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EDITORIAL: COVID response from EBCI should be praised – The Cherokee One Feather – Cherokee One Feather

Posted: February 23, 2021 at 3:47 am


There has been much said in America about the federal, state, and municipal rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. The reviews from various communities have been mixed. Many feel that somewhere in the supply chain of the vaccine, the distribution of the much-needed vaccines has not been handled with the care and expediency that could have prevented more illness, suffering, and death.

As you look at the municipalities surrounding the Qualla Boundary, you see slow movement through the age-based phases of inoculation in local populations. Some municipalities are still not through their 65-plus age group with pre-existing conditions. And while all may continue to practice the protection practices that we have all but memorized, washing, waiting, and wearing, most of us understand that the vaccines are the pathway to returning to normal community health through herd immunity from COVID-19.

Our EBCI (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians) Public Health and Human Services Division (PHHS) and Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority (CIHA) have been two of the most responsive and engaged health organizations in Indian Country and America. Early in the pandemic, the government of the Tribe ordained these organizations to lead medical decisions and recommend municipal measures to contain and control the pandemic.

They have led by issuing preventative measures and feeding educational materials to the public. They established a Joint Information Council (JIC) that has steadily and consistently provided information to the public. This JIC is comprised of leaders from various departments charged with community services. In addition to CIHA and PHHS, JIC participants include school administrative officers, transportation officers, leaders from the Cherokee Boys Club, emergency services, the police department, the Communications Division, and the Chiefs office.

The CIHA and PHHS have been organizing and leading the way on all aspects of the COVID response since February 2020. Preplanning had taken place well in advance of the inoculation rollout. As the rollout progressed, tribal members reported a well-organized operation, with no long waits, cordial services, and excellent care. The vast majority of those vaccinated have reported mild to no ill effects from the vaccines. The efforts even extended to a day-long vaccination clinic at the Tribal Bingo Hall that netted approximately a thousand more beginning the process to immunity from COVID-19. And there are already signs that things are improving regarding the number of new infections and people needing isolation and quarantine. While health officials at a national level continue to warn that we are not out of the woods quite yet, the efforts of our Tribal health organizations have certainly brought us closer to a return to normalcy.

This is not the time to listen to or participate in gossip and unfounded speculation. All the data and science is pointing us in the direction of widespread vaccination. Our health care professionals were some of the first people to voluntarily take the vaccine. And some of our most treasured tribal members, our elders, were advised by their caretakers and families to take the vaccine. It is illogical to think that our community leaders would recommend a medicine that would be harmful to the community. All are entitled to opinion, but it is dangerous to the community to distort or misrepresent facts.

The Cherokee One Feather applauds the efforts of our medical, public health, and tribal leadership in the measures taken to protect the mental and physical health of our Tribe. We thank all the essential workers throughout the Tribe, including all those in Fire and Emergency Management, Cherokee Police Department, Sanitation, food service institutions, and the many others who provide services to the community. We concur with those entities in the believe that vaccinations are safe and necessary to the health of our Tribe. We join them in urging all who are eligible to schedule an appointment to get vaccinated and when called to keep their appointment. The vaccine is the best hope for protecting ourselves and our community from continued pain and suffering.

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EDITORIAL: COVID response from EBCI should be praised - The Cherokee One Feather - Cherokee One Feather

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Bloodletting was once practiced in Highland County – Hillsboro Times Gazette

Posted: February 23, 2021 at 3:47 am

There have been some questionable medical practices in the history of the United States. One popular practice, though, involved the letting of blood to leave the body, through practices like using live leeches and piercing and draining blood.

Bloodletting was around long before Highland County physicians used it in their practices. Ancient Greek and Roman doctors used bloodletting as a preventative measure and a treatment for common illnesses such as pneumonia and smallpox, but it was also used in an attempt to decrease inflammation before surgeries and even treat cancer. When a patient showed symptoms of an illness, physicians might suggest that excessive blood be removed to balance the body. This didnt do much and often even worsened the patients condition.

An interesting chapter of bloodletting includes the infamous parasitic water-dwellers leeches. Leeches used in bloodletting were allowed to feed on the skin of the host because the bloodletting would be simpler and cleaner than puncturing the skin in traditional practices. Interestingly enough, leech therapy is actually used today and may help certain chronic conditions. Leeching was much more uncommon than regular bloodletting, but it still manages to pop up in period newspapers as a recommended treatment.

Ironically enough, Highland County papers criticized ancient doctors on their medical practices, stating, We sorrow over the stupidity of the Dark Ages, when leeches and the barber were one, according to an 1884 article titled The Domestic Doctor. In the past, barbers would both perform medical procedures and grooming services. The classic barbers pole outside many shops today is said to represent the grisly history of barbers the cap at the top represents where the leeches were held on the original pole, the basin at the bottom held collected blood, and the colors explained what services the barbers were prepared for that day.

Red stood for bloodletting and leeching; white was for setting bones, pulling teeth, or bandaging an injury; and blue indicated just a shave.

In Highland County, bloodletting was seen as a last resort in medical treatments toward the end of the 1800s and beginning of the 1900s. The News-Herald in Hillsboro recognized bloodletting in a 1909 article as a medical practice of the ancient world that was still in use at the time (and considered to be effective). There were many side effects to bloodletting, such as the obvious nutrient deficiencies and possibility of infection from open sores, so it was seen as an option to be saved only if the medicine prescribed didnt work.

Bloodletting is no longer practiced for good reason. Advancements in science and technology reduce the need for drastic procedures to treat common ailments, and we can look back at this pseudoscience and appreciate advances in modern medicine.

Isabella Warner is a stringer for The Times-Gazette.

