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Global Alternative Medicine Market Proceeds To Witness Huge Upswing Over Assessment Period by 2025 – SpinazzolaLive

Posted: December 14, 2020 at 5:58 pm

The globalAlternative Medicineresearch report presents obligatory facts and statistics on trends & developments. It highlights technologies & capacities, materials & markets, and unpredictable structure of the globalmarket. Moreover, major Alternative Medicine market players such as Medigenics, Herb Pharma, Deepure Plus, Pure encapsulations, Nordic Naturals, Helio USA, Herbal Hills, Thorne Research, Pacific Nutritional are covered in the report.

The report offers best approaches to assess the global Alternative Medicine market and props up the preventative and deliberated organization. It discloses the realistic facts and widespread assessment of the global Alternative Medicine market. The report emphasizes fundamental synopsis of the global industry, embracing categorizations, applications, explanations, and manufacturing chain structure. The study also analyzes a comprehensive inference of the market and includes important insights, industry-authenticated figures, and facts of the global market.

Sample of global Alternative Medicine Market Report at::

Furthermore, the research study assesses the principal aspects of the Alternative Medicine market that engages growth rate, cost, capacity, revenue, demand, gross, capacity utilization rate, market share, consumption, export, production, supply, import, price, gross margin, and so on. The study utilizes numerous analytical techniques in the analysis of the Alternative Medicine market research to achieve comprehensive statistics. It also includes the evaluation of the global industry players and their market scope.

The global Alternative Medicine market research report emphasizes on the assessment of its diverse segments Herbal supplements, Nutraceuticals Supplements, Others and main geographies. The profound analysis of the market demonstrates the established market developments & trends and key factors impelling the market growth. The research study also highlights various Alternative Medicine market projections, drivers, restraints, and market framework for each region along with its sub-segments Men, Women.

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Following are major Table of Content of Alternative Medicine Market Report:

1. Industry Overview of Alternative Medicine.2. Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Alternative Medicine market.3. Specialized Information and Manufacturing Plants Investigation of Alternative Medicine.4. Capacity, Production and Revenue Analysis.5. Price, Cost, Gross and Gross Margin Analysis of Alternative Medicine by Regions, Types and Manufacturers.6. Consumption Volume, Consumption Value and Sale Price Analysis of Alternative Medicine industry by Regions, Types and Applications.7. Supply, Import, Export and Consumption Analysis of Alternative Medicine Market.8. Major Manufacturers Analysis of Alternative Medicine industry.9. Marketing Trader or Distributor Analysis of Alternative Medicine.10. Industry Chain Analysis of Alternative Medicine.11. Development Trend Analysis of Alternative Medicine Market.12. New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis of Alternative Medicine.13. Conclusion of the Alternative Medicine Industry.

Additionally, the market study emphasizes the leading Alternative Medicine market players ruling globally with a summary of the key factors such as sales, contact details, product specifications & pictures, and market share. The assessment also represents the forecasts and historical facts & figures that make the Alternative Medicine report an incredibly precious reference for marketing, counselors, industry administrative, sales & product managers, analysts, and other individuals hunting for essential industry data. The Alternative Medicine report is available in willingly handy scripts with outstandingly demonstrated tables, figures, and graphs.

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Global Alternative Medicine Market Proceeds To Witness Huge Upswing Over Assessment Period by 2025 - SpinazzolaLive

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Could warning labels on soda reduce consumption? –

Posted: December 14, 2020 at 5:58 pm

The researchers say the potential of the tactic used for years in tobacco control efforts is only just beginning to be understood in the beverage industry. They hope their findings could help inform public legislation in this area.

"The results of this study indicate that warning labels may be effective tools for reducing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, particularly beverages such as sweetened teas, pink lemonade and chocolate milk for which the sugar content is not immediately obvious or well known," said Cindy Leung, assistant professor of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and lead author of the study.

Reducing sugar in soft drinks particular hidden sugar that consumers are unaware of or that acts as empty calories in drinks has been a priority for public health initiatives and the beverage industry in recent years.

Legislation efforts from the public health side have focused on taxation: with jurisdictions such as Boulder, Albany, Berkeley, San Francisco, Seattle and Philadelphia all introducing sugar taxes (others, however, have rejected sugar taxes or brought in pre-emptive bans on such taxes).

The idea of warning labels, while not new, has received less attention. San Francisco passed the US first law mandating a warning label on soda ads in 2015, but last year the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled the law was unconstitutional and infringed on brands right to commercial speech under the First Amendment.

The beverage industry, meanwhile, has always questioned the effectiveness of sugar taxes; while in 2015 it was the American Beverage Association which posed one of the first challenges to San Francisco's warning label law.

Other efforts to reduce sugar consumption from sugar-sweetened beverages include limiting or banning the availability of drinks and/or their advertising in schools or educational settings; and innovation from manufacturers in low or no sugar alternatives.

In the University of California, Davis, study published this month in The Journal of Nutrition and partly funded by the National Institutes of Health - researchers placed warning labels on beverage dispensers at a University of Michigan cafeteria for one semester in 2019. The bright yellow labels displayed a large triangle and exclamation mark, stating: "Warning: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and tooth decay."

Two other cafeterias in separate areas of the campus served as control sites, with no such warnings displayed on beverages.

Nearly 1,000 college students were contacted by email before and after the warning labels were implemented to ask them to participate in surveys with no specific mention of sugar-sweetened beverages. Participants were given a $10 gift card after completing each survey.

In total, 840 students across all cafeterias were included in the study. At the intervention site, consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks that had the warning label declined by 18.5% (compared to a decline of 4.7% at the control sites where no label was used). Students exposed to the warning labels also reduced their consumption of fruit juice by 21%, even though juices had not been labeled as sugar-sweetened beverages.

"Results of this intervention demonstrate that SSB warning labelsled to a 14.5% reduction in consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages amongcollege students, which was driven by significant declines inconsumption of fruit drinks, sweetened teas, and flavoredmilk,"write the researchers in the study.

Furthermore, the warning labels were considered acceptable by students.

