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Johnny Tesone & The GeoVortex Journey | To Unlocking The Secrets Of The Earth – Daily Scanner

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:11 am

There is much to be said of the discovery of new and vital information for the earth and its long-winding history. Scientists around the world are enamored and excited by the prospects that are hidden in plain sight around the globe. New technology, such as Google Earth, is allowing scientists to discover clues and patterns that can result in incredible convictions that will shape our planets story and change our future.

Johnny Tesone is one such journeyman. His expertise in the field of geology and an epiphany in the Wind River Range set him on a journey that has led to monumental discoveries. Hes successfully analyzed fossils and patterns that are not quite typical of this earth and has spent the better part of the last few years determining their origin.

Using his broad scientific capability and experience in the field of Geology, he has since commissioned a docuseries and scientific papers that he hopes will shed light on one of the many mysteries of our time.

We had a chance to sit down with the scientist and get his thoughts on the research he is conducting, the importance of collaboration, as well as the negative politicization of science, and the ways we can combat it together.

Q: Hello Johnny, thanks for taking the time to speak with us today. lets start with the big question: What is GeoVortex?

Thank you for the opportunity. GeoVortex is both a company and personal brand, borne from my life events that launched intense research over the last year. First, in July 2020, in the Wind River Range, Wyo. I was touched by a physical, super-peaceful force. I call it a vortex feeling on the Wind River that day in a magnificent geologic setting that forever changed my life. There it wasa totem cliff face, images and lines that displayed a secret earth story. The event has propelled me into finding a storm of revolutionary discoveries of earth, life and Astro-science phenomenon.

That day lit up my world, providing me a new astounding vision, with an ever-deepening comprehension learned at a spellbinding pace. This is GeoVortex.

The discovery material is expertly documented for the ages in the video series Secrets of the Winds. Its 9 chapter titles are cleverly outlined with never-seen earth symbols deciphered along with all the other stunning footage for the viewers to follow my trails. This is something Einstein and DaVinci would be proud of, and I know the world can now see this as I do for, I found an alternative natural world on earth.

Q: What are some of your scientific discoveries about?

It is best to start from where the dots started connecting so that you can understand the chain of events and pace. The video primer Ground Zero episode details the find of the totem outcrops with images, figures, which led to mapping several large concentric, angular anomalies (UFOs Unidentified Fossilized Objects) 70 miles north to south across the Wind River Range, Wyo. I located some impact craters and non-human dams in the area that I four-wheeled to, mapped on Google Earth the night before. The surface was littered with platy (consisting of plates or flaky layers of soil or mineral formations) to round, dense rocks. One site, there was a ground spring bubbling, of a carbonate ooze, with eggshell hard outer diameter where I filmed an active burrower species episode. Ensued by weeks of extensive microscopy of the impact samples, I knew within a day, however, the fossils, the carbonate wasnt typical of this earth. I identified a fractal alien mineral matrix, in an earth-bound transport and named it Exterranium. The taxonomy logic allowed me to keep the material compartmentalized as it is a best practice to have naming standards for the voluminous material with more named species to come.

Last August, I discovered the premier fossil. Its a 1cm. embryonic encrusted specimen and its the rock star of all fossils, I believe, for it means a much bigger picture of the world and the universe. It was found, aged at a known Cambrian Precambrian unconformity (a break-in time in an otherwise continuous rock record) boundary estimated greater than 500 million years old. I creatively used the fossil image comparing it to a skeletal image and found it anatomically proportionate to a dissected body photo of a 17-inch (non-human or animal) mummy photo found in 1932 Wyoming near the Wind River range by two gold miners. My head was spinning, I anxiously reached out to world-renown former University of Wyoming anthropology professor Dr. George Gill about his claims and any advice with the American Museum of Natural History or Harvard archives, but he has since retired.

This is an extant species; Exterran Infinitas Nimerigarus meaning Exterran (not of the earth), Infinitas (ever-living), Nimerigarus (Little People). EIN has huge, strong, long hands, a strong torso, big eyes, eyelids like sharks, a large mouth for maximum water intake and propulsion intake with a flexible twisting body made to be a drill bit. The teeth must be seen to be believed and are just incredible. The ultra-recluse, sub-surface super mineral miner is terraforming the land. It is the ultimate intelligent worker species programmed by the master species to be announced in the video series. EIN creates its energy using an ingenious water-fuel cell converting electrochemical energy to biomechanical power, programmed growth, and ever working with quantum connectivity.

You wont believe its blow-dart defense mechanism that Ill show in the jawbone parts and animation. It ties into legendary stories of the creatures affinity with arrows as told by the Native American tribes. I was affected myself and I thought at that moment I was done with the research because I was so terrified of the pain of the alien weapon darts. That day I had taken apart a small EIN carcass ball with 3 smaller skeletons, hair and microscopic particles apparently fell on my armchair as I noticed the acute stinging and inflammation of uncountable, small red puncture spots from elbow to wrist. I treated it with hypochlorous acid (HCIO) daily, a field-wound disinfectant and the wounds healed, but this period last fall jolted me into a new realm of respect and a primitive allure of the creature. This species alone is a new science frontier subject, and I am producing the glossary with the fossils, anatomy, and animation, to be known as Einthropology.

I have found EIN skeletons from 1 in. tall to around 3 ft. tall and SEM tested an EIN leg bone: Oxygen 35%, Calcium 22%, Carbon 16%, Phosphorus 11%, Zircon 7% including some Nitrogen, Silicon, and trace Aluminum. The science data regarding this species seems to be forgotten or hidden and has been a mystery until now until as my work brings legendary stories to life. I live in a daily awe of holding the power of supreme technology billions of years ahead of mankind.

The realization of that very first fossils significance was heavy to process, and I focused my earliest thoughts, fantasizing how the complexities of physics, biomechanics, biochemistry space travel were found in the geological record. How on earth can this be conceptualized, written as a case study when there are hundreds of cases? Should it be drawn out as a 3D cross-section model to somehow convey the epicenter of revelations? Perhaps, but I truly believe this is a 6D-9D model.

