipeline of licensed POCare Therapeutics that are processed and produced in closed, automated POCare Technology systems across a collaborative POCare Network.

The company identifies promising new therapies, using its platform to provide a harmonized pathway for therapies to reach and treat large numbers of patients thanks to efficient, scalable and decentralized production.

Orgenesis continues to develop and extend key partnerships within its international POCare Network. These international partnerships are now experiencing significant investment and construction across the globe to build on the achievements within the Network, as illustrated by our expanded collaboration with Johns Hopkins, said Vered Caplan, CEO, Orgenesis.

We are honored to work with Johns Hopkins, America's first research university and home to nine world-class academic divisions working together in one university. The POC Center at Johns Hopkins will help propel the development of therapies targeting a range of conditions that directly affect the lives of millions of patients.

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STAT’s guide to the next generation of CAR-T therapies – STAT

Posted: January 20, 2022 at 2:53 am

CAR-T cell therapy has been a boon for treating blood cancers. Since the technology was first brought to the clinic, CAR-T has offered patients months or years of life after they had exhausted all other treatment options and would have died within weeks.

Its been incredible, said Marcela Maus, an immunologist and cell therapist at Mass General Cancer Center. Weve seen patients who had multiple lines of therapies and progressed after all of those, [then] get CAR-T and go into long-term remission.

But CAR-T does have hefty limitations, and scientists like Maus are researching ways to overcome some of its major shortcomings. These issues have prevented CAR-T from being used safely and effectively outside of leukemia and myeloma, and even patients who have responded spectacularly to CAR-T usually see their cancers return. The therapies are also still incredibly costly and carry risks, including a reaction known as a cytokine storm that can be life-threatening.


Potential solutions to these problems are still in the early stages, but scientists are beginning to get a vision of what the future of CAR-T cell therapy might look like. It could involve synthetic biology to engineer a more advanced cell, or engineering other parts of the T cell to make it work better in the challenging environment around a tumor.

The field is growing tremendously, Maus said. Different people are working on different issues then, ideally, the data kind of decides whats going to be the next big thing.


Heres a look at what experts see as some of the most promising approaches.

Current CAR-T cells use their CAR, or chimeric antigen receptor, to identify and kill cancer cells. These are synthetic proteins that bind to a specific target, like a protein on a cell surface membrane, and then activate the T cell to kill any cell carrying this target.

Armed with a CAR, T cells become pros at killing cancer cells that have their target, but theyll also kill normal cells that happen to carry the protein, too. Once a CAR-T cell is in the body, there isnt much a clinician can do to rein it in if it starts causing a lot of toxicity.

Once we let the CAR out, theyre like teenage kids, Maus said. You can maybe watch, but you cant really control them. So, theres some desire to be able to turn them on or off at will.

So, researchers are also trying to create CAR-T cells that they can manually activate or deactivate. As a group, these are known as controllable CARs, and most work by engineering an additional genetic circuit in the CAR-T cell. In theory, clinicians should be able to activate a switch on the genetic circuit that induces the CAR-T cell to activate their CAR and express it on the T cells surface membrane, thereby activating the receptor. Then, after a while, the T cell will disarm.

The goal is really getting our hands back on the steering wheel for a bit, Maus said.

There are several ways that synthetic biologists are doing this. In one example, researchers engineered a CAR with a protein switch that activates the receptor in the presence of blue light. In another example, researchers added a gene to CAR-T cells that force it to create its CAR and express it on the cell surface, thereby activating it, only in the presence of ultrasound radiation.

That way, it can be focused into a specific location, said Peter Yingxiao Wang, a synthetic biologist at University of California, San Diego, who works on controllable CARs. When the light or ultrasound is on the tumor locally, they can activate the CAR gene to trigger killing. Anywhere else, the CAR T-cells will be benign.

The idea is that the clinician can focus the light or ultrasound onto the tumor to get CAR-T cells to begin killing there. Once that signal is turned off, the CARs should disarm or slowly degrade and deactivate the CAR-T cells killing function. This way, even if the CAR does kill healthy tissue, the damage will theoretically be limited to the area around the tumor.

But this is an infant field right now, Wang added. A lot of these studies are just proof of concepts to show that theyre technically achievable. If you want to move to clinical trials, all of the components must be optimized.