"The vast majority of students at the intervention site also reportedpositive or neutral attitudes toward the sugar-sweetened warning labels.

"Together, these findings suggest that the warning labels are anacceptable and appropriate way to curb the consumption ofsugar-sweetened beverages, particularly where added sugars areless obvious, unlike regular sodas which have been the target ofpublic health programs and policies for years."

Consumption of diet soda did not change over the course of the study.

Eight US cities and states have proposed warning labels for sugar-sweetened beverages. San Francisco's Board of Supervisors is moving forward with amending its ordinance; while Baltimore, Washington, New York State, Vermont, Massachusetts, Hawaii and California have all proposed similar legislation (none of these have, as yet, moved forward in the legislative process).

The researchers suggest that data, such as from their study, could help inform strategies.

"Sugar-sweetened beverages remain ubiquitous in retail and cafeteria settings. As we explore avenues to promote healthy food and beverage choices, warning labels are a potential tool to reduce their consumption that should be tested in other populations and other settings, say the authors of the UC Davis study.

"These results provide evidence to inform future institutional strategies... and legislative efforts to use warning labels as a promising approach to sugar-sweetened beverage consumption.

Earlier this year, researchers at Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis on the impact of sugar-sweetened beverage warning labels. They found that warnings on sugar-sweetened beverages were effective in dissuading consumers from choosing them: with labels using graphics having the most impact.

Meanwhile, an article published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine in April evaluated warning policies in light of existing health and safety warnings on consumer products and the First Amendment; suggesting warnings on labels and at point of sale may pose fewer First Amendment concerns than on advertisements.

Source:Journal of Nutrition,'Warnings labels reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake among college students'.

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The Impact of COVID on Hospital Operations: Physician Perspective – GovTech

Posted: December 14, 2020 at 5:58 pm

(TNS) - When cases of the novel coronavirus first emerged in the United States, concerns over whether the nation's health-care system had the capacity to care for mass quantities of sick individuals loomed large.

And as leaders grappled with how hospitals could treat a growing pool of COVID-19 patients, other facets of the health-care system were altered or paused.

At Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Montana, elective procedures ranging from cosmetic surgeries to routine cancer screenings were back-burnered in March, as they were at hospitals nationwide. Dr. Randall Zuckerman, chairman of Kalispell Regional's Department of Surgery and physician director of its surgical service line, said this was done primarily to conserve personal protective equipment (PPE).

"There are three major issues that impact our ability to deal with COVID and those are PPE, testing and hospital beds and the staff that manage them," Zuckerman said. "Upfront we were really worried about PPE because the global supply chain had run dry. When that happened all of the specialty societies, including the American College of Surgeons, came out with a very strong recommendation to stop elective surgery. So we stopped everything."

The decision also prompted Zuckerman and other surgeons within his unit to switch to what he called a "Team B approach." Instead of having the department's eight surgeons working at once, only two surgeons would work for a week at a time while the other six were sent home.

"There were still emergency surgeries that had to be performed. So what we were trying to avoid was all of us possibly coming down with COVID at the same time," Zuckerman explained. "At that point we didn't understand the magnitude of the virus. We didn't understand what would happen if you operated on someone who inadvertently got COVID."

The decision to halt elective procedures, which hospital leadership at the time said likely would cost Kalispell Regional millions, is just one example of how the pandemic has infiltrated nearly every arm of health care. And according to Zuckerman and other hospital leaders, one would be hard-pressed to find a piece of the industry that hasn't been impacted by the virus.

ZUCKERMAN IS one of three Kalispell Regional physicians recently interviewed by the Daily Inter Lake with the goal to better understand how COVID-19 has directly or indirectly affected day-to-day operations. Dr. Cory Short, a hospitalist trained in internal medicine and physician lead for the acute-care services line, and Dr. Adam Smith, a family medicine specialist and physician lead for the primary care service line, also were interviewed. All three physicians, who each oversee hundreds of employees within their respective service lines, said COVID-19 has been a nine-month learning curve, and it's one that has impacted each of their departments uniquely.

For example, Zuckerman said the ebb and flow of beds and PPE availability, as well as strain on staff, will be his deciding factors on whether non-emergency procedures are once again altered. He said PPE is no longer a concern at this point and his attention is now focused on hospital bed capacity and how many staff are quarantined due to symptoms or exposure.

"Just a little while ago we were running into bed troubles, and it was a function of both absolutely bed availability as well as staffing," Zuckerman said. "We were running at more than 100% capacity for a period of time and then we had a bunch of staff who were unavailable. So there was probably a three-week stretch where we thought seriously about canceling elective surgeries again."

The dedicated COVID unit at the hospital can comfortably fit around 30 patients. But for stretches in October and November, Flathead City-County Health Department data showed hospitalizations exceeded or hovered just below that number. Zuckerman added that aside from the COVID unit, he is watching emergency room capacity.

"The most unpredictable part is how many people will come through the emergency room, and that fluctuates daily. So then what we have is bodies sort of competing for the same beds." he said. " But honestly, the nurses, the CNAs and other folks over there are doing a fantastic job and are keeping the wheels spinning. To my knowledge, since starting services back up, we haven't had to cancel a surgery yet."

Zuckerman also noted there are certain routine screening procedures he would like to continue offering in-person. The reason for this is two-fold, with the first being to avoid an increase in patients exhibiting late-stage diseases something of which he and others experienced an influx after elective services started ramping back up in May.

Zuckerman pointed to colonoscopies as one example, which often allow doctors to spot small polyps and remove them before they become cancerous. He also said the cancellations prompted some delays in chemotherapy for those who had been diagnosed with cancer.

"If you stop all screening and treatments, there are downstream, detrimental effects to that," he pointed out. "And it may take awhile to see those effects, but this concern sort of runs true across a multitude of medical problems."

The second reason for Zuckerman wanting to maintain various in-person visits is the desire to maintain better relationships with his patients. He said in the past nine months the hospital's telehealth services have been used more frequently and while that technology has its benefits, he would rather report initial test results, namely cancer diagnoses, face-to-face.

"It's tough to deliver those results when you're not in the same room," Zuckerman said. "These conversations are usually complex and can be scary and it's hard for people to hear that information on the phone or via a computer."