Did they only land in the shallow warmest, parts of the worlds ocean, drop the eggs, as in an alien metal matrix, as a plan to change the chemistry of our oceans? Did the ships land to stay for billions of years? Yes, this is really their planet then.

I believe they experimented on earth by landing directly over on erupting volcanoes, then the earth entirely commencing the coherent takeover, stabilizing geochemical reactions over eons that it needed to transform the earth perfectly from the abundant elemental chemistry.

EIN is colonialized by Exterranium for carrying out its mission on the earths surface by first assembling the necessary electrical currents and power grids scaled to any size anywhere in the world. Displayed on Google Earth by the copper (+) and lead (-) element-colored terminals, eddy currents and large capacitor induction cells all the while this supreme design optimizes time, gravity, magnetics, and water forces producing a perpetual energy field source to re produce their superalloy metals re-mined back from their ancient ship landings.

The video Cobalt Crater illustrates a 35-year time-lapse flyover of a large impact crater isolating the super alloying processes in a defined, remote non-human natural setting. In this video the viewer can visualize the electrical and physical material change developing over time in the crater. Some of the technologies evident displayed are include sintering capacitor banks, powdering metallurgy, electro slag welding-moulding, mechanical annealing to rolling. The perfection and beauty of the large Cobalt blue metal alloy stacks and other metals like Nickel bursting into brilliant glowing plasma rockets are stunning discovery highlights. This is how EIN manipulates the soils over their time, creating a science materials masterpiece for all the world to see and why I believe they live over 50,000 years.

By utilizing earths vast oceans and high-energy inner core, and with no time limit variable, Exterranium has perfected itself to ultimate competitive advantage, to dominate the earth as a supreme species. It is here to stay, we can hold it in our hands, its a forever global destiny, and way beyond human time. This species has engineered a Return Burn chapter in the series, its the master plan to exploit the earths resources, to remanufacture, relaunch and return, again to proliferate more galaxies with the most favorable water, geological, high-energy reactions, such as those found on earth.

Start with YouTube, subscribe and get all the chapters released in 3 sets. It is best to study all of them to have a baseline of the series (click here).

Q: For the readers who arent as well versed in Geology, could you give us a quick breakdown of what youre searching for in your journey?

Geologists are multi-science and engineering problem solvers, who utilize chemistry, math, engineering, biology, physics and even anthropology to be the most qualified earth investigators. Im equipped with hardware, software, and knowledge of all the tools to conduct the search and to provide evidence.

I search for both microscopic (>120um) to large, earth-forming clues left on Google Earth to always ask the questions of how, when, and why. This helps determine the conclusion to earths surface and subsurface changes, geological ages, paleoclimates, water influence and the recorded formations as a start.

I found repeatable colors, crystals, concentric to angular and mechanical surface features including large remote complex mining, and prolific materials processing sites. I tested the hand samples with magnetics, specific first gravity, and hardness indicators. I conducted simple but definitive water-solubility experiments to performing sophisticated scanning electron microscopy (SEM) tests critical for the chemical and reactive signatures. The tests have proved to be invaluable pieces of the geochemistry puzzle in the discovery project.

I have felt, seen and documented the energy fields with jaw-dropping images of planes flying over at ground and ocean levels. I have spotted many such objects and disappearing and cloaking and the video, The Cloakers, is the highlight reel of most of the planes I found transforming and undetected by humans until now.

I even have this superalloy specimen; it came to be in a supernatural way in the field and Ill show how in the series. I know this is a coherent, supreme quantum world in full display for those who earnestly seek. They have been here, are here for a grand purpose, as the fabric of our entire planet is a superalloy species.

Its no wonder weve reported seeing so many UFO sightings, earth is a highly charged, intergalactic superalloy re-mining depot and a quantum energy portal. Many scientists already concluded this is a metallic universe and so this disclosure is more evidencing advancing our knowledge of earth, solar system and beyond. Recently, I started looking at the NASA photos of Mars, Mercury, and Venus and again, I am reassured more so that the

same impactor evidence on earth Ive identified has also been photographed by NASA. I know space exploration should take on a new meaning with this data.

Q: Would you say you have an endgame goal in mind for GeoVortex?

The endgame is an interesting question. The endgame is we all win. I always play to win so with this stellar research I want it to be the best, most impactful research in yearsperhaps a Nobel prize in science is the endgame.

I envision many scientists, physicists, technologists utilizing the data for decades for a better understanding of the quantum relationship of life, light, energy, space, and time. Mitigating and long-term futuristic solutions from findings that should lead to solving the challenges before us today: sustaining clean water, developing clean energy, forecasting extreme changes, and exploiting the best structural designs for advancing earth civilizations.

These are the Climate Changers.

Q: Can you please explain what certain discoveries youre hoping to find?

I honestly didnt embark on this voyage as a typical researcher hypothesizing or hoping to find a certain discovery in a narrow field of study. Im deeply connected to the natural environment given decades as a geologist, fly-fisherman, and outdoorsman, learning the subtleties of nature and science. At this stage of my journey, nothing surprises me anymore as a scientist or as a person, but dont confuse this with raw amazement, because it is daily that Im captivated about what I have discovered.

Someone was going to eventually find this, and it is me so theres purpose of responsibility and accomplishment to share this vividly and abundantly, so Im overly compelled since its explainable, plausible content now that I have reconciled internally with real results.

Maybe its to find the fountain of youth. Or we all take off like in in the movie Cocoon!

I hope to learn much more, to be asked, indeed welcomed by them to investigate their material mining ship engineering sites and travel on their ships to really learn their fascinating rocket engineering design. Ultimately, I would like to know where this species came from. Ive described a feeling as being in Andromeda Strain, Fantastic Voyage and then theres movie Contact when signals are loud and clear. This has been quite an OMG year!

Of course, Im hoping to find out soon what this all means for me. Is this the time, a major shift to tap the science, to learn and implement their technology solutions for humans?