Information for this story came from:;; and

This picture shows bloodletting being practiced in Vaermland, Sweden in 1918.

Treatment was discontinued in late 1880s, early 1900s

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Bloodletting was once practiced in Highland County - Hillsboro Times Gazette

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COVID-19 Impact on Medical Wellness Market Identify Which Types of Companies Could Potentially Benefit or Loose out From the Impact of COVID-19 -…

Posted: February 23, 2021 at 3:47 am

Complete study of the global Medical Wellness market is carried out by the analysts in this report, taking into consideration key factors like drivers, challenges, recent trends, opportunities, advancements, and competitive landscape. This report offers a clear understanding of the present as well as future scenario of the global Medical Wellness industry. Research techniques like PESTLE and Porters Five Forces analysis have been deployed by the researchers. They have also provided accurate data on Medical Wellness production, capacity, price, cost, margin, and revenue to help the players gain a clear understanding into the overall existing and future market situation.

Key companies operating in the global Medical Wellness market include _, Massage Envy, Steiner Leisure Limited, World Gym, Fitness World, Universal Companies, Beauty Farm, VLCC Wellness Center, Nanjing Zhaohui, Edge Systems LLC, HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD, Golds Gym International, Bon Vital, Kaya Skin Clinic, The Body Holiday, Kayco Vivid, Arashiyu Japanese Foot Spa, Enrich Hair & Skin, WTS International, Biologique Recherche, Guardian Lifecare, Healthkart

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Segmental Analysis

The report has classified the global Medical Wellness industry into segments including product type and application. Every segment is evaluated based on growth rate and share. Besides, the analysts have studied the potential regions that may prove rewarding for the Medical Wellness manufcaturers in the coming years. The regional analysis includes reliable predictions on value and volume, thereby helping market players to gain deep insights into the overall Medical Wellness industry.

Global Medical Wellness Market Segment By Type:

Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Beauty Care and Anti-Aging, Preventative & Personalized Medicine and Public Health, Healthy Eating, Nutrition & Weight Loss, Rejuvenation, Other

Global Medical Wellness Market Segment By Application:

, Franchise, Company Owned Outlets

Competitive Landscape

It is important for every market participant to be familiar with the competitive scenario in the global Medical Wellness industry. In order to fulfil the requirements, the industry analysts have evaluated the strategic activities of the competitors to help the key players strengthen their foothold in the market and increase their competitiveness.

Key companies operating in the global Medical Wellness market include _, Massage Envy, Steiner Leisure Limited, World Gym, Fitness World, Universal Companies, Beauty Farm, VLCC Wellness Center, Nanjing Zhaohui, Edge Systems LLC, HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD, Golds Gym International, Bon Vital, Kaya Skin Clinic, The Body Holiday, Kayco Vivid, Arashiyu Japanese Foot Spa, Enrich Hair & Skin, WTS International, Biologique Recherche, Guardian Lifecare, Healthkart