Some of Zuckerman's concerns align with those expressed by Smith, who works as a primary care physician in Polson and Kalispell. Smith said not being able to closely monitor patients with chronic diseases is a major worry of his.

"There are a lot of preventative services that we offer in primary care that we certainly don't want to see delayed," Smith said. "That can be anything from colonoscopies to mammograms, which help us locate tumors before they become enlarged."

Smith also said he has lost some of his doctor-to-patient intimacy. As a primary care physician, he often has the opportunity to work with the same patients year after year, which allows him to bond with them and more deeply understand their needs. Smith said a few patients he has treated for more than a decade died from COVID-19-related complications.

"We care for people in all aspects of life, from birth to death," Smith said. "But it's certainly been hard to watch patients that you've cared for for so long be lost to this virus."

WHILE ASPECTS of the pandemic have challenged the world of primary care, a COVID-19-related shift in Smith's responsibilities has allowed him to witness health-care high points as well.

Smith has extensive experience working in rural settings and has functioned as a liaison between Kalispell Regional and critical-access hospitals in remote areas including Libby, Shelby, Polson and Ronan.

"We have really focused on how we can support these clinics, whether that's with education efforts, staffing or taking in critical patients," Smith said. "These small rural hospitals have less bench strength than we do, so situations like COVID tend to take a bigger toll on them. The teamwork I've seen has been incredible."

He highlighted one instance when a critical-access hospital had to send the vast majority of its staff home to quarantine, so Kalispell Regional helped organize and send over additional medical personnel. Smith said it has been fascinating to watch this level of teamwork play out not only at a local level, but on a global scale as well.

"The health-care industry typically has a competitive edge to it, but a lot of that has gone out the window with COVID," Smith said. "It's been interesting to watch hospitals collaborate on this and share what has worked for them and what hasn't."

Smith has also played an instrumental role in establishing Kalispell Regional's respiratory screening facilities. He said the pop-up resources, which prompted the hospital to bring on numerous additional staff members, have been vital in helping Flathead County understand its outbreak, especially after Kalispell Regional established in-house testing earlier this fall. Smith said the hospital has been regularly testing over 3,000 people per week since the testing platforms became fully operational in late October.

"Being able to identify this illness early so we can intervene sooner has really been helpful in testing and battling COVID here in Montana and it's a novelty that most of the state has not had," Smith said.

For Short, the quick turnaround in testing also has greatly benefited his emergency department's ability to organize and treat patients in a fast-moving environment. The in-house lab is able to provide results in about 48 hours, which helps Short and others not only have a better sense of how many patients are actually COVID-positive, but whether any staff members are infected as well.

WHILE SMITH and Zuckerman have dealt with various aspects of COVID-19, Short has been in the throes of treating positive patients directly since March.

He said the hospital's emergency department actually experienced a decline in patient activity at the start of the pandemic, as many other hospitals did. Short explained this was largely due to the public fearing exposure at the hospital.

"What we were seeing, for example, were patients who had actually experienced stroke symptoms several days prior to coming in and were then being admitted with advanced chest pain and heart complications after the fact," Short said. "So this started us down a major road of educating the public, telling people if they need emergency services, it's safe to come here, we have the necessary protocols in place."

Short said after the Flathead Valley experienced a dip in new cases around April and May, it didn't take long for emergency activity to pick back up. While the department typically sees around 50 to 60 patients per day, he estimated that number was closer to 70 to 80 visits over the summer and into the fall. The increase was due in part to the tourist season, but he also said the department was experiencing a noticeable bump in patients experiencing respiratory complications.

SHORT SAID the pandemic has been a marathon for both health-care workers and the community. And while he hopes the population is rounding into one of the final legs of that marathon with the upcoming shipment COVID-19 vaccine, he said it feels as though they still have a ways to go.

"We started off at a sprint and then transitioned into this marathon mode and that's really hard for everyone to sustain. The biggest challenge we face right now is endurance," Short said. "At the hospital level, we are tired. Fatigue is certainly settling in among staff. And at the community level, you know, we are all social creatures. We want to be with each other, we want to commune together and to continue having the discipline to not is really hard."

Smith and Zuckerman seconded this, saying they anticipate it will be difficult for others to continue practicing COVID-19 protocols in the coming months as Montana nears its one-year mark fighting the virus. All three physicians also agreed that they have never experienced anything like this pandemic in their lifetimes.

"I think many physicians, depending on what capacity they played in this response, would tell you this is perhaps the most challenging time of their career. I include myself in that," Short said. "It will be interesting to see how this virus has changed our society two, five or 10 years down the road. By then we will have known what worked, what didn't, and hopefully we will all come out stronger on the other side of that."

Reporter Kianna Gardner can be reached at 758-4407 or

(c)2020 the Daily Inter Lake (Kalispell, Mont.)

Visit the Daily Inter Lake (Kalispell, Mont.) at

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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Honey for Face Wash: Should You Use It? – Healthline

Posted: December 14, 2020 at 5:58 pm

You may be used to drizzling honey over oatmeal or in your tea. However, the trend today is to slather it on your face. Really.

People are searching for ways to use honey for face wash, and you can find how-to videos for honey face masks on TikTok and Instagram.

It may seem odd at first. You may be wondering why you would put something super sticky and full of sugar on your skin. Wouldnt that lead to breakouts (and a mess in your bathroom)?

Well, according to some, using honey on your face may lead to smooth, moisturized, blemish-free skin.

We dove into the research and talked to expert dermatologists to find out: Should everyone start using honey for face wash?

Whether its a tried-and-true skin care regimen, how often you wash your hair, or the cosmetics youre curious about, beauty is personal.

Thats why we rely on a diverse group of writers, educators, and other experts to share their tips on everything from the way product application varies to the best sheet mask for your individual needs.

We only recommend something we genuinely love, so if you see a shop link to a specific product or brand, know that its been thoroughly researched by our team.

Using honey as face wash isnt something beauty bloggers invented. People have used honey for its skin benefits for ages.