Q: Whats your take on the recent history of science and facts becoming more contested than ever before? Has this impacted your resolve as a Geologist?

This is a great question and has been topic of mind for a while.

Geologists, and all scientists, should never face political cynicism but we must both support and challenge each other. Facts make the truth that builds trust in our own lives as we are real stewards and leaders, to deposit more than we take in through life. These are non-debatable rules to me.

Scientists have been persecuted throughout history and I remind myself of this while Im binging on Google Earth or head down in the microscope hours on end taking pictures for the history books, but I know its going to be extremely difficult to express what infinity means and looks like to most of the world. Creating the video series is the best way I could organize the data and to let the pictures say it all backed up by my personal journey.

To begin to understand a new geological earth model, we must start with the great bombardment period 4.5-3.8 billion years ago. This period is a leading indicator of solving the Great Unconformity mystery, and my work will challenge the traditional experts. However, we will now be able to explain the missing 1.5 billion years of the geological record. The GeoVortex data produced will make the most plausible and geoscientific, Astro-geological sense model to date. When you see what I have, you can be very confident in the conclusions. It was not the microbial dominated primordial earth creation model or a sustained non-active period as some geologists claim.

Weve been taught certain ways to correlate and map sequential formations and geomorphological features but, in my experience, when you can learn to look at things differently, the things youre looking at will change because perception is an aperture, the portal to enhance learning. It seems this curiosity learning is accelerating, and Im more driven than ever searching for more wonders, but also this comes with humility in my nature to throttle myself at times.

I recall a day in June, it was early in the morning when I was on Google Earth and flew right over to the Arabian desert to find this stunningly perfect 1800 x 1300 solar system map. Its in 3D, shaped with elliptical orbit spheres, the planets are aligned exactly in color and size

and Saturn with its rings! It depicts the Asteroid belt, the Kuiper belt, the Milky Way, and a new system way beyond.

As part of my video production, I incorporate the best music to express my thoughts, and portray the gravity of the discovery. That night I found the epic classical suite The Planets, with Gustav Holst as the composer. This is public domain music, so I incorporated the art pieces in my series. I know this discovery is divine when Im able to so profoundly express and share the stellar work alongside one of the worlds most impactful artists as it seems it was composed just for this time.

There is also the concept of personal redemption, rejuvenation, the solemn trek stepping in as the stakeholder, an ambassador striving for some great humanity unification cause to comprehend and communicate what I have found, and then collaborate with the world.

Q: How important is collaboration with other scientific disciplines?

Collaboration with the STEM community is a very important aspect of the plan. I belong to a few geological groups; RMAG & WGA, and I am a member of the American Association of Advancement of Science (AAAS). The Deep Dive section and the website are geared for those people that want to step forward, who can collaborate and contribute in many ways. The amount of digital and material evidence that I have is a prime opportunity for serious researchers, universities, and private organizations to obtain the material library in rocks, skeletons and/or digital archives. I am very confident theres enough data to formulate a comprehensive global computational, predictive earth model to plan out better lives if humanly possible.

Q: What would help you further your goals?

Validation from top scientists and news outlets would help bring the Secrets of the Winds to the masses. I believe I am making history at the forefront of a new scientific breakthrough and that should interest many groups. Im inviting the worlds top researchers to examine what I have foundand critically assess its value and worth. This discovery is meant to be shared.

Q: Whats next on next for Johnny Tesone and GeoVortex?

I have a lot of incredible research. I am looking for the very best, straightforward way to release this information to the world for the greatest possible impact. My immediate goals are to:

Thank you, Johnny, for your time!

You can follow up with Johnny Tesone at or connect via Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. GeoVortex on YouTube here.

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Biotechnology Market 2021 Covering Impact of COVID-19 and SWOT Analysis by Global Top Companies UNLV The Rebel Yell – UNLV The Rebel Yell

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:09 am

Polaris Market Research has released the latest research report on the Biotechnology Market. The report is a comprehensive numerical analysis of the market and provides data to formulate strategies to improve the growth and success of the market. This Biotechnology market report provides a detailed assessment of the market highlighting different aspects such as drivers, trends, opportunities, restraints, and challenges.

This comprehensive Biotechnology market research report utilizes effective and advanced tools and techniques including SWOT analysis and Porters five forces analysis. Market reports help strengthen the organization and make better decisions to keep the business on track. This report is a compilation of comprehensive research into all aspects of the Biotechnology Market. With accurate data and highly authentic information, it has made a wonderful attempt to provide a true and transparent picture of current and future conditions in the Biotechnology market.

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AnPac Bio’s USA Laboratory Receives Accreditation from the – GlobeNewswire

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:09 am

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AnPac Bio-Medical Science Co., Ltd. (AnPac Bio, the Company or we) (NASDAQ: ANPC), a biotechnology company with operations in the United States and China, today announced that its Philadelphia, PA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certified laboratory has received accreditation from the College of American Pathologists (CAP). The U.S. federal government recognizes the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program, begun in the early 1960s, as being equal-to or more-stringent-than the governments own inspection program. During the CAP accreditation process, designed to ensure the highest standard of care for all laboratory results, inspectors examine the laboratorys records and quality control of the procedures for the preceding two years. CAP inspectors also examine laboratory staff qualifications, equipment, facilities, safety program and records, and overall management.

Anpac Bio is proud to have received this accreditation, said Dr. Pandit, the CLIA Laboratory director and CEO of Anpac Bio in the United States. The College of American Pathologists (CAP) is the gold standard in medical laboratory accreditation. Through this rigorous inspection process, CAP has certified that Anpac Bio is meeting the highest standards in quality patient care. We have strived from the beginning to lead the industry in quality and innovation. CAP certification is a major milestone along our journey to deliver on our promise of ground-breaking science and commercialization for our novel cancer differentiation analysis (CDA) technology in the United States. We know that the CAP accreditation will only communicate further to our clients, research partners, and future patients, that Anpac Bio is committed to excellence and exceptional laboratory processes.