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1 Market Overview of Medical Wellness1.1 Medical Wellness Market Overview1.1.1 Medical Wellness Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Medical Wellness Market Size Overview by Region 2015 VS 2020 VS 20261.3 Global Medical Wellness Market Size by Region (2015-2026)1.4 Global Medical Wellness Historic Market Size by Region (2015-2020)1.5 Global Medical Wellness Market Size Forecast by Region (2021-2026)1.6 Key Regions Medical Wellness Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.1 North America Medical Wellness Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.2 Europe Medical Wellness Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.3 China Medical Wellness Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.4 Rest of Asia Pacific Medical Wellness Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.5 Latin America Medical Wellness Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.6.6 Middle East & Africa Medical Wellness Market Size YoY Growth (2015-2026)1.7 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19): Medical Wellness Industry Impact1.7.1 How the Covid-19 is Affecting the Medical Wellness Industry1.7.1.1 Medical Wellness Business Impact Assessment Covid- Supply Chain Challenges1.7.1.3 COVID-19s Impact On Crude Oil and Refined Products1.7.2 Market Trends and Medical Wellness Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape1.7.3 Measures / Proposal against Covid- Government Measures to Combat Covid-19 Impact1.7.3.2 Proposal for Medical Wellness Players to Combat Covid-19 Impact 2 Medical Wellness Market Overview by Type2.1 Global Medical Wellness Market Size by Type: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.2 Global Medical Wellness Historic Market Size by Type (2015-2020)2.3 Global Medical Wellness Forecasted Market Size by Type (2021-2026)2.4 Complementary and Alternative Medicine2.5 Beauty Care and Anti-Aging2.6 Preventative & Personalized Medicine and Public Health2.7 Healthy Eating, Nutrition & Weight Loss2.8 Rejuvenation2.9 Other 3 Medical Wellness Market Overview by Type3.1 Global Medical Wellness Market Size by Application: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20263.2 Global Medical Wellness Historic Market Size by Application (2015-2020)3.3 Global Medical Wellness Forecasted Market Size by Application (2021-2026)3.4 Franchise3.5 Company Owned Outlets 4 Global Medical Wellness Competition Analysis by Players4.1 Global Medical Wellness Market Size (Million US$) by Players (2015-2020)4.2 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) (based on the Revenue in Medical Wellness as of 2019)4.3 Date of Key Manufacturers Enter into Medical Wellness Market4.4 Global Top Players Medical Wellness Headquarters and Area Served4.5 Key Players Medical Wellness Product Solution and Service4.6 Competitive Status4.6.1 Medical Wellness Market Concentration Rate4.6.2 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 5 Company (Top Players) Profiles and Key Data5.1 Massage Envy5.1.1 Massage Envy Profile5.1.2 Massage Envy Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.1.3 Massage Envy Products, Services and Solutions5.1.4 Massage Envy Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.1.5 Massage Envy Recent Developments5.2 Steiner Leisure Limited5.2.1 Steiner Leisure Limited Profile5.2.2 Steiner Leisure Limited Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.2.3 Steiner Leisure Limited Products, Services and Solutions5.2.4 Steiner Leisure Limited Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.2.5 Steiner Leisure Limited Recent Developments5.3 World Gym5.5.1 World Gym Profile5.3.2 World Gym Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.3.3 World Gym Products, Services and Solutions5.3.4 World Gym Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.3.5 Fitness World Recent Developments5.4 Fitness World5.4.1 Fitness World Profile5.4.2 Fitness World Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.4.3 Fitness World Products, Services and Solutions5.4.4 Fitness World Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.4.5 Fitness World Recent Developments5.5 Universal Companies5.5.1 Universal Companies Profile5.5.2 Universal Companies Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.5.3 Universal Companies Products, Services and Solutions5.5.4 Universal Companies Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.5.5 Universal Companies Recent Developments5.6 Beauty Farm5.6.1 Beauty Farm Profile5.6.2 Beauty Farm Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.6.3 Beauty Farm Products, Services and Solutions5.6.4 Beauty Farm Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.6.5 Beauty Farm Recent Developments5.7 VLCC Wellness Center5.7.1 VLCC Wellness Center Profile5.7.2 VLCC Wellness Center Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.7.3 VLCC Wellness Center Products, Services and Solutions5.7.4 VLCC Wellness Center Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.7.5 VLCC Wellness Center Recent Developments5.8 Nanjing Zhaohui5.8.1 Nanjing Zhaohui Profile5.8.2 Nanjing Zhaohui Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.8.3 Nanjing Zhaohui Products, Services and Solutions5.8.4 Nanjing Zhaohui Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.8.5 Nanjing Zhaohui Recent Developments5.9 Edge Systems LLC5.9.1 Edge Systems LLC Profile5.9.2 Edge Systems LLC Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.9.3 Edge Systems LLC Products, Services and Solutions5.9.4 Edge Systems LLC Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.9.5 Edge Systems LLC Recent Developments5.10 HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD5.10.1 HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD Profile5.10.2 HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.10.3 HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD Products, Services and Solutions5.10.4 HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.10.5 HEALING HOTELS OF THE WORLD Recent Developments5.11 Golds Gym International5.11.1 Golds Gym International Profile5.11.2 Golds Gym International Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.11.3 Golds Gym International Products, Services and Solutions5.11.4 Golds Gym International Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.11.5 Golds Gym International Recent Developments5.12 Bon Vital5.12.1 Bon Vital Profile5.12.2 Bon Vital Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.12.3 Bon Vital Products, Services and Solutions5.12.4 Bon Vital Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.12.5 Bon Vital Recent Developments5.13 Kaya Skin Clinic5.13.1 Kaya Skin Clinic Profile5.13.2 Kaya Skin Clinic Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.13.3 Kaya Skin Clinic Products, Services and Solutions5.13.4 Kaya Skin Clinic Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.13.5 Kaya Skin Clinic Recent Developments5.14 The Body Holiday5.14.1 The Body Holiday Profile5.14.2 The Body Holiday Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.14.3 The Body Holiday Products, Services and Solutions5.14.4 The Body Holiday Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.14.5 The Body Holiday Recent Developments5.15 Kayco Vivid5.15.1 Kayco Vivid Profile5.15.2 Kayco Vivid Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.15.3 Kayco Vivid Products, Services and Solutions5.15.4 Kayco Vivid Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.15.5 Kayco Vivid Recent Developments5.16 Arashiyu Japanese Foot Spa5.16.1 Arashiyu Japanese Foot Spa Profile5.16.2 Arashiyu Japanese Foot Spa Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.16.3 Arashiyu Japanese Foot Spa Products, Services and Solutions5.16.4 Arashiyu Japanese Foot Spa Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.16.5 Arashiyu Japanese Foot Spa Recent Developments5.17 Enrich Hair & Skin5.17.1 Enrich Hair & Skin Profile5.17.2 Enrich Hair & Skin Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.17.3 Enrich Hair & Skin Products, Services and Solutions5.17.4 Enrich Hair & Skin Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.17.5 Enrich Hair & Skin Recent Developments5.18 WTS International5.18.1 WTS International Profile5.18.2 WTS International Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.18.3 WTS International Products, Services and Solutions5.18.4 WTS International Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.18.5 WTS International Recent Developments5.19 Biologique Recherche5.19.1 Biologique Recherche Profile5.19.2 Biologique Recherche Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.19.3 Biologique Recherche Products, Services and Solutions5.19.4 Biologique Recherche Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.19.5 Biologique Recherche Recent Developments5.20 Guardian Lifecare5.20.1 Guardian Lifecare Profile5.20.2 Guardian Lifecare Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.20.3 Guardian Lifecare Products, Services and Solutions5.20.4 Guardian Lifecare Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.20.5 Guardian Lifecare Recent Developments5.21 Healthkart5.21.1 Healthkart Profile5.21.2 Healthkart Main Business and Companys Total Revenue5.21.3 Healthkart Products, Services and Solutions5.21.4 Healthkart Revenue (US$ Million) (2015-2020)5.21.5 Healthkart Recent Developments 6 North America Medical Wellness by Players and by Application6.1 North America Medical Wellness Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)6.2 North America Medical Wellness Market Size by Application (2015-2020) 7 Europe Medical Wellness by Players and by Application7.1 Europe Medical Wellness Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)7.2 Europe Medical Wellness Market Size by Application (2015-2020) 8 China Medical Wellness by Players and by Application8.1 China Medical Wellness Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)8.2 China Medical Wellness Market Size by Application (2015-2020) 9 Rest of Asia Pacific Medical Wellness by Players and by Application9.1 Rest of Asia Pacific Medical Wellness Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)9.2 Rest of Asia Pacific Medical Wellness Market Size by Application (2015-2020) 10 Latin America Medical Wellness by Players and by Application10.1 Latin America Medical Wellness Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)10.2 Latin America Medical Wellness Market Size by Application (2015-2020) 11 Middle East & Africa Medical Wellness by Players and by Application11.1 Middle East & Africa Medical Wellness Market Size and Market Share by Players (2015-2020)11.2 Middle East & Africa Medical Wellness Market Size by Application (2015-2020) 12 Medical Wellness Market Dynamics12.1 Industry Trends12.2 Market Drivers12.3 Market Challenges12.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis 13 Research Finding /Conclusion 14 Methodology and Data Source14.1 Methodology/Research Approach14.1.1 Research Programs/Design14.1.2 Market Size Estimation14.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation14.2 Data Source14.2.1 Secondary Sources14.2.2 Primary Sources14.3 Disclaimer14.4 Author List

