South Dakota Embryonic Stem Cell Research Measure (2010 …

Posted: September 1, 2014 at 12:54 am

The South Dakota Embryonic Stem Cell Research Measure is an initiated state statute that did not appear on the November 2, 2010 ballot. The proposed measure proposed easing restrictions on stem cell research.[1]

In an effort to avoid a "costly ballot initiative," supporters sought a legislative repeal, however on February 3, 2010 the South Dakota State Senate rejected the measure 21 to 12. Supporters had until April 6, 2010 to submit a minimum of 16,776 valid signature to place an initiated state statute on the ballot.[2]

According to the South Dakota Secretary of State, if the measure had been approved for the ballot, there was a 36% success rate in passing initiated measures.[3]

The measure was supported by former state Treasurer David Volk, a cancer survivor. Volk said that he wanted the state's regulations on funding stem cell research to be thrown out. According to reports, adult stem cells were currently being used to help cancer, Diabetes and Alzheimer patients. A group was created in support of the measure called South Dakotans for Lifesaving Cures. The group planned to file ballot language paperwork with the South Dakota Secretary of State.[4]

Abortion opponent, Rep. Roger Hunt said that the measure was likely to see "considerable opposition" and predicted that the South Dakota Legislature may even address the issue during it's session.[1]

The Coalition for Cures Not Cloning was opposed to the proposed measure. The group was led by Dr. Mick Vanden Bosch, Rep. Manny Steele and former legislator Mary Glenski. Both the Coalition for Cures Not Cloning and the Family Policy Council. They argued that the "the proposed measure would drive a Texas-sized loop hole in South Dakotas current cloning ban that was passed in 2004. Make no mistake, this measure uses sleight of hand to rewrite the definition of cloning."[3]

Dr. Bosch, an opthalmologist said, "As a board certified physician, I can tell you that regardless of what others say, this initiated measure allows what is medically defined as cloning...If this measure passes, research dollars currently in effective research could be redirected to areas that have not yielded any positive results in countries where they have been tried."[3]

If petition language had been approved for circulation a minimum of 16,776 valid signatures were required by April 6, 2010.[4]

d South Dakota Abortion Ban Initiative (2008)

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South Dakota Embryonic Stem Cell Research Measure (2010 ...

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