Dr. Chris Yu, CEO and Chairman of AnPac Bio commented: AnPac Bio is proud to join an outstanding group of select laboratories globally that have received this accreditation. With the CAP accreditation of our Philadelphia laboratory, we have now consolidated our California laboratory into one single expanded ultramodern facility in the USA. The CAP Accreditation for our Philadelphia facility demonstrates that our laboratory operates at the highest standards and is another key step in delivering on our mission to detect cancer early through the power of our CDA technology.

About the College of American Pathologists

As the worlds largest organization of board-certified pathologists and leading provider of laboratory accreditation and proficiency testing programs, the College of American Pathologists (CAP) serves patients, pathologists, and the public by fostering and advocating excellence in the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine worldwide.

About AnPac Bio

AnPac Bio is a biotechnology company focused on early cancer screening and detection, with 142 issued patents as ofMarch 31, 2021. With one CLIA- and CAP-registered clinical laboratory inthe United Statesand two certified clinical laboratories inChina, AnPac Bio performs a suite of cancer screening and detection tests, including CDA (Cancer Differentiation Analysis), biochemical, immunological and genomics tests. According to a Frost & Sullivans report issued in 2020, AnPac Bio ranked third worldwide among companies offering next-generation early cancer screening and detection technologies in terms of the number of clinical samples for cancer screening and detection in 2019. The Company has a significant cancer screening and detection database consisting of approximately 43,900 clinical samples as ofMarch 31, 2021. AnPac Bios CDA technology platform has been shown in retrospective validation studies to be able to detect the risk of over 20 different cancer types with high sensitivity and specificity.

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For investor and media inquiries, please contact:

Company:Phil Case, Marketing and Investor RelationsPhone: +1-267-810-6776 (US)

Investor Relations:Ascent Investor Relations LLCTina Xiao, PresidentPhone: +1-917-609-0333 (US)

Safe Harbor Statement

This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements are made under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and are relating to the Companys future financial and operating performance. The Company has attempted to identify forward-looking statements by terminologies including believes, estimates, anticipates, expects, plans, projects, intends, potential, target, aim, predict, outlook, seek, goal objective, assume, contemplate, continue, positioned, forecast, likely, may, could, might, will, should, approximately or other words that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations, assumptions and uncertainties involving judgments about, among other things, future economic, competitive and market conditions and future business decisions, all of which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of which are beyond the Companys control. These statements also involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Companys actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statement. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors include, but are not limited to, the implementation of our business model and growth strategies; trends and competition in the cancer screening and detection market; our expectations regarding demand for and market acceptance of our cancer screening and detection tests and our ability to expand our customer base; our ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protections for our CDA technology and our continued research and development to keep pace with technology developments; our ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approvals from the NMPA, the FDA and the relevant U.S. states and have our laboratories certified or accredited by authorities including the CLIA; our future business development, financial condition and results of operations and our ability to obtain financing cost-effectively; potential changes of government regulations; general economic and business conditions in China and elsewhere; our ability to hire and maintain key personnel; our relationship with our major business partners and customers; and the duration of the coronavirus outbreaks and their potential adverse impact on the economic conditions and financial markets and our business and financial performance, such as resulting from reduced commercial activities due to quarantines and travel restrictions instituted by China, the U.S. and many other countries around the world to contain the spread of the virus. Additionally, all forward-looking statements are subject to the Risk Factors detailed from time to time in the Companys most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Because of these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions, undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements. In addition, these statements speak only as of the date of this press release and, except as may be required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-looking statements for any reason.

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Agathos Biologics Receives $900,000 from the North Dakota Bioscience Innovation Grant Program – BioSpace

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:09 am

FARGO, N.D.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Agathos Biologics, a biotechnology company developing transformational science within a strong ethical and moral framework, today announced the company has been awarded $900,000 from the North Dakota Department of Agriculture Bioscience Innovation Grant (BIG) Program. Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring announced that nine grants have been awarded totaling $4.9 million to foster the growth of the bioscience industry in North Dakota. Advances in bioscience have already transformed many sectors including agriculture and medicine, Goehring said. These grants will help North Dakota stay on the forefront of bioscience innovation.

Agathos Biologics project funded by ND BIG will focus on challenges that limit patient access to advanced genetic medicines that can significantly impact quality of lifecost, availability, and ethical concerns. Company scientists will create new materials and methods for research and biomanufacturing and use them for drug development, which will address unmet medical needs and increase the availability of genetic medicines to more patients. The company will make these products and services available to the broader biotechnology industry through direct sales and licensing, partnerships, and collaborations.

We are honored to receive this support from the State of North Dakota and thank the Commissioner and the Committee for their work on behalf of the citizens of the state, said James Brown, Chief Executive Officer of Agathos Biologics. We founded the company in North Dakota because its business-friendly environment, skilled workforce, and growing biotechnology ecosystem make it an ideal place to expand the company and achieve our goal to develop genetic medicine products and services that positively impact human health and are ethically acceptable to all.

About Agathos Biologics

Agathos Biologics is a biotechnology company pursuing transformational science in biomanufacturing, biologic payload delivery, and cell and gene therapy. Discoveries in bioprocessing and genetic characterization and control have created an abundance of scientific possibilities that can help us all lead better lives. Our mission as the good science company is to create breakthrough products and services within a strong ethical and moral framework that benefits everyone. We believe in science that serves and have a relentless focus on serving our clients, employees, and society. For more information, please visit

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Global Drug Discovery and Early Development Outsourcing Growth Opportunities – Yahoo Finance

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:09 am

The analyst presents post-COVID-19 growth opportunities and strategic imperatives for the global drug discovery and early development outsourcing market in this study, which covers research and development (R&D) efforts, market trends, key participants, drivers and restraints of market adoption, and recent mergers and acquisitions.