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QYResearch always pursuits high product quality with the belief that quality is the soul of business. Through years of effort and supports from huge number of customer supports, QYResearch consulting group has accumulated creative design methods on many high-quality markets investigation and research team with rich experience. Today, QYResearch has become the brand of quality assurance in consulting industry.

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COVID-19 Impact on Medical Wellness Market Identify Which Types of Companies Could Potentially Benefit or Loose out From the Impact of COVID-19 -...

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Delivering value-based care with digital innovation | Interview – Healthcare Global – Healthcare News, Magazine and Website

Posted: February 23, 2021 at 3:47 am

While Richard Queen has spent most of his life working in healthcare operations, he began his career as a general accountant working in manufacturing. Since 2008 he's worked in the healthcare sector in a variety of roles, starting as a Budget Analyst for King's Daughters Medical Center in Kentucky. He held several positions here, eventually becoming the Director of Finance and Business Intelligence, where he was in charge of finding and implementing new business opportunities, including provider practice acquisitions.

This led to his next move: becoming the Chief Financial Officer for Huntington Internal Medicine Group (HIMG), a large multi-specialty independent medical group based in Huntington, West Virginia. Queen says it was this job that set him onto his current career path, designing the prototype of the software he's now implemented at Memorial Health. "We started entering risk-based contracts with our payers," he says. "We stood up a Medicare ACO from scratch, became fully capitated with one of our payers, and entered into many value-based contracts. I wrote a system to help us be successful in those contracts."

As a result, HIMGs primary care revenue grew by 10 per cent year on year, and their preventative care increased from 15 to 80 percent. "By closing those care gaps we got the largest gain sharing checks from our payers that we had received, all while offering first class patient care," he says.

Queen then completely redesigned the software for it to be enterprise scalable; it is now a commercially available product with DignifiHealth, called DignifiEngage, and forms the intelligence backbone of an ecosystem of virtual healthcare technologies.

After spending a couple of years as the VP of Data Science at Medical Practice Management Solutions in Huntington, he joined Memorial Health System in April 2020. "They were interested in what my software could do," he explains. "They had tried population health initiatives before and didn't find the success they wanted. So I came to Memorial to stand up a custom version of the software I'd created, and then drive initiatives across the organization from a population health and quality-based standpoint."

As a leader, he doesn't micromanage, preferring instead to look for self-starters and prepare them for leadership roles. "I like to think at the high-level, setting the vision, but then I like to get my hands dirty, working alongside anybody else, punching out the code that takes us where we need to go."

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Delivering value-based care with digital innovation | Interview - Healthcare Global - Healthcare News, Magazine and Website

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Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) Market Size 2021 | Global Industry Share, Business Boosting Strategies, CAGR Status, Growth Opportunities, and…

Posted: February 23, 2021 at 3:46 am

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New Jersey, United States,- The latest market research report entitled Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) Market has systematically compiled the main components of Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market research. The report provides an in-depth study of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market, highlighting the latest growth trends and dynamics of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market. The report is intended to assist the readers with an accurate assessment of the current and future Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market scenarios.

Industrie Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) expects significant growth over the forecast period and shows a robust CAGR. According to the latest research report published by Verified Market Reports, the development of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market is largely supported by the significantly increasing demand for products and services in this industry. A detailed Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) overview of market valuation, earnings estimates, and market statistics is an integral part of the report. Hence, the aim of the report is to help readers really understand the competitive spectrum of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market. He also draws attention to the important expansion strategies of the leading market players in order to strengthen their position in the global market.

Competitive Analysis:

The report presents business mechanisms and growth-oriented approaches used by leading companies in this Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market. The report highlights numerous strategic initiatives, such as new deals and partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, product launches, and technology upgrades, that have been carried out by leading market players to gain strong market positions. Therefore, this section includes company profiles of the key players, cumulative total revenue, product sales, profit margins, product prices, sales and distribution channels, and industry analysis.

The report covers the following key players in the Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) Market:

Novo Nordisk Wyeth Genentech Amgen Abbott Laboratories Eli Lily Pfizer Merck & Co. Novartis Mylan Laboratories Bayer

Segmentation of Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) Market:

The Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market report has been segmented into Types, Applications, and End-users. It provides the market share of each segment participating in the Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market. Companies operating in this market have a thorough understanding of the fastest-growing segment. That way, they can identify their target customers and allocate their resources wisely. Segment analysis helps create the perfect environment for engagement, customer loyalty, and acquisition. This section will help companies operating in the Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market identify key areas of intervention while making their strategic investments.

By the product type, the market is primarily split into:

By the application, this report covers the following segments:

Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) Market Report Scope

Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) Geographic Market Analysis:

The latest business intelligence report analyzes the Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market in terms of market reach and customer base in key geographic market regions. The Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market can be geographically divided into North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. This section of the report provides an accurate assessment of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) market presence in the major regions. It defines the market share, market size, sales, distribution network and distribution channels for each regional segment.