Scientists also must show that theyre truly safe in humans, and that keeping the damage to a smaller surface area will be enough to outweigh the risks in treating tumors located near vital organs like the heart.

Other researchers are working on developing new CARs that can function like a biomolecular computer, able to make simple logical decisions to target cancer cells. Conventional CARs can cause dangerous toxicity because they only use one protein to identify cancer cells, and it may be impossible to discover the perfect target that exists only on cancer cells and not at all on healthy cells.

You can never uniquely define cancer or any other healthy tissue just by one marker, explained Wilson Wong, a synthetic biologist at Boston University. It just doesnt work. Its like trying to find a person and saying, he has black hair. Its like, oh, my God, youll never find him.

But it might be possible to distinguish cancer cells from healthy ones by looking at multiple proteins on a single cell. So, researchers like Wong have begun building more advanced CAR T-cells that use genetic circuits that only activate a CAR under more complex conditions, like the presence of several specific proteins that arent often seen in combination on healthy cells.

In this sense, the CAR is making a logical decision like basic Boolean computing, and synthetic biologists call this technique logic-gating.

Theres a lot of cool genetic circuits you can build, said Yvonne Chen, a synthetic biologist at UCLA. One can think of conditional systems to obliterate cancer cells. One can build OR-gates, AND-gates, and NOT-gates, and layer them on top of one another.

Although, Chen added, a drawback of logic-gating is that by increasing the complexity of the system, you might also be increasing the chance something goes wrong. Its important not to overcomplicate the design. Sophisticated circuits are exciting, but sometimes the solution itself causes problems. For example, for an AND-gate, you also make it easier for the tumor to escape. If the tumor loses either target A or B, it escapes from therapy, she said.

Another issue with conventional CAR-T therapy is that after a while, T cells can simply stop working. Solid tumors, like lung or pancreatic cancer, often have strategies to defend themselves from immune system attacks, including those from CAR-T cells. That makes it harder for CAR-T cells to treat solid tumors and can provide an opening for the tumor to return or progress.

So, researchers like Chen are working on armoring the CAR T-cell against the hostile signals in the microenvironment around a solid tumor. One of these signals is called TGF-beta, a protein which can help shut down T cell activity and help cancer cells avoid death and detection from the immune system. Chen was able to create a CAR cell that is not only resistant to TGF-beta, but can actually subvert the signal and become more deadly when it encounters TGF-beta.

Instead of being dysfunctional, they become activated, Chen said. That actually converts a tumor defense mechanism into a stimulatory signal for our T cells and tells them, youre in an environment where youre likely to encounter a tumor cell. Get ready.

Other scientists are working to keep CAR-T cells which can lose power over time functional for longer. Even with a good antigen, the T cells rapidly lose function, said Shivani Srivastava, an immunologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center who works on this problem. If you trigger a T cell or CAR over and over again, that causes the cell to become exhausted rather than turning into a memory cell or something else.

In one case, Stanford immunologist Crystal Mackall engineered a CAR-T cell that takes breaks before returning to work. She did this by creating a transient CAR that can be turned on or off. It can enhance [the T cells] function and limit how exhausted they are by giving them periodic rest, Srivastava said. Thats a really interesting strategy in principle.

But most of the tactics that scientists have tried so far in the realm of armored CAR-T cells havent worked in the long term, Srivastava said. You need a strategy that can help the CAR T-cells persist long enough to eradicate the cancer and prevent its return, which might be a lifelong project for the immune system.

Well have to find the right combination that will be durable, she said. Often we can find strategies that enhance function for only a short period of time.

Some future approaches might see T cells abandoned altogether. Scientists are slapping synthetic receptors on new or different cell types, such as natural killer cells. One company, called CoImmune, is putting CARs on a synthetic cell called a CIK cell, or cytokine-induced killer cell.

This is a novel cell type. They dont occur in nature, explained Charles Nicolette, the biotechs chief executive.

Theyre made by taking white blood cells and growing them while exposing them to certain immune molecules called cytokines. The advantage of creating new cell types is that biologists can combine certain useful traits from other immune cells, Nicolette said. For example, CIK cells could have the NK cells natural ability to distinguish normal cells from malignant ones and the CAR T-cells enhanced ability to kill.

One day, UCLAs Chen hopes to take this concept even further. To her, the ideal cancer-killing cell would not be derived from anything biological, but a completely artificial cell.