New York, Aug. 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Drug Discovery and Early Development Outsourcing Growth Opportunities" - The report identifies the evolving competitive landscape and initiatives taken by key contract research organizations (CRO) and contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMO) to adapt to the growing needs of pharmaceutical and biotechnology sponsors. The drug discovery and early development outsourcing market was worth $19.65 billion in 2020 and is estimated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.4% up to 2026, with North America continuing to lead the market. In terms of overall R&D expenditure, the contribution of large pharmaceutical companies is steadily declining due to their focus on leaner portfolios. In contrast, the contribution of emerging biotechnology companies to drug development has grown more than 80% since 2018. Pharmaceutical companies are directing their R&D spending mainly toward strengthening their oncology portfolio and increasing year-on-year acquisitions of clinical-stage biopharmaceutical companies focusing on oncology therapy, suggesting both the potential of new technologies and promising returns on investment for these assets. Leading CROs and CDMOs are also focused on oncology, with anticancer drugs reportedly contributing the highest to the drug development pipeline in 2020. COVID-19-related drug discovery and early development research is projected to slow down in 2022 as most projects would have advanced to the clinical research stage by then. When pandemic-related restrictions are lifted, a surge in outsourcing for the next two years is expected as companies resume their non-COVID-19 drug discovery programs that were stalled during the pandemic.In the United States and Europe, testing service providers with best-in-class good laboratory practices (GLP) and good track records are the preferred partner for completing investigational new drugsenabling studies. Global CROs may have in-house capabilities, but pharmaceutical companies still prefer independent validation from specialists to minimize the risk of failure early on in the development life cycle before moving toward regulatory filing. Key industry participants are positioning themselves to be end-to-end integrated service providers for pharmaceutical and biotechnology sponsors. The growing demand for end-to-end integrated drug discovery and development support is closing the gap that distinguishes a CRO from a CDMO. The promise of artificial intelligence in drug discovery, along with novel approaches to target undruggable RNA, is set to drive small molecule drug discovery and outsourcing while the growth in biologics is expected to boost the need for better disease models and advanced in vivo pharmacology capabilities. Exploring novel expression systems to support the urgent needs of infectious disease management is also forecast to gain momentum especially as the industry favors single-use reactors for future biotherapeutics. Author: Meghna Hiren ThakkarRead the full report:

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Global Drug Discovery and Early Development Outsourcing Growth Opportunities - Yahoo Finance

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[PDF] White Biotechnology Market size and Generated Opportunities of volume and value UNLV The Rebel Yell – UNLV The Rebel Yell

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:09 am


White bio-technology is widely used in manufacture of bio-fuels, bio-materials, and bio-chemicals. Examples of bio-chemicals include levulenic acid, butanediol, succinic acid, acrylic acid, and lactic acid. Generally, bio-fuels are prepared from carbohydrates of starch and sugar crops. Some of the bio-materials are bio-plastics and bio-polymers.


By 2027, the global white biotechnology market is forecasted to have a market capital of US$ 299.9 billion.

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Major Company Profiles Covered in This Report:Archer Daniels Midland Company, BASF SE, Cargill, Inc., Corbion N.V., Koninklijke DSM N.V, DuPont, Lesaffre, Novozymes, Fujifilm Holdings Corporation, GE Healthcare, Hitachi Medical Corporation, Hologic, Inc., iCAD, Inc., InVivo Corporation, McKesson Corporation, Merge Healthcare Incorporated (IBM), Philips Healthcare, Samsung Medison Co. Ltd., Siemens Healthcare, and Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation.


Rising adoption of bio-materials in the healthcare industry is expected to stimulate growth of the global white biotechnology market during the forecast period. In October 2019, German researchers from Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, had reported that marine bio-materials which are pre-fabricated naturally, can help in preparing a new sponge chitin-based absorbable hemostats as a substitute for cellulose-based fabrics.


Rising demand for organic food across the globe is expected to provide robust growth opportunities for companies operating in the global white biotechnology market. As per the Organic Industry Survey done by the Organic Trade Association, in 2018, the sales of organic food had increased by 5.9% to attain about US$ 47.9 billion in the U.S., and these sales accounted for 5.7% of overall food sales, a 2.3% hike from 2017.


High cost associated with bio-products as compared to traditional products is expected to obstruct growth of the global white biotechnology market. Polyactic acid can be priced about 20 to 50% more than the traditional materials. Higher cost of bio-products is due to its complex production.

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Key Takeaways

During the forecast period (2020-2027), the global white biotechnology market had a valuation of US$ 207.5 billion in 2019 and is anticipated to attain a capital of US$ 299.9 billion by 2027 with a CAGR of 4.7%. Increased adoption of bio-materials in the healthcare industry is expected to augment growth of the global white biotechnology market during the forecast period.

In 2019, the Bio-fuel segment held a commanding position in the global white biotechnology market, contributing about 34.7% of market share, which was followed by Bio-chemical and Bio-material segments, respectively. Increase in investment for production of bio-fuels along with adoption of collaborative strategies among key players in the market.

Market Trends

Companies operating in the market are having a focus on bio-diesels real-world efficacy. In February 2020, the Archer Daniels Midland Company under a collaboration for conducting a one-year project of bio-diesel technology in order to achieve fleet application of higher mileage, had declared that five trucks of the company were going to be outfitted with a technology which will allow diesel engines to operate on sustainable biodiesel, Optimus Technologies Vector fuel system.

The focus of key companies in the market on adopting merger and acquisition strategies to broaden their portfolio of products. In September 2019, BASF SE had acquired Isobionics, a natural fragrances and flavors provider.

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[PDF] White Biotechnology Market size and Generated Opportunities of volume and value UNLV The Rebel Yell - UNLV The Rebel Yell

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Study identifies 579 genetic locations linked to anti-social behavior, alcohol use, opioid addiction and more – VCU News

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:04 am

By Brian McNeill

An analysis of data from 1.5 million people has identified 579 locations in the genome associated with a predisposition to different behaviors and disorders related to self-regulation, including addiction and child behavioral problems.