Legend has it, Cleopatra used a mask made of milk and honey on her face. Indigenous tribes in Burkina Faso also use honey to clean their skin.

Many other cultures use honey topically to treat wounds, eczema, and other skin conditions. This includes Ayurvedic medicine, Persian traditional medicine and Quranic medicine.

All of these people were and are on to something. Honey has many powerful properties, says New York City-based cosmetic dermatologist Michele Green, MD. According to research, honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and humectant (moisturizing) properties.

The antibacterial properties make it good as both treatment and prevention for acne, Green explains. This is credited to the hydrogen peroxide in honey, although the amount varies among honey types.

Honeys anti-inflammatory powers come from antioxidants that help calm irritated skin, says Konstantin Vasyukevich, MD, a facial plastic surgeon and rejuvenation expert based in New York City.

And since honey has humectant effects, it may help keep skin looking younger, or at least smoother.

Lastly, honey contains natural enzymes that help remove dead skin cells and reduce redness, Green says.

Its important to note that most cosmetic products contain only up to 10 percent honey.

That doesnt seem like much, but it may still have an effect. As a natural remedy, honey is certainly not as effective in the treatment of medical skin conditions as a prescription medicine would be. However, it can be an effective remedy for someone with a mild skin condition or as a preventative treatment, Vasyukevich says.

It is generally safe to use honey on your skin, since it is great for people with acne [or] eczema. It is even safe for patients with sensitive skin, Green says.

However, consider testing the honey or product on a small area of your skin before applying it all over your face.

If you notice any redness, itching, or swelling when testing it, wash the honey or product off with soap and water. Then, Green recommends applying a topical hydrocortisone cream. Do not continue using the honey or product.

You may be having an irritant or allergic reaction to the honey itself or another ingredient. Consider contacting the manufacturer of the product to learn exactly what it contains. This can help you identify the culprit.

If you are curious about using honey on your face, you have options. Some users swear by applying raw honey directly to their skin and letting it sit for 510 minutes before washing it off.

Others prefer to create a face mask by mixing the honey with other ingredients, such as yogurt, matcha tea powder, or oats. Green shares this honey face mask recipe:

Finally, you can find a variety of skin care products (such as those below) that contain honey. The concentration of honey in these may be very low. So, it may be hard to tell if any benefits you experience are due to the honey or other ingredients.

If you wish to DIY your skin care, keep in mind that each variety of honey has different levels of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. So, you may see different results depending on which honey youre using.

That said, many recommend Manuka honey, which has been shown to have higher antibacterial activity compared to other types of honey. Many brands add cane sugar or corn syrup to their honey. In a 2018 study of 118 honey samples, 27 percent were of questionable authenticity.

Consider buying local honey. Or use the True Source Honey tool to look up the UPC of a product and verify if its certified as pure.

Not interested in a DIY project? Consider these skin care products that contain honey. Each has at least a 4.5-star rating on Amazon.

Price: $

Appropriate for use on your face, chest, neck, and hands, this moisturizer with Manuka honey and beeswax is super silky not sticky. Its made to absorb well without leaving you greasy.

Buy the LOreal Age Perfect Hydra-Nutrition All-Over Honey Balm online.

Price: $

Peanuts and honey arent only good ingredients for making a sandwich. The two pack antioxidants and moisturizing benefits into this lotion.

Buy the Mario Badescu Honey Moisturizer online.

Price: $$

The charcoal in this mask is said to help relieve clogged pores while the honey moisturizes. The formula contains no parabens, phthalates, sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, mineral oil, DEA, petrolatum, paraffin, polyethylene beads, or formaldehyde.

Buy the Origins Clear Improvement Charcoal Honey Mask to Purify & Nourish online.

Price: $$

Farmacy uses a blend of honey, propolis, and royal jelly (all compounds made by bees) in this mask. However, if you have sensitive skin, the company warns that the warming sensation may cause irritation.

Buy the Farmacy Honey Potion Renewing Antioxidant Hydration Mask online.

Using honey for face wash or as a face mask is not only popular. It may also benefit your skin. Thanks to honeys antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and humectant properties, it may help prevent acne, calm irritation, and maintain hydration.

If used properly, washing [your] face with honey can help keep the skin looking younger, improve radiance and smoothness, and mitigate irritation and acne flare-ups, Vasyukevich says.

However, be mindful to use pure honey if you are going to DIY a treatment.

As with any skin care regimen, if you notice irritation, stop using the product or honey. If your skin seems fine, be patient and try your honey routine for at least a week to see if you notice any difference.

Brittany Risher is a writer, editor, and digital strategist specializing in health and lifestyle content. Shes written for publications including Elemental, Mens Health, Womens Health, and Yoga Journal.

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California’s Proposition 14: short in the arm for stem cell research – BioNews

Posted: December 14, 2020 at 5:57 pm

14 December 2020

The recent close-call US presidentialelection grabbed headlines, but no less closely-fought was California's Proposition 14, also on the ballot in October, which will have a huge impact on the future of stem cell research in the state.

The Stem Cell Research Institute Bond Initiative (Prop 14),whichwas on theballotinthe initiated state statutewill allow the state to issue billions of dollars in bonds for its stem cellresearch programme. The vote could not have been closer, with 51 percent of ballots for and 49 percent against.

This initiative will enable financiers to lend US $5.5 billion to a stem cell agency, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) whichthe state's taxpayers will repay with interest over the next three decades. The sizeable bond fund will be allocated to research, human clinical trials and programmes and also for start-up costs for facilities in the stem cell field. About US $1.5 billion of the money will be spent researching neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia. Some of the funds will be allocated to the shared labs programme:state-funded facilities dedicated to conducting studies on human embryonic stem cells. A working groupfocused on improving access to medical treatments will be established, as well astraining and fellowship programmes for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Stem cell research is in its infancy, with some treatments that have worked in animals now progressing to humantrials. The research is promising, as the ability to generate specialised cells could eventually be used torepair or replace damaged tissues and organs. However, there are ethical controversies surrounding stem cell research, especially regarding embryonic stem cells derived from early human embryos.