Instead of taking a cell from a patient, but rather build a completely defined, minimal cell that can do what we want and nothing else. It cannot evolve. Cannot mutate. Then, self-destruct when you dont want it there, she said. But, she added, creating synthetic cells like that would be unimaginably challenging, and it might not be possible to create a cell thats both persistent but also unchangeable.

Still, a scientist can dream.

STAT's guide to the next generation of CAR-T therapies - STAT

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Stop sugarcoating cancer cells to empower CAR-T therapy in solid tumors – FierceBiotech

Posted: January 20, 2022 at 2:53 am

To repeat the success of CAR-T therapies in blood cancers,a key direction for solid tumor research focuses on enabling the engineered immune cells to better target those tumors. Now, a group of scientists in Italy has proposed a method to do just that.

Sugar-based structures called N-glycans, which are expressed on the surface of pancreatic tumor cells, could protect the cancer from CAR-T cells, scientists at the IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute have found. Disruption of the coating with a sugar analog dubbed 2DG enhanced CAR-T killing in different mouse models of pancreatic tumors and showed promising efficacy against other cancers in lab dishes.

The findings, published in Science Translational Medicine, could pave the way to designing improved CAR-T cell therapy strategies against pancreatic cancer and other solid tumors, the researchers said.

Glycosylation, the process by which sugar-based molecules attach to and modify a protein, plays an important role in cellular processes. Cancer cells display abnormal glycosylation, with the expression of a more diverse glycan coat compared with healthy cells. Among them, an increase in N-glycans is among the most frequent alterations found in cancer.

RELATED:Turning CAR-T tech against solid tumors by targeting protein fragments in cancer cells

For their study, the San Raffaele researchers hampered branched N-glycan in pancreatic tumor cells by crippling the MGAT5 gene, which encodes for an enzyme key to the synthesis of the sugar-based coat. They treated the cancer cells with CAR-T cells directed at CD44v6, a heavily glycosylated protein. The CAR-T cells showed markedly enhanced antitumor activity with increased cancer-killing and the production of the proimmune cytokines interferon-gamma and TNF-alpha.

By digging deeper into the mechanism behind the improved efficacy, the researchers found that N-glycans interfered with the formation of immunological synapses. CARs rely on such synapses with tumor cells to activate the T cells and exert their functions.

The team then tried blocking N-glycan with the glucose analog 2DG. In two xenograft mouse models of pancreatic cancer, a combination of 2DG and the CAR-T cells showed the best tumor control, significantly prolonging the survival of mice compared with either single treatment alone, the team reported.

Whats more, in mice that also received 2DG, T cells that entered the tumors showed a reduced exhaustion profile with lower expression of several immune inhibitory markers such as TIM-3 and PD-1. Exhaustion of T cells, which could be caused by sustained antigen stimulation and the expression of inhibitory receptors, is a major obstacle to CAR-T cell efficacy against solid tumors.

These findings suggest that combination with 2DG not only improves tumor clearance but might also enable CAR-T cells to evade immune checkpoint inhibition, the researchers wrote in the study.

Beyond pancreatic cancer, the addition of 2DG also helped increase the killing of other highly glycosylated tumors that CD44v6 CAR-T alone failed to tackle, including in mice with bladder cancer and ovarian cancer.

RELATED:Biopharma charts progress in translating CAR-T cell therapies to solid cancers

CAR-T therapies such as Gilead Sciences Yescarta have demonstrated impressive results in blood cancers, and scientists are in hot pursuit of effective solutions to overcome the many barriers that stop the immunotherapy from working in solid tumors.

To tackle the problem ofthere being a lack of appropriate tumor-specific antigens thata CAR can target,a team at the University of Pennsylvania's Childrens Hospital of Philadelphiadesigned peptide-centric CAR-T cells to hunt down fragments of cancer-related proteins that are revealed to immune cells through antigen-presenting MHC proteins.

Canadian biotech Oncolytics Biotech is working on an oncolytic virus called pelareorep to alter the hostile tumor microenvironment that could suppress T-cell activity. Working with Mayo Clinic, the company previously showed CAR-T cells armed with the virus enhanced antitumor activity in mice with solid tumors.

The San Raffaele team now believes breaking down the sugar barrier around tumor cells represents a promising strategy to overcome solid tumors'resistance to CAR-T therapy by improving CAR-T cell activation and alleviating CAR-T cell exhaustion.