With these findings, researchers have constructed a genetic risk score a number reflecting a persons overall genetic propensity based on how many risk variants they carry that predicts a range of behavioral, medical and social outcomes, including education levels, obesity, opioid use disorder, suicide, HIV infections, criminal convictions and unemployment.

[This study] illustrates that genes dont code for a particular disorder or outcome; there are no genes for substance use disorder, or for behavior problems, said joint senior authorDanielle Dick, Ph.D., Distinguished Commonwealth Professor of Psychology and Human and Molecular Genetics at Virginia Commonwealth University. Instead, genes influence the way our brains are wired, which can make us more at risk for certain outcomes. In this case, we find that there are genes that broadly influence self-control or impulsivity, and that this predisposition then confers risk for a variety of life outcomes.

The study, Multivariate Analysis of 1.5 Million People Identifies Genetic Associations with Traits Related to Self-Regulation and Addiction, was published today in the journal Nature Neuroscience and was conducted by a consortium of 26 researchers at 17 institutions in the United States and the Netherlands.

It was led by Dick;Philipp Koellinger, Ph.D., professor of social science genetics at the University of Wisconsin Madison and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam;Kathryn Paige Harden, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin; andAbraham A. Palmer, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego.

The study is one of the largest genome-wide association studies ever conducted, pooling data from an effective sample size of 1.5 million people of European descent. The researchers genetic risk score has one of the largest effect sizesa measurement of the prediction powerof any genetic risk score for a behavioral outcome to date.

It demonstrates the far-reaching effects of carrying a genetic liability toward lower self-control, impacting many important life outcomes, said Dick, a professor in the Department of Psychology in the College of Humanities and Sciences and the Department Human and Molecular Genetics in the School of Medicine at VCU. We hope that a greater understanding of how individual genetic differences contribute to vulnerability can reduce stigma and blame surrounding many of these behaviors, such as behavior problems in children and substance use disorders.

The identification of the more than 500 genetic loci is important, the researchers said, because it provides new insight into our understanding of behaviors and disorders related to self-regulation, collectively referred to as externalizing and that have a shared genetic liability.

We know that regulating behavior is a critical component of many important life outcomesfrom substance use and behavioral disorders, like ADHD, to medical outcomes ranging from suicide to obesity, to educational outcomes like college completion, Dick said.

Characterizing the genetic contributions to self-regulation can be helpful in myriad ways, she said.

It allows us to better understand the biology behind why some people are more at risk, which can assist with medication development, and it can allow us to know who is more at risk, so we can put early intervention and prevention programs in place, she said. Identifying genetic risk factors is a critical component of precision medicine, which has the goal of using information about an individuals genetic and environmental risk factors to deliver more tailored, effective intervention specific to that individuals risk profile.

The researchers noted, however, that having a higher risk profile isnt necessarily a bad thing.

For example, CEOs, entrepreneurs and fighter pilots are often higher on risk taking, Dick said. DNA is not destiny. We all have unique genetic codes, and were all at risk for something; but understanding ones predisposition can be empoweringit can help individuals understand their strengths, and their potential challenges, and act accordingly.

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Study identifies 579 genetic locations linked to anti-social behavior, alcohol use, opioid addiction and more - VCU News

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PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) Market Insights, Epidemiology and Forecast 2030: Focus on Germany, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom,…

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:04 am

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) - Market Insight, Epidemiology and Market Forecast 2030" report has been added to's offering.

The report provides current treatment practices, emerging drugs & their market share of the individual therapies and current & forecasted market sizes from 2018 to 2030 segmented by the major markets.

The report also covers current PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer symptoms treatment practice/algorithm, market drivers, market barriers, and unmet medical needs to curate the best opportunities. It assesses the underlying potential of the market.

Country-wise PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology

The epidemiology segment also provides the PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer epidemiology data and findings across the United States, EU5 (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom), Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan.

The total incident cases of PD-1 refractory patients of PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer-associated in the mentioned countries was 11,940 in 2020.

PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer Drug Chapters

The PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer report's drug chapter segment encloses the detailed analysis of PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer's early-stage (Phase I, II, and III) pipeline drugs. It also helps understand the PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer clinical trial details, expressive pharmacological action, agreements and collaborations, approval and patent details, advantages and disadvantages of each included drug, and the latest news and press releases.

PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer Emerging Drugs

Monalizumab (IPH2201): AstraZeneca/Innate Pharma

Monalizumab (IPH2201) is a potentially first-in-class immune checkpoint inhibitor targeting NKG2A receptors expressed on tumor-infiltrating cytotoxic CD8+ T-cells and NK cells. NKG2A is an inhibitory checkpoint receptor for HLA-E. By expressing HLA-E, cancer cells can protect themselves from killing by NKG2A+ immune cells. HLA-E is frequently overexpressed on cancer cells of many solid tumors and hematological malignancies.

Buparlisib: Adlai Nortye Biopharma

Buparlisib is an oral pan-PI3K inhibitor that targets all class I PI3K isoforms and is active in both hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. Buparlisib significantly inhibited tumor growth in the animal model and showed a dose-response trend in anti-PD-1 refractory tumor-bearing mice. The dose range of buparlisib was consistent with previous preclinical studies conducted with BKM120 (Buparlisib, AN2025) by Novartis.

PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer Market Outlook

The PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer market outlook helps build a detailed comprehension of the historical, current, and forecasted PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer market trends by analyzing the impact of current therapies on the market, unmet needs, drivers and barriers, and demand for better technology.

This segment gives a thorough detail of PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer market trend of each marketed drug and early-stage pipeline therapy by evaluating their impact based on the annual cost of therapy, inclusion and exclusion criteria's, mechanism of action, compliance rate, growing need of the market, increasing patient pool, covered patient segment, expected launch year, competition with other therapies, brand value, their impact on the market and view of the key opinion leaders. The calculated market data are presented with relevant tables and graphs to give a clear view of the market at first sight.

