Stem Cell Therapy in Lancaster Pennsylvania | Stem Cell …

Posted: April 24, 2019 at 2:47 am

In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania there are about 520,000 people. Since there are about 40 million people in the United States, this means that there is an incredible 63,000 people in Lancaster who are suffering from arthritis.

Arthritis, such as arthritis in the knee, hip, shoulder and lower back, is affecting an enormous amount of people in Lancaster County. Until this time the only solution for arthritis was surgery. It was believed that arthritis was an irreversible condition. Until recently the only solution for arthritis was to replace the arthritic joint with a prosthetic joint. Thankfully we now have other options.

Stem Cell Therapy has allowed tens of thousands of people to essentially rebuild the joints that are affected by arthritis. Incase you are unaware; stem cells are considered undifferentiated cells. This means that they can transform into other cells in which they come into contact.

When you inject stem cells into an arthritic joint the cells come in contact with the cartilage in your joint that has began to wear away, this is whats causing the arthritis pain. The cells transform into the cells that make up the cartilage in your joints and the joints begin to rebuild themselves.

Lets take a look at some of the conditions we treat with stem cell therapy.

Most likely youre experiencing pain in your knee because of typical wear and tear. Tires on your car slowly wear away because of everyday wear and tear. The same situation is taking place in your knees as we speak. Youve put stress on your knees your entire life, youve won away the cartilage in your knee joint and now you have pain.

We receive the stem cells from a mother during a scheduled C-section birth. The stem cells from this area keep the mother and her baby completely safe, while providing us with the best stem cells for orthopedic treatments. After we inject the stem cells into your knee joint, over time the stem cells will begin to rebuild the cartilage in your knee. Youll walk into the office and back out of the office in about an hour. Within a few weeks you may feel a decrease in pain in your knees.

Here are a few knee conditions we treat with stem cell therapy

If you have hip pain youll definitely know it. Unfortunately, hip surgery is on the rise with people of all ages. According to there were 310,000 hip replacements in 2010, which was a 92% increase since the year 2000. The reason why more and more people are opting for surgery is most likely because arthritis is becoming more common and people arent getting educated for regenerative treatments such as stem cell therapy. People are experiencing hip pain and immediately seeking an orthopedic surgeon. What is stem cell therapy for the hip?

In Lancaster, PA stem cell therapy is even offered for hip pain. Just like with knee pain we obtain stem cells from a Mother during a scheduled C-Section birth. After the cells are sent and approved at an FDA approved lab they are sent to us for orthopedic hip treatments. We will inject the stem cells into the hip joint thats causing you problems and over a period of time your hip joint may begin to repair itself. The worn cartilage in your hip may rebuild and youll be able to walk again, pain free.

Heres some painful hip conditions we treat with stem cell therapy

Did you know that in Lancaster County Pennsylvania between 60-80% of adults has lower back pain? To be conservative there are about 75,000 people walking around Lancaster County Pennsylvania with lower back pain. Thats so sad. The even more unfortunate problem is that majority of those people will believe that surgery is their only option. However, stem cell therapy has also be treating thousands of people with lower back pain.

The reason why you are experiencing lower back pain is because the cartilage in between your vertebrae has slowly worn away over the years. Since the cartilage isnt fully present you may now be experiencing painful arthritis-like symptoms. An injection of concentrated stem cells have shown promising signs of rebuilding the won out cartilage in peoples lower backs.

Heres some lower back pain conditions we commonly treat with Stem Cell Therapy

Shoulder pain doesnt just happen to baseball pitchers and bull riders. Shoulder pain is an extremely common symptom, which occurs in many people over the age of 50. Just like any other joint, the shoulder is not invincible. The shoulder endures a lifetime of stress, injury and over time cartilage degeneration. If you are experiencing shoulder pain and youre in your 50s youre not alone.

If you arent experiencing the later stages of arthritis, meaning you dont have a complete bone-on-bone condition then you should absolutely look into stem cell therapy. If you still have some cartilage in your shoulder we may be able to regrow your shoulder joint and keep you away from invasive shoulder surgery.

If you have any of these painful shoulder conditions we may be able to help you with stem cell therapy.

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