In 2001, the conservative Bush administration prohibited federal funding for stem cell research owing to the ethical concerns. This promptedreal estate developer and investor Robert Kleinto initiate the original Proposition 71 which aimed to establish a state constitutional right to conduct stem cell research in California in 2004.It was believed that Prop 71 would propel California as a world leader in stem cell research and 59 percent of Californians voted in favour.

The proposition also established CIRM the only state-funded stem cell research agency in the USA in the California Constitution. Since its inception, it has granted research funds to various institutions and companies including Stanford University and the University of California. So far, it has funded 68 clinical trials (phases 1-3) for a wide range of diseases and conditions, includingcancer, diabetes and many rare disorders.

In 2019, CIRMstarted to run out of funds, and by2020 hadsuspended applications for new projects except US $5 million in emergency funding for COVID-19 research. The Californians for Stem Cell Research, Treatments and Cures political action committee (PAC) responded with a campaign to boost funding via Prop 14. SupportersincludedUS House speaker Nancy Pelosi, California governorGavinNewsom, LA mayor EricGarcetti, the California Democratic Party and several organisations such as ALS Association and the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's research and Huntington's Disease Society of America.

There is also resistance to Prop 14:dissenters feel thattheinitiative has notdelivered its promises after 16 years. Furthermore the original rationale no longer applies asfederal funding is no longer blocked. Former President Barack Obama then removed the restrictions on embryonic stem cell research (a position unchanged by the Trump administration) which means California scientists can apply for (highly competitive) federal research grants.

In the current climate, Prop 14 will exacerbate California's already colossal budget deficits. The coronavirus pandemic has worsened housing crisesand unemployment rates, highly visible in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles.

As Marcy Darnovsky, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, said:'It does nothing to address CIRM's built-in conflicts of interest, or its lack of legislative oversight despite it being an agency supported wholly by public funds. The new proposition makes some things worse; for example, it outsources critically important decisions about ethical standards to an unaccountable national committee... In the meantime, that campaign's shameless over-promising and hype set the stage for the hundreds of under-regulated commercial stem cell clinics now offering unapproved 'treatments' that have caused tumours and blindness...'

It is not surprising that Californians were so torn. Perhaps it's wiser to allocate the pot to more pressing matters like job creation, housing and other urgent needs?

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Regenerative Medicine: Market Trends and Legal Developments on the Horizon for 2021 – MedTech Intelligence

Posted: December 14, 2020 at 5:57 pm

As the second wave of the pandemic engulfs us and the world works at warp speed to develop vaccines and therapies to respond, the importance of regenerative medicine has never been higher. Since 2017, Goldman Sachs has touted the sector as one of the most compelling areas for venture capital investment. With billions of dollars of global government spending being poured into the search for vaccines and therapies to respond to the novel coronavirus, and with the FDA having now granted approval to the first vaccines based on CRISPR mRNA gene-editing technologies, business models based on regenerative medicines are commanding record values. Despite the flood of cash into regenerative medicine, legal and ethical considerations will continue to cause much controversy.

Regenerative medicine ultimately accelerates the human bodys healing process. It is an area of biomedical sciences that involves medical treatments to repair or replace damaged cells, tissues, or organs. Instead of merely focusing on the symptoms, regenerative medicine uses cellular therapies, tissue engineering, medical devices, and artificial organs to improve peoples health. For example, stem cell therapies, tissue grafts, and organ transplants are all part of regenerative medicine.

Today, cellular and acellular regenerative medicines are often used in clinical procedures such as cell, immunomodulation, and tissue engineering therapies. They have the potential to effectively treat many chronic diseases, including Alzheimers, Parkinsons and cardiovascular disorders, osteoporosis, and spinal cord injuries.

A small number of unscrupulous actors, according to the FDA, however, have seized on the clinical promise of regenerative medicine to offer patients unproven treatments. The FDA and other regulators are challenged to provide assurances of safety for these therapies without stifling development, as well as to approve treatments based on manipulation of stem cells derived from human and animal embryos given the ethical issues involved.

In the future, stem cell research will play an increasingly outsized role in regenerative medicine techniques. In November 2020, voters in California narrowly passed Proposition 14, a referendum to approve $5.5 billion in new government funding for stem cell research. Other governments around the world are doing the same.

Today, the growing prevalence of chronic medical ailments and genetic disorders across the globe is a primary factor driving the regenerative medicine industrys growth, according to the Regenerative Medicine Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2020-2025. The increasing aging population, prone to various musculoskeletal, oncological, dermatological, and cardiological disorders, is a key growth driver. Widespread adoption of organ transplantation is another contributing factor to this growth in market share. The current pandemic that began in January 2020, however, has changed the paradigm for regenerative medicine.

Market applications are burgeoning. Regenerative medicine can prevent and cure disease through effective vaccines and efficacious therapies. It can minimize the risk of organ rejection post-transplant and speed recovery. Technological advancements in cell-based therapies, such as the development of 3-D bioprinting techniques and the adoption of artificial intelligence in the production of regenerative medicines, are also stimulating growth. These advancements also facilitate dermatological grafting procedures to treat burns, bone defects, and skin wounds. Other factors, including extensive research and development activities in medical sciences and improving healthcare infrastructure, are also predicted to drive the market even further.

According to the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, there are approaching approximately 1,000 companies focusing on this evolving area worldwide. These new companies are focusing on gene therapy, cell therapy and tissue engineering therapeutic developers. More than half of these companies are in North America, followed by almost a quarter in Europe and Israel and approximately 20% in Asia. More than 50% of these companies are focusing on cell therapy and gene therapy.

From 2014 to 2019, the global regenerative medicine market experienced a nearly 16% CAGR. Companies involved in gene and cell therapies as well as other regenerative medicine areas raised $4.8 billion during the first half of 2019, including $2.6 billion in the second quarter. Meanwhile, companies in Europe and Israel saw an acceleration of fundraising, with $1.3 billion amassed in just the first half of 2019, representing a 17% increase over the same period in 2018. Project Warp Speed has attracted billions of dollars of U.S. government spending, and similar efforts are ongoing in China, Russia, the European Union and among other major powers. Consequently, regenerative medicine has never before benefited from such a combination of public and private investment.