Although ICI is a successful new approach in cancer therapy, these checkpoint inhibitors may also lead to a loss of immune tolerance of healthy tissue, which results in various side effects, referred to as immune-related adverse events (irAEs). According to few references, up to one-fourth of patients on ipilimumab monotherapy and about the same percentage of patients on combined therapy suffer from severe (grade 3 or 4) enterocolitis. According to Burla (2020), overall, 15-25% of patients on single immunotherapy and about 65% of patients on combined immunotherapy suffer from grade 3 or grade 4 irAEs.

Immuno-oncology agents, including immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), have revolutionized the treatment of a range of cancer types. Checkpoint molecules suppress T-cell function through various mechanisms and are exploited by tumor cells to evade the host immune attack. ICIs counteract this immunosuppression and restore immune responses against cancer.

Key Topics Covered:

1 Key Insights

2 Report Introduction

3 PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer Market Overview at a Glance

3.1 Patient Share (%) Distribution of PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer in 2018

3.2 Market Share (%) Distribution of PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer in 2030

4 Executive Summary of PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer

5 Disease Background and Overview

5.1 Pathogenesis

5.2 Molecular Genetics of Head and Neck Cancer

5.3 Types of Head and Neck Cancer

5.4 Symptoms

5.5 Risk factors

5.6 Histopathology

5.7 Diagnosis

5.8 Staging

5.9 NCCN Guidelines

5.10 EHNSe-ESMOe-ESTRO Clinical Practice Guidelines for Squamous cell carcinoma

5.11 ESMO-EURACAN Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

6 Epidemiology and Patient Population

6.1 Key Findings

6.2 PD-1 refractory patients in 7MM, China, South Korea, and Taiwan

6.3 Epidemiology of Checkpoint Inhibitors refractory cancer

6.4 The United States

6.4.1 Head and Neck cancer diagnosed patients in the United States

6.4.2 PD-1 treated patients in the United States

6.4.3 PD-1 refractory patients in the United States

6.5 EU5

6.5.1 Germany

6.5.2 France

6.5.3 Italy

6.5.4 Spain

6.5.5 United Kingdom

6.6 Japan

6.7 China

6.8 South Korea

6.9 Taiwan

7 Organizations contributing towards PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer

8 Case Reports

9 Emerging Therapies

9.1 Key Cross Competition

9.2 NT219: TyrNovo Ltd./Purple Biotech Ltd.

9.3 ASTX727 (Decitabine and cedazuridine): AstraZeneca/Astex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

9.4 Monalizumab: AstraZeneca/Innate Pharma

9.5 Buparlisib: Adlai Nortye Biopharma

9.6 Enfortumab Vedotin: Astellas Pharma/Seattle Genetics

9.7 Cetuximab sarotalocan: Rakuten Medical

9.8 Afatinib: Boehringer Ingelheim

9.9 Nemvaleukin alfa/ALKS 4230: Alkermes

9.10 Anktiva/N-803: Alkermes

9.11 Tisotumab vedotin: Seagen Inc./Genmab

9.12 Eftilagimod alpha: Immutep S.A./Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

9.13 Voyager V-1 (VSV-IFN-NIS): Vyriad, Inc.

9.14 Sacituzumab govitecan: Immunomedics, Inc.

9.15 Ladiratuzumab vedotin: Seagen Inc.

9.16 Durvalumab + Other Therapy: AstraZeneca

9.17 KY1044: Kymab Limited

9.18 Copanlisib: Bayer

9.19 Feladilimab: GlaxoSmithKline/MedImmune LLC

9.20 BMS-986315: Bristol-Myers Squibb

9.21 Etigilimab: Mereo BioPharma

9.22 Xevinapant (Debio 1143): Debiopharm International SA

9.23 NKTR-255: Nektar Therapeutics

9.24 ABI-009: Aadi Bioscience

9.25 Relatlimab: Bristol-Myers Squibb

9.26 Lenvatinib: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. and Eisai

9.27 Aldesleukin: Clinigen

9.28 Avelumab: Pfizer

9.29 exoSTING: Codiak BioSciences

9.30 OC-001: Ocellaris Pharma

9.31 Atezolizumab: Genentech

10 PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer: 7 Major Market Analysis

10.1 Key Findings

10.2 Market Size of PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer in 7MM, China, South Korea, and Taiwan

10.3 Market Outlook

11 KOL Views

12 Market Drivers

13 Market Barriers

14 SWOT Analysis

15 Unmet Needs

16 Appendix

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PD-1 Resistant Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) Market Insights, Epidemiology and Forecast 2030: Focus on Germany, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom,...

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Another tool in the box: Creation of a molecular dimmer switch advances gene editing – HDBuzz

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:04 am

By Dr Leora Fox August 30, 2021 Edited by Dr Sarah Hernandez

A team of scientists recently created an innovative genetic system where a drug taken by mouth could be used to control the action of a gene editor, like those used in CRISPR systems. This has useful applications for research studies in cells and animals, and perhaps most importantly, could lead to improvements in the safety and accuracy of future gene therapies in humans. The technology can be applied broadly for studying genes and diseases, and was developed by researchers with HD expertise, incorporating a drug that is relevant to HD. Though actual clinical trials are a long way off, the company that has recently licensed the technology has an existing interest in HD.

Although the methods for delivery of gene therapies have improved vastly in recent years, it hasnt yet been possible to control the actions of those therapies once they reach their targets in the brain or other parts of the body. Ideally, when modifying human genetics, wed want to be able to fine-tune things like the location of the genetic change, the amount of change that occurs at once, and the ability to stop the change in surrounding cells if it proves harmful those last two have proved to be a particular challenge in gene editing, until now.

A recently developed genetic switch system, dubbed Xon, addresses some of these challenges in a novel way. It was created by a team of scientists led by Beverly Davidson at the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, joined by researchers at the pharmaceutical company Novartis. The idea behind Xon was to create a gene editing technology that could be precisely delivered and then controlled over time using a drug that acts like an on/off switch.