Our findings point to the therapeutic potential of combining CAR-T cells with 2DG to counteract multiple layers of tumor resistance including the inadequate tumor engagement and the damaging effects of inhibitory pathways, the researchers said in the study.

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Europe Trailed US in Record Gene and Cell Therapy Funding in 2021 –

Posted: January 20, 2022 at 2:53 am

Cell and gene therapy developers globally raised an all-time annual record in 2021. However, European firms missed out on the funding growth.

Companies around the world developing cell and gene therapies raised 20.1B ($23.1B) over 2021, said the advanced therapy advocacy organization the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) in a briefing this week. This bumper catch beat 2020s total of 17.3B ($19.9B) by 16%.

The growth from 2020 to 2021 was primarily driven by companies in the US. With a fresh 15.7B ($18B) in the bank, US-based companies saw an impressive 53% jump in investments compared to 2020. In contrast, their European counterparts raised 2.9B ($3.3B), 8% less funding than in 2020.

Both European and US gene and cell therapy players had seen record funding growth in 2020 compared to 2019, said Stephen Majors, ARMs Director of Public Affairs. However, its too early to establish why European and Asian companies havent matched the rapid cash growth seen in the US over 2021.

Its something well watch closely over the next year to determine what the causes may be and whether they are region-specific, said Majors.

Nonetheless, the funding numbers need to be interpreted in the correct context, said Antoine Papiernik, Chairman and Managing Partner of the venture capital (VC) firm Sofinnova Partners. European contributions to the field of cell and gene therapy remain immense.

Its not about how much you raise in one year; its about the level of expertise, competencies, and technologies, said Papiernik. These are the fundamentals for long-term excellence and growth, which we strongly believe in.

If there is one area where Europe is, without a doubt, on par with the US, its in new modalities, which include gene and cell therapies.

Of the various funding sources going to cell and gene therapies, VC funding increased the most in 2021, with a huge 73% jump to 8.5B ($9.8B). This trend mirrored the deluge in life sciences VC funding in the last year.

Simultaneously, gene and cell therapy companies were hit by struggling stock markets affecting the rest of the biotech sector. This mismatch is creating a bulge in funding for VC firms and potentially limiting exit options.

Inflation concerns made it particularly difficult for smaller, early-stage companies that are not yet profitable, said Majors. If inflation concerns subside in 2022, and with positive data readouts, we could see stronger performance for biotech public equities.

When the total is broken down by the types of technology getting funded, cell therapies in immuno-oncology such as CAR-T cell therapies saw the biggest funding increase: a jump of 26% since 2020. This was followed by gene therapy firms with 14% more incoming cash, and tissue engineering players, whose investments went up by 10%.

Cell therapy companies outside of immuno-oncology experienced a tighter year for financing in 2021 than in 2020, taking in 15% less funding at 1.7B ($2B). However, Majors told me that funding in this field has regularly fluctuated in the last several years.

The decrease over 2021 is not an outlier in comparison to historical trends, Majors noted. Due to the smaller size of this technology segment, just one or two financing deals can have a large impact on total financing on an annual basis.

Another important trend in the ARMs report was the rising importance of gene-editing technology. Of the total gene therapy financing, 45% was raised by companies developing gene-editing technology, up from 38% in 2018.

Investor interest in gene editing has been buoyed by clinical successes from frontrunner gene therapy players in the last year. One example from June 2021 was the promising performance of an in vivo CRISPR treatment developed by Intellia Therapeutics and Regeneron in patients with the rare disease transthyretin amyloidosis.

Gene-editing firms CRISPR Therapeutics and Vertex Pharmaceuticals are causing excitement with progress in tackling the blood disorder sickle cell disease. They are gunning to file for approval of their CRISPR gene-edited therapy for this condition in late 2022.

Investors have taken note of these early successes and see this approachs potential to treat a wide range of diseases, said Majors. Also, as this technology continues to progress, the number of companies with at least one clinical or preclinical asset in gene editing continues to rise.

Another outcome to look forward to for gene and cell therapy in 2022 is a potential record number of drug approvals. A bunch of gene therapy hopefuls including GenSight, uniQure, and BioMarin are poised to bring their candidates to the regulatory finish line in the US and Europe.