Whenever the viability and quality of human life are at stake, ethical and legal considerations always arise.

The modern ethical controversy surrounding regenerative medicine began in 1998 when research scientists at the University of Wisconsin succeeded in deriving and growing stem cells from early-stage human embryos. Ethicists and right-to-life activists protested that scientists were taking away human life (embryos) to conduct scientific experiments. Left unchecked, so the argument went, doctors could usurp nature and play God by developing the power to create and terminate life. A society where human life could be fundamentally perverted by medicine conjured up comparisons to Nazi Germany and Frankenstein. In 2001, then-U.S. President George W. Bush cut off federal funding for any research involving newly created embryonic stem cell lines, but agreed to continue funding research on 60 existing stem cell lines, where the life and death decision ha[d] already been made. The State of California responded in 2004 and again in 2020 with voter-approved programs directing billions of funding into stem cell research, making the region the global hub of regenerative medicine.

The use of human-derived embryonic stem cells, or animal-derived stem cells, continues to cause much controversy among ethicists and society at large. Some fear the risks of enrolling humans in experimental stem cell studies. Others fear the use of organs from human-animal chimeras in transplantation.

While these techniques have the potential to cure disease and save lives, they also have the potential to forever alter the nature of life as we know it and fundamental aspects of our society.

In the United States, legal jurisdiction for regulating regenerative medicine on a federal level lies with the FDA and in a patchwork of state laws, R&D funding programs and non-binding, NGO-promulgated statements of policy. The main responsibility of the FDA is to protect the public from dangerous products and ensure its safety, including overseeing medications for humans and animals, vaccines, and more.

During the Trump Administration, the FDA has largely focused on enabling developers to gain product approvals through a less burdensome and costly process. In numerous policy statements, the FDA under President Trump has deferred questions about the efficacy of new regenerative health products to the free markets, so long as they posed no serious safety or toxicity concerns.

The U.S. federal government is now transitioning to an administration led by President-elect Biden. The president-elect has spent many years advocating for increased R&D funding and going for moonshots. With a new mandate from the U.S. electorate to address the coronavirus, more money will be earmarked for regenerative medicines and stem cell research. How this will affect the release of new products into the market remains to be seen.

Regenerative medicine is poised to change the way we live, work and interact like never before. The fourth industrial revolution is upon us. CRISPR gene-editing technologies, facilitated by quantum-computing capabilities at the edge of a computer network powered by 5G telecommunications bandwidths, artificial intelligence and machine learning, have changed the game for regenerative medicine. We can foresee a day when those suffering from paralysis regain movement, when a damaged heart reverses course through regeneration, and when a diagnosis of Alzheimers Disease no longer means neurodegeneration. What a wonderful day that will be.

Changing the traditional healthcare model and moving from cure to prevention will take time.

The rise in chronic disease and the effort to reduce healthcare costs presents a large opportunity for the field of regenerative medicine.

As the continent becomes a bigger player, western companies should explore the potential prospects.

Topics from regenerative medicine to artificial intelligence to cannabis will be discussed.

Regenerative Medicine: Market Trends and Legal Developments on the Horizon for 2021 - MedTech Intelligence

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Haywards Heath woman’s bid to fund stem cell treatment to combat MS – Mid Sussex Times

Posted: December 14, 2020 at 5:57 pm

Joceline Colvert was diagnosed with relapsing remitting Multiple Sclerosis in her early 20s and says she spent the first eight years researching and managing her condition while trying to mention it as little as possible to others and completing her Sound Production degree.

I spent most of my late 20s and early 30s finding ways to manage relapses, the symptoms of which have included whole body numbness, loss of the use of both hands, right eye blindness, vertigo and double vision, she said. Thankfully these symptoms did resolve however left scarring on my nerves. This results in reduced vision in my formerly blind eye and hands that dont function very well with repetitive tasks.

This semi-denial worked for me until about 2010 when I started to become a bit limpy which I did my best to hide. After a couple of memorable falls and fractures I decided to face up to being slightly rickety and got a hiking pole that I used occasionally in public. Since then Ive needed to get used to being visibly disabled, and switch between two hiking poles for very short distances and a wheelchair everywhere else.

Joceline, who lives with her husband and her five beloved cats and dogs, says she is not eligible for Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT), on the NHS which is the first treatment I have ever got excited about and believe could work. It could be truly life-changing.

As a result she is trying to raise money to fund the treatment herself.

HSCT is a procedure that aims to reset the faulty immune system which, in my case, is attacking my nervous system from within, Joceline said. Stem cells will be taken from my bone marrow or blood before my immune system is wiped out with chemotherapy. My cells are then reintroduced into my blood, where they grow a new immune system which will hopefully no longer attack my nerves or have any memory of MS.

The aim of HSCT is to completely halt progression, putting MS into remission with no requirement for immunosuppressant drug therapy. The success rate for relapsing remitting MS is 80% - 90% which is absolutely phenomenal compared to the limited available drug treatments, which only aim to slow down disability.

HSCT is available on the NHS, however there is a very strict criteria for which I do not qualify. The expense of the treatment and the increased pressures on the public purse mean the NHS will only treat patients who have been diagnosed for fewer than 15 years.

I have been diagnosed for 18 years.

I had prepared myself for this possibility and, for the last year, have been researching treatment with The National Pirogov Medical Centre Russia (Moscow). Russia has been pioneering in their use of HSCT to treat MS and are world renowned for their expertise and care. Im excited to have a treatment date in March 2021 which fills me with hope for a future free from progression. I need your help to get there.

Joceline, who loves making stop-motion animation puppets and props and playing musical instruments, says the treatment will cost 40,800, and the flights 800.

She has launched a Go Fund Me page at which has already seen donations of more than 26,000.

I am incredibly grateful for any help you can give towards enabling me to access this life-changing treatment, she said.

After almost two decades of managing MS flare-ups and their consequences, its hard to put into words just what a future without them would mean to me.

Thank you for reading this and for any help you can put towards this goal.