Imagine a red traffic light that is on all the time, and can only be disabled with a special tool. Theres no way to move forward until the red light turns off. With the Xon system, scientists can put a stoplight in front of any gene, by inserting the gene and the stoplight together into a genetic package and delivering it to cells in a dish or in a living animal. The new gene is present but inactive, meaning it cant produce messages or proteins, until the stoplight is removed. But when a particular drug reaches the cell, it acts as the tool that turns off the genetic stoplight, activating the gene.

The reason that this is an exciting scientific innovation is that the Xon system allows researchers to insert a gene and turn it on and off by simply adding a drug to a dish of growing cells, or by giving the drug to a research animal. This could be a new way to understand what happens when there is too much or too little of a given gene or protein, or to create a disease model to easily explore genetic interventions at different time points during aging.

In a recent publication in the journal Nature, Davidsons team tested the technology using a variety of genes involved in neurodegenerative diseases and cancers to show that their levels could be controlled based on when and how much of the stoplight-disabler drug was given.

Even more interesting is the potential application of the Xon system to technologies like CRISPR and the future of gene editing as a therapeutic. This recent paper demonstrates the ability of the Xon system to be combined with CRISPR-Cas9 technology, for more precise control of CRISPR editing using a drug fed to mice. Davidsons team demonstrated this using an artificial gene that can make a mouses liver cells glow green. But ultimately the hope is that it could be applied to human therapies.

A system that can help us gain better control of CRISPR gene editing is an exciting prospect because it provides more hope of safely adapting this technology for future medicines. This is not currently possible for most diseases, because direct, irreversible changes to human DNA can have drastic consequences. We wrote recently about the first ever successful safety trial of a CRISPR drug for a human disease that commonly affects the liver. Although it would be marvelous in theory to cut out or correct the HD gene in people, the knife-like CRISPR system almost always leads to additional unwanted changes in other genes. This is why weve so often emphasized that gene editing needs to come a long way before we can apply it to the treatment of human brain cells, which cant be regenerated like cells in the liver.

Coupling Xon with a CRISPR-Cas9 system that targets a disease gene (like the HD gene) would mean that an oral drug could turn the gene editor on and off. The dose could also be adjusted to control the amount of gene editing not just acting as a tool to disable the red stoplight, but also acting as a dimmer switch for precise regulation. Most importantly for safety, if anything went awry, the treatment could be stopped to prevent further changes to their DNA. Right now this is all theoretical, because the Xon system and other gene editing dimmer switches are in early developmental stages. Nevertheless, this publication hints at the possibility of applying it to therapies in people, and Novartis has licensed the Xon technology.

First and foremost, we know that HD is caused by a change to a single gene, so it has always been a prime candidate for genetic therapies, and dozens of researchers and companies worldwide are developing innovative solutions to treat HD at its source. HDBuzz (and HD researchers) always have an eye out for new technologies that improve upon existing methods. Furthermore, the leaders of the team that published the recent Nature paper are respected HD researchers who have devoted much of their careers to the development of gene therapies.

However, the main reason this publication has popped up as news for the HD community is that the Xon system actually relies on an existing drug to flip the gene editing switch and that drug is none other than branaplam. Yep, branaplam, the oral drug developed to treat children with SMA, which Novartis will soon be testing in clinical trials for adults with Huntingtons disease.

This does not mean that Xon gene editing has any part in upcoming trials for HD. It simply means that branaplam, a drug with genetic cut-and-paste abilities, forms part of an elegant new system that can be adjusted to control the activity of any gene scientists want to study. Dimmer switch systems for gene editing could potentially be designed to use a completely different drug, but in these early experiments, Xon and its precise control with branaplam has stood up to many tests of flexibility and accuracy.

The Xon system is a really cool early-stage technology, and though its not ready to be applied to human treatments, it is a novel element of the gene editing toolbox. Furthermore, it was created by researchers with HD expertise, and has now been licensed by a major pharmaceutical company which is already invested in HD therapeutics. That bodes well for its continued development in the study and potential treatment of HD and related genetic disorders.

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Health experts: third Covid vaccination strongly recommended for high-risk groups – Radio Prague

Posted: August 31, 2021 at 2:04 am

Presently over 5.6 million people have been fully vaccinated against Covid in the Czech Republic, which is more than 50 percent of the population of 10.7 million.

In addition to that, a study conducted by Masaryk University in Brno concluded that around half of the adult Czech population may already have been infected with the virus and developed antibodies.

However, another study, carried out by the organization Podan ruce, suggests that six months after vaccination, up to 60 percent of Czech seniors have significantly lower or no antibodies.

In view of the accelerated spread of the more contagious Delta variant of Covid expected in the autumn, the Czech Vaccinology Society and other expert medical groups are strongly recommending that all high-risk groups to get a booster shot.

That includes not only seniors, but also people with a weakened immune system, such as cancer patients or those who have had organ or stem cell transplants.

Ilja St is the vice-president of the Czech Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology:

The elderly are definitely one of the risk groups. Therefore, the strategy everywhere in the world has been to vaccinate this group as soon as possible. This also means that they have the longest time between vaccinations.

We still have no idea how long the protection against a severe infection will last. It could be a year or possibly longer, but for some individuals, the period could be significantly shorter.

Jan Paes|Photo: archive of Jan Paes

However not all experts agree that the Covid-19 booster shots are a priority right now. Jan Paes from the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Academy of Sciences told Czech Radio that the state should rather focus on the unvaccinated:

Here in the Czech Republic we still have quite a lot of people from the high risk groups who havent been vaccinated at all. That is a more pressing problem than administering the third dose.

According to the plan outlined by Health Minister Adam Vojtch, seniors and other high-risk people will received one of the mRNA vaccines produced either by Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna. This type of vaccine makes up more than 80 percent of all doses administered in the Czech Republic.

People vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine will receive the mRNA as a third dose, while people vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson's single-dose vaccine will receive it as a second dose.

According to the health ministrys plan, the third dose should be administered by GPs and at vaccination points in hospitals. People can receive it no sooner than eight months after their last jab.

The Covid-19 re-vaccination is expected to cover about three million people in the Czech Republic and will continue to be voluntary.

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