Key Points of theGeographical Analysis:

** Data and information on consumption in each region** The estimated increase in consumption rate** Proposed growth in market share for each region** Geographic contribution to market income** Expected growth rates of the regional markets

Key Highlights of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt)Market Report:

** Analysis of location factors** Raw material procurement strategy** Product mix matrix** Analysis to optimize the supply chain** Patent analysis** R&D analysis** Analysis of the carbon footprint** Price volatility before commodities** Benefit and cost analysis** Assessment and forecast of regional demand** Competitive analysis** Supplier management** Mergers and acquisitions** Technological advances

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Hormone Replacement Therapy (Hrt) Market Size 2021 | Global Industry Share, Business Boosting Strategies, CAGR Status, Growth Opportunities, and...

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North America Osteoporosis Treatment Market to Reach USD 8.29 Billion with 6.6% CAGR by 2027; Increasing Prevalence of Osteoporosis to Stoke Demand:…

Posted: February 23, 2021 at 3:46 am

Pune, India, Feb. 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The North America osteoporosis treatment market size is expected to gain momentum by reaching USD 8.29 billion by 2027 while exhibiting a CAGR of 6.6% between 2020 and 2027. This is attributable to the increasing prevalence of osteoporosis and the growing number of government approvals for the therapeutic drugs that are propelling the demand in the North America osteoporosis treatment options. Fortune Business Insights in its latest report, mentions that the market stood at USD 5.18 billion in 2019.

COVID-19 Impact: Market to Experience a Sluggish Growth at 2.3% CAGR in 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the healthcare systems and hospitals to divert their complete focus on treating people suffering from the disease. In contrast, several elective medical procedures and osteoporosis treatment appointments have either been cancelled or postponed. Based on our analysis, the North America Osteoporosis Treatment Market will exhibit a slow growth at 2.3% CAGR in 2020 due to the aforementioned reasons. However, the market will return to normalcy once the pandemic is over.

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What does the Report Provide?

The North America Osteoporosis Treatment Market report provides an in-depth analysis of several factors such as the key drivers and restraints that will have an impact on the market. Furthermore, the report includes significant insights into the regional insights that include different regions, which are contributing to the market growth. It includes the competitive landscape involving the leading companies and the adoption of strategies by them to introduce new products, announce partnerships, collaborate, and acquire other companies that will contribute to the market growth during the forecast period. Moreover, the research analyst has adopted several research methodologies such as Porters five forces analysis to obtain information about the current trends and industry developments that will drive the market growth between 2020 and 2027.

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Presence of Established Players in the U.S. to Feed Market Growth

Geographically, the U.S market stood at USD 4.98 billion in 2019 and is expected to hold the highest position in the North American market in the forthcoming years. This is ascribable to factors such as presence of established players such as AbbVie Inc., Pfizer Inc., and Amgen Inc. that play a pivotal role in the North America osteoporosis treatment solutions development.

The market in Canada is anticipated to experience considerable growth backed by the increasing prevalence of osteoporosis and supportive government policies to educate the people regarding therapeutic treatment solutions between 2020 and 2027.

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Parenteral Segment to Showcase Exponential Growth

Based on the route by administration, the parenteral segment is expected to hold a significant North America osteoporosis treatment market share due to increasing R&D activities by the healthcare companies to develop novel parenteral drugs during the forecast period.

List of the Companies Profiled in the Market:

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North America Osteoporosis Treatment Market Segmentation

By Drug Class


Hormone Replacement Therapy

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERMs)

RANK ligand (RANKL) Inhibitor


By Route of Administration



By Distribution Channel

Hospitals Pharmacies

Retail Pharmacies & Stores

Online Pharmacies

By Geography

The U.S.


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Press Release:

North America Osteoporosis Treatment Market to Reach USD 8.29 Billion with 6.6% CAGR by 2027; Increasing Prevalence of Osteoporosis to Stoke Demand:...

Posted in Hormone Replacement Therapy | Comments Off on North America Osteoporosis Treatment Market to Reach USD 8.29 Billion with 6.6% CAGR by 2027; Increasing Prevalence of Osteoporosis to Stoke Demand:…

Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market 2021-2026 Share, Regions and Growth Analysis by Top Companies, Novartis, Mylan Laboratories,…

Posted: February 23, 2021 at 3:46 am

The Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Research Report describes the fundamental involvement of the industry that consists of, major company profiles, product classification, cost of the product, growth rate, current scenario of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) industry, along with advanced and technological development, and product enhancement. The global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market is primarily categorized on the grounds of top-most market players, type of product, applications, and regions. Regions covered under the worldwide Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)industry include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa. In-depth study of the global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market focuses on the CAGR structure, that has projected a supplementary expansion towards XX% CAGR and hype of XXMillion USD over the next five years.

To Get Premium Quality Sample copy of the Report: Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Report 2021-2026 Download Sample

Top Key Players covered,

NovartisMylan LaboratoriesGenentechBayerAmgenWyethAbbott LaboratoriesNovo NordiskEli LilyPfizerMerck & Co.

This report covers all the recent development and changes recorded during the COVID-19 outbreak.

This report contributes an overall summary of the global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market, including work perspectives, market strategies, assembles data related to various business firms, its year of establishment, contact information, market outline, sales return, industry segments, business most prestigious location and geographical presence. In addition, the global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market report implicates financial usage, the quantity of product, chain format, demand and supply ratio. The report favors a variety of business styles followed by marketing sectors and distributors of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) industry.

