Regenerative Medicine Regenerative Solutions of New Jersey

Posted: February 18, 2019 at 10:49 am

Regenerative medicine is an emerging specialty of medicine focused on enhancing the bodys ability to regenerate healthy tissue and overcome disease processes. Regenerative treatments can be used to address symptoms associated with many medical conditions, by unlocking the natural ability of the human body to regenerate healthy tissue, and restore health and function.

In the field of Regenerative Medicine, there are several treatment options commonly offered:

Drawbacks with this option:

-Limited stem cells, if any

-Not very potent

-Foreign cells, therefore risk of rejection

Drawbacks with this option:

-Patient has to undergo an additional procedure in order to harvest tissue.

-The number of stem cells and the potency of the cells decrease as an individual ages.

-Strict regulations in the US limit how this treatment can be performed.

Exosomes are the byproduct of neonatal stem cells , which are most potent.

They are not cells, therefore, they do not carry a risk of rejection.

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Regenerative Medicine Regenerative Solutions of New Jersey

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