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Haywards Heath woman's bid to fund stem cell treatment to combat MS - Mid Sussex Times

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Early Signs of Activity and Tolerability Found in Allogeneic Product UCART22 for Patients with Relapsed/Refractory CD22+ B-Cell ALL – Cancer Network

Posted: December 14, 2020 at 5:57 pm

The allogeneic off-the-shelf CD22-directed T-cell product, UCART22, showed early signs of activity and no evidence of unexpected toxicities at 2 dose levels for adult patients with relapsed/refractory CD22-positive B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, according to the results of a study presented during the 2020 ASH Annual Meeting.1

In the phase 1 BALLI-01 (NCT04150497) dose-escalation and dose-expansion study, 2 patients at the 1 x 105 cells/kg dose achieved a complete remission (CR) with incomplete hematologic recovery on day 28. One of these patients attained a minimal residual disease (MRD)positive CR at day 42 followed by subsequent inotuzumab ozogamicin (Besponsa) and then transplant.

One patient at dose level 2, 1 x 106 cells/kg, experienced a significant bone marrow blast reduction at day 28, followed by disease progression.

No patients experienced dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs), immune effector cellassociated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS), graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), adverse effects (AE) of special interest (AESI), a UCART22-related AE that was grade 3 or higher, or a serious AE (SAE).

UCART22 showed no unexpected toxicities at the doses of 1 x 105 cells/kg and 1 x 106 cells/kg with fludarabine and cyclophosphamide lymphodepletion, lead study author Nitin Jain, MD, an assistant professor in the Department of Leukemia, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, said in a virtual presentation during the meeting. Host immune recovery was observed early, and the addition of alemtuzumab [Lemtrada] to fludarabine and cyclophosphamide lymphodepletion is currently being explored with the goal to achieve deeper and more sustained T-cell depletion and to promote expansion and persistence of UCART22.

Standard treatment for adult patients with B-cell ALL includes multiagent chemotherapy with or without allogeneic stem cell transplant. However, 30% to 60% of patients with newly diagnosed B-cell ALL who achieve a CR will relapse, and the expected 5-year survival rate for those with relapsed/refractory disease is approximately 10%.

Previously, UCART19, when paired with lymphodepletion using fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and alemtuzumab, was found to show efficacy in this patient population.2

CD22 is an FDA-approved therapeutic target in B-cell ALL. UCART22 is an immediately available, standardized, manufactured agent with the ability to re-dose, and its CAR expression redirects T cells to tumor antigens, Jain explained.

Moreover, through its mechanism of action, TRAC becomes disrupted using Transcription activator-like effector nucleases (Talen) technology to eliminate TCR from cell surface and reduce the risk of GVHD. CD52 is also disrupted with the use of Talen to eliminate sensitivity to lymphodepletion with alemtuzumab. Finally, there is a CD20 mimotope for rituximab (Rituxan) as a safety switch, Jain added.

UCART22 has also demonstrated in vivo antitumor activity in immune-compromised mice that were engrafted with CD22-positive Burkitt lymphoma cells in a dose-dependent manner.

In the dose-escalation/dose-expansion BALLI-01 study, investigators are enrolling up to 30 patients in a modified Toxicity Probability Interval design. There are 3 cohorts, which have 2 to 4 patients on each cohort: 1 x 105 cells/kg (dose level 1), 1 x 106 cells/kg (dose level 2), and 5 x 106 cells/kg. The focus of the dose-escalation phase of the trial was to determine the maximum-tolerated dose (MTD) and the recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D) before heading into the dose-expansion portion of the trial.

To be eligible for enrollment, patients must have been between 18 and 70 years old, have acceptable organ function, an ECOG performance status of 0 or 1, at least 90% of B-cell ALL blast CD22 expression, and had previously received at least 1 standard chemotherapy regimen and at least 1 salvage regimen.

End points of the trial included safety and tolerability, MTD/R2PD, investigator-assessed response, immune reconstitution, and UCART22 expansion and persistence.

The lymphodepletion regimens were comprised of fludarabine (at 30 mg/m2 x 4 days) plus cyclophosphamide (1 g/m2 x 3 days); the study has since been amended to include the regimen of fludarabine (at 30 mg/m2 x 3 days), cyclophosphamide (500 g/m2 x 3 days), and alemtuzumab (20 mg/day x 3 days) and is currently enrolling patients.

Following screening, lymphodepletion, and UCART22 infusion, patients underwent an observation period for DLTs with a primary disease evaluation at 28 days; additional efficacy evaluations occurred at 56 days and 84 days. Patients were followed for 2 years and continued to be assessed for long-term follow-up.

As of July 1, 2020, 7 patients were screened, of which 1 patient failed and 6 were therefore enrolled on the study. One patient discontinued therapy before receiving UCART22 due to hypoxia from pneumonitis that was linked with lymphodepletion. Five patients were treated with UCART22 at dose level 1 (n = 3) and dose level 2 (n = 2).

The median age of participants was 24 years (range, 22-52), 3 of the 5 patients were male, and 3 had an ECOG performance status of 0. The median number of prior therapies was 3 (range, 2-6), and there were a median 35% bone marrow blasts (range, 10%-78%) prior to lymphodepletion.

Three patients had complex karyotype and 2 had diploid cytogenetics. One patient each had the following molecular abnormalities: CRLF2, CRLF2 and JAK2, CDKN2A loss, KRAS and PTPN11, and IKZF1. Only 1 patient had undergone haploidentical transplant. Four patients previously received prior CD19- or CD22-directed therapy, including blinatumomab (Blincyto), inotuzumab ozogamicin (Besponsa), and CD19-directed CAR T-cell therapy. At study entry, 3 patients had refractory disease and 2 patients had relapsed disease.

Grade 3 or higher treatment-emergent AEs (TEAEs), which were unrelated to study treatment, included hypokalemia, anemia, increased bilirubin, and acute hypoxic respiratory failure. Also not related to UCART22, 3 patients experienced 4 treatment-emergent SAEs: porta-hepatis hematoma, sepsis, bleeding, and sepsis in the context of disease progression. No treatment discontinuations due to a treatment-related TEAE were reported.