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By the product type, the market is primarily split into:


By the application, this report covers the following segments:

MenopauseHypothyroidismMale HypogonadismGrowth Hormone DeficiencyOthers

Taking everything into account, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market will offer a in-depth and clear perspective on the industry during 2021-2026 to help the players in settling on the correct decisions which will prompt productivity and business advancement.

In addition, it focuses on the key trends that are anticipated to empower the framework of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market, upgrades and conveys market details to explore primary market inclinations. The worldwide Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) advertise report is characterized based on type, end users, and regions. It likewise gives top to bottom data related to profit generation region wise of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market.

Market Overview:

Research Methodology Conducted For The Analysis of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Industry:

Outline Of Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market 2020

Browse Detailed TOC of The Report at:,-types,-applications,-countries,-market-size,-forecast-to-2026-(based-on-2020-covid-19-worldwide-spread)/73774#table_of_contents

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Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market 2021-2026 Share, Regions and Growth Analysis by Top Companies, Novartis, Mylan Laboratories,...

Posted in Hormone Replacement Therapy | Comments Off on Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market 2021-2026 Share, Regions and Growth Analysis by Top Companies, Novartis, Mylan Laboratories,…

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market 2021 Revenue Share, SWOT Analysis, Product Types, Analysis and Forecast Presumption till 2027 – NY Market…

Posted: February 23, 2021 at 3:46 am

This report additionally covers the effect of COVID-19 on the worldwide market. The pandemic brought about by Coronavirus (COVID-19) has influenced each part of life all inclusive, including the business segment. This has brought along a several changes in economic situations.

This report focuses on the Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market trends, future forecasts, growth opportunities, key end-user industries, and market players. The objectives of the study are to present the key developments of the market across the globe.

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Abbott Laboratories, Novartis, Pfizer, Mylan Laboratories, Merck & Co., Amgen, Novo Nordisk, Bayer, Eli Lily, Wyeth, Genentech

By Type:

Oral, Parenteral, Transdermal, Others

By Application:

Menopause, Hypothyroidism, Male Hypogonadism, Growth Hormone Deficiency, Others

Additionally, the report serves as a convenient guide to design and implement potential growth steering activities across select regional pockets in the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market. Frontline players and their effective growth strategies are also enlisted in the report to emulate growth.

North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)

Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)

Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)

Latin America (Brazil, Rest of L.A.)

Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of Middle East)

Customization of this Report: This Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market report could be customized to the customers requirements. Please contact our sales professional ([emailprotected]), we will ensure you obtain the report which works for your needs.

Key Questions Answered in this Report:

What is the outlook for the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)industry? This report has over a dozen market forecasts (2020 and the next 5 years) on the industry, including total sales, a number of companies, attractive investment opportunities, operating expenses, and others.

What industry analysis/data exists for the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)industry? This report covers key segments and sub-segments, key drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges in the market and how they are expected to impact the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)industry. Take a look at the table of contents below to see the scope of analysis and data on the industry.

How many companies are in the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)industry? This report analyzes the historical and forecasted number of companies, locations in the industry, and breaks them down by company size over time. The report also provides company rank against its competitors with respect to revenue, profit comparison, operational efficiency, cost competitiveness, and market capitalization.

What is the market size of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)industry? This report covers the historical market size of the industry (2013-2020), and forecasts for 2020 and the next 5 years. Market size includes the total revenues of companies.

What are the financial metrics for the industry? This report covers many financial metrics for the industry including profitability, Market value- chain, and key trends impacting every node with reference to the companys growth, revenue, return on sales, etc.

What are the most important benchmarks for the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)industry? Some of the most important benchmarks for the industry include sales growth, productivity (revenue), operating expense breakdown, span of control, organizational make-up. All of which youll find in this market report.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market OverviewChapter 2 Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Competition by Players/Suppliers, Type and ApplicationChapter 3 United States Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) (Volume, Value and Sales Price)Chapter 4 China Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) (Volume, Value and Sales Price)Chapter 5- Europe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) (Volume, Value and Sales Price)Chapter 6 Japan Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) (Volume, Value and Sales Price)Chapter 7 Southeast Asia Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) (Volume, Value and Sales Price)Chapter 8 India Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) (Volume, Value and Sales Price)Chapter 9 Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Players/Suppliers Profiles and Sales DataChapter 10 Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 11 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 12 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 13 Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 14 Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Forecast (2020-2025)Chapter 15 Research Findings and ConclusionChapter 16 Appendix

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Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market 2021 Revenue Share, SWOT Analysis, Product Types, Analysis and Forecast Presumption till 2027 - NY Market...

Posted in Hormone Replacement Therapy | Comments Off on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market 2021 Revenue Share, SWOT Analysis, Product Types, Analysis and Forecast Presumption till 2027 – NY Market…

US Markets Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Size 2021 Demand, Global Trend, News, Business Growth, Top Key Players Update, Business…

Posted: February 23, 2021 at 3:46 am

This report additionally covers the effect of COVID-19 on the worldwide market. The pandemic brought about by Coronavirus (COVID-19) has influenced each part of life all inclusive, including the business segment. This has brought along a several changes in economic situations.

The Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market report gives a complete analysis of the global market size, Market Classification, Geographic Scope on both regional and country-level, segment growth, market share, Market Estimation, Barriers/Challenges, competitive landscape, sales analysis, impact of domestic and global market players, value chain optimization, trade regulations, recent developments, Business Overview, SWOT analysis, strategic market growth analysis, product launches, and technological innovations.