The EMA is slated to make decisions on therapies targeting aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency, Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, and two types of hemophilia, said Majors. By the end of 2022, the number of EMA-approved gene therapies for rare diseases may have doubled from a year earlier.

However, some of the major hurdles for the field will likely be the delivery of gene and cell therapies to their target in the body as well as deciding the right dosage. The manufacture of these complex therapies is also a big bottleneck that many startups aim to tackle.

Additionally, the withdrawal of bluebird bios gene therapy from Germany in May 2021 over pricing disagreements demonstrates that regulatory approval is just the beginning for developers of gene and cell therapies. Their pricing strategy will need to walk the tightrope of making a profit while avoiding clashes with healthcare systems.

In any case, European companies will continue to play a strong role in the evolution of the cell and gene therapy sphere.

Lets not forget that the first gene therapy to be brought to the market was European, said Papiernik, referring to the gene therapy Strimvelis, which was sold by GlaxoSmithKline to Orchard Therapeutics in 2018.

Europe continues to excel in the development of gene and cell therapies and never has there been more opportunities for investment.

Cover image via Elena Resko. Inline images via the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine

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Lonza and Agilent to make Cocoon tech ‘smarter’ – BioProcess Insider – BioProcess Insider

Posted: January 20, 2022 at 2:53 am

Lonza will work with Agilent to define the ideal Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) for cell therapy manufacturing and help better control the in-process controls and analytics of its patient-scale Cocoon platform.

Lonzas Cocoon platform is a single system that can be used for a variety of different autologous cell therapy protocols, with each patient batch produced in a single disposable cassette customized to their specific process.

The automated point-of-care manufatcuring system was developed by Octane Biotech, and though Lonza has worked with the firm since 2015 to help develop the platform, it acquired a controlling stake in the company in October 2018, describing the tech at the time as a game changer in the autologous cell therapy space.

Image: c/o Lonza

Now Lonza is looking to optimize the platform by addressing the actual needs of the autologous cell therapy production space through a collaboration with analytics firm Agilent Technologies.

Agilent is a leader in the field of analytics, Nicholas Ostrout, senior director of Business Strategy & Implementation, Personalized Medicine, Lonza told BioProcess Insider. We found their portfolio of technologies compelling, based on their participation in important research work that supports key advancements in cell therapy.

We decided to leverage the existing innovative technologies of an established player in the market rather than reinvent these tools ourselves. By partnering with Agilent, we can bring these technologies to the market faster and within platforms that the field is familiar with.

The collaboration aims to develop and integrate current and new analytical technologies into patient-scale cell therapy manufacturing workflows with the Cocoon Platform, but also hopes to define the ideal Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) required for cell therapies and build improved analysis packages to manufacture higher quality therapeutic products with greater consistency.

Generally speaking, the field is still in its infancy in its understanding of the CQAs required to manufacture a safe and efficacious product; there is a lack of clinical experience with cell and gene therapy (CGT) products, compared to other, more well-studied classes of pharmaceutical products, Ostrout said.

Therefore, the field is still developing a basis of understanding to define CQAs associated with a safe and efficacious product. The process is made even more complex by the fact that, unlike many other therapeutics, CGT products may persist in humans long-term, and are likely to evolve over time, thus necessitating a contextual understanding of product safety and efficacy within given indications and patient populations.

Since the addition of the platform, Lonza has publicized several deals with companies and establishments looking to use the Cocoon tech, but it has only been used in a clinical setting since late 2020. While the platform can currently control temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen, Ostrout said Lonza plans to enhance integrated analysis technologies in the platform with a hope that it will be able to monitor more properties in real-time during the manufacturing process to assist in meeting required specifications.

There is value in generally establishing a deeper understanding of CQAs for cell therapies broadly in the field and implementing analysis technologies directly into the manufacturing platforms. As the field of cell therapy moves towards complete automation, we feel that there is an opportunity to begin integrating technologies directly into the manufacturing platform. This will assist in analyzing CQAs at relevant intervals during the process and understanding the key release criteria required to manufacture the ideal cell therapy for a given indication.

He added: The more functionality a closed system offers, the more compelling the automated manufacturing solution becomes. However, the quality of the therapy is obviously the most important aspect. As such, manufacturing platforms will have to become smarter to ensure the ideal product is manufactured for any given patient and indication. As therapies become more personalized, its critical that the manufacturing process can make adjustments in real-time.

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