Torben Bech-Hansen, PhD Department of Medical Genetics …

Posted: August 7, 2015 at 8:41 am

Jalkanen, R., N. T. Bech-Hansen, R. Tobias, M. Mntyjrvi, H. Forsius, A. de la Chapelle, T. Alitalo. 2007. Anovel CACNA1F gene mutation causes land Island eye disease. IOVS, 48:2498-2502

Orton, N.C., A.M. Innes, A. Chudley, N.T. Bech-Hansen. 2008. Unique disease heritage of the Dutch-German Mennonite population. Am. J. Med. Genet., 146A:1072-1087.

Ramasubbu, R., R. Tobias,N.T.Bech-Hansen. 2008. Extended Evaluation of Serotonin Transporter Gene Functional Polymorphisms in Subjects with Post-Stroke Depression.Can. J. Psychiatry, 53, 198-201.

Raven, Mary, Noelle Orton, Hadi Nassar, Gary A. Williams, William Stell, Gerald H. Jacobs, N. Torben Bech-Hansen, Benjamin E. Reese. 2008. Afferent Control of Horizontal Cell Morphology: Dissecting the Roles of Pedicle Formation and Visual Activity.J. Comparative Neurology, 506:745758

Jacobson SG, Cideciyan AV, Aleman TS, Sumaroka A, Roman AJ, Gardner LM, Prosser, HM, Mishra M, Bech-Hansen NT, Herrera W, Schwartz SB, Liu XZ, Kimberling WJ, Stell KP, Williams DS,. 2008. Usher Syndrome due to MYO7A, PCDH15, USH2A or GPR98 mutations share retinal disease mechanism. Hum Mol Gen. 17:2405 - 15. Epub 2008 May 7.

Cummings, KJ, C. Klotz, W-Q Li, L. Marazita, E.M. Berry-Kravis, R. Tobias, C. Goldie, D.E. Weese-Mayer, N.T. Bech-Hansen and R.J.A. Wilson. 2009 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in African Americans: polymorphisms in the gene encoding the stress peptide pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP). Acta Paediatrica, 98:482-489.

Lodha, N, S. Bonfield, N.C. Orton, C.J. Doering, J.E. McRory, S.C. Mema, R. Rehak, Y. Sauve, R. Tobias, W.K. Stell and N.T. Bech-Hansen. 2009 Congential stationary night blindness in mice - a tale of two Cacna1f mutants. J. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. In the press.

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Torben Bech-Hansen, PhD Department of Medical Genetics ...

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