The patient who achieved a CR followed by transplant was a 22-year-old male who had undergone 2 prior treatments for B-cell ALL and received UCART22 at a dose of 1 x 105 cells/kg. He did not experience CRS, ICANS, GVHD, nor a SAE, and all TEAEs were grade 1.

Jain also noted that host T-cell constitution was observed in all patients within the DLT observation period. UCART22 was also not detectable through flow cytometry or molecular analysis, the latter of which was at dose level 1 only.


1. Jain N, Roboz GJ, Konopleva M, et al. Preliminary results of BALLI-O1: a phase I study of UCART22 (allogeneic engineered T cells expressing anti-CD22 chimeric antigen receptor) in adult patients with relapsed/refractory anti-CD22+ B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (NCT04150497). Presented at: 2020 ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition; December 4-8, 2020; Virtual. Abstract 163.

2. Benjamin R, Graham C, Yallop D, et al. Preliminary data on safety, cellular kinetics and anti-leukemic activity of UCART19, an allogeneic anti-CD19 CAR T-cell product, in a pool of adult and pediatric patients with high-risk CD19+ relapsed/refractory b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood. 2018;132(suppl 1):896. doi:10.1182/blood-2018-99-111356.

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Early Signs of Activity and Tolerability Found in Allogeneic Product UCART22 for Patients with Relapsed/Refractory CD22+ B-Cell ALL - Cancer Network

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Global Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Market 2020 forecast to 2028, by types, by applications, by analysis with Worthington Industries, Cesca…

Posted: December 14, 2020 at 5:57 pm

Global Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Market is projected to grow at a CAGR +22% during the forecast period from 2020 to 2028.

Stem cells, which hold the promise of new cell-based therapies to treat critical medical conditions, have to be effectively stored until its time to use them. The method is called cryopreservation: it freezes stem cells at temperatures below -150oC, by immersing them in nitrogen vapour.

Stem cells will one day be effective in the treatment of many medical conditions and diseases. But unproven stem cell treatments can be unsafe so get all of the facts if youre considering any treatment. Stem cells have been called everything from cure-alls to miracle treatments.

Types of Stem Cells:-

Stem cells are divided into 2 main forms. They are embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells. The embryonic stem cells used in research today come from unused embryos.

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Key Players:-

Global Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Market by Product:-

Global Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Market by Applications:-

Due to the pandemic, we have included a special section on the Impact of COVID 19 on the Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Market which would mention How the Covid-19 is affecting the Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Industry, Market Trends and Potential Opportunities in the COVID-19 Landscape, Covid-19 Impact on Key Regions and Proposal for Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Players to Combat Covid-19 Impact.

A new statistical report has recently published by Reports Consultant to its massive repository titled as Global Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment market 2020. This informative document takes a closer and analytical look on different aspects of the businesses to understand the business structure clearly. It has been compiled by using primary and secondary research techniques. Furthermore, it makes use of graphical presentation techniques such as ample graphs, charts, tables, and pictures.

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Global Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Market by Region analysis:-

Why This Report important?

Global Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Market Table of Content (TOC):-

Chapter1 Introduction

Chapter2 Research Scope

Chapter3 Global Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Market Segmentation

Chapter4 Research Methodology

Chapter5 Definitions and Assumptions

Chapter6 Executive Summary

Chapter7 Global Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Market Dynamics

Chapter8 Global Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Market Key Players

Chapter9 Conclusion

Chapter10 Appendix

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Global Stem Cells Cryopreservation Equipment Market 2020 forecast to 2028, by types, by applications, by analysis with Worthington Industries, Cesca...

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‘Smiles bring hope to the world’: 8-year-old cancer survivor in Lorain County gets to be Santa’s dentist – News 5 Cleveland

Posted: December 14, 2020 at 5:57 pm

Alex Carico, an 8-year-old boy from Lorain County, wants to be a dentist when he grows upand thanks to Special Wish Cleveland and Crest, he already has some pretty special hands-on experience in the field.

On New Years Eve 2019, Alex was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer.

It was discovered after what appeared to be an innocuous accident at school; Alex hit his stomach on a lunch table and fell down. The pain, however, never went away. Alexs parents took him to the hospital two weeks after the accident and doctors later performed an MRI scan of Alexs abdomen and found a massive tumor.

Doctors said the tumor wedged itself between some of his vital organs. His chance of survival was 28%.

But Alex is a fighter and his parents, Michael and Bill, picked up and moved to North Ridgeville from Las Vegas in order to get treatment at University Hospitals.

I couldnt even walk that much, I couldnt even leave my room, Alex said.

Although it was tough, Alex went through months of rigorous chemotherapy and stem cell treatment and now is cancer free, defying the odds.

Now that hes in remissionon his fourth clear scanAlex can focus on his future, which he hopes involves him being a dentist.

I want to make everyone have a beautiful smile, Alex said. Smiles bring hope to the world."

A Special Wish Foundation Cleveland made Alexs wish come true by teaming up with a local dentist and letting Alex be a dentist for a day.

That wasnt the end of Alexs journey to provide people with beautiful smiles, however.

After becoming a dentist for a day, Alex was given another opportunity by Crest to don his dental lab coat and treat a patientbut this time Alex got a very special surprise.

The patient Alex was working on was none other than Santa Claus.

Alex said all those cookies Santa eats on Christmas Eve night may have started to take a toll on his teeth.

He had a lot of cavities, Alex said.

But Santa shouldnt worry because Dr. Alex had some sound advice for him.

Brush twice daily.

And for those looking to make Santas nice list while also helping Santa keep his jolly smile bright, Alex had a pretty thoughtful tip.

Maybe what everyone should do is put toothpaste and a toothbrush right by the cookies and the milk so that he can brush afterwards when he eats it, Alex said.

Alex continues to be an inspiration to those around him and wants those who are going through their own fight to stay strong and believe in themselves.

"Be confident in yourself so you can do all the treatments and then after that you can go home," Alex said. "And get to see all your family members again."

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'Smiles bring hope to the world': 8-year-old cancer survivor in Lorain County gets to be Santa's dentist - News 5 Cleveland

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