Top Companies in this report includes:Abbott Laboratories, Novartis, Pfizer, Mylan Laboratories, Merck & Co., Amgen, Novo Nordisk, Bayer, Eli Lily, Wyeth, Genentech

Check How COVID-19 impact on this Market. Need Sample with TOC? Click here:

Market Segmentation of Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoOral, Parenteral, Transdermal, Others

On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingMenopause, Hypothyroidism, Male Hypogonadism, Growth Hormone Deficiency, Others

Report Overview:

Evaluation of the manufacturing cost of products and the pricing structure followed by the market is mentioned in the report. The report compares this knowledge about the market aspects with the current state of the market and discusses the forthcoming trends that have brought market progression.

A market overview section in the report demonstrates the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market trends and dynamics that contains the opportunities, deployment models, future roadmap, value chain, market drivers, and restraining factors of the current and future market. In addition, upstream and downstream buyers, chain structure, market volume, and sales revenue are also covered.

The global market is classified by material, type, and end-use industry, and regions in this report. Dominating players joined with their market share are highlighted in the report. The well-established players in the market are:

Geographical provincial information will help you in focusing on all the best-performing locales. The regions are extensively analyzed with respect to every parameter of the geographies in question, comprising,

The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters:

Chapter 1,to describe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks.

Chapter 2,to profile the top manufacturers of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in 2018 and 2019.

Chapter 3,the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast.

Chapter 4,the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2015 to 2020.

Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9,to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2015 to 2020.

Chapter 10 and 11,to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2015 to 2020.

Chapter 12,Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2020 to 2025.

Chapter 13, 14 and 15,to describe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.

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The research methodology chapter is a perfect combination of primary research, secondary research and expert panel reviews. Secondary sources involve annual reports, investor presentations, company websites, government documents, internal and external proprietary databases, regulatory databases, government publications, and statistical databases.

Information about mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and all the other important activities appeared in the market during the present and past few years has also been delivered in this report. After a brief overview of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market,the report provides the whole feasibility of upcoming projects and finally adds the research conclusion.

Customization of the Report:This report can be customized to meet the clients requirements. Please connect with our sales team ([emailprotected]), who will ensure that you get a report that suits your needs.

In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market:

In the report, the market outlook section mainly encompasses fundamental dynamics of the market which include drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges faced by the industry. Drivers and restraints are intrinsic factors whereas opportunities and challenges are extrinsic factors of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market.


1 Market Definition

1.2 Market Classification1.3 Geographic Scope1.4 Years Considered for the StudyHistorical Years 2018Base Year 2019Forecasted Years 2020 to 20271.5 Currency Used

2 RESEARCH COMPONENTOLOGY2.1 Research Framework2.2 Data Collection Technique2.3 Data Sources2.3.1 Secondary Sources2.3.2 Primary Sources2.4 Market Estimation Component2.4.1 Bottom Up Approach2.4.2 Top Down Approach2.5 Data Validation and Triangulation2.5.1 Market Forecasting Model2.5.2 Limitations/Assumptions of the Study


4 MARKET DYNAMICS ASSESSMENT4.1 Overview4.2 Drivers4.3 Barriers/Challenges4.4 Opportunities

5 GLOBAL Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) MARKET ANALYSIS & FORECAST, BY Type5.1 Type I5.2 Type II5.3 Type III

6 GLOBAL Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) MARKET ANALYSIS & FORECAST, BY Application6.1 Application I6.2 Application II

7 GLOBAL Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) MARKET ANALYSIS & FORECAST, BY END-USER7.1 End User I7.2 End User II7.3 End User III


8.1 North America Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market8.1.1 North America Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market, By Country8.1.1.1 US8.1.1.2 Canada8.1.2 North America Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By Component8.1.3 North America Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By Patient Type8.1.4 North America Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By End-User8.2 Europe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market8.2.1 Europe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market, By Country/Region8.2.1.1 Germany8.2.1.2 U.K. France8.2.1.4 Rest of Europe (ROE)8.2.2 Europe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By Component8.2.3 Europe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By Patient Type8.2.4 Europe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By End-User8.3 Asia Pacific Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market8.3.1 Asia Pacific Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market, By Country/Region8.3.1.1 China8.3.1.2 Japan8.3.1.3 India8.3.1.4 Rest of Asia Pacific (RoAPAC)8.3.2 Asia Pacific Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By Component8.3.3 Asia Pacific Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By Patient Type8.3.4 Asia Pacific Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By End-User8.4 Rest of the World (ROW) Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market8.4.1 Rest of the World Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market, By Region8.4.1.1 Latin America8.4.1.2 Middle East & Africa8.4.2 Rest of the World Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By Component8.4.3 Rest of the World Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By Patient Type8.4.4 Rest of the World Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Analysis & Forecast, By End-User

9 COMPANY PROFILES(Business Overview, Components Offered, Financial Performance*, Recent Developments)

.. to be Continued

List of tables

List of Tables and Figures

Figure Product Picture of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Table Product Specification of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Table Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Key Market Segments

Table Key Players Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Covered

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Size, 2015 2027

Table Different Types of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Value ($) Segment by Type from 2015-2020

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Share by Types in 2019

Table Different Applications of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Value ($) Segment by Applications from 2015-2020

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Share by Applications in 2019

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Share by Regions in 2019

Figure North America Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Production Value ($) and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Figure Europe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Production Value ($) and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Figure Asia Pacific Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Production Value ($) and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Figure Middle East and Africa Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Production Value ($) and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Figure South America Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Production Value ($) and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Table Global COVID-19 Status and Economic Overview

Figure Global COVID-19 Status

Figure COVID-19 Comparison of Major Countries

Figure Industry Chain Analysis of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Table Upstream Raw Material Suppliers of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) with Contact Information

Table Major Players Headquarters, and Service Area of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Figure Major Players Production Value Market Share of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in 2019

Table Major Players Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Product Types in 2019

Figure Production Process of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Figure Manufacturing Cost Structure of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Figure Channel Status of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Table Major Distributors of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) with Contact Information

Table Major Downstream Buyers of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) with Contact Information

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Value ($) by Type (2015-2020)

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Value Share by Type (2015-2020)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Value Share by Type (2015-2020)

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Production by Type (2015-2020)

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Production Share by Type (2015-2020)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Production Share by Type (2015-2020)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Value ($) and Growth Rate of Software (2015-2020)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Value ($) and Growth Rate of Services (2015-2020)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Price by Type (2015-2020)

Figure Downstream Market Overview

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Consumption by Application (2015-2020)

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Consumption Market Share by Application (2015-2020)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Consumption Market Share by Application (2015-2020)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Consumption and Growth Rate of Healthcare Providers (2015-2020)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Consumption and Growth Rate of Healthcare Payers (2015-2020)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Consumption and Growth Rate of Life Sciences Industry (2015-2020)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Figure Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Revenue (M USD) and Growth (2015-2020)

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Sales by Regions (2015-2020)

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Sales Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Revenue (M USD) by Regions (2015-2020)

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Revenue Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Revenue Market Share by Regions in 2015

Table Global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Revenue Market Share by Regions in 2019

Figure North America Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Figure Europe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Figure Asia-Pacific Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Figure Middle East and Africa Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Sales and Growth Rate (2015-2020)

Go here to see the original:
US Markets Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Size 2021 Demand, Global Trend, News, Business Growth, Top Key Players Update, Business...

Posted in Hormone Replacement Therapy | Comments Off on US Markets Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Size 2021 Demand, Global Trend, News, Business Growth, Top Key Players Update, Business…

Why the World Rugby guidelines banning trans athletes from the women’s game are reasonable – The Conversation AU

Posted: February 23, 2021 at 3:46 am

In 2020, World Rugby undertook a painstaking policy process to address the issue of transwomen in rugby. This led to guidelines that exclude transwomen from competing in womens rugby at the World Cup level the first international sports federation to do so.

The new guidelines dont exclude transwomen from rugby completely, of course: they just specify that players must compete in the category of their birth sex, for reasons of safety and fairness.

Though controversial, the guidelines are fair, reasonable and supported by evidence. They offer the best way forward, not just for rugby, but for other sports.

I participated in the global symposium in London where the guidelines were debated, as an expert on sports ethics. Im a philosopher rather than a sports scientist, and Ive done work for both the World Anti-Doping Agency and the International Olympic Committee in the past.

Many advocates for trans inclusion in the womens game believe the right way to address this issue is to balance fairness against safety. But in this recently published paper drawn from my presentation to the London symposium I argue such a balancing approach is seriously wrong. Instead, organisations like World Rugby should adopt a lexical priority approach.

Read more: Better locker rooms: It's not just a transgender thing

What does that mean? From the possible set of rules that exist, it means first selecting those that are safe, then the safe rules that are also fair, then the safe and fair rules that are maximally inclusive.

This approach first, do A, then B, then C is better than an opaque attempt to balance all three at the same time.

So much for the method. But what about the science? And how do they fit together?

Theres been a flurry of recent papers on the participation of transwomen in sport. In this one, which also was presented in London, developmental biologist Emma Hilton and sports scientist Tommy Lundberg review a large range of studies, and show the effect of hormone replacement therapy for transwomen is much less than would be needed to ensure a level playing field.

In short, transwomen retain large male advantages in terms of muscle mass, strength, VO2 Max (maximal oxygen uptake) and other relevant metrics.Another recent study by paediatrics specialist Timothy Roberts and others, looks at US military personnel trained and fit people subject to monthly physiological tests and comes to similar conclusions.

And in data presented by World Rugby, biomechanical modelling studies suggest that, in the womens game, transgender players create head and neck forces 20-30% greater than elite womens rugby players as a result of mass differences alone. This suggests a potential risk of injury to female players from transwomen players.

Lets plug this into a lexical methodology. From the evidence, it doesnt look as if transwomen competing in womens rugby is safe. The increased forces generated by transwomen significantly raise the risk of serious and catastrophic injury to female players.

That should be enough, on its own, to make the guidelines appropriate for a collision sport like rugby. But lets go on, for the sake of other sports, and talk about fairness.

When it comes to fairness, there are two arguments what I call the advantage argument and the range argument.

Read more: World Rugby's ban on trans players has nothing to do with so-called 'fairness'

The advantage argument says womens sport is justified by the existence of the physiological advantages that being born male provides to men. Womens sport necessarily involves the exclusion of those with male advantage. Thats the point of the category.

According to the range argument, however, lots of male-born people, including transwomen, are in the range of females. This means they are not necessarily faster or stronger than the fastest or strongest female athletes just because they were born male.

So, if transwomen are in the range of female athletes, then their inclusion in sport is still fair, right?

Wrong. The range argument rests on a misunderstanding of womens sport. It is not a category for people who are a bit smaller, slower and weaker than the top males. It isnt justified by performance or body metrics, but by the absence of a particular sort of advantage.

So the range argument is beside the point. If we are to have two classes of sport male and female then the division is justified by the existence of male advantage. Those who claim male advantage (including residual male advantage for transwomen) doesnt matter are actually arguing for unisex sport.

It is crucial to know then if male advantage is retained after a transgender athlete transitions. And the studies by Hilton, Lundberg and Roberts all show, conclusively, that male advantage is still there.

The evidence from the World Rugby deliberations is now in, and most of it can be read, analysed and subjected to critique by anyone.

While there will be no changes before the Tokyo Olympics, the IOC is currently in consultation with international sport federations over the inclusion of transgender athletes, each with their own particular concerns.

The question is whether the IOC and other international federations respond to the latest research, or if they will continue to keep their heads in the sand.

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Why the World Rugby guidelines banning trans athletes from the women's game are reasonable - The Conversation AU

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